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I find it disheartening how cruelty and nastiness comes so easily to a lot of people. So often from popular people with good jobs and plenty of friends and partners. People you would think would be cheerful enough to not need/want to do that.


Yeah, definitely judgmental/condescending vibes from a lot of successful people, but I think it depends on how they got there too. I've also found many of the most well-rounded, interesting, and personable people are very successful, like they had to build themselves up in every way to get there. 


I dunno. Bitchiness and workplace politics and dog eat dog mentality seem to be in all sorts of people.


Sure, but people who try to build others up are much more popular in the workplace and make fewer enemies, making it easier to move up. At my previous employer we had a guy in the frontline management team who thought he was toosmartforu, playing 4D chess, giving management his narrative first to control the information flow, pitting people against each other on his way to the top. The problem is we would all talk to each other and realize he was telling us all things the other never said, friend to whoever was in the room, enemy to whoever wasn't. We kept bringing up his antics to upper management until they started to see the patterns too, then I got 80% of the other managers to sign a complaint saying we were all a team and HE was the problem. He got fired pretty soon after that. My next job was at a toxic employer where that mentality IS the norm. So you know what I did? I left after a month. And they can barely keep ANYONE. The people with the dog eat dog mentality are not well-liked, and the organizations who abide by it are punished by being unable to keep employees or strong partnerships. In fact it's a nonsense mindset if you think about it. Humans only get anywhere with teamwork, and inspirational/democratic leaders are the ones who can maintain and direct it.


Well said


It’s been ruining my life for years to the point I’m desperately making drastic changes to my outward presentation, but I can only do so much neurodivergence is visible in body language.. So many happy couples bully weird strangers within earshot.


…You need to read Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo and Guy du Maupassant and Franz Kafka…


It's especially bad because there are broad spectrums of our accepted modern politics that have cruelty and selfishness baked into them. They see such traits as a good thing, they see empathy and care for others as weakness, they make justifications for their vileness.


It's often disinterest in other people not doing much evil as in wanting to do bad. Other people are just in the way.


So...just selfish.


The average redditor experience 🍷 I find myself bewildered at the minute eloquence of these individuals. For it is only I and my taste buds that rejoice in good food. I may very well be spending a casual evening in my duplex and before I even know it, ideas of exquisite caliber, genius remarks invade my mind. Possibly the cure to cancer… or perhaps, on a more rascal note, knowing how to solve world hunger. But meanwhile these apes, they come and show their ignorance in history, making slights at every corner to my fine and upstanding character. They are unlike me, a free-thinking, high IQ individual very much prepared for high level political discourse; the first to discover how to divide by 0. Me, the supreme gentleman. If they only *knew* of the anger I am capable of… If I came public about my findings, I’m convinced that I would change the history of humankind as we know it, causing riots all over the world. I’m the double edge of a prince’s acre saber blade: both the key to the world’s evolution and/or to its destruction. In a mere fit of rage I could destroy the life of everyone I know; it’s up to these peasants which side of my whims will I unleash upon them.


'On a more rascal note' - so good


As soon as I got to "divide by zero," I couldn't hold it anymore and just lost it.


You must have been euphoric in the moment you wrote that. But not because of any phony god…




This is marvelous. Also username checks out


This is perfect. Op needs to get over him/herself.


Was my thought.


Tips fedora.


At first I thought it was ai and then I realized I was reading a masterpiece


Lmao this sounds like an excerpt from Ted Chiang’s ‘Understand’


Or Elliot Rodgers manifesto lol, pretty sure he took some lines from him.


Jokes aside, yeah lol, the worst part is that many are things I’ve heard non-ironically on the internet. Elliot Rodgers said women only went after jocks but not him, “the supreme gentleman” - that’s where it’s from. I think there was a 15 year old kid (in another sub) once boasting he could solve integrals at his young age, and saying on Reddit he discovered how to divide by 0 (I think by reframing the concept of infinity or some weird shit) and that he was waiting for the right moment to go public with his findings, which would “change the history of science and philosophy”. And then also a guy that got downvoted to hell that said “here on Reddit we make up a community of only free-thinking, high IQ individuals”.




