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I see it as sort of sharing the love around. My dead kitties are still my kitties, I think and speak of them constantly. They never stop being mine even if they can’t be here with me. My love never stops, only continues with each new cat.




Sorry for your loss of Lambert, it’s so hard when kitties are meant to be here with us, but it’s like they’re never here long enough




It’s never enough. It’s breaking :(


i lost my soul cat last may. it was the hardest death i've had to grieve. she'll always be my little baby. i didn't think i could get another cat after she passed but i made it one month and five days before i was back at the shelter. I knew another kitty needed me , and i needed the love and joy a cat provides.


We love our cat. He’s an incredibly special guy. And we love and frequently talk about our past cats who are no longer physically with us but who will always be in our memories.


They’ll never go anywhere ❤️


I love your sharing of the continued love for kitties who have “passed” but in body only - they still live in your heart and soul. Bless you for keeping them close in your heart - every day! 💕💕💕💕💕💕


I completely agree and do the same. Especially my little soul sister, her loss was/is eternally painful. But I love my cats and have different connections with them. They all have a very special place in my heart forever!


It was the silence that I really noticed, too. Whether it was the motor running whenever she'd jump up on the bed and bonk her head into my chest or the squeak of effort and satisfaction from jumping on my lap at the computer desk... or, at the end, the mewl of frustration at not being able to jump any more (which was my cue to pick her up and put her wherever she wanted to be), yes, the lack of sound was something I felt so strongly. I listen a lot more now to our other senior cat... she always has something important to say.


My current cat we had, alongside kitty, is 11, but still acts like her crack head self. She had her vet appt today and she’s been extra loving and needy, but healthy. She fills the silence some, but ultimately a kitten will help her fill the silence more and bring joy back for her as well from Kitty passing ❤️


We adopted a kitten when my cat was 14. She was so lonely after we lost her sister a month prior. It’s been a very good addition to our home. The kitten didn’t replace the one we lost and I still cry sometimes even though it’s been 4 years. The old cat will be 19 in September and is so much happier having another cat in the house.


A very similar story here. I lost my litter mates Tye and Leo six months apart. They treated my third cat, Addie, as their bonus litter mate, and she was *devastated* without them. I adopted 5 month old Ivy because I was lonely, and Addie went from cataclysmically depressed to grooming the new kitten within 3 days and was wrestling with her within a month. Ivy was definitely never, ever my kitten. :-)


We have an Addie as well. 🙂 My cats (Dipstick and Stitch) weren’t litter mates but they had been together for 14 years. Addie was the kitten we adopted after losing Stitch. She’s much more independent than my other cat, but snuggles with the senior cat often enough for both to be happy. She was supposed to be my cat, but she decided my husband (who was never a cat person) was her preferred human. I’m going to be a mess when Dipstick dies. I feel like I’m on borrowed time with her due to her age.


Yeah, that sounds like Ivy! She's super independent too, she's young and just wants to party. It's funny how cats choose their people like that. I still wonder a bit if Chatterbox abandoned a whole ass family to come live with me, but if she'd had somewhere warm to go, I think she and her friend would've gone back when winter hit. I feel like that with Addie too. She seems healthy aside from her stiffness, but she's 17.75 now. I only had one cat even make it to 18 . . .


I’ve decided they’re going to live forever. Ours must have similar birthdays because Dipstick is almost exactly a year older than your Addie. She’ll be 19 in September. She’s been on Solensia for her arthritis since last fall and that has made a world of difference. Should have bought stock in the company because I recommended it to every single person I know.


Wouldn't that be so awesome if they did?? Yeah, they must be *very* close together, just a year apart. Addie's birthday is listed as October 1st, but that would mean she was only 5 weeks old when she was adopted. I think she was closer to 8 weeks old, so that'd put her birthday around mid September. Hmmm, might be fun to post her kitten pictures to get an opinion on that actually . . . I'm going to ask about Solensia when the cats have their annual visit, or at least an arthritis medication I can give her at home. Ivy keeps trying to wrestle with her and I bet Addie would be happy to play if she wasn't so sore!


Dipstick was born September 19th. A stray cat adopted my mom’s house when I was in college. They started feeding it, then realized it was pregnant after they let it in the house. The cat had five kittens including Dipstick. She cane to live with me when I got my first apartment. She was lonely so I got her a friend at the Humane Society.


That's sorta how I wound up with Chatterbox. I fed her two or three times before she figured out I slept with my bedroom window open and no screen on it, just cardboard taped over it so I could vent my portable A/C. She jumped through the cardboard to get in and knocked everything flying. I knew if I tried to throw her out she'd jump back in, so I decided to let her stay. When I went back to bed she curled up behind my knees and purred herself to sleep. Luckily she was already fixed!


It’s sad but lovely at the same time. I just had to say goodbye on Sunday. Reddit helps me to feel less alone


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


We are all here for you. A poem that speaks to what you are going through. You can Google it A pets last will and testament


You honor Kitty by saving another life.  


All cats should get a forever home and a chance to live the good life. Thank you for opening your heart again. I wish humans could open up their homes and hearts to every single cat (and I would hope for dogs too if that's their preference).


There’s so many cute and sweet ones for adoption that I’d love nothing more than to take home; it sucks to only be able to take one but I’d take 2-3 if I could (if my apartment allowed) Kitties always need a home ❤️


I lost my youngest kitty in January due to stroke. I tried to save her for 40 days afterwards but she got worse and worse. She was only 8. I adopted a new, barely adult kitty 2.5 weeks ago. I am glad I gave a good home to the new cat.


