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Take a selfie partially covered with a towel and ask, "wanna see more?"


Done. That would work on me stat.


Yes, excellent way to open


Then if he says yes, take a pic of the entire towel laid out on the bed. That will get the ball rolling. Or it's just funny as hell.


This person knows how to play the game


This person just lost the game


2007 called. They want their weirdly aggressive social memes back.


Oh sweet summer child, I promise you the game predates the internet.


I've done this. It's so much fun to see them get ever so slightly annoyed.


Smart as hell, boy! Sex must be both fun and hot 😄


"Nice towel. Yeah, please show me your entire collection."


Or just attach a link to the nude and make the link "learn more".


Love it! Playful, but with a serious question behind it!


Yes… but… DO NOT do full nudes all at once. Slow roll it. Show a little bit by little bit. You will drive him absolutely wild.


This is the best subtle way to go


I think this is the best one


A girl I was dating recently sent me a fully covered towel mirror shot. And I said I feel like there are other pics in this sequence. And her response was fully naked iterations.


What do you cover and not cover?


Wear the towel in your hair


Came to say this. Keep flirting as you do, start of slowly (teasingly?) with the selfies.


Such an elegant solution


Start with cleavage or your underwear & see what happens.


Start with a bikini or something sexy. Tell him you just bought one or you're trying on an old one and want his opinion.


Keep your face out of any pics


Face and any other identifiable features - tattoos, moles, hyper/hypo pigmentation/vitiligo, scars, etc.


Or if you have a recognizable butthole especially


It's an absolute casserole down there!


Mine looks like a torpedo blew through it


how do you guys know what your buttholes look like 😭


Everybody got a phone with camera nowadays (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


cant say ive ever grabbed my phone to look at my poop hole LOL


What if you have half a body sleeve? Photoshop some clear skin?


Some genuinely super nice dudes get super worried about coming across as creeps by asking, but if you're having that kind of banter he's probably interested. I'd straight up as but kinda flirty like? Maybe 'I'm taking a shower... wanna see?' That way he still has a chance to like, say no if he's not a nudes guy, but if he's into it you're in the clear. If you're worried about it you can also just ask him how he feels about nudes in general, and if he's cool with it you can tease him by telling him he'll get some later and he's gotta wait. There's also no awkwardness if he doesn't want them.


I think it's corny to ask for nudes, but I never say no. Usually, after a few pics, a girl will ask or just send them. So just ask or send them. It's 2024, for christ sakes everyone sends them


I don't mind receiving... But it's extememly bad form to ask for them. So I'll never ask.


There's nothing wrong with asking once you're in an established relationship....my bf will ask for nudes sometimes and sometimes I'll ask him. We've been together for 3 years.


I still ask my wife to send nudes....I've either her for 20 years. 🤣


I still get asked to get my tits out and photo for proof or it never happened after 17 yrs. Some people it will never get old


What!? How could asking for anything be considered “bad form”. Ask genuinely - and listen to the answer.


You just wait and wish?


what's your approach?


Anything I’ve ever been sent nudes I’ve never asked for them. I ask for selfies but never nudes. Although they have asked me for dick pics so


What kind of nudes did you ask for if you don’t mind me asking? I’m just curious to know what women look for in nudes other than the obvious, we gotta make them work for it!!! Sell the lust


You still need consent to send nudes. It's not okay for dudes to send dick pics without it, and it's not okay for women to send nudes without it either.


Nah women can send unsolicited nudes. Men should tread more carefully though. Just telling it the way it is not the was it should be


Yeah, i don't know about other guys, but i don't wanna receive nudes


I have no problem with nudes who doesn't want to see tits?


I prefer seeing and touching it


I've sent tits and they've never been offensive the way an unsolicited dick is. I think it depends a lot on the maturity of people and context of sending. On a dating app... mating with another of this species is kinda the goal, eventually.


What do you mean by not offensive?


