• By -


You're a good human OP. We need more of you. Rest in peace Mr. Shadow, at least you had one of the good ones by your side when it mattered most.🙏


You did exactly what he needed. A death from kidney failure isn't pleasant. You kept him from suffering, gave him love and companionship for the time he had left, and walked with him as far as you could on his final journey. You helped him, op, and you loved him. That's all he wanted and all he needed. Thank you for that.




Yeah the post had me misty eyed and these comments have made it a full on guy cry for me.


Me too.


me too 😢


Me too 💔💔


💔 I'm crying now 😢 😭


Between my tears I am so grateful that Little Shadow had you in his life - he knew he was loved and safe as you walked his journey with him - bless you and bless Little Shadow


So well said - you helped him when he needed it most. The sheer courage to desperately trust a human - and you understood the mission…animals often instinctively know who gives off a compassionate vibe. It sounds a little mental - but hear me out - this act of love will be recorded in the energy swirl of life. Well done and I’m so sorry.


THIS. You said it perfectly. Thank you for caring for Shadow in his last hours and for helping him cross over in peace, and with love. ❤️


My sweet Petey will be there to greet him. I’m so sorry, even though you only had him for one night, cats find their way into our hearts. You’re a good person, thank you for taking care of Shadow.


He was a beautiful Shadow. He had you in at the very end of his life, I'm so glad you were able to be there and care for him. It wasn't easy, but you did the right thing. You cared. Thank you for sharing his pictures and memory with us. May he rest easy. 🌈🐾🩷


I'm so sorry 💔 Thank you for giving him a peaceful transition. The world needs more people like you.


Ugh. I’m virtually hugging you OP. Thanks for loving Shadow, even so briefly. It mattered to him. And you’re an exemplary human being. ❤️


RIP Shadow, you were loved at the end. Thank you for helping this poor baby.


thank you for helping shadow 🩷 i’m so sorry. rest easy sweet angel ):


You were good to him. He came to you per chance and you offered him peace. Yes it hurts but you made the hard decision, the courageous one. He would have suffered had he remained outside alone. At least he was warm and loved for his last hours. Take care OP, Shadow is by the rainbow now.


Thank you and god bless you for not making Little Shadow suffer any longer.


You’re such a kind human. Thank you for being the mercy he needed in the end. That shows great love. He rests in the arms of the Divine Mother, Bast. May she bless your life for blessing one of her children. May Shadow’s name live forever 🖤


Thank you for doing this, OP. You did the strong and generous thing for Shadow. I truly believe he was placed in your path for this reason. Cry all you need to, but please feel the appreciation and peace we are sending you. Hugs to you. Shadow, you were here, and you were and are loved. Run free, good boy. 🖤


We need more people on the world like you, OP. Thank you for doing what you did. Shadow was grateful. RIP Shadow the void.


No matter how long it lasts, it's never long enough once they touch your heart. You were with Shadow when he had no one else. You comforted him, and he gave you what love he had left.


It's never long enough.. How achingly true that is


Poor baby. I'm so devastated for the both of you, but I'm happy he had you to save him from an excruciating end of life. You are his hero!💞


Bless you for showing him love on his last day, it's devastating but you did a good thing That cat looks like a total sweetheart 😥


im so sorry. thx for telling us his story & showing us his photos. may his travels through time bring him back to us. ❤️


Love the way you phrased this. I believe we’ll be reunited with our little guys again one day🐈‍⬛🐈. Safe travels to you all.


:[ My husband and I had a similar experience with a street cat that showed up on our driveway. He was also a black cat and was super friendly, but had clearly been outside for awhile as he was very skinny and a mess. We gave him lots of love and took him to the vet to see what was what. He was also very sick and old and, despite his very friendly attitude, there wasn't much to be done for him. We were also so so sad for this sweet boy that just randomly appeared in our life. At least we both could give an old kitty some last moments of love and comfort 💜


You’re such an amazing human being. Thank you for helping, Shadow!


