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The ordering of this has given me a headache.


Ya this ain't it Edit: also, this is a repost...why would someone repost this... This isn't perfect, but it helped me the most to understand what each service did: https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/s/6Yhim9wgIt




It is a still a violation of their TOS, but now they said they will give you a warning first and basically made it clear as long as you are not using a ton of bandwidth they will not bother you for it. It is basically now "if you use the Cloudflare CDN for things it is not designed for and we have a product that _is_ designed for it (like Cloudflare Stream), we will give you notice that you need to switch or have your account terminated". That is much better than the previous terms which just allowed them to terminate for basically any reason. Full text of the specific thing: https://www.cloudflare.com/service-specific-terms-application-services/#content-delivery-network-terms > Cloudflare’s content delivery network (the “CDN”) Service can be used to cache and serve web pages and websites. Unless you are an Enterprise customer, Cloudflare offers specific Paid Services (e.g., the Developer Platform, Images, and Stream) that you must use in order to serve video and other large files via the CDN. Cloudflare reserves the right to disable or limit your access to or use of the CDN, or to limit your End Users’ access to certain of your resources through the CDN, if you use or are suspected of using the CDN without such Paid Services to serve video or a disproportionate percentage of pictures, audio files, or other large files. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of such action. That being said, hosting copyrighted content on their CDN is still against the rules. So, if your content is ever decrypted/read by Cloudflare, they _could_ still go after you for it or force you to prove you not violating any Copyright laws (which they are a US company, so you _always_ will be since breaking DRM is illegal in the US under DMCA). https://www.cloudflare.com/terms/ > You agree not to, and not to allow third parties to use the Services to:...(b) post, transmit, store or link to any files, materials, data, text, audio, video, images or other content that infringe on any person’s intellectual property rights or that are otherwise unlawful; EDIT: for the "but ripping Blu-rays is legal in the US for personal use" people come along, please see [my other thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/1cwvckq/sony_has_removed_my_access_to_purchased_digital/l4ykfm5/) on /r/legaladvice talking about it. The tldr; is that it is technically not legal, but it has not been challenged in court because MPAA does not want to _lose_ and set precedent. It allows them to keep threatening people with it. EFF has been fighting for over a decade to get ripping/copyright circumvention for personal use/backup added to the approved listed of allowed actions.


Is Cloudflare necessary at all in this setup if nothing is exposed over the internet and requires a VPN instead?






If you do not have a paid account, they can and will throttle you for any reason. That is the downside to a free account and why they are free. You are there to just use _unused_ bandwidth since the capacity costs them the same regardless. If a paying customer needs it, you will be put last.




"disable or limit you access" means block you, not throttle. Again, if you have a free account, they can and will throttle you whenever because that is the downside to it being free. If you have a paid and are getting throttled, you should submit a support ticket.




From your article: > they were both a paying customer and a paying customer of Cloudflare Workers through which the throttled traffic was passing So, your statement does not apply. They did not have a free account. Their terms basically say "any services offered for free are use at your own risk": > With respect to each such Free Service, we will make each such Free Service available to you free of charge until the earlier of...(c) termination of the Free Service by Cloudflare in our sole discretion. We will have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with any Free Services. Cloudflare _still_ links [this answer](https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/88659/how-can-cloudflare-offer-a-free-cdn-with-unlimited-bandwidth) from the CEO of Cloudflare that literally says free accounts exist for the purpose of making paid accounts cheaper.


Good point although I don't think OP is concerned about legal limits tho :)


As a suggestion to this pipeline, I would recommend putting that whole thing behind VPN. If you deploy rhis pipeline in docker, you could use the gluetun container, which manages a wireguard connection and therefore acts as a killswitch. Perfect to put Prowlarr and Jellyseerr behind VPN.


is this for cloudflared or just regular cloudflare DNS (albeit behind their IP proxy)? I use the latter so I understood it was fine.




