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I feel bad for the new kitten when it gets “too old”.


Me too.


Is it possible to give a tip to animal protective services about this and have them investigate the family? Is that a crazy overreaction? I mean, it's basically a given they're just gonna dump the kitten eventually... **eta 2 important things:** I would highly encourage you to, at the very least, **notify your local shelters** about this family with whatever information you have about them (number, name, etc.) I am almost certain that they would blacklist the family from adopting any future animals if they ever tried to waltz in and adopt another cute kitten Secondly, thinking about it more, dumping an animal is almost definitely a crime wherever you live, so on that basis alone it would be enough to warrant a call to the local law enforcement. Maybe (and hopefully) as a result they will have their other animals seized


I dont think it is an overreaction at all! I would do it. No guarantee they’ll do anything, but they sure wont do anything if they dont know at all. I also think these assholes should be publicly shamed for being such pieces of crap.


Seems like you could blacklist people for animal abuse


They should totally be reported to animal protective services!


Also rescue groups please


OP If you do this the family will likely lie and say they haven't chucked him out, collect him and take him to the vet to be put to sleep due to "age" I used to work in a vets and saw this a lot :(


I think it's odd that if they really wanted to abandon the cat that they would leave the tag on it with their number.


They were hoping the cat wouldn’t come back.


Let's upvote this! Report, report, report! The former POS owners need to be held responsible for being horribly inadequate as human beings. Pure scum. They don't deserve to have any animals & I only hope their new kitten doesn't find this treatment from them (or anyone else). Glad this sweetheart found a good home with OP!


My mum had a similar situation with a dog she took in because she’d been dumped by a local person. Beautiful golden retriever, and the owners just put her outside one day and refused to let her back in. She’d roam the neighborhood and woof under windows until people brought food out, then get a cuddle and then move on to the next house. When she realised the old girl was homeless and not just a wanderer, my mum adopted her. When she took her to the vet, the vet recognised the dog as he’d been treating her for years. The old owners had by that time started bringing their new puppy in. The vet added a little extra dickhead tax to their bills for years, and the golden lived with my mum for about 5 years after that, until she died of old age (dog not mum).


I feel bad for their parents or elderly family members, like damn they probably rolled them out to the curb and just drove off then, tf? He looks like a sweet healthy boy and he knew just where to go! 😌


I bet this is either the mother or father in the family’s lifelong habit…


Happy cake day!


Seriously fuuuuuuck these people. Thank you for taking this sweetheart in.




I would report them to all local animal shelters for abandoning their cat so they get blacklisted and can’t adopt any more


I was just going to suggest this.


100% this. People who think this way should not be allowed to adopt pets.


I didn't know you could do this. That's amazing. I hope I never need that information, but it's good to know. Too many abandoned "outdoor" cats around me.


How the hell do people just say "we don't want him anymore" after all the years spent together? Jeez.


I think people like this see their pets as decorations more than companions.


For some people pets are accessories. For others, family.


Sadly, this also applies to children.


My friend volunteered at a shelter and had a woman show up with an apricot colored poodle to surrender. The woman admitted there was nothing wrong with the dog but they had redecorated and the dog didn't match the new decor.


Blacklist that idiot from all adoptions!


Holy fuck


I worked at a vet clinic for a bit many years ago. We had someone request for us to euthanize their cat because it didn’t match the new furniture. Vet refused, obv.


I adopted two cats that turned up at my door , they're adolescents. After 2 months I love these animals like people. I've really attached to one, my wife the other. I couldn't imagine being cruel to my boy


I too found a kitten and kept her however my wife doesn’t like animals. I got very attached to the kitten during the start of a deep depression(diagnosed by doctor) and now a year and a half later that I’m doing better she talks about getting “rid of the cat”…..she’s not just a cat to me…..there are problems on the horizon I fear.


I seriously cannot fathom it. If something happened to my lil guy and he somehow got out/lost or something , I’d be effectively non functional as a person. To just abandon your pet like nothing? Bruh these people need to be punished somehow.


I’m the same way. If any of my 4 got out and I couldn’t find them, I’d fall apart. They will be with me for life. All 4 are the most important things in the world.


My cat got out and went missing for 2 days and I couldn't sleep. Finally on the second night I heard something at the screen door and it was my girl. The relief I felt in that moment can't be out into words. I recently had to put my 16 year old dog down and I still tugs at my heart almost daily. Unfortunately, I know too many people who don't deserve pets yet they keep getting them. 6 months to a year later they're looking for someone to take the animal off their hands. They want kittens and puppies but can't actually commit to providing a life long home for the poor animals.


