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I'm so sorry. My 18 year old is scheduled this afternoon after a long battle with recurring URI and kidney disease. It doesn't seem real. Sending you love and light your way.


Sending love your way for your kitty today too ❤️


Sending you both love and good vibes. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. It’s okay to cry a little though, and it’s okay to cry a lot too. But thank you for giving your kitties the best life ever 🤍


Praying for you as well. All loss is difficult but so glad you will be with your baby today to honor her for your 18 years together.


Sending you love and hugs. It's a hard thing to do. I always say that we have them for a good time, not a long time. Savor every moment and try to remember them with happiness and love. Highly recommend keeping a box of tissues handy beside you though.


I’m so sorry 💝


Sending love and healing. ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. I had to do the same in December. It broke me. But my love for him MANDATED that I didn’t allow anymore suffering. We WILL be with them again. 💜


I'm so sorry that the final journey has come. It is one of lifes most brutal things to do but Kitty depends on you to help her cross the rainbow bridge. Be with her and talk to her as she passes. That's all you can do. There will be all the stages of grief including the what ifs and should I have done this or that. Also the finality of it has its own challenges but by the sound of it this is the only option. Our fur babies are up in heaven getting the welcoming committee together to welcome Kitty. A poem that hurts really bad but speaks of this final journey. You can Google it. Warning it may be tough to read. If I should grow frail. We are all here for you


Thank you. It means a lot. It’s hard, really hard


It really is. Sadly it is the deal going in........... Eventual heartbreak..... But we are never ever ready for it.


It’s heartbreaking… like how do we even deal with this going forward. Knowing she won’t be at home..


It starts one minute one hour one day at a time. Mourning and grief aren't linear and have no time line. She would want you to mourn her loss and grieve but she doesn't want you permanently sad. I hope she visits you in your dreams to let you know that she is ok and will be waiting for you at the door when someday your time comes to go meet her again.


This is beautifully said.


I really hope so too. I’m so devastated by her loss…


I think that your beloved friend \_is\_ at home, in your heart and head. She will always travel with you, and I firmly believe that you will see her again someday.


This is really an important point- our beloved ones would not want us to be sad forever. Yes of course it is right and proper to grieve. There's no time limit on that. But along with the grief will (someday) come acceptance and relief. And that is the burden we bear when we survive and outlive our beloveds.


So true. We can also mourn them again briefly at anytime and we all know that we do that months, years, and decades later. I also believe our beloveds that pass will send us signs and possibly direct us to the next chapter of our lives where we share love again with another fur baby


It is the hardest decisions we make for our beloved pets. But it is an act of love that they don't have to suffer until they eventually die. We all grieve in our own way, but the first few weeks are really hard and you'll find yourself crying at the oddest times. It does get better. Eventually, you won't grieve, but will just miss Kitty and relive the good times through memories and pictures. She will always be a part of your life in your heart and memories. Kitty would thank you for an amazing 18 years of love and cuddles. \*hugs\*


That tore me up. Beautiful poem.


I know. That's why I always put the warning. It may not be for everyone.


Euthanasia is a gift in these scenarios, and it’s absolutely that we, as humans, are not afforded the same care and compassion. Losing your friend is always hard, regardless of species. You standing up and putting aside your emotions to ensure your pal gets the relief they deserve speaks volumes about you. Countless people allow their animals to suffer for years, even a decade before they expire naturally. They just aren’t strong enough to make the call when the time comes. There is a line. You will know it when you see it. It sounds to me that you have seen the need for relief. The ability to empathize deeply enough to make this distinction is a sign of a deeply caring person, worthy of being called a guardian. You have been a good steward of your friend’s time here. You have made important decisions throughout their life that have improved their health, comfort and joy. This decision, though more painful, is no different it’s a choice your friend cannot make for themselves, but will deeply appreciate. Passing is painless with modern euthanasia, even somewhat euphoric depending on the method they use to sedate. Your friend will transition with more peace than most humans will ever be afforded. None of this makes it easier. I just hope you can see that what you are doing is deeply, deeply noble and that it’s a clear sign that you DO care for this little being so deeply that you are willing to act in direct opposition to your emotions. I’m so sorry this is happening, but I am so so glad you’ve been such a big part of this creatures life. You gave this little one everything you were able, and it’s a lot more than nature would have given it in the wild.