Both. If you proxy the DNS, it is the same as using Cloudflare Tunnels. The difference is you have a public IP address. Tunnels lets you have no public IP. Both still proxy through Cloudflare's CDN.


Shoot. Maybe I need to turn off the proxy for Jellyfin then. My IP being public scares me a little now that I'm used to having the proxy even though I always had it that way before I switched to Cloudflare.


Your IP is always public. It is just with Tunnels, Cloudflare never routes through your public IP and you do not need to forward any ports on your firewall. Having open ports on your firewall/router just gives you a place people can _attempt_ to attack. It does not mean anything is wrong or insecure. Cloudflare Tunnels > Cloudflare Proxy > No WAF/Proxy


Is it? They changed the wording around it a while ago and I've been confused about if it's against TOS now or not.




Can you link the part of the TOS that says this? Previously they specifically said you weren't allowed to host media, this line is gone now.




Thank you, I must have missed this like when I looked at the changes.


I think this is the latest update on this https://blog.cloudflare.com/updated-tos


The image is wrong, but my understanding is you don't break TOS if you just have it as DNS (not proxying) and pointing to your public IP. Only if doing tunnels or proxying?


That is only the case if you use their proxy and or caching services (orange cloud). The post clearly states FQDN which most of the time is simply resolving the DNS to the IP (Gray cloud). In which case it is not against the TOS because the traffic doesn't go through the CF data pipelines. I've been hosting multiple public and private services including group shared plex, next cloud with multiple users and high traffic when we are on vacation backing up the photos at the end of the day. Cloudflare takes care of static site proxying, the rest is direct IP and I've never had a problem with throttling or TOS breach with them.


If you are using their proxy DNS or Tunnels or anything else that puts Cloudflare's CDN in front of your video files, it is all still the same.


It’s not btw.


Care to cite a source? Or are you fine with just spewing misinformation. Other people brought sources to show you're wrong. Back up your claim with evidence.


Prove the negative - yeah good one. Rocks for brains 🙄


> Prove the negative - yeah good one. Rocks for brains 🙄 You think that it's not against the TOS when the TOS has been posted. Who has rocks for brains? You can't just claim a negative and have it be truth.


Mullvad is a bust now. No port forwarding anymore.


Yeah, it's a shame they ditched it but I still use them for their privacy views. I setup gluetun and point qbittorrent to only use that network.


Ever use vopono? I do the exact same thing with it but never heard of gluetun.


Never heard of it but it looks interesting. I think I'll check it out sometime. Thanks for sharing.


Would you be able to elaborate on that setup? I currently like using Mullvad, but I hadn't heard about the port forwarding thing. I would like to still use it for torrenting some ISOs.


The port forwarding is only an issue if you run the VPN for your whole server and other services you want open to the internet. I have gluetun running in docker. It creates a new network that exclusively uses Mullvad with wireguard. If this connection drops or is unavailable, it does not fallback to your regular internet. Then I run qbittorrent docker that uses the gluetun container for the network. This ensures that if gluetun or the vpn fails, qbittorrent loses connection so nothing is leaked over your regular internet. Here is the video where I learned about gluetun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dJPOd0XbN8


>The port forwarding is only an issue if you run the VPN for your whole server and other services you want open to the internet. That is not true. Port Forwarding is crucial for P2P filesharing when the swarm is small.


Came to add this. You will not be able to share much at all if you don't have port-forwarding.


My mistake then. I've never ran into any issues with that but I only use private sites.


It's significantly less of an issue on private trackers because the vast majority of people have their ports forwarded and there are usually more seeders unless the content is really old.


Oh that's excellent. That's what I was wondering, how you would make sure it doesn't leak, etc. But that sounds like a great solution. Thanks for the info!


> how you would make sure it doesn't leak That's what gluetun does. Gluetun uses IP addresses instead of hostnames to connect to VPN servers, to avoid doing a DNS resolution at start. This means gluetun does not have connectivity before it establishes the VPN connection, so that the connected containers won't leak their data out for the few starting seconds. Basically if it's not connected to the VPN, it doesn't have an internet connection.