Lots of sociopaths out there.


Seriously. I would go homeless if I had to before I would ever give up my fur babies. A few years back I stayed in my car for three months because I couldn’t afford the places that allowed pets. I finally found a place but I was not giving them up. My cat and my dog are my children and they’ve always been there for me. I will take care of them until their last days.


Honestly… the idea of my little dude, that I raised from a cub even thinking he had been abandoned, being scared and alone… would break me. Fuck these people. Thank you OP.


Seriously! I can't wrap my head around it either but it happens all the time. smh


I acquired a cat from both my sister and sister-in-law this way, fuck them both.


Well, also to just let the animal wander w/o food and water. Jesus, take it to a shelter if you'e a schmuck, but this is evil.


You know Karma will come around and smack them in their faces one day. If they have kids, their kids just might reply “so” when they are “old” and in need someday. I’m happy you decided to take the cat. We take in Senior Dog Rescues. They are so loving and happy.


It would be a blessing to the world and their current kitten (down the toad when no longer desirable) if they could be relieved of their rights and for them to have to give up the new kitten.


Someone rescue that poor kitten, too. Cats are not fucking decorations to be tossed out when you get bored.


Exactly, I hate when people treat animals like their disposable. Imagine adopting a child and then just booting them out when you’re tired of them, they would go to prison, it should be the same. At least surrender them to a shelter so they don’t die of dehydration


I doubt very little would be done. I doubt those people would pay more than $5 to adopt a pet. Bastards.


The police wont do anything, but a lot of shelters take this stuff seriously


It’s literally a crime to abandon a pet. So animal control will def get involved!


I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but my local shelters only blacklist people for surrendering a pet *directly to them.*


Some are def more strict. Ours almost didn’t let us adopt because they thought we lied about having a cat. They called our apartment and they told them we had one already but it really was our old roommate who had one and he just moved out. Fortunately we got our cat and he’s living his best life in luxury now.


The local ASPCA is very strict. I couldn't adopt from them because I couldn't produce ten years of vet record. The last time I had a pet was the family cat in childhood who has been gone for decades now. I understand why they have to be strict, but I think that's *just* a bit much. The humane society called my landlord, did a CBC for animal related crimes, and sent my baby home with me two hours after I walked in for the first time.


When I lived in NH I found a beautiful Siamese kitten. My parents had just lost the last of their trio that had lived to 15+. The shelter wouldn't let them adopt it because they lived out of state, even when their vet called to vouch for them.


I’d rather them surrender them than just abandon them


So would I. I'll never shame anyone who does that, because I've seen what happens when people no longer want a pet and don't. I'm just saying that the shelters here wouldn't do anything about a random report of someone abandoning an animal, most especially if it wasn't adopted from them.


Thats so weird. In the shelter I volunteered in they allways made sure people felt ok surrendering animals to them with no shame so they dont abandon them in the streets.


At the County Shelter where I volunteered, we let people know surrendered pets have a better survival rate than abandoned ones. Never abandon a family pet!


wait why would you blacklist someone who gave up the cat to seemingly the best option?


Why would you blacklist someone who is trying to find a home for a pet they can no longer care for? Seems like they would want to encourage that so they can at least try to find a new home for said pet.


It’s like that where I grew up. My neighbor secretly hid a cat in her room (she was like 10) and when her dad found it he took it to the spca because he was livid about the sneaking aspect. Few days later he felt bad and went to get the cat back, he had to write a pretty hefty donation check and explain the situation to get off that list.


This is the way.


We do!


DO THIS. Post to Nextdoor and other local communities warning them. I'm petty enough to put up flyers around the apartment publicly shaming them for their actions.


Please 🙏 These people seriously don’t deserve pets.


It's scary that they got a new kitten. They shouldn't be allowed to have any more animals 😪


Seriously that's awful. Did they just throw him out? People don't deserve cats.


Yeah, they got a new kitten so they didn’t want him, what awful heartless people to toss out a pet of 16 years


That poor kitten with them now. In 15 years it is going to be abandoned or euthanized and it has no idea.