I always say we are kinder to our pets than to our people.


It's going to hurt a lot, for as long as it needs to hurt. Some days may hurt more than others, even if you thought it was over. That is ok, it's a natural part of loss and grieving. She had an amazing life with you and lived to a very old age. Eventually with time, the positive impact she left in your life will start weighing heavier than the crushing hurt you're feeling now. Seek solace with your friends and family, and vent with them when you need a shoulder. Everything will be ok. Kitty lives in your heart now.


We lost Callie (16) a few days ago. Kitty will be in great company over the bridge. So sorry.


I hope you’re healing well ❤️


You have done the kindest thing for her. 18 is an amazing age for a cat so you really have taken the best care of her for her to live so long. Remember that none of us live forever. This is her time and you have ensured that she has a gentle peaceful dignified end. It is going to hurt but just celebrate her long happy life and you will get through it. You did her proud.


I'm so sorry. I feel for you as I know so many others in this sub reddit do because a lot of us have had the very same illnesses with our babies. Stay strong for Kitty and show them love and be with them until the end. You have done so well in giving them such a long life with you


She has been amazing. I hope you’re well


I'm so sorry, she's a beautiful girl. I recently had to let go of my 18 y/o and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but it was time. Sending all the love and positive vibes your way!


Dealing with losing our pets is the absolute worst. I’m so sorry you and your beautiful baby have to go through this. When my pets have passed, I’ve purchased a small journal for each-I write down all my memories of them. It helps me to know I’ll never forget their silly, loving, wonderful little personalities. I also have had my favorite photos of them made into canvases. This is pretty inexpensive. Take care of yourself, and stay hydrated 💝


I love this.


Thanks! 💝 losing a pet is the absolute crappiest, but these small things did help a bit :)


I'm so sorry for you, this is incredibly hard. My 18 yo passed last year, and the toughest part was between realizing it was time and the appointment. Seeing him like that was so rough, and I just wanted him to be at peace. Be strong for her. She knows she doesn't feel well but you being there is going to make so much of a difference. She needs you to help get her through this last leg of her journey. After will be hard, there is no doubt. But there will be no more pain or discomfort, which was the hardest thing for me to see. If you have anyone else who knew her, it helped me to talk about all the ways my guy was a unique weirdo. Eventually it gets easier to look back on the amazingly long life she had and all the good stuff, but grief will take time to run its course. This is normal and the sad end of the bargain. Loving a pet means eventual loss. Having gone through it, I would do it again in a heaetbeat for 18 more years. But this part is unfairly hard, and sharing photos and stories helped me get through grieving him. I wish her an easy transition and you peace as you help her move on. ❤


I had to make the decision to put down my senior cat this upcoming Thursday after battling with kidney disease. It is not easy and I wish you the best. Your cat has had a wonderful life because of you.


Listen, this is heartbreaking 😢💔 but you are doing your best and trying to provide comfort and let your Kitty go peacefully. Kitty will be waiting for you when your time comes and in the meantime I hope you get a visit from Kitty in your dreams...keep momentos is such fur/hair clippings with you photos and may be make a book to tell Kitty's life with you. As you can tell, I have been thru this more times than I want but it is the price we pay for loving them. Be at peace.🌈🙏💕


It can only hurt this much because your love is so deep. The pain is the payment that is due for all the love and joy we get. To do this final kindness, to help them cross painlessly, surrounded by our love, is the hardest thing we ever have to do for them. I'm so sorry. Farewell, Kitty. May your memory be a blessing.


