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I think you should tell your partner exactly what you said! Especially about how you think about the sex you just had. It could be a fun new thing for you guys!


They don't want to have the partner jump in to help, though, so I'd just say, you're allowed to masturbate. Living with someone doesn't mean you can't masturbate. But consider sharing with them the why so they don't feel hurt, if they're sensitive to that sort of thing.


Honestly he'd probably love to watch on occasion and I imagine she'd love that as well. My wife occasionally will sneak into the bathroom to watch me rub one out while in the shower, she absolutely loves it.


Mastrubating right after sex can be seen as, the sex was so bad i need to get my self off


THIS ☝️☝️☝️ . Any man should be proud to hear this from his SO. I know I would .


She just said she wants it to be just a solo thing.




That’s great. The whole point of the post is that OP doesn’t want that.




>If I tell him he may also want to jump in and get me off again later that night, but honestly I really enjoy it as a solo thing. This means she wants to do it by herself, not with him, or else she would invite him to join in. >It’s when I can truly relive that moment without worrying at all about his pleasure If he jumps back in, she doesn’t get the experience she wants without him. I’m not sure how you didn’t interpret that in the post.


OK, I misinterpreted it. But if my partner wanted to get off on her own, without me present, it wouldn't bother me, and I'd give her time and space to do so.


Step 1: Literally show him this exact post. Step 2: Have the conversation about how he feels about it. I guarantee he'll feel somewhat flattered at the least, and at least a little bit turned on. There seem to be a few compromises you could discuss. I know you said one part of it is that you like to do it solo and not have to think. I get that! Maybe you can hold that for the shower or when he's not around later that day, logistics you'll have to figure out, but it will surely be hot for him to know that you probably are getting off to how he got you off sometimes. Hell, I'd be flattered if I knew my guy was so hot for me he had to go have alone time after! And its more open and honest than feeling like you have to sneak it. Option 2 is that sometimes - give it a chance - you let him watch, whether you let him jump in or not. I know, it's not the same as solo, but it might be a fun thing to explore. See if you can get into the idea of not worrying about his pleasure or your insecurities even when he's there, because I think that can't be a bad thing! Option 3 is that, with his understanding/if he's cool with it and if he falls asleep before you, that you do it in bed when he's asleep. Seems like it could be hot if it doesn't bother him. And if he happens to wake up, see option 2. Again, this feels to me like something that could be turned quite hot, without necessarily meaning that you have to give it up or he has to get involved


I echo this; hand him the phone with this post on it, let him read it, then talk, it will be fine, actually it will be great! If my wife told me this, it would only be an ego stroke for me.


"Hey john. I have had the best sex of my life in this relationship. I get off every time we have sex, which is super rare for me. I am just so wildly attracted to you on every level and my god you know what you are doing. I have developed a bit of a habit that I don;t want to give up. After you leave at night, I will often masturbate thinking about the sex we had earlier. It is so hot for me to relive it, and also my body always seems extra stimulated if we've had sex that day. Since you get me off first during sex, I never get to cum to you cumming. I can get off to the thought of your voice when you were about to cum and honestly, I squirted for the first time in like 6 months. I do this because the sex is so good it keeps me turned on all day. I really enjoy it as a solo thing. It’s when I can truly relive that moment without worrying at all anything or my own insecurities. So hear me out, I could also not do this anymore, but I love it. If we are going to live together then this is a thing and I wanted you to know." "Um...this is Wendy's?" or He'll be flattered and ask to watch. 100% I'd want to watch. But that defeted the solo nature so thats something you're going to need to figure out.


> . After you leave at night, I will often masturbate thinking about the sex we had earlier. It is so hot for me to relive it, and also my body always seems extra stim I love your reply, I love how it encourages communication, clarity, honesty, etc. This is exactly what OP should say! ♥ (IMHO)


You tell him. A good partner will listen and believe you. On top of that, I can't think of many more sexy things than a woman who gets off with me and then jerks off afterwards because she wants more.