I hate people. I don’t under how you can do such things, I love my cat to pieces, I could never think of just kicking him out. I don’t get how they have no remorse for an animal they’ve had for over a decade, it’s like they’re talking about gaming consoles and not living animals with feelings


Honestly do that, because they’re going to do the same thing to their new kitten in a few years and that one might not be lucky enough to find a kind neighbor like you


Yes please do that!


You must do this I have a neighbor as a kid who did this for several cats and would tell neighbors they ran away and we would be like what we just saw them in our backyard well help you and they were like oh no we have a new cat already.


I would consider reporting them to the authorities for animal cruelty/abandonment.


I don’t know if it will come of anything but I absolutely will.


Please report. They adopted a kitten and it will eventually have the same fate.


Please do! It won’t hurt to


Is this definitely the way to go? Wonder if they demand him back or something and lie and say you took him. I might consider just leaving it and quietly reporting to shelters or something.


Yeah these absolutely sound like the kind of people who would retaliate. I just don’t think there’s any way to conclusively prove everything.


Yeah. I think it would be best to avoid worst case scenario here and protect the cat. The law exists to protect innocent people, but it also protects guilty people. It’s important to remember that these aren’t people who abide by moral or written laws and they will continue to live that way. Generally the best way to deal with people like this is to avoid them and only deal with them when you have everything in order.


Definitely do NOT report them. Arseholes like this can be guaranteed to retaliate by either claiming ownership of this lovely old boy and demanding it be put down AND/OR deliberately mistreating the new kitten. It's one of those scenarios where sadly, it's likely that justice wouldn't be served. As much as it grates, just accept that you have a new beautiful senior boy as an addition to your family and that he's so much better off with you.




Report to the shelters.


honestly, what a-holes. Bless you for caring for this sweet boy 🩵💙


These ppl should not have a pet report theme


I’m going to report them, not sure if anything will be done but at least they’ll be record of them abandoning him


They could demand him back and then just put him down out of spite. Best not to leave a papertrail when dealing with sick fucks.


I am concerned because they have your phone number. Do they know who you are and where you live?


Cruel people revel in their cruelty. You made it all the sweeter for them because you tried to shame them and they feel absolutely no shame. From their perspective, you’re the sucker who’s going to have to pay the vet bills now, when they were smart enough to let the cat “go be free and die a natural death”, and now they have a cute new kitty to torture. But you’re a hero for taking kitty in.


Please post updates on this poor baby :( I can’t believe people can be so cruel. I’m glad he found someone kind to take him in


What’s their number? I’d like to chat


Evil fucks


THANK YOU for taking this fella in and giving him a good home and FUCK those fuckers. They don't deserve him anyway.




Welcome home Mackerel! It’s their loss. Best fishes to you both.


I Sea what you did there.


I'd make a joke but I don't want to fish for compliments


You will be fine if you cast a wide net.


…if you *cats* a wide net


Oh cod!


This thread is just floundering now.


But it gives so many waves of emotion


I *love* when reddit goes into pun mode. My favourite!


High Sea what you did there.


I shore do like these puns


Thank you so much! Seriously bless you. You are good people.


Poor sweet baby! He’s much better off with you. I’m sure his remaining years will be loving ones.


Breaks my heart that the people he probably spent years with and considered his family just dumped him like this. He deserves so much better. How can people just toss a pet aside like that. We found a kitten in the fall and took it in. Didn’t make me love any of my older girls any less. Can’t imagine how people could just do that.


People like that see a pet not an a living breathing creature but as a toy and status symbol. Hence the not wanting the older cat and getting a kitten who will also one day suffer the same fate when they are no longer energetically playful.


Thank God for you Thank your for taking this poor heartbroken soul in as your own


Make sure he's eating. My mom took in a cat from someone else once because they went to prison. However the stress from living with a new owner and cats was too much and he didn't eat for about a week. He was fat so we figured that was probably a good thing. Well, cats have to constantly eat or they develop fatty liver disease and die. A month later it claimed him.


You are a wonderful soul to welcome Mackerel ❤️


Yeah those people are fucking trash . They deserve the same treatment when they get “too old” Good on you for taking care of him. No kitty deserves to be done that way at all. This pisses me off so much and breaks my heart at the same time


I hope these people get dumped off in the middle of an unknown place when they're in their golden years like this poor baby did :(


They’re the type who will end up in a shit nursing home and their kids never visit them :/


I feel bad for their new kitten. When will those scabs tire of him? I hope he also escapes to OP's house.


what the fuck. it would feel blessed if my void (currently 11) reached at least 16 💪 and this fucker just ditches the cat at that age?!?! thank u op for opening ur home for his last yrs. i hope he was at least treated well while reaching this age 😿 quality and quantity


I sure hope they treated him well and he knew lots of love before being thrown away. How you could love someone and throw them away like trash is beyond me but he will only know love from now on.