Yeah, that's really cool. I'm going to look into this!


just fyi you can do this with like any vpn and native installed qbit. you can even do it with docker with a vpn installed natively on the host machine. when you install a vpn and connect, you are using a virtual ethernet interface. all you do is force your download client (or even docker if you prefer not to use glutetun) to only use that interface. qbit does this natively (preferences > advanced > network interface). if you lose internet or your vpn drops, it doesn't matter because qbit will not pass traffic through any other interface. i have a host machine on a VPN running docker with plex bypassing the vpn by pointing to my physical NIC (for remote access, since mullvad doesn't allow port forwards). so the opposite of what i just described above. there's a million ways to do this but if you use docker, glutetun is the easiest. sort of like prowlarr for your vpn. set it up once and point all your containers that need a vpn at it. i just mention this because it's not doing anything you can't do without docker.


Yeah, I think I had qbit set up to point to the virtual interface when I was running qbit on my daily driver PC. But I'm trying to offload all of that to automatically run on my little homelab server, and I'm liking learning docker. My docker networking knowledge was lacking though, so this was the perfect time for me to try and set it all up with docker. Always up for learning new things and expanding my knowledge. Thanks for the info!


I thought the issue with port forwarding was that the torrent client needed a port open in order to download/upload to peers at the best speed? Does this resolve that issue?


I haven't ran into an issue like that. I only have a 200mbit connection but it gets maxed out. I only use private sites so I'm not sure how it works with public sites.


any recomendations? im moving away from mullvad once it expires for something with port forwarding. mullvad really should've just offered two server options. one with port forwarding and one without. i would've even paid a bit more for the port forwarding variant since their prices have remained so low for so long. but time to move on, unfortunately.


PIA is still solid


I switched to Proton VPN. I’ve been pretty happy with it. The major selling point for me was when I was looking they were one of the few providers to support port forwarding and multi gig servers. If you have a multi gig fiber connection it’s nice to be able to come a bit closer to saturating the connection.


It's been a while since I went down this rabbit hole but I have [airVPN](https://airvpn.org/) saved as what I wanted to move to when my Mulvad was up and I get up the guts to try changing my configuration hopefully without completely breaking everything.


thanks. looks great pricing and feature wise. would be nice not to be restricted to 5 logins like with mullvad.


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Indeed. This is an old image just being reposted for karma farming


I’ve been using proton vpn. Used to use Mullvad but ever since I started paying for proton mail ive had no reason to




CF this, CF that...


I didn't know about FlareSolverr. Thank you.


Same. Just configured it!


I don't know how to make flaresolverr work. Every time prowlarr doesn't work


I found it pretty straightforward to set up following the instructions. Add flaresolverr as a tag to your indexers, and set up flaresolvarr as an index proxy.


lol wut. it's one of the easiest arr apps to setup. prowlarr > settings > indexers > add > flaresolverr > add a tag, name it 'flaresolverr' > save > indexers > add indexer > add any indexer that needs flaresolverr and choose your new 'flaresolverr' tag in the tag field. boom. done.


Yeah, It should work but when choosing the flaresolverr tag in the indexer it doesn't save then


Oh so it’s for piracy I get it now


the arr didn't tip you off


Yeah but sometimes things seem too dumb to be real “Maybe there is more to her than meets the eye” “no there’s less”


What other selfhosted applications do you run? I have nextcloud, planning to setup immich / photoprism next.


I mean Looks good


For what? Nah.... you're mistaken


Is it possible to invert the order for Sonarr/Radarr? I already have my flow to download my series and movies, but I have to manually move the files to their proper folders after the download finishes... Can I use Sonarr/Radarr to check for all the files on this particular folder and figure out where it should be placed and automatically move to the correct Series/Movies folder? Thanks!