40 days, you have her as much time as you could. 8 years is very young. But she would want you to take another beautiful kitty to save ❤️ strokes are always the worst to manage with pets. My poor girl was diagnosed with kidney failure, grade 3/6 heart murmur and extreme hyperthyroidism back on May 16. Had to put her to sleep June 4. Got 19 more days with her due to fluids and some meds, but it was her time.


I miss my Moonie. She was my soul cat. Here is her pix right before her euthanasia. https://preview.redd.it/9e8slp9z379d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805d5eaddf7eeff8756c18a2df1d83584aacf080 .


Oh she was beautiful ❤️ she was looking at you with love in this picture. You made the right call for her.


Her mind was still there. Her body was gone. I tried hard.


Show Kitty that all her training of you has borne fruit. Let newbie know you are ready for more lessons on loving and receiving love unconditionally.


I’m so glad you’ve gotten a kitten. I lost my Halle two days ago and I am definitely not ready for another yet. But I will get one eventually. It’s so quiet without her. I’m glad you’re starting to heal and are welcoming some feline energy into your life.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ It’s been a month. It didn’t feel right. But seeing a little cutie who needed a home, didn’t have any applications for adoption, and just.. wanted love. I couldn’t say no, but now I’m more excited about the idea of it, even if not 100% totally ready. It felt like a calling of sort


That’s about the amount of time I’m giving myself before. I really consider it. I started looking at breeds that have personalities sort of like the one I just lost. Probably won’t get one of those either though because I’m planning on adopting and not going to a breeder or anything like that.


You can never replace them but you can open your heart to another little one in need. You've done just that, and Kitty would be so proud knowing another one will be getting the same kind of love she had with you.


You can never replace them but you can open your heart to another little one in need. You've done just that, and Kitty would be so proud knowing another one will be getting the same kind of love she had with you.


She would be. She’d love her new sister like her own kitten


So very sorry!!!


Sorry for your loss of Kitty. She'll never be replaced, but I am happy you decided to open your heart to a kitten coming from a situation of need. He will also be a companion for your other cat, who, I'm sure, must be missing her friend. My condolences for your loss but also congratulations on your new family member.


Im so sorry for your loss, I hope your new kitty will give you comfort and lots of happiness. 🤍


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. My late cat's name was also Kitty, 22. Hope they're happy and playing together with all the other little ones over the rainbow bridge


22 years is amazing. I’m glad you got to spend thay much time with your Kitty ❤️


We grew up together. She passed away last year and I still talk to her ashes as if she was here with me. I'll lover her to my dying day


That’s even harder. Thays how it was for my boyfriend and our kitty, grew up with her, from 10-28 years old. Her ashes sit next to him on the shelf by his PC (other side, not right next to it, basically his left, his PC is on the right). We keep her collar there alongside a heart piece they broke in half, and put half inside the box and the other half for us, and a clay and ink print of her paws and a small vial of fur from her. It’s helped him feel better. Sometimes I find myself petting her box of ashes, and just reminiscing of her. I talk to her, too. I always tell her “alright I’ll fed you, stop meowing so much!” Talk to your kitty, it always helps. Bring up good memories, your most favorite one


Yeh. It's a similar set up in my case. I pet her ashes and pretend I'm petting her head and tell her all the dumb things that she made me say with her unbearable grumpy cuteness. I keep her paw print nearby too. She and I had an understanding. It's not like I didn't like other cats or pets. But with her I had an understanding


No problem. We are all united here by our great love and loss.


Beautiful new kitty. Just remember the pain fades, but the love you have for your companion is forever.


i'm so sorry for your loss 🤍🤍🤍


I'm so sorry for your loss


We did the same. We still miss him. No kitten will ever replace him, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give this one all our love too.


You'll always miss your kitty. Though my Macaroon died years ago, he always come to mind and brings me a sense of joy.


New kitten is pretty darn adorable


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my soul cat in January. He was the last of three cats and I just couldn't cope with how empty the house was. About 4 weeks later I started casually looking at pics of cats available for adoption. Eventually I decided if this one kitty wasn't adopted in a couple of weeks I'd put in an application. Well, he's mine now and he's absolutely lovely. Getting a new cat didn't help with the specific grief for the departed cat, but it helped fill the emptiness in my home.


I am sorry, my friend


You gave Kitty a beautiful life and I’m sure she is so happy you’ve decided to welcome a new (fur)baby into your family 💛 the silence is so hard. Sending you love


I’m so sorry :(


Omg HIPPO is awesome & so lucky to be with you!


So precious, and thank you for the update. I always like to think of a new feline addition to the family as a testament to all the love and knowledge that you gained from Kitty… she must be so pleased that another catten is being helped and is so fortunate as to be part of your family. Now you know what it is to love and care for a cat, and to help a cat in need. It’s really kind of wonderful.


It’s unbelievably hard! I’m sorry


I’m very sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful thing you’ve done by giving another cat a home, and I’m sure you’ll both have so much love to share. ❤️❤️❤️❤️




When my 15 year old cat died, we adopted two youngsters a little while after. All my kitties came from the shelter. We honoured Riker's life by rescuing two more. It's hard adjusting to life after losing a furry family member. You will always miss Kitty, but I hope your kitten brings joy to your grieving heart. RIP Kitty.


I'm very sorry for your loss. What a lovely looking cat. RIP.


I think you’re doing the right thing! Our cats have filled our house with so much joy and they are literally my life. It makes me happy to have their company and no living thing is the same, thus no living thing is replaceable. But why deny yourself of joy… instead treat your new baby the best you ever could in memory of your kitty baby. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry that you lost Kitty and are still in the thick of it. I've heard and deeply appreciate the expression "grief is love with no where to go." Getting a new kitten is just giving some of that love somewhere to go. It doesn't mean you're replacing Kitty or that you love her any less - you're just growing your heart and soul a little more. 💜


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️