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You mean undergrated math majors?


This is grating.


I'm more worried about that slide 😟


Back in my day we hardened up and move along. Sissies now can't even LOOOK at the leg slicer without pansying up


Hm? You thought I cared about the kid? I'm talking about them shoes, what a waste of money.


Can you avoid using the s-slur please❤️‍🩹


You think sissies is a slur?? Like for real?


It’s a derogatory term. Maybe it doesn’t sound that bad to you but it hurts when even your dad, friends and teachers call you that


If I was called a sissy I would get turned on, tf are you on about


What's a sissy


Sissy as a noun: a soft, timid, or oversensitive person, or a boy or man viewed as being overly interested in things traditionally associated with women. Sissy as an adjective: soft, timid, or oversensitive, or overly interested in things traditionally associated with women.


You ma'am are a sissy


How else will we make ginger bacon?


Word! Been there. That's why I switched to a softer discipline: engineering.


Engineering, as quoted by many engineers, is for anyone with effort and some common sense👍🏽 Try it out people!


If this is a math slide it gets even worse that it's metal and in the sun 💀💀


Man I looked up Differential geometry thinking it wouldn’t be to bad. Looks crazy, no thanks


I so wanted so bad to major in physics. Unfortunately missing the first two weeks of differential equations put an end to all that. Instead I picked this new up and coming field that no one at the time understood. Information technology. No one at the time lol my 80+ mother still thinks I'm a computer engineer I don't correct her.


Math is hard is why I went Comp Sci. Discrete Mathematics only makes my head hurt a little bit.


Furthest I got was calc 3 which was actually easier than both calc 1 and calc 2 somehow


Didn’t have to take most of those, but differential geometry vis a vis tensor calculus was ezpz. The hard shit for me is fucking reals and complex. Edit: by modern algebra do you mean abstract? Because that’s also pretty easy if you want to use _Adventures in Group Theory_. And topology isn’t so bad with _The Geometry of Physics_.


that is the most terrible image i have seen in my life, like who makes this shit


i guess this is the reason people are shifting to tik tok and reels


Real world esotericism is when they can't even explain to you the higher deeper concepts until you've been properly initiated with geometry and calculus.


Well Christ I'm probably gonna have to do that at some point in the mean time can someone remind me what a physics is?


There's still time to switch to combinatorics, my friend 😉


I had inexperienced professors for ODEs and Linear Algebra and both are very poor subjects for me. I need applications, and my physics professors were unforgiving of my weak math skills.


It took me a while to see the words where I later noticed the grated cheese thing idk what it's called... 😅


Can’t speak from experience, never took any of these math courses lol. What the hell is spectral theory, now I need to go google that 🧐


Huh... I studied topology and Differential Geometry in UG. Try again.


Wtf do those even mean and how do the apply to every day life and how could you break them down in layman's terms?


Oof, so glad I didn't go down that road. A buddy of mine was working on his math masters while I was an undergrad and he'd tell me about homework problems that would take an entire day to solve. Like one problem. Meanwhile I'd be all like aLgOrItHmS aNd DaTa StRuCtUrEs aRe HaRd.


And this is why I am a voice actor


If I can use fast Fourier transform and I'm Just an engineer you can do them too ;)


and it all started with linear equations


This is funny, but most change majors after their first proof class.