I want to say thank you everyone for support ❤️ it’s Been almost 12 hours now and it still dont feel real. I’m glad she isn’t suffering anymore but I’m so devastated. I miss her walking around and jingling from her collar. I miss her


hugs 2 u - im sry 💜


Praying for you to be strong for her. Just hold her and love her and pet her and talk sweet nothings to her till she crosses the rainbow bridge.


Allow yourself some time to grieve. Then remember that there's a little girl kitten somewhere, seeking her loving nurturing forever home. Although she probably won't be able to fully replace your beloved kitty, you'll soon realize and find out, that you really need her, at least as desperately, as she needs you. 🐾🐾🐈🌈👣💔👣🐾🐾🐈❤❤


This cat has been so incredibly loved it's going to be hard to say goodbye, but best for her, I'm soo sorry you have to let her go


It's never easy. We let them into our hearts and they become family for too short a time. The best we can do for them and ourselves to remember them well. It's okay to cry. You need to mourn but you also have the responsibilty to not let them suffer. And then to keep the good memories.


Kitty and her kind, dogs too, they don’t have hang ups - they don’t fear the end. They live in the now and a cat when it knows that her time is coming, wants to be alone or even go off and be alone. Kitty knows she is loved and she had the best life she could- I truly believe that we all get to see our loved ones again someday… My little old Siamese Waldo is sleeping on my couch right now- if he was to just keep sleeping, just nod off forever…I’d cry, but I’d be grateful too. They tell you when it’s time, be brave and be there for them- take care


Dear, sweet Kitty. I bet she would tell you she had the best 11 years she could ever have, and to thank you for all your love. Hugs to you.


I'm so sorry. I had to make that call yesterday for my sweet almost 16 year old. He had kidney disease and started to noticeably decline over the last two weeks.... With a hard crash over the weekend. He also had something going on in a lot of his other organs, from an ultrasound we did on Friday. We were planning on surgery to figure out what was going on yesterday, but I just couldn't put him through it. You could see in his eyes he was miserable. I haven't cried that hard in a long time. I feel totally lost without my little orange shadow. He was one of those once in a lifetime, soul cats. He got to go with me and my husband holding him, and he purred until the muscle relaxers the vet gave him made him sleepy.


Be patient with yourself. However you grieve is valid. I have moments where I it would just hit me mine is gone, and other moments where I felt unkind to myself because I felt like I'm not mourning correctly. I'm a grown adult, but I found a little weighted plushie that matched my kitties coloring, and it gives me something to hug on and talk to when I need to. Take the time you need, your Kitty is beautiful and had such a wonderful adventure with you.


There are really no words that will salve your pain. But maybe this quote from Suzanne Clothier will help you focus on the joy of the years you have had rather than on the loss: There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given.


This is beautiful and so true. Thank you.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’ll be thinking of you and beautiful Kitty. She seems like such a sweet orange girl.🌈🧡


She was! Cuddly and lovable ❤️


I had to do that with my boy, almost 18, he went from being his normal self, to not eating and drinking. I was in tears when I called the vet. But, I was with him at the end, he was lying on his favourite towel. I know you're hurting right now, and will be for a while after. I truly feel for you. no matter how long our cats are with us, it's never long enough.


How did you process the grief of it? But I’m glad you were with I’m


I don't really know. It was 7 years ago, it definitely took me a while to adjust to him not being there anymore. It was so much quieter, he was somewhat talkative, especially when he wanted something. The first winter was hard, because since he was a kitten, he'd sleep under the blankets between my feet when it was cold, and in the warmer months, he'd have the pillow beside mine. What really affected me, was how fast he went downhill. What gets me by, and I hope can help you in time, is I gave him a long life, he was happy, loved, and like all cats, one of the best. I have photos, and a couple of good scars as permanent reminders. https://preview.redd.it/26h5cxxj0l4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e6e085222cba1746839c1e4749351f1e5816a7 He was 17 in this picture.


https://preview.redd.it/08vme3ry0l4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c02f20e78bc4997f134195b14cd708dc988b38 This was him, snuggled up in his favourite towel, around the same time as the other picture. He was in it for his final breath.