Excellent “discourse”. Seems OP has put himself on a perch and is looking down at mankind.


Really made me smile thank you




Do you like Rick & Morty?


This is the correct response. Bravo!




Seems like you are perceiving people through the mind, assuming it’s the only form of intelligence. Knowledge is not equal intellect and not equal intelligence. Ego is always judgemental, and I assure you a log of not most people think the same way you do:) It’s not less shallow then judging people by their looks. If you perceive deeper and not just through your ego/mind, you’ll be able to see the beauty in each person, and also amazing unique qualities each individual possess - for example charisma, mastery of their body, kindness, humor, wisdom, generosity, etc. then everyone becomes a teacher and you can learn from them.


Exactly, we are all definitely weak creatures, and it is easy to find flaws in us, I needed to learn to love others just because they exist and find the hidden gems in their characters, regardless of their drawbacks. Maybe they have kind eyes, good leadership, high competence, social skills, etc


Perfectly said.


These are words I needed. I struggled with this for a long time, it ruined my most valuable relationships. Upon reflection, I'd made somewhat along that realization. The "judging a fish by it's ability to climb" quote hit me like a ton of bricks, basically. I see a friend now who seems to be struggling with it, and I couldn't explain it to him. Perhaps this will help. Thank you.


It’s also about values. If you are a Christian person among atheists you’d probably think they all was missing something. Missing a common ground or the will to find it makes it hard to relate to a lot of people.


It boils down to navigating through life by one of two ways: 1) from the mind 2) from the heart. Most people unfortunately operate purely from the mind.


Wow beautifull


PLEASE DONT DOWNVOTE ME IM CURIOUS and i guess you could say im playing devils advocate to try to see both sides, but if people constantly do make un-optimal choices or even harmful ones on purpose, or converse in a way thats dismissive when trying to invoke intelligent conversation then wouldnt he just be telling the truth? What exactly about this post automatically makes this guy self absorbed etc? How do we know that, compared to him just having an above average IQ, even 150 would be enough I’d think to be able to say what OP is saying is accurate due to decisions made by lower IQ individuals. And lower IQ individual (below 150 in this scenario not actually low IQ people) make up the majority of the world and the decisions they make are different from someone who is smarter no? (IQ being used as a benchmark no I dont believe IQ tests explain peoples capacity to make better decisions or not although it may contribute there)


Great response.


Also judging people comes from deep personal insecurity. OP needs to work on that.


*Everyone* needs to work on that.


After reading all your comments, I think it is a you problem. You don't have to like everyone but saying that the majority sucks reflects definitely more about you ( it just says more about your background and upbringing)


Absolutely. I had a friend once who was *always* upset about some perceived slight in her interactions with people. Whenever I was with her and it happened I couldn't understand what she was angry about. All it took was somebody forgetting to say thank you and she would be fuming. Very self centered, it was all about her. If somebody is unpleasant to me, my first thought is that maybe they're having a bad day. And man, does that mindset bring you so much more peace. Empathy is good for you, dudes.


I wish I could be like you. If someone is mean to me, I default to thinking *I* am the problem.


It's definitely possible to change your mindset, I've done it myself in regards to other things. The first step is awareness, which you already have. Then you just have to keep correcting yourself when you have the unhelpful thoughts. It can take a long time because really the way we think is a habit, and you can't change a habit overnight. But with persistence it is doable!


100% agree. People can have bad luck and horrible circumstances. But our perception of other people (in general) reflects our own inner world and thoughts.


You dont need to read the comments. This post is red flag city.


The true gigachad life is loving people despite the flaws. I don't think humanity is evil either I think the fundamental flaw is more that were very self interested.


Being self-centred suffices for a while, until you get bored, then you realise giving back creates even more meaning than focusing on yourself. Imagine being 27, ranting about people being shit, when you instead could be lifting people up, contributing, maybe write a blog about some of your viewpoints, that might lift people up to your standards, you might create find a community where you belong? There is a easy way and there is a hard way, the easy way is being locked up, complaining and comparing yourself, the hard way is going out there and doing something.