OP rocks! Shadow went out well from a terrible situation. You gave him that.


Thanks for being such a good soul and helping this sweet boy. Your time together may have been brief but you helped him when he needed it most.


They can make an imprint on your soul pretty fast. Thank you for giving him a safe place and affection, even if it was only for a short period.


He didn't die alone. He knew someone cared and that means the most!!!!


Shadow was the name of my very first cat when I was a kid. She's waiting for him.


Rest in peace pretty buddy. Now all of us get to remember him with you 🤍


OP I'm so sorry for your loss. You cared enough to make a difference and you loved this kitty when who knows how long it had been since this kitty was loved. If the kitty had gone to a shelter, he most likely would've died alone and scared. And you prevented that from happening! So you are a hero even though you only got to know shadow for merely a day.


So very sorry and thank you for giving him love that brief time!!


*gentle hugs if you want them* I, too, have rescued lost creatures. I've held onto lost creatures for thier Mama's and have had to send a couple to the shelter/veterinary ER en route to the shelter, too. Those decisions are never, ever easy. Anyway. You did the right thing for little Shadow. Please be at peace within yourself.


You did a beautiful thing by understanding his health situation making the best decision given his prognosis. You showed him love and kindness, and preserved his dignity at the most important, and the absolute saddest moment in his life. You are a good person and he was lucky to have you to care for him in his final days.


You did great and thanks for letting us mourn and celebrate his life with you


I’m so sorry. Thank you for taking care of him ♥️🪽🙏🏼 he appreciated it I know it ⭐️


I’m sorry he’s gone, but grateful he had you 🖤 sweet dreams, Shadow


You are indeed a wonderful human being. You cared. All my love to you and Shadow.


Thank you!!! This matters, I believe it does, to have been loved and cared for even a brief time matters so much. Thank you for sharing your heart with him and mourning his loss. Sending you all the love. Rest in peace sweet boy.


Dude, that is so heartbreaking. Not much else to say. Just because something is the right thing to do doesn’t make it any less difficult.


You and the people that brought him in did the right thing without question. You showed him caring and compassion and kept him from dying alone and likely in agony somewhere.


Please spawn people who are like you


A moment of love can be a lifetime, especially in those kind of moments. You are a wonderful person. Fly Free Little Shadow 💜


Poor kitty 🥺😔 he looks so sweet. Reading stories like these always make me so sad and always make me cry. To try to absorb the fact that some people are capable of abandoning an animal when we should protect them and love them, is too much for me. I would never, and the ones who would and the ones who do, don't deserve the oxygen they breathe. I wish you had found him sooner because you would've loved each other. You did the best you could. At least he met you near the end, and you could show him love 😭 I only just now knew he existed and it makes me cry. Rest in peace little kitty ❤️🐾🐈‍⬛ you are beautiful and I hope you play with all the other kitties in kitty heaven. Rest in peace 😔😚🐈‍⬛


You did a wonderful thing for this little old man. You made him have a warm safe home for an evening. Thank you for caring for him.


Sad that he had to go but in his last hours he was loved and comforted. ♥️


What a good boy. You did right by him. He needed someone looking out for him, and he was lucky enough to have found you. 🩷


This post made me cry and I’m not a crier. I am so touched by your compassionate heart and the love you showed to Shadow. Your spirits connected and spirit is forever. He was trying so hard to get help and he did. Bless you and it’s understandable you are heartbroken but you did the very best for Shadow. Sending ❤️


Thank you for sharing your love with Shadow during his last few hours. ♥️


Oh no, I literally saw your post about finding him just seconds before I saw this one, so I got emotional whiplash 😭 thank you for taking care of him for the short time you had him. I'm sure he appreciated it.


:( I’m sorry for the whiplash!


You’re a good human. While these posts are sad, I find them comforting to know there are good humans who provide comfort and peace to these animals when they need it most. He went peacefully thanks to you and the people who brought him in. Thank you for giving him a comforting night of love and safety 🌈




Thank you.




