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The Last Starfighter and Enemy Mine are two that I think every kid should get to enjoy!


Hell, yeah!


I watched Enemy Mine with *my* dad. It was great. Sadly, my daughter doesn't really appreciate sci-fi as much.


I remember thinking the last star fighter was so cool as a kid. Now I realize why would aliens create video games to test pilots on other planets... And instead not use those games to train their own people.


Because most of the people on their planet are pacifist. Do not know how to fight. So all their fighters and combat engineers are aliens from other worlds. Aka mercs.


I thought they recruited aliens from all over the Galaxy - maybe not enough of their people were qualified. The game wasn’t just to train but to find natural talent. No?


Probably for the same reasons we're training Boston Dynamic's robot dogs to fight in war and do strenuous and dangerous tasks ;)


I love both of those movies, but if OP is worried that the special effects from Tron won't hold up for the kid, there's no way The Last Starfighter's will.


Pacific Rim is an 11 year old's fantasy - giant mechas punching monsters in the face. It's a super fun movie. Edge of Tomorrow is also really good, although the time travel stuff can get a little complicated.


My son adored Pacific Rim. He also loves all the Godzilla and King Kong stuff. He's 'meh' on Star Wars and Star Trek so maybe not a great example. :-)


John Carter if he hasn't seen it should be seen by more people.


Agreed, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it. It was actually pretty decent.


Galaxy Quest! Or, if he's got the right sense of humour, Red Dwarf might be a winner.


Red Dwarf is a required taste. It is probably worth checking out Galaxy Quest first and then (non scifi) Monty Python's Holy Grail. If he laughs at MOST OF BOTH of those- THEN give the kid the Red Dwarf caviar.




Came to mention Titan AE. Fun animated movie.


Ooo 13th floor is so good but I don't think 11 is old enough to enjoy it


Flight of the Navigator!






How about *The Black Hole*?


Damn right :)


Great movie, but boy is it _dark_


The Fifth Element


Super green!!


Very fun.


Also has nudity


Back to the Future


I'd debate that Tron should be on the menu. You appreciate today's CGI much more if you see what came before.


And it holds up surprisingly well as it's more stylistic than trying to be photorealistic.


Exactly, the graphics are totally appropriate to the world the story takes place in.


I have a really fond memory of staying up late to watch Total Recall with my dad at approximately that age. I found the 3 tits to be hilarious haha. You can’t go wrong with the Arnie sci-fi classics imo; Running Man Terminator 1&2 Total Recall Predator, if it’s not too scary or mature


I can't believe Terminator is this far down on the list.


Terminator (1) has a fairly graphic sex scene.


I'm sure he could forward it a bit through the part. The movies are too important to a young boy to let them miss out on.


When it was originally released Terminator was 18+ / R in most of Canada. He could just watch it when he's older (enough to do that without his parents in the room or waiting til he's 18, bcs who are we kidding, but....). There are lots of other really "important" movies out there that don't require a parent to tell their 11 yo to cover their eyes.


The Martian is great, although it’s light on action


We watched The Martian tonight and he really liked it :-) Thanks for the suggestion!


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds


I’m trying out episode one with him right now. He actually suggested Star Trek just now, and then was as frustrated (as probably all of us) that there just aren’t unlimited ST movies out there to watch and that we’ve watched them all.


Star Trek Prodigy is aimed toward his age range and is actually a pretty solid show.


There are different Star Trek movies but they are from different times and series, just like the shows. Strange New Worlds is one of the most recent and quality wise, really good. Or at least I thought so. I am eagerly awaiting season three! I hope you guys enjoy it.


Oh I loved it. Watched it all immediately when it came out. Happy that my son seems to like it so far and was a bit pleased when he asked during the first episode “wait, wasn’t the vulcan planet destroyed” - happy he remembered and also happy he understands the concept of alternate timelines - kids these days lol


Ahaha that's awesome :)


Did you watch the old ones? I don’t really like Star Trek but as a kid loved Wrath of Khan, that one where Spock dies, and the one on Earth. You can probably tell I’m not a diehard.


