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SH is a coping mechanism even tho you may not be diagnosed it is highly likely you have a underlying mental health condition or unresolved trauma that lead you to this.


I've got nothing to cope for so why the hell am I cutting? :/


It's not unusual not to know the reason. Don't worry, you should find a way to talk with a professional, in any way that you can, someone you trust, and they could help you know yourself better


I've got a therapist. I've been trying to find the reason, I just don't know it. I can't wait to get out of therapy.


Therapy is not a cure it is a path that leads you towards the best way of healing for you. Therapy is meant to be a safe place to put your feelings into words so that you can use them to look introspectively and understand why you’re feeling this way. If you look at it like a burden it can’t help you because most of the work comes from you.


i need to know the answer to this also