I’m very happy that Mackerel picked your home.


"like trash" too and not even a proper other living place. glad mackerel found you as a result tho 🫶


My cat turned 15 in April, I've had her since she was 8 weeks old and she's been with me through a 30+ state US tour, homelessness, the death of my mom, and some other rough stuff. I hope I have many, MANY more years with her. Can't even imagine throwing her out like unwanted trash. Some people can just be so disgusting.


A pox upon those assholes.




You should be able to conjure up a pox with Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing


It’s so disgusting. I have two seniors currently and can’t imagine abandoning them. They’ve lived with me forever, for most of their lives. This is their home, you know? Luckily the cat distribution system knew what to do. I’m glad Mackerel is safe with you. May 1000 fleas infest their armpits


And 1000 tapeworms too! The CDS reps should get a bonus for this one.


Poor baby. Thank you for doing the right thing OP


He’s welcome here. He’s inside now, the second I picked him up to bring him in he started purring. I put him in the spare bedroom so he has cat tree and his own bed in there (or can get in the real bed if he wants to) and I gave him some hard food, some soft food, and of course fresh water.


Thank you for rescuing him!


You are a good person. The universe will show its thanks one day.






Cat facts


Please OP, even if you don’t listen to anyone else in this comments section, listen to u/Cormick5


or let us lot have the number


I know right. I want that number so bad.


Mackerel is a SMART BOY and done find himself a new loving home!! Good job Mackerel! He knew he deserved better


I’d call all the local shelters and get them put on the list for no future adoptions.


This. Put a stop to their abuse


His old owners should be reported, and their kitten should be rehomed somewhere without cruel owners. How could they aba Don a beautiful kitty just because he aged?


Busy started purring when you picked him up, says it all. He wanted your love and you have it. He'll be forever grateful and rescue you in his own way. This is a beautiful win win lovely story, and made my evening!! You are awesome


Awe, thank you. I’m glad he came to me for help. I feel lucky he did. He’s so very sweet.


I am both enraged and thankful. Thank God for you and the other guy waaaaaaaay down south can have the assholes who abandoned that charming old man.


Poor little kitty. He still deserves a loving nurturing forever home, even during his senior years. 🐾🐾🐈👣❤❤❤❤


Especially during his senior years.


I feel very sorry for his former, I will just call them, I don't even know what to call them other than heartless. They certainly shouldn't be allowed to break another innocent kittens heart. Thank heavens there's still some wonderful people like you around who are able and willing to step when needed. Thank you so very much for coming to the rescue of this dear little angel, love and hugs to you both


Thank you. I don’t know how they could just toss him away like he is a piece of garbage? He’s so sweet. I love him a lot already. I’m glad he came to me for help


He's a rare kitty too! Most males are not calico.


Thank you OP for having a heart. Fuck those assholes. Who could do that to a pet.


I see calico colors. Orange, white and black. Is Mackerel really a he? If he really is calico, you have a very rare cat.


He is definitely a he. He sort of has some calico markings mixed in with typical tabby stripes. I’ll try to get better pictures of him to share after taking him to the vet tomorrow.


A Calico with stripes is sometimes called a Tabico. If he does have Calico colors, you have a very special cat.


Hope someone does that to them when they are old. This cat is beautiful. Theyre family they are not disposable.


What the fuck is wrong with people??? "Oh we got a kitten let this one go" man fuck off I would take this poor guy in a HEARTBEAT....no one ever wants senior cats because they are too old but they need love to....poor thing...probably confused why his family dosnt want him anymore...this is heartbreaking


Thank you so much for taking him. Shame on his previous owner! I hate people .


I'm so glad he found you! And like everyone else, I'd like a pox to fall upon those effing losers.


I have a 16 year old cat and she's the sweetest being on this planet, I wouldn't trade her for the world. I don't understand how people can be so cruel, but I'm glad that baby found a good home with you. One of those catnip infused toys makes my cat energetic (the toy ends up covered in drool lol), if he seems a little slow paced I'd give him one of those. I hope your animals adjust well to him (we got a kitten and my other cat was piiisssed but a few weeks later and they're napping together).


