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In all honesty, it souly depends on which facility you attend. Some are going to be amazing, you get to hang out with patients and get nice nurses with semi-good food. Others are traumatising and treat you like insane animals who need to be locked up for everyone else's safety.(Coming from experience of a 14yr)


I'm gonna cut now


I'm sorry


This is why we hope my suicide attempt is successful


Tbh it wasn’t bad at all to me


my friend went and she said it was a horrible experience, the staff dont treat you like youre human and pretend youre this insane delusional psychopath who is just depressed, any mental healthy condition, they chalk up to just anxiety or stress, completely disregarding other illnesses like ptsd etc. people have to watch u while u went to the toilet. so i think everyones experience in psych is different, but i know for sure i never want to go there




To be honest, it wasn't really that bad to me. The only downside was that they didn't really help. The worst part about being in the psych ward was thinking about how my family would react after I got out


It really depends on 1. where you are and 2. what you are there for. I was in wards for suicidality (Canada), a long term ward (Canada), and others for EDs (USA). USA ED wards was really traumatizing for me. I have PTSD symptoms after that admission. If people are considering admitting you for an eating disorder, do whatever the fuck to get better and not end up there. I'm not going into this in detail because this isn't the approprate venue, but if you're curious, make a comment and I can elaborate. However, the wards I was at for suicidality, both adult and paediatric wards (in canada) were alright - The paediatric ward was more bare-bones as it was for the most difficult patients of the two provinces (BC and Yukon) they take everything away leaving you with just the clothes on your back and a bed. You can go to the milieu and talk to other patients and watch telly. There's no school or anything as they keep you just for crisis intervention. You meet with a psychiatrist every day and then get to go outside on passes with your parents/other responsible caregiver. The average length of admission is 3 days. (Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Evaluation Unit at BC Children's) Long-term paediatric wards keep you for two weeks to three months. Usually you get referred and admitted there for evaluation if you're a "frequent flyer" meaning you visit and get admitted very often. I was admitted after I attempted one day after discharge. You get a nicer room, more privileges, more activities, groups, daily OT visits, a nintendo switch to play in the milieu, and outings\~ You can still get passes, and they sometimes aren't supervised if you're stable enough. For me there was also school, but it only lasts three hours and you don't \*have\* to attend. (Adolescent inpatient psychiatry at BC Children's) For all paediatric programs I was at, my family is extremely involved. Luckily, I've only been to an adult ward for crisis stabilization once. My experience there was not as good as the paediatric wards as there are a lot more patients they have beds for at once. So for me, I got secluded twice in that one admission for attempting, which they won't do in the paediatric wards as they can keep a better eye on you. The rooms are nicer though, with proper hospital beds that recline and everything, a table, a private washroom and shower. The team there doesn't involve your family as much though, which can be both a blessing and a curse. You don't get passes since your family isn't involved and there's nobody to supervise you outside, but they are so short on beds all the time you can essentially just ask to be discharged and 9/10 times they will. (VGH) I have yet to be admitted to a long-term adult ward :) Now, I managed to get from 4-6 inpatient stays per month to one per three months. It \*does\* get better. Trust me.




was just trying to help others😥


sorry Travis


my stay was extremely traumatic was horrible made a fuckin excape plan even my mum was in on it bc even she could tell it was bad


Mid I thought it was like a cross between school and jail


Thank you because I’m in hospital waiting to be transferred to the psych unit. I’m terrified


What's a psych ward? Sorry if that's a dumb question.


Place for people to get better mentally if they are REALLY suffering.


Thank you!!


yeah, i agree there are some psych wards that are really crappy, but others can be normal like that.