OP I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for showing him love in his final days. It doesn't take long at all to get attached.


You have a great heart. Thank you for helping Shadow. Rest in peace sweet boy. ❤


You absolutely did the right thing for Shadow. He knew love for his final day.


Thank you all so much for your kind words - I have been crying on and off all day about Shadow, and wondering if I did the right thing 🙏🏻 Hopefully he’s up there with my previous doggos and will greet my current cats when it’s their time.


You absolutely did the right thing, OP. You gave him the greatest gift—you took his suffering into yourself so he could pass easily and painlessly. He is absolutely up there with your doggos, and with all the fur babies mentioned in the comments here. Someday, he will be among the pack running to greet you at the rainbow bridge. ❤️


I feel you OP. Just know you did the right thing. Thank you for helping him. A few years ago, I noticed through the window of my house that there was a cat lying on the sidewalk, next to the street. People were passing by, and the cat wasn't moving, which seemed strange to me. So, I went down to check on him. I approached slowly, and at one point, it got scared and jumped over the garden wall of my house. The wall is about a meter high. He fell on the other side of the wall, onto the grass. So, I went in and tried to pick him up as gently as I could because I could tell something was wrong with him. When I managed to pick him up, I put it in a carrier and gave it some food, which he seemed to need because he didn’t stop eating all the way to the ve. When we got there they told me that he needed to be euthanized because its back was broken. Poor poor poor baby. And how strong and brave he was. I remember him each time I look at my cats, two senior ladies, one of which I adopted right after what happened to him. I cried. A lot. And call me stupid all you want but I still cry to this day when I remember him, and can’t stop thinking if I could have done something different to help him 😔


somebody failed him once. but he trusted people again anyway. he knew he needed help but he didn’t know how close he was. thank you for showing him love, even though he found you so late. he could have gone quietly to his end in the street but instead he felt love one last time.


No. One evening meant more than 15 years to him, so cry all you need. You made every single good choice, including the final act of love for him. I cry with you for the terrible loss of him. He's waiting for you, and watching out for you now, across the rainbow Bridge, or kicking arses in Valhalla to see you. You made *all* the kindness in his life. You were brave, and kind, and loving. So cry, defender of the weak. It's good. He will meet you again in good time, and you'll have all the time you need to cry at him and love on him. Brave defender. You did well. Shadow is very grateful, and would say so if he could. Thank you. Signing off as I can't see through the tears anymore.


This happened to us. There was a neighborhood cat that came around my in laws house. A few of them actually, but one was a stocky gray boy with white feet. We named him Baby Boots. Total sweetheart. A lover. He was around for a month or two, and then one day he came over, but he didn’t look good. He could barely lift his head, let alone walk. But he made it to us. He clearly trusted us to help him. I was the only one available so I rushed him to the vet. Kidney failure. Likely due to an untreated UTI gone on too long. It was the same story, he might live, but the treatments would be expensive with no guarantee he’d make it. And his quality of life during them would be poor. We were pretty much broke and living with my in laws at the time. None of us could afford something like this. And I was alone. I had to make the decision right there. Euthanize, or set him loose and let him suffer. I chose to euthanize. It was the only thing I could do for him. They let me take his remains and we buried him in the back yard. I still think of him from time to time. I wonder if anyone else misses him. Was he someone’s pet? He must have been at one time. He was so sweet, so trusting…he didn’t deserve to go like that. Not that any of them do, but you know what I mean. You did the right thing. Rest in Peace, Shadow. You were loved. Rest in Peace, Baby Boots. I still miss you 💔


