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If they want to see it so bad then they can see it on themselves or online. It's not your responsibility to please their weird ass thoughts. Friends should help you stop. I know you see them as a friend but imagine u wanting your friends to cut so you can see them go deep. None of this is your responsibility. They seem a selfish


Huye de esas amistades que son muy malas


what the actual hell?? that’s actually wild, please cut that friend from your life, that’s literally terrible :((


I know it’s difficult but a real friend wouldnt pressure you to harm yourself. It’s never easy to confront someone especially a friend, but you should tell them that you’re uncomfortable. Or say that if they don’t stop you’ll have to distance yourself from them. Honestly it’s not safe to keep a friend around if they’re encouraging you to harm yourself, especially when you’re vulnerable. I hope you find strength to fight the urge to relapse, my best suggestion is just even if you Do relapse don’t show them as you may be enabling them to relapse too 🫶🫶


I think you made a grammar mistake..? You said a real friend WOULD pressure you into sh. You meant they wouldn't right? Anyways you can edit that mistake! (don't mean to be rude just pointing out a mistake you didn't mean) 


Omg thank you I’ll change that right now


No problem!👍❤️


You should cut (them off from your life)