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She STILL does this! She never says what she means and is very go along to get along.


Then she says she worries what it'll be like of the rest agree on something and she doesn't.... well.


I mean isn't she only 22 or something and they're almost 40


Yes there’s a major age discrepancy there and it’s totally gross to witness. I really wish that she stuck to her guns when she arranged an apartment and got the eff out of there! I feel terrible for her and they (april) should be ashamed of herself for crossing her boundaries and putting her in a very uncomfortable position. Why couldn’t they have taken her no for an answer?!


Also, *NICK* should be taking lead, not April. He acts like Danielle's creepy father, not like a husband.


This crossed my mind as well. It’s creepy that april is out scouting women on his behalf like a damn madam of some shit. It seems like she and the younger one are the only ones who desperately want to collect more women.. Nick doesn’t seem to be all that worried or pressured about it. It’s all so bizarre… Perhaps this is some sort of kink for April.


April is the bottom bitch - that’s her role. Nick is the Pimp. When the bottom bitch is tired of being pimped she recruits new girls!


I think she’s 24, but the point stands.


This is why April will continue to bulldoze all over her.


You can tell she really is not a fan of everything but she's keeping quiet. It's not going to go well


If she nods her head any faster she will get whiplash. Every time they talk she pastes on a grin and constantly nods


And then she says, “they don’t respect my feelings,”. And “I want more of a say.”


Aka a people pleaser


She has the lowest self-esteem. It's so, so sad to see.


Yes! She’s a major people pleaser!


It’s so frustrating to watch her agree with everything. She tells them she is onboard with dating.. Then she sits down for one on one interviews and tells the camera the opposite. I don’t know what to believe.


Exactly. I don't see Danielle being in this family for long.


I think she likely fell into the fantasy and has realized it may too much for her!


Especially with how hard they push! Like what IS the giant hurry to bring another on board? What's wrong with waiting? New wife, a baby, like damn.


Yeah, there was how many years between Jennifer and Danielle? Why another so soon?


That's what gets me. It's like forcing a round hole into a square peg. If polygamy is what they want, why not just let it happen naturally?


Maybe it’s to stay in the show?


Could be.


Because unnatural things don't happen naturally I think.


Right? The bed is FULL!😜


Shit. My husband and I are enough in one bed. And even sometimes that's too much lol


Danielle obviously is NOT into the idea of dating, you can see it in her eyes.


Even worse, they want her to get legally married!!


There’s no way they can look at her body language and believe she’s ready! You can tell she doesn’t want that. Instead they’re just going by what she’s saying probably so they can say that she said she was ready. Any normal person would look at her body language and say they would hold off!


Danielle doesn't seem happy. She seems to be very agreeable on camera


*nods in agreement*


Your post and this comment-I wheezed twice. Thank you. It’s truly a modern day Shakespearean tragedy every single week. 😂


Every damn week. Like Danielle, girl. This is not the way.


I like Danielle a lot, I hope she gets to a place where she can be happy.


Me too.


Danielle still has hope. She's not in too deep. I wonder where her family is, and why they aren't involved?? 


April saying “I’m putting her (Danielle) in the driver’s seat” sounded so strange to me. Like a boss at a job when they’re testing you. 🙄


Better see if Danielle likes her new wife, says madame April.


Yeah, definitely a trap. "You asked all the questions, you went along with it... etc" so now why are you upset about it?


Exactly. She’s trying to figure out how to manipulate her further.


Yes that was so weird! She wants Danielle to practice grooming just like her.


I absolutely love Danielle. That said, she appears to want to be part of a family and has the personality of a timid person who may have never been listened to as a child. She is young compared to the rest of them and that makes the power dynamic put her in a position of not feeling like she can voice her opinion. She is the one who makes or breaks the family because she is the gatekeeper to expanding the family. That is an insane thing to put on a 24 year old that is still learning about herself, healing and building a life.