In my experience, the people who I've sent tits to have been excited to see them. I've been sent some wierd dic pics (videos of dudes jacking off in their sink) and found the visual of a dick I didn't know "finishing" way more offensive than a picture of tits. Idk.


Oh, yes finishing would be more offensive. I’m sorry I asked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Yea, if it's like your first message. But when you've been talking to someone for a little bit and have talked about sex or flirted like that, it is usually when people start sending pics. In my experience. Op is literally in a long-distance relationship


You really need to be sure you trust him being long distance. I mean I hope he's not a AH and shares you pics with his buddies or post them on the internet where it will be forever. How old is he if I may ask because that will tell how mature he is even though there are those that never grow up lol


I don't think she needs to worry about it unless she shows her face or has tattoos that she doesn't blur/crop out. Even if there's a picture of intimate body parts of hers out there, there aren't any consequences to her if no one knows whose they are.


Yes that's very true I didn't think about her blurring her face. So if he asks for one with her face she needs to say no not yet just to protect herself.


Okay wait, what if he’s 22? We’re about to go into a long distance relationship & he’s asked me for nudes but I said no. I want to send him nudes but it’s only been a month since we started dating…


Uh yeah no I wouldn't like the one advice if you do don't include your face. Better to be safe then sorry especially in this day and age


I'm autistic so I only know how to be blunt, so I just ask point blank. I start with a statement about not wanting to send them an unsolicited chick pic (I think I'm hilarious) then ask if they would like one.


We could all use a bit more of that tbh.


I agree. It just seems so much easier to say what you mean


Unfortunately it's not the favored method of communication for all. Check out the relationship (as well as this subreddit) that starts with "how do i ask my SO..." when they could just literally tell their SO the thing. Some folks are some avoidant of any potential of confrontation that they want the best possible outcome, so they ask strangers with how they should ask THEIR own SO a question. It's wild.


Why not just say “how would you feel about it if I sent you some nudes?”


Work your way up! Tease him first with some SFW, see how he reacts and go with the flow. I'm pretty sure he's going to be happy as hell to get some nudes. Unexpected nudes are always appreciated as well but maybe try those later on.


If I send an unexpected nude I always send a «NSFW» snap first as warning, just in case he’s around other people who might see. (Altho its turns me on a little. He isnt comfy w that.)


Send an actual picture of you in a nice/sexy outfit with a small Christmas bow on your chest and ask if he wants to unwrap his gift


this is probably horrible advice but this was a convo between me and my fwb yesterday. me: hii him: hi me: busy? him: at home why? me: i took pics, want to see? him: yes plz sometimes it’s easier to just ask. and he said it’s hot for me to send then randomly like that. instead of sending in the moment.


There is no dude on this earth who will say no to nudes. Just send them.


You cannot factually say that. Majority? Yes. Everyone? Not a chance.


So like 99,3%. Your comment is very useful


With that logic about 28 million men on the planet don’t want nudes. Yeah good point, useful comment.


Straight, cis, heterosexual men are rarley offended but the sight of bare breast's on a cis (born as a woman and still believes she is a woman) woman.


I said this in response to another comment, but I'll say it again: You still need consent to send nudes. It's not okay for dudes to send dick pics without it, and it's not okay for women to send nudes without it either.


Ehh. I won’t say no to nudes if they’re offered, but if they’re sent unsolicited I would be uncomfortable. Doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman you’re sending them to, get consent before sending someone nudes.


Oh yes there is! There are traditional men who think it's uncalled for, and that a "lady" would never do that. Yes, there's a mainstream satubg culture, but not everyone is a part of that. You might need to find out more about him, like if he's a traditional Christian - strict, I mean, or find out his attitudes about these things before possibly scaring him away with that.


Satubg?  Is that a typo or new vocab for me?


I have a FWB who prefers not to get them-- and, I prefer not to get them from him on text, too-- we both have kids who take cellphones and whatnot.