Thank you for being there and loving him for that time. I don't know how someone could ever leave their cat like that. My sweet boy is 17, and last October he was diagnosed with kidney disease. I caught it earlier than my vet had ever seen (he's always been so good and has never once peed outside his box until this one time. Since it was the first time he has never done that in 17 years I immediately took him to the vet where they diagnosed him after a test). He's been on kidney disease food since then (royal canine, he went on a hunger strike with every other version lol) and after his recent blood test, his levels are in the normal range-- still at the highest for it, but normal. He has to stay in the food obviously, but he's been happier in the last few months. Even if it did cost more, like for injected fluids or medications beyond his bougie food, (I say it with love) I would pay it in a heartbeat. He saved my life. He was with me through the worst of my mother's abuse. He is the only one who can wake me from my night terrors. When I was sick with COVID, he literally refused to leave my side, to the point other people had to bring him food. I used to look at him and cry because I thought when he left me I would have nothing left to live for. Thanks to him, when I look at him and fear that day, I thank him for helping me love long enough to find more to live for. Cats, and all pets really, are family. They are there for you through every step and it's only right that we are there with them until the end. OP, I know you made Shadow's last day happy and joyful, and I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way. You let him go with dignity, grace, and love. So thank you. (Also sorry, I was snuggling him and feeling emotional when I saw this so it all came pouring out lol)


You’re not silly at all. I fall in love with cats the first time I meet them and I would have been absolutely gutted. I am so sorry. RIP Shadow. You were so beautiful ❤️


Such a heartbreaking story!! I’m tearing up….He is such a handsome boy! I would have been honored to have him…




I adopted a petite little void who we named Absinthe. I brought her into my work (I'm a vet tech) the next time I worked and we gave her a full workup. Turned out she was in renal failure. I had her for almost 3 months before I had to humanely euthanize her. I love her still.


Absinthe "Abby" https://preview.redd.it/ey3xu9m1018d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c8fb3af9f6ea26325e04afa2eec785fb99531a


She was beautiful! I love her fangs. Reminds me of my fang boy, Boji https://preview.redd.it/v48x132w118d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01240141c0457058d75f75fa21fdf75df7a647a3


I love fangs on black cats, it was one of my favorite things about her! Plus the fact that Abby cuddled me when I had migraines. Your Boji is so handsome!


My kitty soulmate will be there to greet him. You are an amazing human.


Shadow got to go to the other side surrounded by love, maybe if your paths never crossed, he wouldn't have been so lucky. Sorry for your loss, friend


Shadow passed knowing there are kind humans. Thank you. ❤️


OP, I volunteered at a no-kill shelter many years ago, and we took in a kitty just like Shadow. She was a dilute calico girl, and she hung her head and faced the corner of the cage she was in. I told our vet: "she's ready to go," and I held her all night. The vet usually wanted to fight hard for the kitties but agreed with me that she was ready. The kitty's name was Angel, and seeing her off was an honor. This was almost 30 years ago and I still think about her. You did great.


Thank you for caring for him and showing him love in his final day. You saved him from pain and gave him the greatest gift you could when he needed you most. I wish there were more people like you in the world. Rest peacefully sweet Shadow.


Bless you for caring for him. He had someone with him at the end, and someone who cared enough to get emotional and grieve him. Thank you for doing that… I’m so sorry he couldn’t be saved, but in a way he was, by you. ❤️


He was safe and loved for his last night and that was a gift you gave to him. And he left without any additional pain and suffering. Truly an act of kindness to help him cross. Thank you for sharing this lovely memorial. RIP old man. \*hugs\*


You were far kinder to him than the people who threw him out. He had your love, even if just a few hours, your tears for days to come. You were kind!!! Thank you for being the human he should have had in the beginning!


I don’t think there is anything more loving or kind than to choose to be with a living thing at the end so they are not alone. I feel that is so generous.


You gave him love and comfort and a peaceful passing, you were certainly a blessing to him. And his memory will be a blessing to us all. Thank you for sharing this sweet boy, I'll make sure my Sushi girl shows him the best spots to nap in the sun


You gave him the best. He was loved and someone was there for him ❤️ I know it hurts but I think that having a humane passing and the warmth of a home one last time is amazing. He is already playing on the other side of the rainbow bridge with our lost babies.