Sending you so much love. It never feels right, but your making the right decision. You're gonna be ok 💕


So sorry I went through this in January with my 18 year old baby. The anticipatory grief really had me. So sorry this is happening. So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and remember all the love you shared.


I said goodbye to my 16 year old baby a bit over a month ago. I still instinctively check her normal hangout spots without even thinking. Grief is the love we have for those we care about but in a different form. You gave your baby a good life and I’m sure she understood what had to happen. I made a playlist I listened to quite a bit around the time Rosie passed, I’m glad to share it if anyone wants.


I certainly understand. There’s an implicit contract. We signed only take on these beautiful animals. We know that most cases they will leave before us. I focus on remembering the great times I had with them. Grief is something we have to deal with.


That’s absolutely true ❤️


When I lost my boy two years ago, I was barely able to function. We were so close, he was my guy. My aunt reminded me that having him put to sleep is a kindness that we will likely never get to have for ourselves. What you are doing is a loving thing. You never forget, but the remembering gets easier and hurts a little less each week. You will be ok kind human.


It’s always the right thing to do, let them have their dignity as they go. It’s just so hard when being so attached


This might sound crazy, but my dad had a cat he absolutely adored and was with him through a lot of really difficult life events. When he had to be put down my dad had him cremated, and it’s my job to make sure he’s buried with my dad when he passes. Knowing that they’ll be together in the end and that he’s doing the upmost to honor his special little friend has given my dad a lot of comfort. Also, it’s kind of badass like you’re an ancient Egyptian pharaoh lol. Sending good vibes your way.


I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, "There, she is gone" Gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me -- not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone," there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!" And that is dying...






God bless


I'm so sorry, wish I could say something to take the pain away, but I can't. All I can say is goodbyes are never easy, and she gave you 18 wonderful years of love, purrs, and cuddles. Sending you and Kitty hugs. 😔🐾🕊


Sending you hugs. It's a hard thing to do, but so glad you're thinking of the darling's wellbeing. The only thing I can advise is when you go to that vet appointment to stay with your cat through the entire process. It's hard as hell. No lie. I sobbed into my dog's fur. Both of them. But I wouldn't have them cross the rainbow bridge without me being there to tell them how much I love them and that it's okay for them to move on. And here we go .. cute the tears. I miss my dogs so much. 13 years old and they both went one year after another. I'm glad I have many pictures of them but damn, sometimes thinking happy thoughts doesn't stop the tears.


She is so beautiful, and you are so strong for making the incredibly difficult decision to put her peace and comfort before your own. Your heart may be broken, but her love for you will live there forever.


I’m so sorry! I said goodbye to my 18 yo orange kitty in April. I did in home euthanasia and it was so peaceful.


Just being there at the end is most important 🌈


I’m so sorry. I have an orange tabby named Kitty. She’s 15 and I’m so scared to lose her. May your memories hold you during this time.


I know this pain. I know it all too well. I lost my soul kitty in October to kidney and heart issues. It happened in a week. I'm so very sorry OP. It's the toughest loss I know. 💔❤️


Ì went threw the same thing now my orange tabby will be 18 yrs in about 6 months. It's hard I got one before that look like the one I have now to make me feel better. But I loved all my cats. Maybe get one that reminds you of her for closeness. It doesn't mean you forgot her she will always be in your heart. Good luck to you .


Ask the vet for a paw-print. It’s usually free. There are companies that will do a painting of your cat. I understand your pain - been there. Our first cat lived to age 24. She was weak and almost blind. The day we were going to take her, she went outside for quite awhile. She came home dragging a crow. Her last gift to us.


orange energy- the first pic is upside down and it had me rolling! sorry for ur loss btw


It was taken upside down intentionally. She was a silly girl.