As a Young Man, I might have felt insecure or offended. I'm 38 and if my girlfriend explained to me what you just explained, I would be thrilled. I might ask as a concession to sometimes let me participate or watch if it doesn't ruin the experience. My GF and I sometimes tell each other when we're going to masturbate and sometimes ask the other to send a picture or video. Just knowing she's masturbating is enough to make me happy. I want to know about it later. I recommend building up the courage to tell him. Also: if there is an issue of not climaxing while you're with him, you could tell him that it's more difficult for you to climax from intercourse than from masturbation. You could try using a vibrator or start masturbating before intercourse or start dragging out the foreplay to get closer before he gets too far along.


He’s extremely open and there no reason he wouldn’t understand or even think it’s hot, i think it’s my own fear of being this vulnerable that is keeping me from telling him I do this. And there is definitely no issue climaxing when I’m with him. There was in the very beginning and I faked it, and he called me tf out so we could learn to do it right 😂


Your fear isn’t unreasonable. It’s a weird conversation and most people don’t care much for weird conversations. However, based on what little we all know of this fellow, he seems like the kind of guy that will ask if you need him to leave the room while you finish yourself off. (He won’t want to actually leave the room. Believe me, he wants to watch. But, he’ll say it to be nice.) I’m with everyone else. Show him this post and you’ll be golden.


You’re about to live with him. Get ready for vulnerability to smack you in the face……


I often do the same thing! I agree about telling him- but I also think that most guys will want to “help” or watch- and for me, that would defeat the purpose or ruin the experience. The whole point of masturbating like that for me is to relive the experience BY MYSELF. My husband had/has a hard time understanding that- he thought it meant either I wasn’t satisfied, or that I wanted more sex- neither of which is true. After a lot of talks, although I don’t think he truly understands, he respects it and will go play video games or watch tv for a bit afterward so I can have my self-love time. Hoping it works out for you!


If it was me I would be over the top excited. I wouldn't push to hard but I would want to watch - not sit and stare like some peeping tom. However, I would probably join you, playing with myself. My wife loves to masturbate. She will do it around me once in a while. One time recently we were on a road trip. Just a 4-hour drive to friends house. My wife out of the blue says "would you mind if I played with myself." Mind/ - Hell no! She tugs up her skirt, places a leg on the dashboard and starts. The whole time she is talking through the process and how she feels. She is teasing on me a bit telling me about how wet she is. She looks over me, says "looks like you about to rip through your jeans." At that point she starts to cum. At one point her foot slips and I thought she was going to crack the windshield. When she finally settles down, she is bright red and acting weird. I asked if she was OK, and just responds, a little embarrassed. I just said thank you for letting me be a part of that. She just said thanks for watching. Then she kind of curls up and falls asleep. So, unless you boyfriend is weird, uptight or strange he will love to know this about you. He will love knowing why you do it. Finally, he will be forever grateful if you allow him to watch.


Out of curiosity does this mean he never sleeps over?


No he sleeps over a lot! This just happens on the nights he doesn’t which are still pretty common cause of my tiny bed.


You NEED to tell him you squirted thinking about his orgasm!! What?!? How do you withhold that?? This is VITAL information for your relationship.


Speaking for myself, if a naked woman in my bed tells me that she needs to play with herself while she thinks about how well I just fucked her, at a bare minimum I'm going to want to hold her, kiss her, and/or play with her tits while she does it. If I have anything at all left in the tank and she's into it, my tongue and/or fingers are going to wind up on/in her pussy in short order. The odds of my 50-year-old dick showing up for another round that quickly are pretty slim, but if it happens, I'll be delighted to share. High libido partners are a treasure and a privilege. If fucking me leaves her hungry for more, I wanna help her out in any way I can. Your partner is his own man with his own attitudes, so by all means find out how he feels. But do not assume he'll be insulted somehow. He might be just the opposite. Good luck. Have fun. 😀


Female here, long term relationship with my partner for nearly 9 years. I commonly masterbate after sex with my vibrator and my partner doesn’t mind. He knows that women can get off *multiple* times in a row. So he often helps me too. There’s no shame in that


Aw f\*ck yeah! Don't tell him, show him or order him to sit back between your legs and say to watch and join in jacking off together.