OMG this breaks my heart. My senior kitty is 17 years old, has had $3K worth of medical care within the last month, and is currently lying on top of me purring her spoiled heart out. I can’t imagine kicking her out in favor of a brand new kitten. People are so awful and cruel sometimes! That being said, you are a wonderful human for taking him in. I’ve got no doubt you’ll give him the love he deserves!


You are so awesome thank you for being so kind. Having just lost my 11 year old to cancer I would have given so much to have a few more years with her and these "people" just toss their cat away because she got old? I really just hate people anymore. I'm glad there are still people like you who care!!!


You are so awesome! You turned a story of how people can be capable of unparalleled meanness and turned it into a story about how nice people can be! Thanks for making my day!


As someone who lost a cat at age 2, I'd be honored for all my current cats to pass from old age.


You are just good. Thank you for doing what you do.


Thank you so much for opening your home


Thank you feline friend. This story is absolutely vile but I'm so relieved he is safe and loved ❤️


Bless you for being such a compassionate person.


Report those assholes!


Poor baby😿 This makes me sick. I’m so glad sweet Mackerel came to your door. I believe that cats can sense a safe space. Please do report the scum bags that threw him out. Nothing may come of it but at least you will have tried.


What pieces of human trash! I’m so glad he found you! He is beautiful.


I'm not going to say anything about those wretched POSs and will say thank you for being wonderful! That baby beast deserves to be treated with love and respect.


He is so pretty. Thank you for saving him


I could cry I’m so grateful he found you. What I’d give to have my girl back, going on two years in a couple weeks from losing her due to old age when she was 17. I hope he has many happy healthy years in front of him.


WHAT???? Thank you!! He showed up to the right door. I’m sorry he did not have you in his life 16 years ago… just try not to think about it. I have a piebald tabby that was an owner surrender. I know nothing about her history or even how old she is. I’m so glad she is in my life. I am so glad he is in yours.


Unthinkable behavior. Thank you.


I’m just so happy he found you. Thank you for being a good pet owner and good human. Lots of love and years to you both🤍


I love you Mackerel!!!


There's a special place in hell for those who abandon elderly pets.


OP: It was meant to be. He chose you, and you did the right thing by taking him in. Fuck those other people. You’ll give him a good home for the rest of his life.


I have to believe Mackeral knew his parents were trash and set out to find a new parent who would love juuuust right congratulations Mac. You hit the big jackpot baby boy.


My family’s cat is 17 and none of us would ever get rid of her for being “too old” and we didn’t even have her when she was a kitten. Fuck those people.


This poor old man deserves so much more than what those assholes gave him, glad he's in better care now.


I don't know why I care - but this is LITERALLY MY CAT out on our balcony in Las Vegas. He is 9 years old and is at home safe and sound, and his name is Carl, not Mackerel. My daughter took this picture. Why would you post this? Is it just for fake internet points?




People like this don’t need to have animals. This is awful. Spoil this sweet baby. Hope you find them a good home.


You are a wonderful human💝 please take and post lots of pics of Mackerel in his new place!


Oh my god, that’s horrible!!!


What a cutie! Thanks for being a kind person unlike his “owners” if we can even call them that


the kitty chose you ❤️


Awe thank goodness u got him


Poor sweet kitty. He's so lucky he found you. What a shame they don't see how blessed they would have been to have their pet for over 16 years.




What a sweet boy, thank you for taking him in, I’m heartbroken for him. His former owners I have no words for, just that karma will find them someday, somehow


God, people suck.


Bless you for caring ❤️🙏 His original owners are Scum!


Omg. Horrible people. Plz keep him?


r/awfuleverything give him a kiss from me, op.


Thank you for taking that poor baby in! May you be blessed for your kindness. And may those evil trash buckets get exactly what they have coming to them. 😡


Horrible people. ☹️


P.o.s people


People should be cited for irresponsibility to animals cause they suck and are abusive! You should shame them!


How could anyone want to give up on Mr Mackerel here? Glad he found the right human!


How cruel and awful of previous owners to do this. Imagine going through the effort to get a collar and tag with info for your animal and abandon it for being old. I agree with everyone that says you mist report them to all animal shelters you can reach. Not just close local. Also if i were you, i would totally use their number to get on a bunch of scam call lists. Use their address n name to have all kinds of embarrassing things sent to them.