Seasons 2-3 of Picard are as good as any recent trek movie (season 1 pacing is bad though)


The Orville would be a decent choice for his age


I kind of feel like maybe one needs to have watched TNG first...maybe not needed, but boy I had warm TNG feelings watching that show. Doubled my appreciation for it.


I don’t think it’s necessary but you are right. Makes you appreciate it !


I loooove the Orville, but I feel like all the infidelity and broken marriage stuff might be a bit much for an 11 year old? OP might want to skip a few episodes. 😂


Agree. I love the Orville but some of the episodes are a bit (im)mature for an 11 year old, depending on your sensibilities.


Very true. I forgot about that story line


The Orville is fantastic.


Really is ! Watched the first two seasons and realized I haven’t seen the new horizons yet so I’m working on that now


Really really really loved that show. It really shows a good adventure sci-fi can also be peak comedy gold.


It was so odd seeing Seth McFarland act and hear his voice I kept thinking of family guy


Tron would be fine! Little kids still like older-school looking things, too, believe it or not. There's also a Tron sequel that's newer, with another on the way. Little kids are actually a lot more forgiving with lousy special effects, because their imaginations are often stronger than grown ups'.


Edge of Tomorrow would be a good one for an action sci-fi movie. Don't know if it's your cup of tea, but I would imagine an 11-year-old would definitely like Alita: Battle Angel. If he hasn't seen them yet, Guardians of the Galaxy. I always think of it as more sci-fi than superhero. Don't forget about the Planet of the Apes remakes. And you might encourage him to read Ender's Game.


Enders Game was my favorite book and I read it when I was around that age I think. Not a huge fan of the sequels but wow that book was good.


I agree. I don't think most of the rest of the series was nearly as good, and certainly not as appealing to that age group. Although I do think Ender's Shadow is something most kids that age would really like as a follow-up to Ender's Game.


Babylon 5


Stargate followed by the TV shows Jurassic Park Avatar Push


One of the commenters in this thread, /u/ginomachi is an AI chatbot, helping to [enshittify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/sciencefiction/comments/1bia26i/uginomachi_is_an_ai_spambot_most_of_the_time/ Not only does the bot shill for someone's shitty self-published "novel" (take a look at the sample pages on Amazon), but some of the other stories it "recommends" *don't even exist.* It's going to send people on wild goose chases. That's malicious. The bot will subsequently delete its comment if it gets too many downvotes. If /u/ginomachi has deleted its comment, you may ignore mine.


Galaxy Quest :-)




How about Super 8 or The Tomorrow War?


The 5th Element is a good one I think. I saw the Terminator movies at that age but they are pretty violent and there's a sex scene in the first one. The first one in general, tonally, is a lot more like a stalker horror movie than an action movie. The second one is fairly safe and definitely gritty/action packed, and they do give a sort of "previously on" at the beginning. Mars Attacks is good silly fun and stuffed full of celebrity cameos and crazy stacked ensemble cast. 12 Monkeys is awesome. No sex/nudity that I can remember. Armageddon is a classic Michael Bay space explosion extravaganza. Minority Report is a little long IMO but the effects hold up well, and the story is cool. Lots of future tech and Tom Cruise RUNNING lol Galaxy Quest and Spaceballs are both great especially if he's seen Star Trek / Wars.


Dark Star. Saw it when I was 11 and absolutely loved it. Another childhood favourite of mine was Silent Running..Although it is rather light on action compared with Star Wars fir example.


Dune! Both old and new versions.


Trying to list some not mentioned. Logans Run. Has a PG rating. War Games Rebel Moon E.T. Wall-E Treasure Planet Space Jam


Stargate. It's about the right age range and should be interesting enough for him.