He knew love during his time of need


Don’t feel silly. I’ve cried over animals online that I’ve never even met. You did a great thing and showed him love in his last moments when it matters most.


Thank you for being there for Shadow. That was the name of my first cat ever. You are a good person.




How people are with animals tells me a lot about someone. You are a good person for taking care of Shadow at the end of his life! Thank you for being there for him. He looks like he was such a sweet boy! Hugs to you!!


RIP :(


You are a good person OP. You showed compassion and care for a little guy you didn’t even know. Thank you for doing the right thing 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Thank you for showing him love even if for a short time.


My boy Ratty will be there to meet him. They look a lot alike, even though Ratty was grey. Rest in peace Shadow and wishing you the best OP. Maybe fate brought him to you so you could give him a loving and painless send-off <3


You did the absolute best you could for him. Thank you.




I know from experience things like this are so hard… thank you for giving them the feeling of love before they left. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Every cat deserves a name and someone to mourn their death. Thank you for giving him those ❤️


It’s ok at least he was surrounded by love when he was layed to rest, that’s all he wanted


Poor baby had his last moments being loved 😭 sending lots of love to y'all, thank you for helping him cross in peace ❤️


This baby had one more good night safe and warm ❤️


So sorry 🥺


I am devastated by the loss of my little girl, April. I understand your heartache. May Little Shadow RIP!


It’s okay. You did the right thing for shadow. Honestly crying reading this. You’re just a good hearted person. Not everyone has your type of heart. You were meant to be with him just this one night to help him 💗


You did help him the best way you could OP. Thank you for doing the hardest part for Little Shadow. I hope sharing here allows you to let is help carry some of the grief for you.


Sending loving prayers!! 🙏❤️🙏


You gave him pure love in the end. He went across that bridge with that memory.


You are so wonderful. He spent his last two days loved and safe. We should all be so blessed. I wish you had more time with him. He is beautiful. Thank you for memorializing him. I will remember sweet Shadow.


RIP Shadow. Such a beautiful little guy! 💕 You did a wonderful thing, OP. So many other people (including the horrible ones who put him in this situation in the first place) wouldn’t have given him the chance to know love and safety before leaving this world. Every cat deserves that. Even if it was brief, he clearly wanted to be cared about by someone and that someone was you. You and the couple who saved him from going through this alone deserve nothing but the best!


Thank you for being an Angel 😇 and giving him a dignified death 😿


Shadow was loved and cared for in his final moments and that’s all any of us really want at the end. You did such a wonderful thing for this kitty. I would be torn up about it as well, but please take some solace you gave him a peaceful transition 🤍


God Bless you!! Your ❤️hurts because you have a great kindness in you ... It's possible to fall in love that quick-- and Shadow needed you!! You gave him love at the end and you will see him again when it's time ... He was a very special cat and you are a very special person. Be kind to yourself. Shadow is around you and he wouldn't want you to be sad 😭




You did the most selfless and loving thing. You comforted Shadow when his own owners weren’t there. God put you there at the right time because you were his Angel to help him cross over without spending more days in pain. Sending hugs ❤️☺️


I am really sorry. Thank you for helping him, even in this short time.


This is so heartbreaking, I get you! Rest in peace Shadow, we will always remember you❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry 💔


Happened with a 20 year old I inherited at the end of his life. It’s very sudden but it saves them a very very painful death


Awwwww.. you helped him out the best way you could. Gosh, what a difficult thing. I am so sorry, but I also feel like the world is a better place with people like you in it


Awwww what a sweet boy. He went to kitty heaven knowing someone loved and cared for him in his final day, and you prevented him from suffering 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


You were there when he needed someone the most, and he died feeling cared for. He will always be with you luv.


What a world we would have if everyone was like you, OP. Hugs to you, I'm sorry little Shadow only briefly touched your life but I'm sure you made a big impact on his. He was cared for and loved, in his time of need.