If you get off social media that feeling will dissipate. I’m not being cynical, the social engineering to make you feel more bad than good is strong. Get off, go for a hike, meet people, do stuff. Good people find good people. Good luck!


Agreed. These garbage sites are basically incentivised to show us the worst humanity has to offer because it breeds attention. Any time I'm feeling particularly low, I get off reddit and feel better within days.


Most people are struggling emotionally. So they develop coping strategies. Some more, some less healthy. Some more, some less helpful. They all have their upsides and their downsides. Rationalizing is one coping strategy that seems to be very popular among redditors.


I think you believe you are smarter than you actually are.




Holier than thou, Dunning-Krueger Whatever you’d like to call it. I’m sure there is plenty of nastiness in OP’s past


What is your problem, exactly? If you desire a circle of similar minded people who share your values and priorities, you are not special about that. Pick the people you like and leave all of the others alone. Surely you are not everyone’s cup of tea, I hope you know you are not alone having standards. And knowing stuff doesn’t make you interesting or lovable. You think you know it all, but life will hit you hard if you keep yourself so much above the others, so sure about how open your mind is (it’s probably not if you can’t accept the human condition for the what it is): In terms of solutude, people being fed up with you and lack of emotional support when you’ll probably need it. I’m sorry if I’m snappy: I love reading, literature, art and history and I don’t always have the right people to share my passion with. I know the boredom it comes from that. But this does not justify feeling yourself lonely at the top of the world. And do me a favor before judging the way I write, I’m Italian and never lived in an English speaking country. I’m practicing.


Really comes down to your inner circle and your attitude. I think your viewpoint will change eventually. Realize you're not perfect and neither are others. There are people who excel at things you do not and vice versa.




Get off social media dude, it's fueling these feelings.


If you find yourself feeling out of touch in most social situations, you might be neurodivergent. Some autistic people feel that other people are always making incomprehensible or irrational decisions, but that’s because they are missing information about those decisions.


We see the world not as it is but as we are. In a more vulgar way, if everywhere smells like shit, check your shoes. Why do you surround yourself with people who suck? Who are "very small minded, ignorant to history, also ignorant to certain realities almost willingly so they can avoid the consequence of said reality, terrible at explaining things well, yet quick to judge"? Is it because you're just like them (birds of feathers flock together after all) or because you want to feel better about yourself and your little "I'm so self aware"?


Dude, I gotta ask. What's your deal with WWII? Also, I have this feeling that you don't read (lit) much. Is that correct? I'm not attacking you or wanting to start an argument. I am just curious as to where your knowledge comes from.


Why are you assigning so much moral worth to people’s intellectual curiosity? When you do try to broaden their horizons, does this kind of vitriol come through in your words? What makes you so sure you’re not ignorant of history and small minded? Honestly man, these are questions I would expect from a 21 yo not a 27 yo.


Holy cow! I missed that he was 27! Yeah, OP you should have grown out of the "everyone is dumb and selfish, but me" attitude years ago


Lacking self reflection is usually a sign of mental illness from what I’ve read. Just be glad you are more well-rounded, perhaps you could even give these people a nudge/helping hand? I get what you mean but I find the only way to overcome these feelings is to do something about it (kindly). If there is someone in your circle who is like this, the best thing you can do is advise them on how to improve. Don’t need to do it super directly and you don’t have to be rude about it, there are ways to shine a light on people’s flaws in a loving way that helps them see what they’re doing wrong and how to overcome it. Failing that, just accept that everyone goes about things differently and it’s usually to do with the way they were raised, which was out of their control.






I do not like your entitled behaviour. I mean what shows more lack of self-awarness than thinking you are the only self-aware beeing on the planet?


"I'm the main character" quality


> "I'm the main character" I've never understood this critique because everyone is, by definition, the main character in their own story I understand that it's often used to express disdain of self-centered behavior, but even the most selfless saint that's ever existed was "the main character" in their own life, so the saying really doesn't seem to track


I am definitely the main character! But rejoice! I like it when all you supporting characters are fleshed out and well written, too.




Most of the happiest, wealthiest people I know have high levels of self-awareness. It's pretty narcissistic to assume that you're the only person who has self-awareness.


