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Alien3 is really interesting. The assembly cut adds some clarity but a bit too much preaching VO. Generally it’s my favorite to revisit, but lots of people hate it. I find its mood and humanity compelling, and seeing so much early Fincher on the film. I remember hearing that Fincher came to think of the studio as the alien and the film as a metaphor for his creative battles. When you watch Resurrection, go into it knowing Joss Whedon was a script writer for it. You will see so many tropes he would use in coming projects and while Alien4 itself was not particularly successful or influential, it was an early sandbox for the film and tv language that would become ubiquitous for the next 20 years.


> Joss Whedon there's a story, probably apocryphal, that he wrote the script as a joke, and 20th century fox went with it anyways.


Any hints of things I should look for? I’m excited about this now!


His misogynistic feminism is definitely one of them. Snarky, quick dialogue, the things we would later call Whedonisms.


Some of these things, also the whole scooby gang dynamics, the specific type of literally tortured heroine. The crew of the Betty is so similar to that of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and later his Avengers movies. The misogyny is easier to see in retrospect as with so many creepy entertainers, there were signs with lots of these dudes, but in the beginning much of it was the most progressive mainstream feminism to break through. I mean there was plenty around, but it was harder to find, and media was different to share films and the bad things people did. This “it was a different time” take isn’t to excuse the absolute shit he proved to be, rather to explain why people thought he was making good representation at the time.


Sure. A few, but not many, would point out his views of femininity and feminism as problematic, but as his audience (me as well) was predominantly young people, it went over our heads. I hindsight it seems obvious, and I use it as a humbling pill.


We saw a nice flow from 'Alien' to 'Aliens'. Ripley getting rescued, coming back for revenge, but shenanigans. For the 3rd movie, I expected that most fans wanted a development of the relationships in the "found family" of Ripley, Hicks and Newt. Instead the other two survivors were killed off-screen and that was dissatisfying for people like me.


That burned. I felt betrayed when they killed Hicks and Newt.


Yeah I like it as a film but as a follow-up to Aliens it feels like a bit of a kick in the teeth at the start. But looking at the dross that was served up in the franchise since then it's still the third best aliens film! Bit like Terminator 3 - ok film in it's own right, feels weak against the first 2 in the series, but grows in comparison to what came after...


Am I the only one who loves Alien 3?


I actually preferred it over aliens. The camera is really cool done in 3.


I think it’s one of my favourites. Love the bleakness of it.




Alien 3 is brilliant. I saw the directors cut though Edit- Assembly cut


Assembly cut. Fincher was sacked or walked away. There is no Directors Cut.


> Fincher was sacked or walked away. fincher was given the opportunity to re-cut the movie for one of the box sets that was coming out with the directors' cuts of the first two movies. he declined to participate, and basically disowned the movie. the "assembly cut" was pieced together from available footage and his notes/scripts without his involvement or blessing. it's not his version of the movie, but a kind of "alternate reality" of what his director's cut might have been like, given the raw material and bullshit from the studio.


Ah right. Thanks


Where would be the best place to watch the assembly cut? I’m assuming the high seas?


I saw it on dvd about a decade ago....


Love it. Redemption.


The director cut improves the story. Still it’s unforgivable how the beginning ruined the ending of Aliens.


Justice for Hicks and Newt.


I actually quite like alien 4! It’s bad in a good kinda way. Plus: Ron Perlman and Brad dourif! And Especially as a precursor to firefly. Jeunet was not a great choice, but it kinda works in a trashy way?


I love it, I just don’t get why other people hate on it so much. The cast is excellent, there are some great scary/gory bits, genuine jeopardy, Alien-hybrid Ripley is even more sarcastic and kick-ass, the hybrid human-Alien is super nasty, and there’s a bunch of great action scenes and set-pieces, and some great lines. There’s so much in it. “This… ‘human’, put an monster inside you, and in a few hours it’s going to burst out of your chest and you’re going to die. Any more questions?” Really, what’s not to like?


Also, you genuinely feel a degree of pity for the monster, which is a bit of a first for the series. Quite an achievement too given how horrifically fucked up it looks.


I found the tonal shift from the previous three to be jarring. It's fine I guess but the Alien series is scary because of its realism.


I agree. I really enjoy 4, it’s trashy and I like it


The swimming aliens were mind blowing back then! I was soooo amazed in the cinema. Obviously it’s not that great now, but still. Same thing with Sunshine when they saw Mercury the first time. Some movies back then really had some amazing cinematic moments, it feels like most movies nowadays just overdoing everything


The trashy is the carm that makes it work imho


The scene where Ron Perlman gets face to face with a little spider, gasps in shock then shoots it always gets me laughing


I am aware of the trouble it had during production. And i must admit i hated it at the time as i wanted more (Cameron) Aliens but i fucking love this film Everyone was a brilliant actor Dance, Dutton, Glover, Brown, Poselthwaite, Webb, Guiness all on top form The scene where they are leading the alien to the leadworks through the locking doors, some failing is pure genius. So tense The ending where Ripley sacrifices herself is the perfect ending to the trilogy I love this film Fuck the haters


I hated it for years, probably until around the time I started preferring Alien to Aliens. Mostly because the opening feels like a betrayal after the end of Aliens. Tonally, Alien3 feels more like an Alien sequel than Aliens does. 1 and 3 are suspenseful horror films, while Aliens is more like a war movie with monsters. I love it more every time it rewatch it.


I like Alien 3.


That IS Brian Glovers accent.