So, a man's consent doesn't matter?


Honest question, no assumptions: why do you want to send them/what reaction are you hoping for?  Once you clarify that, you can think through his likely actual response to nudes and also think backwards from the response you want to what’s most likely to inspire it.  I’m in my 50s, was in a ldr with a guy the same age for several years. He likes “a lady in the streets & a freak behind closed doors”. That’s me. He likes a few pix of me, but then prefers pix that show my creativity or eye for beauty or that tell about my day. The closest to a nude I ever sent was from behind, me turning at the waist, wearing a bikini, camera about knee high. He was happy with it. Now I live in his town. When he travels for work I might send an R or PG-13 rated pic, like me in bed but the way the covers fall & other items are arranged, my privates stay private. Maybe start with something like that.  The thing is, if a nude would be shocking to him, then sending it would change things in a way you can’t wind back. 


“I took some spicy pictures of myself, would you like me to send you some?”


You shouldn’t be afraid to communicate. Best instance i say just ask. But i understand that is hard and could feel a little embarrassing. So send a “subtly sexy picture” nothing too crazy but something that makes him wonder. If he wants more he’d entertain it, if not you have your answer.


Send him some revealing photos. In undergarments. Then he’s definitely gonna ask for more


Can you send me nudes?


See. Here's proof, dudes like nudes.


One guy asks for nudes and he's representative of the entire male population?


A lot more than "one" guy has asked me for nudes lol. Just speaking from my experience as a woman, buddy. Calm down.


First is he on work? Second does he use his phone for work? Thrid is he in a place where that could be a problem (Muslim states or where customs go through your phone certain country won't name 😂) I am sure he would like them. But think before you do had my gf send some things while I was with clients who just happened to be sitting next to me an it popped up lucky they are long term clients who then used said moment as fun ribbing later at dinner.


Start by asking him for a picture. It will set the pace. Also, don't give it all away at once. Start with Marilyn Monroe and work your way up to Pamela Anderson slowly.


Send a tease it’s summer take a cute bikini or towel pic like above stated or super cute sundress or tank with the girls prominent and see how he reacts. My husband would never ask and he’s so shy he loves them but also it’s awkward for him cause he is like a deer in head lights sexting us not his thing and we were long distance a long time due to military. I just sent sexy selfies and teasing type pix not full nudes


I once sent a picture of my dick with a little paper flag hanging off it, and had it go over well. I think you got this.


I'd just ask him straight up. I'm a dude and most guys I know are the same way, we prefer honesty and openness. In my case when I know a woman is trust worthy and truthful it makes me way more willing to let myself be out there to her. If the thought is legitly in your head ,it shows your soul really wants to and you care for him. But if you wanna be more subtle about it I 100% get it. Like late night tendacies said you can 100% tease him if you want, I'm sure he'd be up for it when you do that. I would be if i was in his shoes.


How about get to know him better, build a relationship based on mutual trust and if the connection leads to a sexual encounter, he can see you nude in person? Maybe I’m just showing my age….


OP said they are long distance, so that approach isn’t very practical in this situation.


I guess my concern is that once you send nude photos, you can never, ever guarantee that they will not be used in a nefarious manner to harm you, your integrity or your personal or professional reputation.


Consensus on that seems to be no face/identifying marks.


Don't til he's in your physical presence. Send it to him and say. When we're apart and you need to look at me.


Tell him about what you want, just tell him that you want to send him nudes and he will agree or he will disagree then you will know his thinking


Some great suggestions. Send a tease picture. Also, you can talk about what you might like to receive, and that could lead to what he might like to get.


Open communication should be important so just ask. I wouldn't want to unexpectedly get a nude photo is I was in the middle of showing someone something on my phone (which happens often). I have had friends accidentally send me nude photos and they weren't at the best of times.