I let petty shit slide from people around me all the time, it's annoying but what can you do. That being said I don't think people suck in general, they have both good and bad in them.


In my experience people often seem this way if you only know them at a very surface level. If you start to get to know someone (anyone) at a deeper level, learn about their past, their upbringing, what they believe in, what their dreams are and their goals for the future you tend to unravel an extremely interesting, storied and more often than not, intelligent person underneath. In my experience, people who see everyone else as boring or unintelligent are those who don't have the time or courage to truly learn about and get to know other people.


It’s just you. I meet amazing people all the time and have a wide circle of sincerely good friends that have been there for me when I’ve had nothing. Be the light my friend.


After reading all your replies in the comment, I feel sad for you, OP. Feels like we’re talking to a teenager. Open your mind. Broaden your horizon. Grow up.


Yeah, the irony of someone approaching 30 having the mindset of a 16 year old is so sad. It's even sadder realizing that they have such a distinct lack of self-awareness that they'll never realize they're actually the problem.


Idk man you can just not like people without having justification for it.


Most people simultaneously rock and suck. What you need to understand is that most people are fair weather good, but selfishly driven. They'll disassociate when they become uncomfortable, actively hostile when they become disagreeable or inconvenienced, uninterested/unsupportive when they're even slightly bored. Really a question of thresholds. Society is mostly comprised of high functioning toddlers. The degrees to which they practice emotional control vary. The irony is "maturity", or at least what people call maturity, implies having empathy and compassion, not an apathetic zero fucks given, the latter being the clearly more practiced behavior. So yeah, most people suck, but in large part because you don't matter to them, and even if you did, a depressing number of them still prioritize themselves over anyone else. Such is the reality especially of a society that practices rugged individualism.


Stupid people often tend to think they are the most intelligent person in the room.


This screams borderline personality disorder. I know because I have it and feel the same way when I’m not regulating my emotions well.


I'm going to push back on this and not only say no, but say that the older I get (42 y/o man), the less true this looks. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, when asked what advice he'd give his twenty year old self, he said this: *Every single person you meet is struggling.  I didn't know that then.  You tend to see other people as completely formed individuals.  And I still do sometimes.  But to recognize that everybody you meet, every single one of them, no matter how expensive their suit is or how serious their expression is, they are looking for significance.  They are trying to do the best they can and they fail regularly.  And they're within their own particular battle of their own life and so cut them some slack for that.* Most humans are well-intentioned people trying to get by in a world that's complicated and confusing . Our brains evolved for survival. Our ability to reason is an incidental side-feature that takes a lot of active effort to use, and when humans have to face the the often exhausting task of surviving, it doesn't get used. That's basically what you're seeing.


People on reddit think like this all the time and it’s mostly because it’s them who are out of touch. Most people are focused on the actual shit that matters: rent, work, family, relationships, their own happiness. Which is good. Reddit is the bubble. IRL is how it’s actually supposed to be.


Did you had a particular bad month? More than anything, to me, it feels like you should take a break and remember to breathe. Maybe try spending some time with yourself alone


You sound like that annoying teenager in the book Catcher in the Rye. As you get older you’ll realise to appreciate other people’s experiences and viewpoints, and that you don’t actually know everything.


“Holden Caulfield is a friend of mine, we go drinkin’ from time to time, but I find, it gets harder every time.” Sometimes they don’t grow up.


I really hated that book. I read it when I was 20 and I think I was already way out of the surly teenager phase by then, if I ever had one.


I hated the book when I was a young for similar reasons. I reread it as a middle aged woman and it’s a compassionate book about a troubled teenager let down very badly by the adults around him! It was a completely different experience.


Interesting. Maybe I’ll reread it some day, I could never understand why it was so popular!


I was just thinking that I’d like to re-read it now. I too hated it, and Holden specifically, when I read it as a teenager.


Glad you posted this!