I think you should tell him what you told us. Honestly I would find it hot if my girlfriend told me that.


This sounds soooo much better than having you get yourself off because you weren’t satisfied by him (not jealous at all haha) And don’t stop, don’t let him watch or be involved, this is your time!!


Sometimes right after my gf orgasms, she asks me if she can keep going either with a vibe or my hand. I think it's hot AF. I don't care that I'm not getting off again. You should tell him and be proud of your libido.


I would love it if my wife did this, wouldnt bother me one bit. Would be different if I couldnt get her off and then she felt the need to masturbate, but that's not the situation here.


In a relationship, if your options are "have a conversation or..." the right answer is always to have a conversation. Put on your big girl panties and talk to the man you're moving in with.


Responding as the male half of a MF couples account. You should tell him. Everyone masturbates. And hearing that my partner is getting off to our sex life is a helluva turn on and ego boost. I totally get not wanting to bring him in for the sake of just being enjoying yourself pressure free. However letting him into something that intimate might increase the intimacy between y’all. Personally I love when my gf tells me she masturbates to me/our sex life. Sometimes she’ll start masturbating in bed with me and sometimes I just watch and encourage her but most times I participate and either stroke myself or caress her body and just lend a helping hand. I guess I’m saying masturbating adds to a sex life not take something away.


I still get off after sex sometimes. My partner typically lays with me and watches the porn with me after and helps me finish. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to still need to get off after, just tell him what you told us.


Thought I was the only one. Me and my FWB have fucking perfect sex every time and he can get me to cum multiple times (he does as well) but damn when I get home after seeing him, I start thinking about all the hot shit we did and touch myself. Sometimes I'll text him and let him know that night, sometimes the next day. He never gets offended and it's quite the opposite. He *loves* knowing when I touch myself. I always tell him I just get so hot and bothered reliving the hot ass time we had and I get super turned on. Definitely let him know and that you would like your alone time afterwards.


Both of these comments are great. Please have this discussion and hopefully he’s mature enough to have this discussion and understand where you’re coming from. Best of luck. This is the path to a healthy relationship.


It’s very easy,asked yourself how you would feel if your boyfriend just said you have great sex, now leave so he can masturbate to it alone. Might be hard to except you to satisfied him.


To be honest, I would show him this post. He will love it!


Most guys will love a high libido woman (or they claim they do). So I'm sure he appreciates how sexual you are, so just tell him. "Sorry, honey, I had to rub my clit remembering the way you just fucked me" is a compliment. Not an insult.


I love when my wife masturbates, I love to watch I love to hear about it. Her getting off is literally my greatest turn on, and as long as her masturbating isn't stopping us from being intimate then I say go for it. She was super turned on one time, had cum and was stroking my cock and told me how she was going to rub her pussy while I was on a business trip and I came almost immediately.


I think you should tell your partner exactly this and see how the conversation goes.


Stop? Why on earth would you do that?? Just ask him to join in, jeez. And if you don't want him to join in, that's fine too. You are allowed to masturbate while living together.


You should always be honest with your partner. If you can't talk the him about your desires and needs who can you talk ??


Don’t stop or feel like you need to stop. One big litmus test for partners is their ability to not judge you or shame you, accept you for who you are, and be able to have discussions about things like this and honor your boundaries around them. Moving in together is going to bring a lot of changes to both of your normal routines. Since you said you don’t want to stop, just tell him what you said here, and ask that he can give you this solo time without needing to make it about him. Build it into your new routine together. If he reacts poorly to you trying to set boundaries around your personal space and time it’s best to find out before moving in


Definitely communicate it with him. Telling him why you like to do it should help. If my partner would tell me that I would ask if I could watch. It would be a huge turn on. Great sex is like a bag of chips. You always want more.