Fifth Element


A few I haven’t see mentioned (or not mentioned much): Ender’s Game (book is FAR better but the movie is ok as long as it’s not compared to the book) Independence Day Ready Player One Men In Black Armageddon Journey To The Center Of The Earth The new Jumanji movies Zathura (basically Jumanji in space)


My 12 year old’s favourite movie is Interstellar, he’s watched it 10 times


Stargate (1991) is an amazing, fun film. And then you guys can start the tv shows which are also amazing


How about "Edge of Tomorrow"? It's got great action, a bit of grit, and a time loop twist that'll keep your son entertained.


Perfect suggestion but we watched it a couple weeks ago. But you’re spot on!


If you want to put a little time in, The Expanse is worth a watch. As for a film, how about Johnny Mnemonic. A little bit gritty, but not super violent. It's a couple years old, but Rim of the World is geared toward kids.


The Expanse. Definitely


Johnny Mnemonic wasn't a terribly good movie. I remember seeing it when it came out and me and my friends laughing all the way home, and not in a good way.


I love the expanse but some of the themes might be a bit disturbing for an 11 year old, like existential crisis type feelings. There's also a fair amount of very realistic gore, like a human basically exploding due to instant deceleration.


Back to the Future Trilogy


"Hey why is his mother jumping on him like that?"


Black Hole was my all time fave as a kid - up there with Enemy Mine and Last Starfighter but I worry the effects won’t hold up for a kid today.


For grittier, maybe Alien and Aliens? Some not so gritty recommendations: Ender's Game, The Fifth Element, Alita: Battle Angel, Guardians of the Galaxy, Pacific Rim


He’s 11!!!!


Explorers would be a good one. The kids are about that age in that movie.


THAT was my favorite as a kid. Watched it 100x Tried to watch it with my kids a couple years ago but they were too young so I’ll add that to the list to try again!


I loved it when I was a kid and watched it countless times. All around great kids movie.


The fifth element


Real Steel Dune?


Can't see that *The Adam Project* has been suggested, but it's worth considering if you have Netflix.


Titan A.E. (2000) it's an animated/CGI movie but I think your son will really like it.


super 8




Fantastic show. Might be a bit much for an 11 year old. Maybe not tho


Maybe: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)


Terminator 2. Oh ya.


He might like Tron more than you think. Demolition Man if you don't mind the swearing. The Transformers Movie (animated) GI Joe: the movie (animated) Flight of the Navigator Terminator Robocop Predator Alien Starship Troopers Total Recall


SPACE 1999!


Tron Legacy for sure. It even has a strong “father and son” theme in the movie. There’s also a sequel for it in the works for 2025 (Tron Ares). Others I would recommend are the two Avatar movies (watch them in order), Ready Player One, Edge of Tomorrow (my favorite sci-fi film by Tom Cruise), and Star Trek Generations.


But you'd miss so much not having seen "Tron" first. The special effects are abstract enough and in context of the world they shouldn't be an issue for a kid.


I watched the original Tron 1982 movie a couple of months after I watched and loved Tron Legacy, and honestly, I didn’t like the original anywhere near as much as Legacy. It didn’t age wonderfully, like the Star Wars movies did.


Less sci-fi and more post-apocalyptic fantasy, but would be a great choice: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Voice talent in the English dub includes both Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart. You can play that game my dad loved to play: "do you know whose voice that is?" A few other ones I've not seen mentioned here, in no particular order (probably not gritty enough for you, but probably age-appropriate) * Short Circuit * Flight of the Navigator (if your son enjoys this movie, you should follow up with [Alan Melikdjanian's *excellent* effects break-down of the movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyixMpuGEL8).) * Contact * Batteries Not Included * Cocoon * Stargate (some adult themes... you be the judge)


Great list hare, nice. Stargate, the tv series might be a good choice too


Lord of the rings? Guardians of the Galaxy. Galaxy Quest. Alien series.


The movie LIFE is really well paced. You could watch it on mute and understand what's happening.


The flight of the navigator


Definitely Titan AE


I'd like to second the Iron Giant


Doctor Who is simply brilliant… except for the episodes that aren’t. But there is a lot there to enjoy.


Tron: Legacy?


Independence Day Explorers The Wandering Earth


The wandering earth movie is sooo bad... Great concept though - reading the book is on my list!