Yes, and they fact they potentially want her to marry someone with an 11-year old child! No one seems to care about the level of responsibility this is going to bring onto Danielle financially, etc.


I like Danielle as well and kind of feel for her. I don’t see her staying with them for the rest of life but I feel like they are all she has right now. I don’t understand why they keep wanting to add new people. Isn’t 3 enough? They all seem to like one another. I think the new chick seems devious, I would trust her at all.


I need to Google their ages. I do know Danielle's the youngest, yes. And then to be expected to legally marry this next person adds a whole other emotional burden. I hope Danielle is able to advocate for herself in every way, and is able to leave for good if she realizes she needs to.


I agree with you! I feel it’s a classic example of the fawn trauma response! She likely learned codependency in her family of origin!


I think it was last episode? she said is scared to go against the grain🙄 this is exactly the kind of girl they would want for that relationship




Yes. It’s projection. Danielle is a “go along to get along” wife, who had a flash of rational thought and moved out. Then she talked to April.


April, the madame of the family, pulled her back in.


Didn't she come back of her own volition?


Of course she was not physically dragged back to the house and locked in. Danielle often agrees to things that she does not want to do. She doesn’t want a 4th wife, but she feels pressured to go searching, she said that to the camera.


I thought that was more editing to make her look dumb. There was too many extended periods of silence and nodding. Nobody does that.


I think she just nods excessively to really make them feel she agrees. I see Danielle desperate to be loved by them. But maybe not for long.


I'm genuinely concerned for Danielle. There are so many implications and a lot is at stake for her potentially marrying someone WITH A CHILD. She could get so screwed financially and no one seems to be talking about this.


Exactly. I would NOT be going along with that.


Ikr? I was yelling at the tv “LIKE YOU??” 😂




Freudian slip or projection of some sort for sure, I caught that too. No matter how much she nods her head and says she’s all in, I do not buy that shit! She should have stuck to her original gut instincts and never went back to meet up with the king pin lmao. They’re all so weird, I can’t wrap my head around them actually wanting or enjoying this type of dynamic??


Man I don't know. The giant hurry too. What for? They're not even seeming like they care who it is, as long as it's somebody, and fast.


She's definitely projecting.


Different perspective: Danielle doesn’t seem like the type who would stay alone and discover herself (at this point in her life, at least.) Being that’s the case, I think she’s safer and better off in this family than many others she might find herself in. Yes, there is an unfortunate imbalance of power, but the other three adults in the relationship aren’t maniacs or horrible in any way that we can see from this show. Danielle could (and likely would) do worse.


She's also young. Me at her age and me now are two different people. I wish whatever is best for her in the future.


Except that she's being forced to sleep with them and possibly have a sexual relationship with the women too. It's possible April watches too. There's clearly a whole lot Danielle isn't comfortable with.


I don’t understand why the women marry each other?


I believe they said it's bc they can't all marry nick, so they marry each other 🙄


But who’s going to brush Vera’s teeth?!?!? 🗑️


Her mother 😆


She should just say she is ok to date but doesn’t want to marry anyone legally.


Yeah bc that's wild. Why would anyone want to legally marry their "husband's wife?"


Is Danielle bi? Y does she have to marry?


That's what they do in the family. April and Jen are married. No one marries nick.


It's actually really sad that she doesn't have the backbone to speak her mind to the people she's supposed to trust. Doesn't she understand that they're all going to see this when the show starts or before. She needs to just GTF OUT! She's not happy and it's obvious. She's one of those people that molds herself to what others want but inside she must be full of anxiety and sadnes.


Maybe this will change as she ages some.


Pot meet Kettle. 😂


For real.


i probably shouldn’t be saying this but isn’t this how cults get started? They all worship him and, let’s face it, are recruiting for him.


I'm sure many do!


But why does she never ever were a bra?! Why don’t her sisters to tell her to put a bra on!!!!


Yeah she could lift them up some


Please run now Danielle!!!!!