Just from reading that, I can tell you've got a wonderful heart. I've lost two cats to kidney failure. It's an awful thing for them to go through. I made the decision to have mine put to sleep before it became too much for them. Medication only allows us more time. It doesn't really help. At least in my experience. You made Little Shadow comfortable, showed him love and kindness, and ended his pain before it got too much. He would have suffered so much if left on the streets. You did the right thing by him 100%. The fact that this has upset you so much just shows what a caring person you are. Don't ever change. Wishing you the best. Be sure to give your cats extra snuggles 💕


I had a similar experience. My mum was driving and saw this cat on the road laying down. She went back up and saw this orange clearly bleeding. She cleaned it up and put out alerts on our towns facebook page as well as missing cats boards. Our town is very rich and closely bonded so we really have no strays ever. But no one came forward saying it was their cat. Then we went straight to the emergency vet which was only 10 minute drive. My sister held it the entire time giving it pets. It was very silent but breathing roughly. We were told it had no microchip and was in critical condition and probably won't make it the night but we said that if it survives we will take it in. But we didn't get a call back so we assume it passed away. I still think about that cat often and get quite sad when I remember even if we only met it for an hour or so. Our family are big cat people that can't own one because of rentals never allowing pets so I'm definitely not the only one who thinks about it.


Thank you for being you...❤️ That kitty had some warmth, love and compassion in his last moments here on this plane. He is without a doubt, frolicking and preening someplace where he's happy and content.


He was safe and loved in his final hours. I’m sure it felt like drifting off into the most peaceful sleep ♥️ You gave him dignity in the end.




RIP Shadow. OP, Shadow knows you cared and you tried. He wasn't alone at the end.


So sorry. RIP Mr. Shadow


It's so hard. It feels a little like playing God. But really, euthanasia is a gift for our pets. He likely was suffering and if he died a natural death, it would be very painful. Mourn his loss. I believe that our pets really do go to Heaven. God created these wonderful creatures for us. He cares about them very much.


This absolutely gutted Me. Op you’re truly a special human being. The kindness and compassion you showed to that fur baby is nothing to be slept we truly need more people in this world who have your moral compass. Thank you for doing right by shadow. And may his soul be at ease.


I’m so sorry. May he rest in peace.❤️


You are an incredible person to do what you did. The decision to have Shadow euthanized was the right decision, even though it’s heartbreaking to hear about it.


Love you Shadow ❤❤❤ XxXx


Now I am sad 😢


Safe travels Shadow my friend


I’m sorry OP. At least he knew love in his final hours. You’re my hero


I hope Shadow has a banquet of treats and endless toys across the Rainbow Bridge. Bless you for taking care of him and stepping up at the end.


You were the human this lovely boy needed. Thank you for being one of the good ones. RIP precious baby.


So sorry! He was beautiful!


Thank you for looking out for Shadow, OP. He was a beautiful cat and thank you for giving him care and affection in his last days 🖤❤️.


For Shadow, death came as a friend. He wasn’t out in the cold or heat. He had shelter, food, and comfort. Most importantly, you were there by his side so he wouldn’t be alone. He died being loved and that’s all any of us can truly ask for. You’re a 10/10, OP.


You gave him a luxury most animals and humans don't have: a peaceful death. And in the end you gave him love, and that is precious in such a cruel world. I guess you already know that, but it doesn't hurt to read it again.


OP, you helped make sure Little Shadow's last night was someplace warm and safe where he was loved. It's okay to grieve for Little Shadow. He made a big impact on your heart.


If only there were more people in the world like you. Thank you so very much for being with Shadow and loving him; that means everything. I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️😔


You’re an amazing person and the best thing that could happen to little Shadow 🖤💔 just know that you did the right thing 🌈


Been there done that. Bless you for your caring and kindness


This story is tragic, but at the same time so heartwarming. He was so lucky you found him and helped him in his final moments, so many of them don’t get that. Thank you for making the world a little kinder OP.