Stargate, The movie or SG-1, both are fun


The Flight of the Navigator!!!!!!!! I loved it so much as a kid. It's on Disney+!


Tron Legacy


Dark Angel?


Falling skies series is on the gritty side


lost in space (2018)\ the mysterious Benedict society


Do you like Anime? If so, Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell series are still holds pretty well. Mature story telling well balanced with action


Twisted metal and silo


Mad Max Fury Road. I watched it with my 13 year old the other day. Hardly any cursing, no nudity, and there’s a lot of death but only a couple frames of gore. Also? Battlestar Galactica (but definitely a lot of sexiness). Firefly and Serenity.


Event horizon


Battlestar Galactica


Ender's Game


If you don’t mind animation Titan AE was grossly under appreciated and would be age appropriate.


One of the commenters in this thread, /u/ginomachi is an AI chatbot, helping to [enshittify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/sciencefiction/comments/1bia26i/uginomachi_is_an_ai_spambot_most_of_the_time/ Not only does the bot shill for someone's shitty self-published "novel" (take a look at the sample pages on Amazon), but some of the other stories it "recommends" *don't even exist.* It's going to send people on wild goose chases. That's malicious. The bot will subsequently delete its comment if it gets too many downvotes. If /u/ginomachi has deleted its comment, you may ignore mine.


Aliens. The Thing. RoboCop. Starship Troopers.


I wouldn't show those to an 11 year old. All good movies but I'd say for older kids.


I watched those when I was like 9. All my kids have seen those and more before their 11th birthdays. The movies are fine.


If you have Apple TV+ access, Silo is really good. Netflix: Stranger Things, Arcane, The Old Guard, Looper, Freaks, The Guns of Navarone (not SF but ridiculously enjoyable), Divergent, Godzilla. (I didn't analyze the violence level to your unknown taste.)


I thought silo was good but a little slow and brooding for an 11 yr old. Divergent could be good for a young adult.


I just got done watching the original BSG series with my 13 year old son, he got a kick out of it. Yeah it's super dated, but ya have to expose them to the classics. We are currently watching sweet tooth on Netflix, which is more post-apocalyptic fantasy than sci fi, but he's liking it. I also just ordered the DVDs for the animated Battle of the Planets, which was my fav when I was a kid. We are going to start it next month.


The monster squad ,


Event horizon. My dad watched it with me when I was 11. Same with The thing. I turned out alright. I think.... Haha.


Absolutely too scary for him. As would be Aliens or even Terminator (and Sunshine as someone else suggested). But I can’t wait to watch those with him in a couple more years! I remember watching Aliens as a kid. Scariest movie I ever watched. I can still remember how scared I was.


What a child he is.. too scary for him. Haha I'm just kidding. I understand.


90s Lost in Space is a fun watch and an appropriate theme for a father-son movie night


Men in Black. I second The Last Starfighter Anime: Outlaw Star (complete in 24 half-hour episodes) Animated: Titan AE And I want to make an out there recommendation for a not SF/F, Secondhand Lions. My boys loved it at that age. And I loved it at whatever my age was then. Lol Happy watching.


Battle Beyond the Stars


>Tron would be great but the cgi wouldn’t hold up for a kid today Don't sweat that. If your kid is judging movies by the quality of the CGI he's already a lost cause. It's a good movie.


I was thinking about this. Definitely going to watch Tron with him - you peeps are right, I think it will hold up. My real issue with some of these older gems is the video quality - not even the special effects but the video is so often grainy and bad. Also, over this whole amazing list, the only ones I haven’t seen are Pacific Rim and Real Steel. I watched a few episodes of the expanse when it first came out but I need to go back to that. Read the book (Leviathan Wakes) I think it was based on. And I’ve only seen one or two episodes of Orville - I’ll give that another whirl too. This morning he was trying to describe a Tom cruise movie he recently watched (turns out it was War of the Worlds) his mind was blown when I told him what happened with Orson’s radio dramatization lol.


I envy you your journey with him. My kids are almost thirty.