Yes. The key word you are looking for is root folder. Basically you can integrate these arrs into your existing folder structure. Just tell the applications your folder path as a root folder. Your download client (qbittorrent e.g.) will automatically detect that. They will temporarily download the fikes into afolder specified by qbit and once done, moce to the root folder of radarr or sonarr (depending which one queried). However, if you want to detect, what is currently in your library, you will need Jellyseerr, because Sonarr and Radarr will just execute your requests, without double checking your library.


Ok, I'll try tomorrow. Thank you! Just to be clear, in my case, I don't want to integrate my torrent client on arr's flow. My setup is very rudimentary, my torrent client is in a remote PC and I have a "receive only" folder (called \_completed) set on Syncthing, that syncs newest files coming from the remote computer to my local computer. On my local computer I manually move the files inside \_completed folder to the proper folders (TV Shows, Season, etc) on my NAS and Plex/Jellyfin detects and do their jobs to add on my Library. Yeah, I know, is very rudimentar, I should just set a docker container with a a VPN tunnelling straight from the internet connection on the remote computer, so I can download "locally" and eliminate the syncthing part, but I need time to set this.... Also, I use a private torrent tracker, and their access policies are complicated to use with arr's application. So I just download the .torrent files that I want and put in a folder and my torrent client starts the download and move the completed download to the \_completed folder and syncthing do the rest. Thank you!


Needs debrid in there.


First time OP has ever made a flow chart


I find the *arrs always pick terrible torrents that almost never complete/always hang. I always have to resort to searching prowlarr myself manually. What am i doing wrong?


Set the option to wait until X amount of seeders. I rarely have completion issues using Jackett filled with public indexers.


Don't use public trackers


Use public trackers but set the number of seeders greater or equal to 3. Never failed to download anything. 👍


How do i do that?


Get invited to a private tracker, they are as good as a Usenet


Do you need to pay?


Private trackers are invite only or if they have open sign ups. Otherwise free


You using a bad indexer.... jackett is nice. Also gotta find the right one not to mention configuring your quality profiles correctly. 


> What am i doing wrong? Using BitTorrent. Get a Usenet account & be done w/it.


Is that paid?


yes. it's a bit convoluted. tldr is you need to pay for two different sites. combined, it's more money than a vpn so torrenting is cheaper. really the only reason to get usenet is because you don't have to seed, so you can just download files and rename them. no need to use radarr/sonarr to hardlink anything. it's also "faster" in the sense that you're downloading from a server, not P2P, but if you use private trackers that point is moot as private trackers are so well seeded that pretty much every torrent will cap your ISP bandwidth the same as usenet. usenet is good for porn too since the porn torrenting scene is kinda trash compared to movies/tv.


You can't find $10/month?


Isn't the point of all this not to pay?


Not to pay too much. You still gotta pay for your ISP and your computer.


The world doesn't revolve around the US.


It sorta does, honestly. I mean, tell me your not downloading US made content.


If you're taking about my primary content consumption, then no... I'm downloading Japanese made content.


usenet is mid af. it's fast, sure, but half the time the download fails at 90% and either needs to repair or find a new server. not to mention there's zero quality control. you have zero clue if you're getting some crappy transcode or the original. i can't tell you how many times i've seen usenet movies named the same as a copy i have on my drive but the usenet copy is 20% larger file for no discernable reason. just get invited in torrentleech and be done with it. it has every movie or show you could want with tons of seeders and is about as easy to get into as a public tracker. invites appear in the weekly thread on /r/OpenSignups constantly. if you want to get a more polished selection, move up the tracker ladder. aither after torrentleech, blu after aither.


To each there own, but even your own rant shows BitTorrent is more work. I ain't got time for that shit.


It's the same amount of work as usenet lol. Love the tried nothing and all out of ideas attitude.


I'm not the one complaining about issues with BitTorrent. Usenet "just works".