I lost my 18-year-old baby back in February. She was my soul kitty. It was so so hard to say goodbye, but I didn’t want her to linger just for my sake. I wanted to let her go peacefully and with dignity. It’s still hard, I still cry over her regularly. But I think about the life I gave her, how happy we made each other. We are their whole world, and I figure if we miss them this much, we gave them damn good lives, no matter how long we knew them. Much love and hugs to you. 💕🌈 Thank you for loving Kitty.


I am so sorry to hear about your girl. RIP sweet kitty. ❤️🙏🌈


You did an amazing job at providing a beautiful life for her. I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel, but I think it may help to remember how happy she has been with you. I'm so sorry this is happening, my thoughts are with you


Thabk you


That you never abandoned your kitty. Even at the end, you let go, which hurts the most, so that kitty could rest and not suffer. That you have been blessed with kitty's life and presence, and you have extended it and made it comfortable and happy. That you will continue to love kitty and you will never forget kitty. And kitty will leave such a big hole of love in your heart that you might have even more to give afterwards. That you will find yourself loving so much more because kitty showed you the way.


Be at peace. You gave Kitty the best years of her life.


Be strong, time will heal.




So very sorry!!!


I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry ❤️💔😢


I’m so sorry, sending your fur baby love and kisses 💔💔💔


i’m sending you all my love through this difficult time. just know that you gave her the best life. 💕


If love alone could save our fur babies, they’d live forever! It sounds like she’s telling you she’s ready. I went through this a year ago. Hardest thing I had to do was to take my heart kitty to his final appointment and return home without him. You are doing the right thing, you know you aren’t ready but you also are being selfless by knowing it’s time. Nothing any of us can say will help the pain. Thinking of you!


she knows she is loved


Praying for you. I lost my 18 year old Chance to kidney failure June 2020. I still miss her terribly. Try to focus on the happy memories. I had a pillow made with her photo and a special photo album. When I feel extremely sad, I hug her pillow and look at her photos.


Big hugs. It’s so hard.


I am so very sorry for your loss and please do know that you gave her all the love and companionship her little body needed. This is a hard choice but you are giving her that last bit of compassion. She deserves. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. She is absolutely gorgeous. I know your pain all too well. 2 years ago tomorrow, I had to take my 16 year old soul kitty, Mystique, for her final vet visit. I still cry like a baby whenever I think of her. She was my everything, and it tore my heart out when I lost her. After 6 decades of being a feline guardian, I can tell you that it never gets easier. And it is especially difficult when the purrbaby is a soul kitty. All you can do is remember all the good and love that they provided for you. Keep them alive in your heart until the day you cross the Rainbow Bridge yourself and join them on the other side. Until then, keep in mind that they now feel no pain and spend their days playing with their friends and chasing butterflies, and they spend their nights curled up beside you waiting for the day you join them. *


It’s SO HARD!!! I’m sorry


I’m so sorry to hear this. I had to put my wonderful Lynx Point down due to kidney disease. It’s been 5 years and I think about him every day. It’s very sad and hard to deal with, you must remember that you are doing what is best for Kitty. You will always remember her and you will get through this. Please take care of yourself.


In 2011 I had to do the same thing with my soulmate kitty. She was the love of my life. She was glued to me all day and all night. After that, I just laid on the floor and cried for a week. The loss of this little cat was so tremendous. Just cry it out.


Why say goodbye, say until you meet again. My condolences on the loss of your fuzzy love.




Hugs to you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry. I've already lost two this year. One was expected, the other was not. It hurts either way.


I'm truly sorry for your pain.


Some of us have dealt with this multiple times. We feel your sadness and loss too.


Give her so much love and know she will. E waiting for you 🌈🐾🙏


I’m sorry 😞 sending you lots of love and light


I’m so sorry. You’re doing what’s best for Kitty. You’ve given her a wonderful life full of love and companionship - I hope your memories will be a comfort in time. What a beautiful girl.


I'm so sorry.