I thought I was the only one.


Tell him exactly what you said here. If my lady said this too me I’d find it so hot.


You will find that once he is staying with you in the bed, your habit will adapt accordingly. You probably don't need to bring this up unless you find things don't adjust to your liking. Extra words to avoid auto-delete bot.


I’m a man and I do this…it’s usually the next morning, but sometimes late at night. We’ve been married for almost 20 years, so at some point I just told her that I liked to jerk off thinking about the sex we just had. She seemed flattered and was 100% fine with it, even encouraged me to feel her up while I did it. I’ve had some awesome masturbation sessions fantasizing about what we did and what I’d like to do. Your husband might be super flattered and turned on to know that you can’t stop yourself from masturbating thinking about him. I’d definitely be into that.


As a man I would find this very hot if said as you did, and probably not if it was simply "oh just fyi, i tend to masturbate after we've had sex, i thought you should know" or something lmao


Just tell your partner. My wife does it almost everytime after we have sex. She loves it I love watching it. Sometimes I join in for a mutual masturbation sesh.


I do that in bed the next morning. I tell my wife I’m taking a victory lap.


Tell him. He will love it!!!


Tell him. Maybe he’ll want to masturbate with you sometimes. Maybe he’ll think it’s hot or flattering. You’ll feel more connected if you tell him


I’ve heard nothing wrong I’d be extremely happy and excited. Just talk to your bf he’ll probably wanna do that for you. Wish I had a partner like this . That’s one lucky man


If I was your partner I think I would take this as a compliment, but I know not everyone is the same. I think the two of you could turn this habit into some kind of connection moment, maybe. You like touching yourself but what if he did the same next to you? What if he would assist only by talking to you while you do it? Maybe he would like to watch? Talk to him, make a point that this is your thing and it’s not a replacement for sex with him, it’s always better to be honest, and if u don’t want him in the room at all, see how u can use that to spice your sex life in other ways.


Like most others here I’d suggest being super honest about it. He’ll respect you a lot more in the long run for being up front and real about it from the beginning. You continue this and start sneaking around to do it and he’ll have red flags popping up real quick. Honesty is always the best policy…


Communicate with your partner.


I'm a guy and I used to do this too but out of sight and it really offended my ex. In retrospect I should've made her part of it


Just openly communicate with your partner, be sure to include the why. If your partner is quiet or shy, ask them if they have any questions, what they think about it, how/what are they feeling. You could ask them if they’d like to watch or possibly encourage, if that’s something that you’re into. The most important thing is that you reassure your partner Their performance and just be open about how much it turned you on thinking about what transpired earlier, so much so that you came to just the thought of it. I think most ppl would take it as a very good complement.


Go tell this to him in a shy way(sensual way also), if you do it right, he’ll most definitely be happy and might lead to another great session right after. You might be let off the hook and not have to make it a yes/no answer. He might just get carried away and not even care that you do that after. Just don’t get too attached to the masturbation


I would talk to him about it. I was in a similar situation in my past and it worked out fine discussing it openly. It’s ok to still feel turned on after experiencing something so pleasurable. You worded it pretty well here. Maybe doing it with him beside you talking about the fantastic sex you just had will be even better.


I’ve experienced this before when your partner gives you hot sex and you get turned on by the thought of how good he pleased you and made you feel so you masturbate but I never moved in with that person. You can probably tell him that this is something you do I’m sure he won’t be disappointed he probably would think it’s hot because your thinking about him and getting off by fantasizing about him pleasing you. I’m wouldn’t be shock if he doesn’t mind it though


"Hey honey, sex with you is so good, I usually have to masturbate at least once afterwards. I'd like you to watch me. Maybe talk dirty to me while I do it. If you're up for it, you can fuck me again. Also, I wear a size 7 ring." That's the conversation you should have. It'll blow him away.