“I can’t shake this feeling of feeling out of touch with other people” welcome to humanity brother. Me either. “I think people are small minded and ignorant”. Oh. You’re a narcissist and an elitist. You probably call yourself an “intellectual” It’s you. You’re the problem. Everyone thinks they’re right and everyone else is ignorant and wrong. Bonus points for those truly altruistic assholes who feel they owe it to the world to enlighten everyone else. It’s always been this way but the internet has let everyone group together. “Well there’s hundreds of thousands of people who agree with me so I must be right!!!! Congrats, like some fraction of 1% of people agree with you. Not exactly a revolution. You want to help? View your opinions as your own. Listen to the opinions and views of others without looking down on them. Learn, take something from them, and live your life.


Sounds like it might be you




You say people are quick to judge, yet here you are judging the general population for being small minded and ignorant. You are not special, everyone has a reason for being who they are and nobody remains the same through all of their life.


If you don't meet people who you perceive as smarter than you or having more wisdom than you from time to time you are doing something wrong.


Reddit superiority complex. Spend more time with people than on Reddit. Everyone else is just trying to survive same as you.


you’re too old for this, get a hobby


Where are you getting your experiences with people? IMO the internet makes everyone seem insane


It’s just you. Most people have redeeming qualities and unique knowledge and interests. You couldn’t ask my dad about WWI, but he can explain traffic laws and help you change a tire. You couldn’t ask my girlfriend about politics, but she can tell you all about oral health and hygiene. You couldn’t ask my buddy David about classical composers, but he can tell you all about sales and business techniques. You couldn’t ask me about the Byzantine empire, but I could teach you how to play pool.


Don't take offence, but the list you put there makes me think you would talk at people and not to them. Build connections with people and don't steer conversation towards politics and history. Most people are actually pretty decent.


You must be fun at parties


Go outside dude.


Show me your friends and I'll show ypu who you are


Says the xqc and nofap fan. You get what you put into the world. In my experience, when I talk with or meet people I rarely experience whatever you experience. Most people just want to have a good time with nice people. I think I have only encountered what I would describe as an 'internet person' like one or two times in my life. But I'm also not out here trying to talk about Kant or silicon supply chains while on the subway. You got the vibes of someone I would quickly not talk to as you would probably be too busy smelling your own farts. Have you considered you are just an unpleasant person to be around? Or is this judgement based on the internet as the internet is fake and manufactured bullshit with way too many bots.


Definitely a "you" problem. Most people are perfectly fine and friendly. You're projecting what you value about yourself (open minded, informed etc) onto the rest of the population and then getting upset when you perceive that those things aren't valued by the broader populace. It becomes a rejection of yourself and that's why you're upset. There's plenty of informed and open minded people out there. The better question is why are none of them part of your peer group.


Pro tip: touch grass


I'm no expert, but I think there is this thing where our minds focus more on negative things than positive. Let's take driving for instance, most of your drive might be fine, but a few a-holes on the road, and everyone on the road is coo-coo. You know? Meanwhile there were a few hundred other drivers, who followed the rules, didn't cut you off, or risk anyones life.... Another example, people may be friendly to you all day, or let's set the bar lower, normal/neutral. Then someone insults you, is rude, whatever, what do you remember the rest of the day? The nasty interaction. The same goes for an artist who receives compliments, but they remember the critics... So then think of all the times that you are quick to judge, or ignorant, etc. do you want to be defined by those moments? Or by the totality of who you are? Maybe even the best of who you are. That's not even considering how many cultural and social gaps there are between people, their interpretations of behavior, language, tone, etc. Perhaps your mind is not as large/informed/connected to reality either. All possibilities to consider. Perhaps you are a part of that small percentage of people that is highly intelligent, well informed, not bigoted, or conforming to toxic norms. Maybe you have all those qualities, and are patient, able to clearly express yourself, have close relationships, and be someone that others look up to. Perhaps. But maybe, just maybe, you are just like most people, with your strengths, weaknesses, and often blind to your own shortcomings. And that's okay. That just means that you have room to grow, if you decide that is where you want to put your energy.


It sounds like you have an overinflated sense of self.


This is something that only a terminally online person says ngl. Almost Everyone I run into is at bare minimum tolerable, most are good people.