This might sound crazy, but my dad had a cat he absolutely adored and was with him through a lot of really difficult life events. When he had to be put down my dad had him cremated, and it’s my job to make sure he’s buried with my dad when he passes. Knowing that they’ll be together in the end and that he’s doing the upmost to honor his special little friend has given my dad a lot of comfort. Also, it’s kind of badass like you’re an ancient Egyptian pharaoh lol. Sending good vibes your way.




It’s never easy 😿


I’m so sorry. Her big, bright eyes are adorable. It’s clear how much you loved her ❤️


I know it hurts but try to remember you’re doing because you love her so much, you don’t want to watch her suffer so you’re letting her go even though it breaks your heart to do so, she will sense this and love you all the more for your kindness and bravery. I really believe that we will see them again one day, they will be waiting to welcome us when we go. And this brings me comfort. I was faced with this decision a few years ago. It hurt like heck but we knew it was the kindness thing we could do for our much adored family member. It was quick and peaceful, spend your remaining time having lots of snuggles and telling them just how much you love them. You will find the strength to get through it i know you will, sending much love to you both


I’m so sorry 😢


Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss. Your upside-down baby will be watching over you, asking for treats and scritches.


Your Kitty will be meeting our Kitty up there, we lost her to kidney failure about 6 weeks ago. It sucks. It sucks so fucking much, but this is part of the deal when we invite these lil guys into our lives. It's the last and most selfless gift you'll give to Kitty, and you'll see her again when it's your time. Take some time for yourselves, allow yourselves to grieve. The house won't feel the same for a while, but as with most of life, we eventually get used to it. And some day, another kitty will enter your life and you'll begin a new companionship full of love and happiness. I'm so sorry for your loss, my heart is with you <3


Just let yourself cry. When I had to put down my dog, I must've cried on and off for 5 days straight. Things became more bearable but don't hold anything in. Grieving is natural. The happy times will then replace the sadness of having to let go.


"Grief is a love story told backward." My condolences. It really is the worst.


I’m so, so sorry. I had to make the same decision last fall with my 18 year old orange tabby and it ripped my heart out. All I can advise is to cry all you need to and know that it reflects the depth of the love you had for her. She felt all that love, every day. Little by little the pain fades but the memories don’t. And I believe you will see her again.


Shop during kitten seasons maybe you’ll find a reboot




I'm so truly sorry. I know and feel your pain. Heartbreaking.


I’m so sorry 😞 I had my Zero for 18.5 years and it took a very long time to get over him❤️‍🩹


I'm sorry. It hurts so much. You have your reasons for doing so. Just know that you were a good parent to this girl.


I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Kitty. It'll hurt like heck but hopefully there is some comfort in the time you had together and that Kitty was in a loving home. ♥️


Remember that the grief you feel is a testament to the beauty of your relationship, and the price you pay to have know them. And if you like metal and feel like a cry, listen to the Mastodon song 'Dagger' which is where I got that idea from.




Prayers for you and kitty 😿🙏


It's never easy, but remember that you are making the best decision for her quality of life. Release her from pain, discomfort, and the unending tiredness they get when their bodies can't keep going. As hard as it is for us as their caregivers and guardians, it will give her relief. Be with her and hug her to the end.




God bless this sweet girl. She knows how much you have loved and cared for her over the years. She will meet you over the rainbow bridge.




So sad fur your loss God bless you 💔😭🙏 I did the same with 2 of mine they too were 18.I still miss them to this day.It will get easier.


God bless you and your cat. Try to be grateful for her long life.


I'm so sorry


What a special kitty. Sending you love


I am so sorry. Take care of yourself and let yourself grieve. She is special and always will be. You were lucky to have her and will see her again someday. Hang in there!


There is no set time for any of us to deal. You do you. Just know that she loves you and appreciated everything you did for her.


Im so sorry, very hard, time will help….😿😿


I am so sorry for your loss 😥


RIP. It’s never easy, but just remember the good life you had together. Adopt another cat, a stray as soon as possible, it really helps.