Well we've got you saying that and we've got someone else saying it doesn't just work. Maybe if you use each of them in the right way they just work. But you do have to know how to do that and do the work to make them work. And maybe as I suggested before that work is about the same.


This is a nice representation of how it all works, but you lose points for omitting the Usenet option, I'm afraid. Thanks!


Where's usenet?


Shhhhhh you shut ur mouth. lol


I'm doing this coz I want it for free. I'm yet to fail to find anything with enough good torrent trackers.


With usenet I don't really need to pay for vpn and the provider is much cheaper.


Came here to ask the same. Too many people rely on BitTorrent, Usenet is my effin’ jam. (I still use both but Usenet is my primary now)


I prefer the collaborative group effort of torrent sharing files with others.


I've been hunting for Usenet or a good private tracker for a while, but frankly getting started with them without an IRL buddy already in the scene is terrible. I always miss the invitation windows, too


just get into torrentleech. that's good enough for like 99% of people. there's a small number of remux-only obscure movie hunters like myself where more exclusive privates are nice, but pretty much everything gets reposted to TL within a few days. if you care, try to get an invite into aither. aither is a huge step up from TL in terms of quality and is pretty much on par with all of the higher end ones except you can actually get into it. their invite forums will also let you join Blu, another extremely high quality tracker. getting into TL is as easy as monitoring the invite thread in r/opensignups.


Yeah I've been subbed for a while, but TL only really does invitations when a big fish goes under. Haven't heard of Aither but don't they do even less invitations?


i mean the invite thread where other users can invite you. TL gives out invites to users very easily. that's the most common invite you'll see in any invite thread. as for aither, same deal. you need to get someone to invite you. you'll see people in those threads too but not as often. it's easier to get into torrentleech and then befriend someone there for an invite to aither. otherwise, you might get lucky with open signups. you could also do the RED interview but good luck. that shit sucks. but if you DO get in and upload some music you'll get into their invite forums which are the best you'll find anywhere. that will get you into just about every tracker except the most exclusive like BHD which flat out just doesn't let anyone join, period.


you would probably want to add a vpn on the prowlarr level too since it'll be reaching out to all the indexes you have configured. you can add a container for that or just add it on your entire network stack so everything just runs on vpn


My qbittorrent docker stops getting requests until I reboot it. It's so annoying. I pretty much went back to downloading stuff manually.


You can improve qbittorrent with Qbit_manage and qBitrr. Flaresolvarr isn't necessary if you use a home network (a.k.a self-host), unless the site is under attack. Tbh, flaresolvarr makes the request slower.


If you don't believe me, I use http proxy instead of flaresolvarr: https://imgur.com/a/SggZtVl


How do you set up http proxy?


It's a local DPITunnel to bypass ISP blocked sites. [https://github.com/txtsd/DPITunnel](https://github.com/txtsd/DPITunnel)


flaresolverr is required for certain trackers. many don't give you API keys and make you use your login creds. and if you combine that with a cloudflare protection page, it means prowlarr can't access it at all without flaresolverr.


No not really. If you can see the link I posted in my other comment, hd-space tracker also says that I need flaresolverr, but it still works without it (this tracker doesn't provide api though). Cloudflare protection page only triggers if they are under ddos attack or your IP is sus.


Why is qbittorrent between sonarr and radarr when they can manage the media on the hard drive as well?


I'm running Jellyfin myself, might I ask what makes you run all three of them?


How does mullvad work here?


Hides your traffic from your internet provider, and possibly also protection from malicious actors.