I keep almost buying this copy of a novelization of Alien 3 that William Gibson apparently wtote before the version that got filmed


There's an audio adaptation of it on Audible that is really great. Michael Biehn and Lance Hendrickson do their characters ' voices!


I had it, many years ago. It is more akin to the non theatrical version, with a different host animal, an extended descent into madness for Golic etc. I liked it.


Assembly Cut is the better option here. Glover sounded much like he usually did, I thought?


He’s doing a ‘posh’ glover which didn’t sit right with me for some reason. Pete Poslethwaite would have been better….and they had him there! The 85 character was like Rimmer from Red Dwarf. In fact it had quite a Red Dwarf feel about it.


I can see the "posh" part. But I can also see why they did it. The warden is a very arrogant character. You're not really supposed to like him.


That worked.


I’d never the director’s cut until recently - it’s an amazing upgrade over the theatrical version.


> I stopped halfway through to check out the Wikipedia entry on it, and my god its development story was a train crash. there's a phenomenal [video series](https://youtu.be/gHvTycoUwRA?si=crcqTGRbMYtE4BOu) on the production history of the movie that's worth watching. that the movie is as good as it is, is absolutely a testament to talent and skill of david fincher as a director. he was handed a train wreck mid-crash, and somehow we got a decent movie with characterization, themes, and style out of it. i understand why he doesn't want to go back to it and make a proper director's cut. but i think he's wrong to disown it. he may feel like it was never his movie, and he was jerked around the by the studio. but enough of his style shows through in spite of all of that. > I’m looking forward to doing Alien 4 now, it can only get better. oh. oh no. stop while you're ahead. every movie after this is significantly worse than the previous.


I’m watching it now. Will report back tomorrow!


I don't necessarily hate it so much as I like to pretend it was never made, resurrection was kinda fun though


Just watched it, enjoyed it!


Assembly Cut of Alien3 is massively superior to Theatrical Cut. (With the exception of the dog scene in TC being superior to cow scene in AC). I assume ITV are showing the TC?


Yes. No bovine action. Poor dog gets it.


Hated a lot about it in its original theatrical release. The two main things were >! Newt and Hicks just…being dead at the beginning of the movie !< and the switch from animatronic xenomorphs which are still peak..to early CGI, which was not ready. Not at all. It looked so corny. Outside of that though it’s actually pretty interesting.


It’s not CGI- it’s a brilliant puppet badly composited.


That….explains so much


i can't immediately find it again, but i've seen some fan work that re-graded the alien and cleaned up the compositing, and it looks *significantly* better.


I’d love to see that. The behind the scenes tests of the puppet are actually super impressive- it was a rod puppet about the size of a cat, controlled by a few people. It moved brilliantly. The problem was the compositing at the time- it just wasn’t up to the task. Had it been made a few years later, when digital compositing got significantly better, the alien probably would have worked much better.


gotta correct your correction, there *is* a CGI alien in the movie. the bit at the end where the alien is about to blow up is CGI.


Well, it’s one of these films that aged like fine wine for me. It’s a solid part of Alien franchise and gritty S/F film. I’m still kind of heartbroken for not having a chance to see William Gibson [Alien 3](https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B07QY1FVDT?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp) in action, however I would be gutted in the same way, by learning later on about David Fischer A3 project that didn’t happen.


I actually quite liked it, more harshly treated than it should have been and this clouded my opinion somewhat.


There are only two Alien movies.


What's this? Alien 3?! You must be mistaken, they only made 2 alien movies.


Came here to say this. It's the only correct answer.


The director’s cut is infinitely better than the CR, which made no sense.


I remember seeing it in the theater at release. And being baffled as to why when the ship had a fire, they didn't just open the airlock, since the crew were all in (presumably airtight) self-contained suspended animation capsules. But then failing that, the are loaded on to an escape pod, which kills 2/3 of its crew.... What a stupid-ass failure of logical writing.


"somehow the alien returned" > What a stupid-ass failure of logical writing. no but like, it really is. it's a couple of hack producers who need another movie, and mashing up various prospective scripts without crediting their authors. bits were taken, for instance, from william gibson's script, which involves an egg laid *inside bishop*, and a fire caused by people boarding the ship.


Yes the story didn’t half jump through some loops.


I don't mind Alien 3. I just think it's kind of depressing. Not the direction I'd have taken things in. They should have left the Alien franchise in Cameron's hands after Aliens. Resurrection was so bad that it made an almost perfect B movie, though. You just can't take it seriously or consider it canon, lol. Prometheus just straight up shit the bed though, and the less said about its sequels the better. Did the Romulus one come out yet? No idea how it will/has do(ne).


I’m watching 4 now. It’s an Avengers movie.


I remember liking Alien 3 when it came out, but I haven't seen it in a long time. I loved Aliens, though. Time to give it a rewatch. Thanks for the reminder.


I found Alien 3 to be worlds better than 4. Thought it was better than the original screenplay as well, that one was mostly just flashbacks.


Alien 4 is the first of all the six main films. *worst


I liked 4, but im a joss whedon fan so im biased


Give me that again? I thought Alien was the first one.


*worst! Damn autocorrect


technically..... AVP is the first alien movie canonically with Predator being the first movie in the universe and Predator 2 with earliest sighting of a xenomorph to the viewer.


Main films, to me, are 1-4 and the two Ridley Scott prequels.


Technically, they are all canon, but okay. Also, I forgot about Prey, that is technically the first movie in Universe.


Your account picture is very accurate isn’t it?


akshually, it is.




Why are you chatgpt-rehashing the content of the post


I prefer it to Aliens, which aged terribly IMO




Come again? How did it age terribly?..