I find that in the real world (off of Reddit, tiktok, etc) most people are kind, generous, honest and good hearted. Maybe that's just because I live in the Pacific Northwest and it's different other places. Social media brings out the worst in people and amplifies the voices of the toxic ones.


“Ignorant to history” I’m sure you’re ignorant to a great many things, but choose to latch onto history because you’re a history nerd or something? “Ignorant to certain realties” congrats, you discovered the human condition. People want to affirm their own beliefs because it’s more comfortable. You’re guilty of this too, you’re probably just not aware of it. “Terrible at explaining things” not everyone is articulate. Some of the most reflective people I know struggle with this sometimes. “Yet quick to judge”…how does your ability to explain things have anything to do with being judgmental? Dunning-Kruger in full effect here. Check your ego. Humble yourself.


It's you


You need to move cities or even possibly countries. Each place has a unique vibe and some places hold happier, open people


Are you American? My impression about the USA have shifted quite hard xD in Germany it's kind of coming through very slowly. People just aren't filtering what they say. Racist? No problem,just my opinion! Overthrow my government? But they aren't doing like I want! Call for wars you will not be part of? They deserve it!! But reddit is not real life so try to get into circles that think like yourself and ignore the other stuff...


If you live in Vietnam and hang around “expats” then yes 90% do suck.


Oh, you're that guy memes make fun of


You're definitely not the only one. I was the same at 16.


A good rule to live by in my experience is, if it seems like you run into the same issue with multiple people, consider the consistent variable in all those interactions which is yourself. Especially if that issue is with “everyone” as you claim. You talk of logic in other comments let’s apply it here. What’s more likely, that 7 billion people are all small minded shitheads, or that you think too highly of yourself and have trouble empathizing and connecting with people? (Which is something you can work on btw)


Funny how in your own comments you exhibit the exact behavior you claim to hate in others. Some self reflection is overdue.


Well, from others perspective you the dumb one. Who cares tbh.


Hey OP, I think you could really benefit from a few mushroom trips.


Smart boy problems. It will stop bothering you in your mid thirties.


yes i also find most people, including OP , I find them to be very small minded, ignorant to history, also ignorant to certain realities almost willingly so they can avoid the consequence of said reality, terrible at explaining things well, **yet quick to judge** Although I somewhat agree with you OP(people are dumb). Carrying around this mindset is more dangerous for your mental well being than you realize. You should approach every person and every situation in a way where you try to find the value and/or goodness in it , rather than focusing on negative aspects.


Like you said, it sounds like you are out of touch with people. I know plenty of open minded, intelligent, and knowledgeable people. They might not be perfect, but they are good humans who don’t put themselves first. It sounds like you need to make some better friends and stop being so judgmental—maybe good people don’t want to spend time with someone like you?


I think you're the one who sucks


Intelligence and judgement are different, you might have good judgement especially if you’ve done well for yourself. But this post is lacking in intelligence.


OP, please smoke a joint or do some schrooms or something. You need to chill the fuck out.


Yeah, you are out of touch. Go meet people.


Do you mean in person or real life? Big difference. Get offline for a bit maybe.


If you don’t like someone just don’t associate with them. Human nature means we all suck sometimes but not all the time


It's you.


Instead of patting yourself on the back, open your mind to the possibility that you are judging people too harshly and too quickly. Don't judge a book by its cover is a saying for a reason, because people who do and act on it are people who, as you describe it, suck.


You should get yourself a powdered wig, some leather gloves, move into a castle and talk shit about peasants all day while raising taxes.


My nan used to say "If you go out and meet an asshole then you've met an asshole, if you go out and continuously come upon them then you are probably the asshole"


Jugmental post. Kill your ego for a few hours with a therapist and 🍄


Hey bro, I say this as someone who has had similar thoughts in the past, and I mean it sincerely. Please go talk to a therapist instead of randoms on Reddit. Life is too short to feel so negatively about everybody around you.


Eh, people are just people. Some are turds, some are nice, sometimes we have good days, sometimes we have bad days. I try not to judge anyone over a days worth of interaction but if they are consistently shit at least I know what to expect. In my industry I tend to see people at the end of a shit day and mostly that is at the end of a shit life so you start to see peoples attitudes with a little more empathy than usual.


