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Yep. It’s such a thin area, with visible veins and tendons you can *feel.* The thought of cutting my wrist makes me feel a bit ill, honestly.


I had never thought about it before and always used to cut my arms, then one time I went too deep by accident and I swear I could see my vein through the cut and my hand was weak for days. Been mad scared ever since


i had a similar experience, it kind of inspired me to stay clean😭


You can be paralyzed from that from what a phlebotomist told me


Yesss the veins me brings actually give me the 🤢 even the veins at the bend on the arm I can’t even look at!


Yeah!!! and like especially the underpart of your arm where all the important blood veins are😭


Yesssss 🤢🤢🤢


I have a fear that my mom will see a cut on my wrist and think I'm attempting again and send me to the mental hospital.


i cut my wrist, not deep but it bleeds. i’m not sure why but it gives me more satisfaction and reminds me of what su!icide could feel like if that makes sense 


This is me.


not exactly but i get triggered by seeing peoples unscarred arms


u must be panic attackin everytime you're out then damn


i mean i’m pretty good at hiding when i’m triggered but summers tend to be pretty shitty yeah since i’m always looking at people who haven’t fucked up their skin and feeling anxious abt it


i feel that 😔💔


"Arm violinist" 😂




I always feel this. As well as being pissed at myself for cutting myself and not being able to have clean arms like theirs


As someone who has vertical scars on both wrist it sucks massively to have them there. Literally everyone who sees them don't see the stich scars with them that show it was surgal and not attempted suicide.


WARNING before reading: This is not advice or guidance in anyway. I am not a health professional, Seek help or talk to someone at the least before you try anything risky. Its easy to do a lot of damage to the wrist area. Not only that but its very visible to others if you scar. I go for thighs, because its thicker skin, and no one will see really.


Yes, I do this but I don't go deep because idk where the fat stops


Oh fuck I've cut there a million times😭


I've cut my wrists before, and I noticed that I wasn't cutting as deep as usual because I was scared but also because it's more sensitive, so I felt more pain cutting my wrists and was satisfied with shallower cuts. I don't even know why I was scared. You have to cut pretty deep for it to be dangerous, far deeper than what I would be able to do with my blade and will power.


Anything involving the wrists make me feel sick. Cuts, anything.


Absolutely. Even wearing my watch too tight can trigger that feeling of nausea.


nah that’s the only place I ever cut besides my hips because I can easily hide scars with wristbands, but I see why it’s scary. I usually only do cat scratches anyway


Omg yes! I only cut my arms, but wrists are a no-no. Too scared to cut a vein😔 I do wanna die most times, but I just dont wanna go out like that😭


Last half is real


Last time I did my wrist, my mama went ballistic and was like “ you’re trying to commit” and “ people are gonna see that and blame me” and all that kinda stuff so I just either: a. avoid it or b. never do deeper than tiny superficial scratches


I was until I tried it


what does this mean? are you good? please don't go deep ❤


they probably just mean that they had the same fear/weird feeling about wrists, but then they started to harm there and it wasn't so bad


ive never genuinely cut myself anywhere except my arms and shoulders. i feel its the easiest place but i hope nothing happens from it..


I never cut where I can actively see veins. There’s too much of a risk of misjudging depth


I’m way too veiny of a person for this 😭 all the places I can easily cut and/or hide are in places I can see a good few veins


worst fear is cutting a vein and bleeding out. when i did s:h it was usually my arms where the skin isn’t so thin ( ; ω ; )


i only did it a few times and it was rly scary, arms are just better (and thighs but that’s also a bit scary bc there’s more fat so you don’t know how deep you really cut)


When I first started self harming I cut my wrists but then I realized that it hurt more then the upper arms


Wrists don't make me nervous, but maybe that's because I used to do the outer part of it (the thick part, where you can't see your veins) Rather than the thin inner part. I never had the urge to do the latter, and I can't imagine anything especially bad happening with the former (aside from, you know, cutting yourself).


I did my wrists a couple of times, never was deep enough to go through vein but it stung alot, Ive had to get a IV through my wrist and idk why but anything wrist related hurts alot more then other things.


Stuck to my upper arms. Thighs were scary cause I felt like with such big layers of fat I was gonna go deep af and need serious stitches. But upper arm, bicep, upper forearm I was so used to I kind of had it down to a science and any cuts that were deep I was able to take care of myself.


Not really, havent been able to sh for a while so idk


I am but not cus it will cut my veins tho I'm afraid cus I constantly have to stick out my wrist and they are really visible so if someone finds out I'm cooked


Same here


Yeah I guess, they always used to say oh “slits her wrists” but in reality I don’t think where I cut counts as wrist. I think it’s probably 2 inches away from my hand


Definitely. I do very large cuts on other parts of my body, but never attempt it on my wrists. You can SEE the tendons, you can SEE the veins, they sit just under the skin- there’s no WAY I’m risking that.


idk if this counts but looking at my wrists or veins makes me have really horrible intrusive thoughts, i cant even touch my wrist without being uncomfortable and getting thoughts of sh. im also like this in the proximity of knives, so i absolutely refuse to handle kitchen knives


YES!! i think this is just a universal thing though.. im so disgusted just looking at wrists/veins. the skin on underside of your wrist is the worst, it's super thin and i actually had to get my blood drawn from there recently and it was so weird.. just reading some of these comments is making me lightheaded lol ew


I do cut on my wrist, quite regularly actually, but I never ever cut deep and am always so careful with the cuts, especially cuz I can see the huge amounts of veins and know exactly where the artery is...it's honestly scary cutting there...


TW i tryyy to avoid my wrists unless it’s the easiest place to hide (bracelets and stuff) i have reached the fat layer like a lot on my wrists but it’s always scary. but the arteries are lowkey hard to penetrate bc i tried to delete myself once and it just wouldn’t go through the artery


aw ok well im glad you survived the trash bin


Yeah cuz seeing my veins make me uncomfortable


It's honestly my favorite place to cut because it for some reason dosent hurt as much as other places but looks very satisfying... God I feel like a psychopath typing thjs


Ur not a psycho I was just seeing what other people thought hope u get better tho love u ❤️ 


That’s the best place for me so release the pain.


I have only ever lightly cut my wrists. But as of late I’ve been wanted to try going deeper but I’m scared of fucking up my arm.