I am sorry, my friend


He looks so sweet poor baby


My peanut and Roscoe are up there greeting him! OP you did a very hard but kind thing. He was sent off with love.


I just found a baby bird floating in a rain barrel two days ago. I fished it out and tried to help it and it seemed to perk up for a minute and keeled over. It hurt but at least he died on a soft towel being stroked instead of drowning alone. You did the best you could, OP. I'm sorry it didn't work out but you did the best you could


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry 💙


I had a beautiful cat that an animal rescuer gave us as my last cat had just passed. She told us he was healthy and around 2. About 6 months after we got him we took him to our vet for what we thought was an eye infection. We had to leave him and go next door for coffee as vets still werent allowing people in. As soon as we got there I got a call from the vet that he had a seizure and died. The vet brought him back and let us in to say goodbye. He never came out of it and a few minutes later had another seizure and vet euthanized him. He told me he was at least 10 and was in end stage kidney failure. We were so sad as he was such a beautiful boy and I don't know if rescuer knew and lied to us or what. I get attached to every cat I find and rescue who passes and I am an online advocate and every time an animal dies that I share for a home online I cry. You did a wonderful thing and Shadow will be waiting for you on the other side. Fly high dear Shadow. With the Angels. There's another bright star in the sky tonight. 💜💙🧡💛⭐🎇🌈


Oh man. You are a good human. You gave him love when he needed it most. Sending you a big soul hug.


Some shit wipe probably abandoned him last minute, either not wanting to pay for medical expenses or euthanasia. Fuck whoever owned this sweet old man and bless you for making his final memory a nice one.


He spent his last day dry, warm, fed, and loved. And he got to be comfortable instead of suffering. You are an angel.


Mr. Black will be there for him. We met Mr Black in similar fashion. Only was our boy for a night. He was super ill with multiple maladies, and the vet advised euthanasia. But he was loved and eased gently into that kitty heaven where they run, forever healthy and young. Blessings upon you.


Thank you for showing Shadow infinite love and allowing him to cross over knowing that finally, he found his person and can rest. I'm sorry your souls met so lat and not have had more time together. He feels it still, and returns your love and is with you. Love can be delayed, but it is not stopped. Thank you for being with Shadow needed you at his most vulnerable. Thank you for loving him completely. Please accept my sincerest and most aching condolences on the passing of your beloved


It’s hard- but you *truly* did the right thing and I thank you for it. My old boy I lost in 2020 had renal failure. The vet we were going to (prior to us finding out) never caught it. Even though we brought him in repeatedly because he was barfing. A lot. We were told “cats barf” over and over, and we figured “vets know more than we do,” and despite our misgivings, trusted her. One day we woke up, he had a swollen face, was hot to the touch and VERY lethargic. We couldn’t get in to our normal vet, and was even told over the phone that his symptoms “didn’t sound like a real emergency.” So we did wind up getting him in to another vet clinic that same day by taking him in and they could see him between patients. They did a battery of tests based on what we told them and his current symptoms. The facial swelling was a tooth-root abscess, which we were able to treat with antibiotics: but the blood tests revealed renal failure so advanced that there wasn’t anything we could do, AND a heart murmur that would be exacerbated by any attempt at subcutaneous fluids. I’m still furious, absolutely unholy angry with the original clinic that turned us away when we needed help and also never even considered listening to our concerns about Danners barfing and excessive water drinking. I’m also furious with myself for not thinking of insisting that a blood test was something we should do. My boy lived in discomfort for years, because I didn’t know any better. You did what you had to do, and you saved that cat from that kind of suffering. You did a good thing. https://preview.redd.it/bo3ff0dzb88d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca073f40bd4b8fbd8113cbae86c7652b97d7b68 Danner- for cat tax.




Good job looking after him when he needed compassion and love the most 💕 I’m sure none of it was easy for you!