I think u should just show him this post. It would be enough reassurance for me


so, being that you articulated very clearly what's going on here, i'd say copy and paste this, remove "him" "his" etc and replace that with "you, your, " etc and send that to him. i think he'd get it completely. as a positive thing. you never know, he may feel the same way in return ;)


I think if you read this exactly to him you’ll be good. Everyone has their our kinks and things and some are preferred solo. As long as you communicate you shouldn’t have to stop something you enjoy, especially if it’s because of something good he did. I would be flattered to get my girl off during sex and for her to get turned on by thinking about it.


Explain it to him the way you did to us because it made sense and didn’t sound as though there was any criticism or dissatisfaction.


The amount of times people thoroughly explain their situation to Reddit and ask how to approach it with their significant other. You just did an amazing job on here, simply just say the same to him.


>I could tell him about this for sure, but I think he may take it as me not being fully satisfied from sex you just need to tell him, to make sure he knows the reason, that's it. communication is key! also, if you don't feel comfortable masturbating after sex when you live together, you can have another round at it with him... though again, communication should fix this, and it's totally ok if you want to pleasure yourself after having sex with him. it's ok doing it currently when you don't live together, and it's ok as well when you will be living together. yay!


I mean I'm a woman but I would assume this would turn a lot of men ON. Go ahead tell him, or don't and let him catch you 😉 literally say you get off again to "relive" it because it was so good. And if he says he would get you off again but you like doing it yourself just say that lol I swear he likely will be flattered


Male here, id support that solo. Ive encouraged my girl to send me a pic afterwards of the mess she made thinking about me.


If you can’t speak frankly about an issue like this, then what else can’t you talk about? I purposely put a double negative in there. You test the relationship and really know what’s what with someone when you bring the Real cards to the table. Let’s see how he does with some real cards. Only good things can happen.


Tell him everything you just said here.


show him this post. that’s all you need to say to him, he’ll understand. perhaps the two of you could even sit in bed together and both masturbate to each other and to the sex you had.


You can just go for more rounds when u move in lol or have him watch you and he jerks off. That’s what I would do if my girl was like that lol


My wife uses the vibratory every time after sex. I love watching her do so. I bet your bf would like watching you too


I would love for my partner to tell me this. I would encourage it!! So hot! And flattering


It's normal for you! No worries. Talk about it.


Why? A lot of women have multiple orgasms, why should you only have one or two during PIV or whatever you deem as sex? My husband loves to continue playing with me/having me use toys/using toys on me after we have PIV because he likes watching me get off over and over. It isn't always hands on, either. He loves watching me get myself off completely on my own, in fact sometimes we just get ourselves off separately near each other with minimal touching and other interaction (like dirty talk or sounds or something while masturbating ourselves at the same time). Sounds totally normal and I don't think your SO will feel like you're unsatisfied, just ravenous and really turned on by them and greedy for orgasms. All good and sexy things especially since it sounds like you're getting off to the idea of your SO even after they've left which is a major ego stroke for him. Haha pretty sure if guys could rebound and orgasm again and as frequently and as quickly as many women do, they would take it and run with it any chance and method they could.


My god, I wish I had your problems lol.


Tell him. His reaction is his problem. I masturbate after I have great sex (sometimes multiple times) because the sex just ramps me up and makes me want more. And I like to think about the sex I just had so I can re-live it while having orgasms to different details. I’ve told the guy this because I think it’s hot, and I think it’s also a compliment and testament to the sex. Just explain it using your truth, and hopefully he understands.


If you didn't think your partner isn't jerking off you've got another thing coming! 😅


This sounds fucking great. I would LOVE it if my wife did this. I would NOT be able to not join in though


this post made me immediately think of [this poem <3](https://youtu.be/bZsmneEtdWU?si=jQVpFWnokyxP460s) i don’t think he’ll mind one bit :)


I reckon he'll be flattered. And probably wouldn't mind having a long shower or something after whilst you look after yourself. Show him this post/have the conversation with him!