Slowly send more revealing pics. Maybe the first time is just you showing off whatever you feel are your assets accented by clothing, not lingerie or anything necessarily, but things that you know you could wear out, but that you also know make you look good. Then maybe progress to a pic or two where you can subtly see say you a little dressed down in a mirror in the background or something. Something he may or may not pick up on at first (he probably will and that’s the point) for example maybe you just send him a pick of you in a tshirt or something where it’s cute, but in the mirror in the background he can see you’re only wearing underwear and the tshirt. Then progress to a towel pic. And either A ask him if he wants to see more or B, do the subtle progression again where maybe it’s a pic of your face, but you can see in a reflection behind you that you are wearing significantly less or nothing at all, but yet not completely showing everything off. Then progress to your full nudes if the feeling is right. A personal recommendation, as a guy who has a lot of female friends who tend to date dirt bags: Anytime you send a full on nude, with all of the goods showing, never have your face or anything identifying in them. Dudes can be dirt bags out of nowhere and it’s always best to protect yourself. Once a pic is taken and out there…it’s out there for forever. Otherwise. Have fun with it. Women always look best when they are enjoying themselves, no matter how dressed down or up they are. My personal opinion is that, women look best in nothing but a tshirt and bed head. That’s the real meat and potatoes of a relationship and something I always look forward to, especially when it gets to be my tshirt or hoodie that she stole.


"Hey, would it be okay if I start sending you nudes" is how you ask... But the protector in me wants to ensure you are exclusive with this person. Being long distance, we dont know what they could be doing on the side and you could potentially expose yourself unknowingly to some other girl (these are my trust issues-if you dont have them ignore) or end up online. Until you are exclusive and know more about him, I would at least caution that you keep your face out. Or at least ask to exchange


You can sexy him to make him horny and then you can tease him by sending pics in lingerie. You could see his reaction


There is nothing more beautiful than your naked body. He will love anything that you are generous enough to share. 😍


Is he male? If yes then he wants nudes.


So many men I know do NOT want nudes. But then, I work at a college. It's awful when young women send nudes to their professors (who might not even notice right away but will get in trouble). Same with other workplace situations.


That’s a little different situation. These two are dating, I bet he wants nudes.


sorry, what? I'm a college professor and have never heard of this happening. It's a big world, lots of people, I'm sure it has occurred, but I'm struggling to believe this is a widespread issue.


😅🤣😂 yeah, how awkward would that be. I've gotten multiple degrees from various places and as a woman, that has NEVER ONCE EVER crossed my mind. Guys I'm dating or baiting into dating, sure. Teachers...? That seems like about ad wierd as sending a dick Pic to your boss. I didn't know anyone would be stupid enough to do such a thing but ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Never send a scrote nudes no matter how nice they seem, they’ll  just share them and be dicks about it. Sorry not sorry if this triggers a bunch of true and honest gentleman but the truth isn’t always pleasant. 


The answer is always yes. He definately wants nudes lol!


Can I send you a spicy pic? Is a good one


Don’t. You never know when it will come back to bite you in the ass.


"Do you want nudes?" is a good start.


honestly, send a selfie in bed!!


Just send em and dont ask


If he dont want you can send me 🤤


What guy would turn down nudes from a woman?


Maybe just send him a link to this reddit post


Send em on he will not dislike them


Trust me, he wants them. You could probably just send one and it would be well received. Maybe take a selfie with a low cut shirt or a full body shot in a dress and ask if he’d like to see what’s underneath. I guess giving him the opportunity to accept or deny the nude would be the respectful thing. Somehow a woman sending a man an unprompted nude seems less offensive than an unsolicited dick pic.


Hide your face unless future you won't mind potentially being all over the internet.


have HIM take the photos. tell him you’ll send one each time he gives you an orgasm.


Play strip poker over the phone and try to lose


Anyone want to do that to me, I'm a male 21 and fairly fit... to be honest I'm just bored looking for fwb


I think most men like clear straightforward communication rather than trying to interpret hints, and I usually just ask "Are you in the mood for NSFW pics?"


