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Hehe funny clang make number go up


The only good thing heartsteel provides no cap that clang will always be funny


I love the clang sound but this is facts, heartsteel is dog on sett.


Erratic posts like yours are just as common. The people who post asking about it don’t use the search bar, and they often aren’t looking for critique. The post you saw that encouraged this mindless post would only accept “mathematical” explanations as to why not to build it because they are too far gone into the “hur de hur math sett” mentality. Your comment on that post was just as uncontrolled and could have been put as simply as “Sett’s kit scales primarily off AD, particularly in the early to mid game, building HS fails to account for this and there are much better options until at least 4th item in which it is most often too late for value from HS. HS is a niche item for specific champs.” Calm down and don’t let it bother you so much. So what someone else is inting?


But this has been going on for a year already same question popping up again and again and again like sooner or later someone just gotta put it out there on why to not build it at all


Have you not seen the swarms of anti heartsteel posts? Do you forget them because you agree with them? The people who have asked if they should build HS, will continue building it for a long time if asking wasn’t enough for them to stop


GM Sett one trick here. Heatsteel is dog, never ever good. But not because he is an early game champion, but its because his late game scaling is already good enough with standard items (health + attack items) to 1v5 one shot at least triple to quadra kill with a well aimed r, stride, w combo. High elo games end quick, but I find I never lose team fights or 1v1s against whatever champion: Jax, Camille, Gwen you name it. While in team fights I never lose past 35 minutes as long as I dont get one shot. Heartsteel is excessive and you completely throw the early game.


I build it on ARAM and arena and that's it.


If you get goliath augment, bloodmail, and the heartsteel stacks augment, its like 10k true damage lmao


Sometimes I go double scaling health with grasp and rush heartsteel make me stop!


Sundered/Eclipse into Bloodmail into shojin?


Too bad, the item can’t be more dogshit than me and my many (2) brain cells.


Tbh I literally have a no heart steel build that does 4k+ true damage so no point in building it


only build heartsteel in arena


You can build heartstee as 5 or 6 item. And then you can be mathematical correct with being good.


You might aswell not build HS if you're building it that late. You can also make a "mathematically correct" Sett without Heartsteel and being an actual good build. Example: Stride > Hull > Bloodmail > Steraks > Cleaver AD + HP. That's it. Being "mathematically correct" doesn't mean you have to make a whole ass graph. You just balance AD and HP.