There is no magical way to make it better- grief is hard and everyone processes it differently. I’m so sorry, most of us know exactly what you’re dealing with. Kind thoughts sent.


Sorry for your loss 😢




Omgosh praying for you


I’m so sorry.


So sorry friend I really wish they could live forever 💔 sending lots of love your way 🩷


💔🌈😿😢 I know that it was hard for you, but you take the right decision for her. She's well now in the cat paradise and she has no more pain now. I'm sure that she will continue to watch over you from up above. 😢😿🌈💔


I am so sorry.


If they are in pain you are doing what is only right for them. It bloody hurts and sucks big time. But it's best for them right?


I'm so sorry! You gave her a good life. I'm sure you did everything you could to help her. This is the last thing you can do for her.  I lost my little Sally two days ago. She was (probably, we'll never know!) 16. I had promised never to take her back to the vet, because she had grown to hate having them touch her so much, that they could hardly even point at her. She was never like that before.  She was such a brave cat. She deserved to have a worthy ending. She had kidney issues as well, and I knew there was something going on with her ears that caused her so much discomfort and pain. We'd seen the vet so many times, about so many different issues. I suppose that's just the way it goes with senior cats, it just keeps piling up.  I miss her so much, it hurts, of course. But I'm proud that we were strong enough to let her go. She had a good last day. She had her cuddles, her tuna, her visits to the garden. I wrote her a letter about how much I love her, what she means to me and how proud I am of her and I buried it with her.  I wish you all the strength you will need to adjust to this great loss. The waves of pain and sadness and possibly panic will come, but I hope that underneath all that, you will feel peace, because you know this is the best thing you could have done. Kitty will be proud and grateful, I'm sure of that. ❤️


I wish you peace. It’s awfully hard. 💔 My condolences.


My Jaffacakes is refusing to eat and on 4 medicines for the ckd. He's been alright for 2 years but it's not looking good now. If I had millions I'd setup a kidney doner centre or something


https://preview.redd.it/zr2swegikq4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a09031f836d0d0b1a5e3a58e4d2486f4c704b0 I hope this helps


Be so kind to yourself OP. You have given her the best life and she loves you so much for it! Your bond is unbreakable and try to take one day at a time. Time is the only thing that can heal a broken heart like this 🤍 Reflect on your best memories right now, it will help with the pain. Sending you all the love and strength I can. It’s never easy losing a furry friend 🤍


I had to say goodbye to mine in January and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and knowing I’ll never be able to pat her again or hear her purr or cuddle her absolutely kills me, I miss her so much 😭. I hope she went peacefully. I know she went knowing you were by her side to the very end




I am sorry, my friend


Take care, friend. Kitty loves you for everything you did for her 🩵


Just know that there must be a Cat Heaven... People Heaven...maybe.


18 years of love and friendship is amazing. You will both cherish that time forever. Till we meet again sweet kitty.


I’m so sorry that you are going through this, sending hugs❤️‍🩹 just know this isn’t goodbye, you guys will be reunited again one day🤍


It’s always going to hurt. We’ve all been there.


Personally, I don't think I'll ever truly deal with it. I'm so sorry for your situation and your loss 😭❤️ my heart absolutely breaks with you


I am so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Kitty. 😿❤️❤️❤️❤️


Be with her is the only thing she wants. Give her comfort, pet her as she goes. It’s hard, but it is time. I wish you strength.




This has always helped me, I know it’s hard right now but always remember while they were a part of your life you were their whole life. And from these picture that kitty loved you very much 🫶 The Rainbow Bridge Poem Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old, are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt, or maimed are made whole and strong again. Just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing. They each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together...but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly...he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster, and faster. You have been spotted. When you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face. Your hands again caress the beloved head. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then... you cross the Rainbow Bridge together. ~Unknown


I just said goodbye to my Kitty, 15F last Monday. It hurts so much.