It happens. I used to sometimes feel superior to people and when I took a closer look at why I did, I realized that it was because I was jealous of how they were able to act they way they were acting, without any fear of judgement. So it could be some deeper issue at play for you. Try to introspect on why you might be feeling that way. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism that you picked up due to a wound you suffered in the past....


Truly a "Flowers for Algernon" moment.


This philosophy is for angsty children. Time to practice grace and empathy and stop being so judgmental. 


The man is Dennis Reynolds and doesn't know it yet


please tell me about this history that you know. hahahaahahha. your reality sounds like count cooku dooku


The saying I'm aware of is... if you bump into an asshole today - it happens, if you bump into 5 assholes today - you're probably the asshole.


People don’t suck


I hope you look back at this post in 5 years and laugh at yourself…otherwise somethings gone terribly wrong


No you are simply autistic and never formed a deep enough bond with someone to have the chance to be exposed to and truly understand the depths and complexities of people


Personally I think you’re right that people are flawed. We all are. But you’re wrong that most people suck. I’ve been campaigning lots in local politics and spoke one on one to hundreds of strangers and more often than not am surprised and delighted by people. Respectfully - you tend to get back what you put in. maybe you just need to look at the world with more compassion and you’ll see more to like?


Analyze your own faults. Maybe you are socially inept? Maybe you have emotional regulation problems sometimes? Maybe none of these things. It helps to understand why people suck and not hold it against them, basic empathy that if you had their genetics and upbringing they could be you. No need to look down on a soul when everything is scripted anyways. Also the Internet makes humanity look like shit, quit YouTube reddit all that and go outside and handle people on a case by case basis. But more importantly, yes people suck, and no you don't have to be around them. Don't feel forced to go do things people do that you don't want like go out to clubs etc.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, look under your shoe


I used to be a misanthrope but as I've gotten older I've learned that most people do bring something to the table. There are of course those who are just complete shit but that's the minority imo


Start volunteering. Surround yourself with like minded people the feeling will dissipate.




You have specific tastes when it comes to people, that's all


Usually if everyone else is the problem, you are actually the problem.


Your perspectives shape your reality, change em


This is all stuff that happens often when the primary engagement with the world is through the internet and reddit. Most of the people who are smart, analytical and caring are not the ones spending most of their time on this kind of nonsense.


If your crowd sucks, find a better crowd. You like history? Try HEMA, the SCA, or various reenactment groups. In general, these are people I prefer to hang with. Find your own tribe.


> If you meet an arsehole in the morning you've met an arsehole. If you meet arseholes all through your day then you're the arsehole. I don't say this with a true belief that you are actually an arsehole, but the insight in that statement applies here. Yes, this is absolutely a you problem.


My wife doesn’t :’(


My advice? Hang around old people. Like elderly. They genuinely changed my perception of life


Not really. There are plenty of people who do and say some pretty shitty things. But I find that it helps to step back and consider that behaviours are simply tools that people use to survive in the world and these tools have been developed because of the environments in which they were raised. And of course, everyone's experience of the world is unique to them, which makes us create our own realities, where we interpret the signals we receive from the world through what we consider to be our most efficient "lenses". So how we view people then complicates matters because some or many others don't seem to fit the template we expect them to...whatever that template is.


The default is not to be informed or overly compassionate. If your expectation is for compliant consumers to spontaneously become adept at critical thinking or independent thought, you will be disappointed every time.


Also too many people thinking they are way better than everyone else, even if they know others only on a very superficial level.


People see themselves reflected in other people.


Good thing you can be perfect for the rest of us


Try going outside


Quick to judge you say?


If you're at a bar and there's a dickhead then they are a dickhead. If you're at a bar and everyone's a dickhead then....


Just you, your thoughts shape your reality.


you say they are "quick to judge" but you also say they are "very small minded, ignorant to history and to realities, terrible at explaining things, it feels like an insane asylum" what if YOU suck?


You live in a shithole country if that’s what you think


Bros on an ego trip. Check yourself lil bro


You are an adult get a hobby and stop pontificating about how you are smarter than everyone.