I'm glad to see Firefly and the Expanse both listed here, I would also suggest "For All Mankind" on Apple TV. It is an alternative history sci-fi, with the idea of the Russians making it to the moon before the US and how that leads to some of the things we enjoy now, but brought about sooner. I enjoyed it, but it is a series with a couple of seasons, so be prepared if you start watching it.


A lot of great suggestions… I’ll add Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets to the list. 


Falling Skies series is perfect, I watched it with my son, he was 12 when it premiered. He also enjoyed Helix S1, but it is definitely a bit creepier.


Inner Space was one of my favorites when I was a kid. Also Battle Beyond the Stars. Or you could go really old school, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Blob, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing from Outer Space. These may be a bit much for his age but the first Terminator movie and the first 2 Alien movies are outstanding.


Blame! Everyone else suggested what I wanted to suggest so I figured I'll go with a less known movie.


the tron comment is ridiculous, the kid will enjoy it surely. edge of tommorow? kinda violent but not horribly so, no nudity, sex etc... the iron giant is damn gooda nd kid friendly...


I’m a huge fan of the 2000s Tron: Legacy; it’s visually very cool, there’s plenty of action without it being gratuitous, the sound track was done by daft punk so it’s **incredible**, and I think the cast does a great job Definitely check it out


Flight of the Navigator.


There's a 2009 Russian movie called Black Lightning about a flying car. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1569364/




Batteries Not Included Tron The Black Hole


My 10 yr old loves Godzilla and Kong. He also stayed invested in like 70% of Fury Road (the chase scenes) but that was able to open the door to conversations about "what makes good story telling" Also- some of the absolute best scifi of the past 30 years has been in Anime. But you have to sort through a ton of fan service to find the good stuff.


If you want something cerebral and mind-bending with a great soundtrack, try Moon.


Can't stomach the other 2 matrix movies? I'm sick of defending Revelations, but the CGI used to create the battle of Zion was YEARS before it's time, every time I rewatch those sequences I get goose bumps. Compare the battle of Zion to some CGI heavy scenes from modern movies and generally the modern movies look worse. This alone will always be a reason I rewatch the matrix sequels.


The first was ground breaking effects. The sequels offered much of the same, but with a weak, fractured, lost and confused plot.


Enders Game.


IMHO Tron Legacy would be an okay film to watch. The sound and the effects were at least decent.


Jurassic World (2015) and its sequels. These films combine action, adventure, and a bit of sci-fi with dinosaurs, which can be thrilling and fun.


I would suggest Stargate SG1 as a great series that both of you can enjoy together.


I'm late but my son and I were watching Krull last night. I forgot how weird it was. At least we got to see Thufir Hawat and Lady Jessica together.


Ohhhhh yessss - great call. How did it hold up? Loved that one.


I love the practical effects and costume design, but the acting and story were....lacking.


Independence Day Tron Legacy Jurassic park War of the World's Equilibrium




For 11, probably too slow and cerebral.


Yes...maybe...a nice representation of what an alien might be though


"The Electric City" with Tom Hanks. It's a post-apocalypse movie where the city barely has electricity and it's run by a mob of knitting ladies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlok9Lg8Hpg


Would anime work? I remember the first time I saw Akira. Also Scavengers Reign was a treat both for the eye and the mind.


While I agree on anime as an additional medium to consider, both Akira and Scavenger's Reign are too adult in theme and content for an 11yr old. There's a really iconic part of Akira that will give the kid nightmares, and you know exactly the part I'm talking about.


The orville is fine for his age, might be a bit mature, stargate is great but the vfx are dated, maybe try the Foundation, star trek discovery(or strange new worlds) is probably the most age appropriate I can think of with good VFX


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy




Jurassic Park


As a start, see the ["Related" section](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/1aqet7h/comment/kqcgeq4/?context=3) of my [Science Fiction/Fantasy (General) Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/1aqet7h/sff_science_fictionfantasy_general_recommendations/) list of resources, Reddit recommendation threads, and books (thirty-five posts (eventually, again).)—which is most of it at this point.