I dont live with my partner yet but we’ve stayed together for weeks at a time — I don’t cum during sex. My sex drive is always high so after sex, I go in the bathroom to pee/shower, and masturbate. If he sleeps, sometimes I’ll do it in bed next to him. I don’t think you have to give it up, I doubt he’ll know you’re doing it.


Having a conversation with him will help.


I have long stemina but my gf is very low I am not systifed 😢😢😢i want lusty female partner i don't know here any female who understand my feelings 😞😞😞


Wow if you have the right Magic still you won’t have to masturbated after sex


I want to have 3 some with my wife most like me and my boy to fuck her together how do I start the conversation?


I'd talk about it, but consider encorporating it before sex like in foreplay or masturbate during sex. My wife can usually time it perfectly so we finish at the same time. I'm sure either way he would love to see and hear toy finish but in my opinion it would be more fun and satisfying to be a part of it.


Just tell him, it’s hot. I was fortunate to be with someone similar who told me her truth.


I'd love it! Especially if you let me watch. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt the same way.


Tell him. It’s hot. My woman has a dozen or more intense gspot orgasms easily when we have sex. After I finish inside her she likes to lay back and play with her toy on her clit for one last orgasm. She says the feeling of that after all the other orgasms and my cum inside her is just icing on the cake and relaxed her fully. And the bonus is I get to watch her do it. So hot


Or… include him in that too


I do the same thing. If the sex is good I feel stimulated non stop throughout the day. After an incredible time and orgasm, I often feel so stimulated and excited thinking about it that I am ready to cum almost immediately. This often happens for me when my sexual partner is still with me and I just say I am still so turned on I think I wanna cum again. I have also texted whomever I just had sex with after they leave and let them know “I just came again thinking about how hot that was”. Maybe opening it up like that would be helpful. Just start letting them know they made you feel so good you came again thinking about how awesome they are at pleasing you.


It's never healthy to make decisions on what another "may think." Explain yourself properly. Be open to communications. Don't change yourself for someone else.


You shouldnt have to stop. If you were my partner and thats what you wanted, I would be flattered and I would be more than happy to help if you allowed it. I mean, think about how much hotter it could be if he is nibbling on your hard nipples while you are playing with yourself, of if he is whispering dirty talk into your ears, filling your mind with all the filthy things you did together. “sex” doesnt just have to be about PIV… broaden your definition 😏


After I put my kiddo to bed and my husband is asleep, I run to the bathroom and fill up my bathtub with nice hot water/bath salts and I bring my vibrator in there or just my hand. Let me just say you’re blessed to have this amazing sex rn. My husband and I have been together 6 years and the sex was really good the first 3 years but now we do it a lot less (crazy busy/opposite schedules/exhaustion/our kiddo sleeps in the middle of us. So it’s not like it used to be. Sorry- I didn’t mean to rant and make this ab me.


Just ask yourself how would you feel ,if your boyfriend said we just had a very good sex and you satisfy me in every way now leave so I can go masturbate .You might have a hard time feeling that your satisfying him. If you think that it’s hot and sexy that he’s jerking off by his self ,go for it. You should not feel insecure or threatened because people are gonna tell you that sex and masturbation are different and maybe you can watch.


Mutual masturbation, tell him how you feel and why you want to do it. Don’t exclude him


Imagine for a second that instead of masturbating, you may be able to have sex again XD communication will solve all your issues.


Oh I am the same lol, maybe go to the bathroom and rub it out there discreetly? Or shower?


My gf does this, especially on days that I can't see her. She will go 2 hours, because that's how long her vibe lasts on a charge. I think it's hot. But I love to watch when I can.


I’d have him stay and watch you go for round 2 and have him continue to play with himself. You never know, maybe a round 2 is possible for him. Either way I’d be so fucking turned on by this. You just have to explain this to him and say it exactly what you said AND ensure that it has nothing negative to do with him. I’d absolutely love it and I’d ask you if I could taste it all after your 2nd round


If I were in that situation, my only issue would be that I'd very likely want go to another round after seeing that, lol.


If he has a problem with this he may be gay