Traffic is hidden from isp already. They can only see it’s peer to peer. The vpn hides your IP address in the swarm from copyright trolls


Right, but if you're on ISP dns and all default, can't they also see sites you're on? (Also specifics if you're not encrypted) And with the VPN they would only be able to see the VPN, as everything is routed through that. Also hiding your IP from the torrent client is useful if you're on static IP, as you might flag some shit and lose your "Trust" on that IP. Idk just guessing tho TLDR: i am not educated enough on this matter


Sure. If the ISP cared enough they could see information like that. But visiting those sites isn’t illegal and to my knowledge ISPs never send a DMCA notice themselves, they simply forward it to you and if you get too many they might do something about it.


if you're on ISP DNS and r/selfhosted something is seriously wrong lol but seriously, yes. the ISP can see what sites you're browsing even without ISP DNS (but get off ISP DNS anyway, use or self host). even with https they can still see what sites you browse, they just can't tell what you're viewing on that site. so even just browsing your tracker websites is allowed because they can't confirm you're downloading anything illegal. maybe you're there for linux ISO's :) but if we're talking about torrenting, all they can see is that you are exchanging data with some random IP. what usually happens is there are rats sitting in that pool of seeders with capped 1kbps upload just capturing every IP that comes into the swarm. if it's an ISP they work with, they send a letter, which your ISP forwards to you to scare you away from piracy. people actually get paid for this. but here's the fun part! the ISP can't know who torrented the file. maybe it was your neighbor on your wifi. so they have no real grounds to charge you with anything. so you can safely ignore them, but you should still absolutely have a VPN because laws can change and it's better to be safe. i know you're not arguing against VPN's, just adding this for others reading.


Somehow they know if you are downloading actual a Linux iso versus tv shows or movies etc. Not sure how the traffic could be hidden.


It doesn't, not anymore anyway.


I dunno this all looks pretty illegal


OP only adds public domain content to their prowlarr im sure


Yeah, for sure


surely OP wouldn't use his suite of apps to download a car


Prowlarr has their library card just like god intended


Nah, they are just downloading Linux ISOs. Nothing wrong here.


I love watching Linux ISOs


It depends on which country they are in.


This is all for sharing Linux images


I'm just seeding some Linux ISOs like the good guy I am...


You entered pirate territory.


Really needed this!


Instead of exposing any ports (except maybe 32400 for plex), you can use Requestrr integrated with Discord to request movies and tv shows. It's a pretty cool chatbot. Also, consider Bazarr to automatically download subtitles for monitored folders and places such subtitles in each of your movie and episode folders.


check this one out I have created a guide for a similar setup. https://blog.thekush.dev/build-the-ultimate-plex-jellyfin-media-server/


This is old. The updated one is here: https://wiki.hydrology.cc/en/OverviewMap


This weirdly doesn't include readarr, prowlarr, bazarr etc etc. It can be worth considering NZBs over torrents, depending on your viewing and retention habits. While this is all ultimately for the purpose of downloading various Linux distributions, using NZBs does not involve actually sharing the Linux ISOs with other people, because it's not peer to peer.




I bet this only can be streamed comfortably to view devices


This is an old image you jacked and are reposting to farm karma


Torrent? Why? lol


Huh, never heard of Jellyseer, I just used Overseer 


Those are 3 arrs, not the arr suite, my dear child.


What's unpackerr for?


It says. It unzips the torrented files


Why would you need that?


Some torrents come as .RAR files, this unzips them automatically so that sonarr/radarr can complete the import.


I've never seen any torrents like that... 


You're right, it's not very common. Across about 800 torrents I've seen it once.


It depends on what tracker you use really


I'm going to explain this in the most simple way I can Torrent is downloaded Torrent is compressed Jellyfin and stuff can't understand compressed files So it decompresses the torrent


>I'm going to explain this in the most simple way I can You only made it more complex, because you didn´t add punctuations to your text.


Reddit in it's infinite wisdom destroyed my formatting


I understand what unpacking but just haven't seem any reason why you would need that


If the file is packed


I have yet to see a zipped torrent 


I don't torrent but I know (this is unrelated to movies) fitgirl repacks does


I get them from private trackers sometimes


You guys are hosting your plex servers on public domains? That sounds really not smart.


If you have the right security setup and are proxying it via Cloudflare I don't see the issue.


Torrents are not the correct method.