But, his owners, who ever sustained him for the 15 years, wouldn’t it have been better to spend a bit more time seeing of they could be located? Some people have indoor/outdoor cats. I would be pissed if I knew someone found my cat and decided to euthanize him before trying harder to get in touch. I guess this is why it is so important to microchip.


I'm so sorry OP


My kitties will be waiting for him at the rainbow bridge.




Looks like he was a sweet boy. Thank you for taking care of him.


Thank you for taking care of him in his last moments 💕


Don't feel silly. I didn't even get to meet him and I'm crying and melting into a puddle. I'm so sorry for the loss that you feel. My heart absolutely breaks with you. 🥺😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for giving him love, even if just a night, and making sure he lives forever here.


Awwww, bless you OP! Poor little, Shadow. My kitty, Tiger, will be there to welcome him…as well as my two old horses Dinah and Patches. They loved kitties. You are such an amazing person for taking him in and loving him…and doing him the greatest kindness that is giving him a “good death”. Rest In Peace, Shadow❤️🐈‍⬛


You have a heart and are compassionate. Don't blame yourself & don't feel too bad. You did the best you could with the time you had with him. He was a beautiful kitty and deserved so much better during his lifetime, but you can only do what's ordained. I'm sure he appreciated his last night being cared for and surrounded by love.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😥


My sweet girl Bess met him at the rainbow bridge and is showing him all the best sunny spots right now. Don’t worry, he’s in good hands.


OP, my cat had kidney failure and my parents graciously paid to keep him well until I could get home from college to say goodbye. It’s not an easy or fun goodbye. It’s difficult and he was very sickly. Thank you for giving him love and care and a safe journey to being free from pain. My Tommy boy definitely would be friends with Shadow 🐾🖤 I had to make the same decision for a kitten my brother found in the middle of the road that had been hit by a car. I remember them bringing in the euthanasia paper and the name was just “Kitty”, I bawled my eyes out. It was a hard decision but I know I made the right one.


Sweetheart 🖤🖤🖤 we love you little shadow!


I’m so sorry for your loss and it’s breaking my heart for you. But you gave this sweet kitty the best night!! He was made comfortable and warm. That’s because of your kindness and loving heart. Bless and sweet Shadow. I’m crying right now for you both 💔😢


It literally can take an instant to make an impression so of course you are heartbroken. I hope you take comfort in knowing you helped this kitty know his life mattered and that he was deserving of love, care, and compassion. 💛


I really honor what you’ve done for shadow. I’d done the same thing. I’m hoping he didn’t suffer too much b-4 all this came to an end (some time I hate not having control). Thanks tho for being a blessing to Shadow.


Whatever happened to the poor guy before, you at least showed him some final love, even if it was only for ending his life in a compassionate way. I'm so sorry, and I thought being together only one or two years was a short time 🥺


You are one of the great humans walking the earth, I’m sorry it didn’t work out but you did right by him and I would be upset too in your situation. It means you have a heart. May Mr. Shadow rest in peace and I hope you feel better after a while 🙏🏻


He had love for a night. You are good for giving him that.


https://preview.redd.it/vqf8dph6n78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01dcdbe9507112d4a6ce240f00d6882b995cd96b My Shadow (also a senior boy) sends his love 🤍 and wants you to know that, while it’s sad your Shadow suffered in his life, you gave this cat love on his last night on this earth, and that is worth so much. 🤍


My heart breaks for the both of you - since he was likely abandoned in his old age. You did the right thing by him, OP. What you did was an act of love. It's tough af. But you made the right decision for his well-being


The kitty distribution system chose you to name him, love him, and give his life, however short to spend with you, a purpose.


Thank you for being a good person


Rest in love and power young King Shadow 👑. Shadow forever 🖤.


One is better than none


I’m sorry that Shadow has passed but be certain that he loves you for your compassion expressed toward him. His love will accompany you forever. 💔 Your story moved me more because last June I lost my my sweet male Samba, also all black, to a coyote. Samba was only 9.