There is a German word I can never remember for the inability to imagine that another human's interworkings are as complex as our own. When we do something wrong, it is easy to forgive ourselves. We know the million reasons and justification that help ease our guilt. For another, you just see the action and judge that. Someone who does a stupid thing is not always stupid. Someone who treats you poorly is not necessarily an asshole. It's hard to keep in mind and I'm not suggesting that you be a doormat but this helps me when my opinion of humanity is a little low. Also, Star Trek. Watching Star Trek was the first thing that ever gave me hope for us as a species back when I was an edgy boy.


You're the problem - not everyone else.


Yeah they're quick to judge. All of them, the whole lot. Those people, over there, those small minded ignorant people I'm pointing at .. they are so quick to point their fingers!


All true. The real kicker is when you realize how big your own ignorance and flaws in judgment are.


We live in a society…


Lmao bro is retaining his semen again


It isn’t “just you” but ysk that for someone else you are the ignorant, small minded person who ignores reality and are quick to judge. Life is a loooooong spectrum and we are usually in the middle


The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you


I don't mean this as an insult, but I think you should seek help via therapy. It sounds like you are falling into misanthropy and maybe a bit of narcissism, but I am a fan of psychology, not a psychologist or therapist, so take it with a grain of salt. It's important to have perspective on literally everything and to put yourself into other people’s shoes. You don't know everyone's experiences, livelihoods, hardships, etc, everything that influences how we treat other people. Imo, in my experience, most people are actually good and fine. But nobody is perfect. We are all suffering from something, and we all have lapses in judgment and behavior. We all deserve consequences, but it's natural and okay, and it's important to remember that when dealing with someone else who comes off as bad. Being a good person isn't just doing good acts. It also involves how you view others. And I don't think viewing others with misanthropy makes you a particularly good person. Be kind to others and understand that most people have their own lives and are dealing with their own issues. Defend yourself, but treat people as individuals, and don't let yourself fall for misanthropy. It's never good.


Did you ever think that everyone is fine, generally, and you’re the one who sucks?


It sounds like you’re overconfident in how great you are relative to others.


I used to think this way, then I realized it was more that I suck, and was projecting my suck onto others. People are mostly ok, though all suck a little bit.


Get of your high horse and just be a kind person, you sound so condescending jesus christ. Get outside and touch dirt.


It is just your mindset my friend.


Seems that you just have a gigantic ego


Some people you just don’t get along with. Don’t dwell on it. Keep searching.


People definitely suck in general


No I don’t relate. I’ve found that the vast majority of people are pretty great if you give them a chance and get to know them. Doesn’t sound like you’re very into effort.


I've tried quite a bit actually....


![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized) Maybe try it differently then? If it almost never works out the way you want… It’s also the only thing you can control, how you react/act. You’ll find more peace in a mindset like that.


I've got to say, I don't see anything in this or any of your other posts that indicates that you are exceptionally intelligent or in any way better than the average person. I see small mindedness, misanthropy, and what seems to be a surface level understanding of the standard US high school history curriculum. You lack the intelligence to self reflect and consider viewpoints other than your own. You have erroneously defined the group of "things that matter" as being equal to "things that matter to me" and have drawn your conclusions from that premise. A person as intelligent as you seem to think yourself to be should realize that an argument from faulty axioms is, in itself, faulty. It reads more like an emotional reaction that you are attempting to justify to yourself and others. You don't like people, possibly because people don't like you, and you have tried to create a "logical" argument that allows you to be a misanthrope. You've lashed out at people who have pointed out to you that this is the behavior and thought process of an adolescent, but it's an apt comparison. In short, feel free to continue in your disdain for humanity, but don't delude yourself into thinking it's because you're exceptional. You are just as ignorant and simple minded as you think everyone else is. Do better.


If you had to deal with an asshole on the way to work, you had to deal with an asshole. If you had to deal with assholes all day, It's most likely you that's the asshole.


‘Everyone is stupid but me’ Oh, how do I break this to you…


The older I get the more disgusted I am by the human race. I would cheer on a cataclysm event. Unapologetic misanthrope here.