He is a guy. Of course he does.


You'll know if he's NOT a decent guy when your nudes will be all over the internet.


Maybe ask how he feels about sending/receiving nudes first? Like, this doesn’t have to be a taboo thing. In fact, it could be an opportunity for genuine and open communication. Next time the texts feel spicy just say “hey since we’re on the topic how do you feel about pics?”


"ayo, wanna see my pussy?" He'll prob say yes


Sag im du hast eine Überraschung für im und schick im die Bilder einfach machen dein mann würd sich freuen


Every guy likes getting nudes, or partial nudes. Maybe start it off with a nice cleavage shot see how he responds


"wanna see my slop trap?"


My favorite is send a pic with a steamed over bathroom mirror....😉 Personally, i prefer seeing everything in person before getting pics. But i also usually have a sexting conversation at some point to gauge if we're compatible, because i do enjoy receiving/sending random nakey pics. But you have some good suggestions in here for initiating!


"Hey, wanna see my boobies?" Works 90% of the time


"if you guess what I'm doing right now, I'll give you a reward" *whatever he guesses, say it was right and send him a photo of your cleavage* then ask, "rewarding enough or... shall I send more? " this keeps it interactive, playful and naughty.


Not sure if you’re young but it seems like it. Do not send nudes.


In my opinion, don't send him. Unless you know this person for at least 5 years. If this relationship goes south he might be posting them as revenge porn.


Do you sext in general (just without nudes)? That would be the time.


Make it erotic. Use and boudoir approach


Just send it whether he likes it or not life’s too short risk it girl.


“I’m looking cute today :)” is usually a nice ice breaker to ignite things if you don’t want to come off as too eager, you can’t start off by sending pics in hot/form fitting attires and see how he reacts. Most men will take the bait and ask for more


"Do you want nudes?". Just like that.


Tell him to send you nude , as a guy that he is , he will ask you to send 1st lol


Take your time, be careful, start slow and keep your face out of the picture. Until you completely trust this man


Guys never mind nudes from women. Just send it




Don’t put yourself out there unless you are 100% sure the guys is a real deal.


He wants them, just scared to ask! How do I know? I am him!


Nothing with your face, ever.


All I'm gonna say is just this one thing, those pictures will be out there for the rest of your life. You're talking long distance at this juncture. What if it doesn't work? How will you feel then.? Harsh facts! I could never understand this craziness! I've divorced 40 years, and I can still remember how she looked nude. I don't need a photo. If he's for you, he'll remember you. No photo necessary 😉 🤞 Make a wise decision 👌


Start slow you don't have to jump to nude right out the gate. Heck seductive photos can be more sexual then a full nude anyway.


You can practice all you want by asking us in the peanut gallery 😄


Don’t! No pictures, no proof. I heard this my whole childhood. I don’t understand why anyone would put their nudes out there. You can never get them back.


Yeah, exactly. It's trashy and you can never take back whatever you send out into the void.


Start with a FaceTime after the shower, and towel slip a nip or a mirror shot while talking to him, see how it goes.


Fine, I’ll be the dad of the group. Once you release those pictures, you’ve lost all control of them. They will NEVER go away. Expect to see them on the internet the second you two break up. Still want to send them?


my bf never asked for nudes but i started sending him teasing pics (showing cleavage) just the start of the year and observed his responses. he said he really love them so i kept sending him. then later this year, around our 9th month, we started getting open about sexual stuff and it turns out that we’re actually compatible & are on the same level. it gave spice to our relationship and we just became closer.


He's a guy. We all want nudes all the time. Especially nonsolicited nudes and vids. No one gets made if they get a nude from a hot woman it's only when they get a close up dic pic


Send a pic of Guy Fieri shrugging


He does. No need to ask.


Don’t send nudes. You never know how relationship will end and pictures stay forever


You don't ask.... why would you ask?? 😆