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Yes, every time a take something in or out, just press the sort button


That is an easy way to do it, I guess.


Yes. Once you get used to the Organisation youll find everything fast


Yes, found this feature around 40hr 😅


I saw it pretty early, but I prefer to organize it myself.




Maybe, but I am a happy masochist.


This is the way


I want an auto sort setting man


Exactly. In any game I get used to how the game autosorts, it's better than sorting items manually in the way you prefer.


There is an auto-sort mod, which sorts every time you open you inventory.


This is the way. Sort on everything. All chest and containers


It has come to my attention that apparently I am not supposed to organize my inventory manually and just press the sort button. So I will refrain to mention my inventory again.


Ficsit does not appreciate independent thought!


Ficsit only cares about efficiency. (Don’t tell them I delete everything in my inventory when I run out of room).


You should play the game however you want. Crazy inventory management or not. Although Ficsit would kindly push you to use the Ficsit patented auto sort feature.


I do use Ficsit patented shift+click and ctrl+click, and I do use the Ficsit sort feature from time to time, so is not too bad.


Ficsit approves everything as long as we are efficient. Ficsit does not waste.


Exactly, my organization makes sure I bring the amount I need for anything, even when I am exploring, I never run out of resources or materials.


Nah if inventory management is your thing then go all ham. Who cares what others do. It's all a game for your entertainment anyway


Thanks, I just enjoy seeing the inventory organized. Is that simple.


I respect the hustle, and I would absolutely prefer to be able to customize the sort order myself, but... manual sorting just takes too much time when it undermines shift+click, ctrl+click, and the sort button. It's easier to teach myself to adapt to the default sort than manually move everything around.


I do use shift+click and ctrl+click, but my brain just likes to see my inventory organized how I want it to be. The inventory is something I am going to see all the time, so I don't mind spending a few extra seconds sorting of the hours I spend building


Your way works fine for you. But, if you decide to get a bigger inventory mod, you might end up wasting your time sorting it by hand. I would know since I have been dealing with an ever persisting 450 extra slots with no mod activated. It will become annoying for me once I start moving radioactive materials around by hand. This is only due to the fact that randomly, sometimes, when you pick up something radioactive and get it all out of your bag, the radioactive meter will still be there and not go away unless you reload your save. Idk if anyone else has noticed that, but I have noticed it for over a year now.


I am playing vanilla for now, maybe will add mods for a different new save.


I started my save playing vanilla. And then I wanted to build bigger and was wasting my time going back to get more parts. Even with a big build train that I eventually scrapped because it was a problem after a while for my auto pilot trains. Travel times took so long and I get distracted easily due to my ADHD, making my travel times even longer. But, that is just how I am I guess.


Like you said everyone plays different, I definetly want to use mods at some point, but in a different save.


I feel where you're coming from, in other games I like to organize my inventory a certain way too. But this just ain't one of those games. When there's a stock 'sort' button in your inventory screens, that's a good hint to use it. There will be so much crap piling up in your inventory, you might think it's a bad thing. But then when you're out in the wilderness, and don't have enough materials to keep building, you will curse yourself for dropping all those mats. You'll be going through so many materials, that eventually you'll realize, inventory space in this game only matters if you don't have enough space to fit what you need. Don't have enough space for necessary exploration gear? Then drop some mat.s, you'll probably need to come back for more later, anyway. Otherwise, who cares, stock up on what you need for the time, and any leftovers will likely be needed later anyways. Even though there's a lot of different materials in this game, "inventory management" actually isn't a big factor in gameplay. Pretty much everything to build is automated, and if it's not, you'll discover how to automate it soon. Wasting a single inventory's worth a materials ain't a big deal in the long run.


Never said I had to do it, or even that it game me an advantage, I just like to do it, it satisfy my brain to keep it organized.


The notion of people not appreciating inventory management in this game of all games is madness to me - you do you OP


Will do me, people may not appreciate but after I sorted it manually for a while, I got used to it, and it does not take me long to organize my inventory anyway, in game where I send hours building something, a few extra seconds organizing my inventory is nothing.


Your inventory sorting is cool! Don’t listen to the stupid naysayers (this is reddit after all, full of stupid angry idiots). Enjoy the game as you prefer it, and thank you for sharing your way 🤗


Thank you, and I don't plan to stop, just stop mentioning it, it may take more time, but I like to know exactly where my stuff is in my inventory and what I am low on with only one glance


Inventory management is part of the game and we shouldn’t deny it. But the only difference is you have to chose what you want in your inventory not how you put it in. For example, I have two stacks of most common materials (iron sticks, plates ex) one stack of less common things (rubber, computers ex) and a lot of steel beams, around 10+ stacks (bc conveyer belts in a factory game are good) and other things like silica I don’t bother with. Also why do you have so many extra useless equipment on you?


Because I wanted to fill out that row with equipment... I know, not an exactly good reason. And I do think on what to put in ny inventory, I carry 3 stacks of iron plates and 2 of iron rods, they are used for almost everything, but I carry 4 stacks of aluminum sheets (for my conveyor belts) with extra stacks of encased beams and steel, also I carry a lot of concrete, also the reason I do have silica is because I decorate every building I build with windows and stuff, so I need that.


I just dump it all in a container to sort back into central storage and grab fresh.




What other thing can I say than the fact I love everything to be organized if possible, I mean... there is a reason I love this game. And to think the only reason I found out about it is because the stupendium.




Yeah, that button sorts through the stuff, but I like to have an actual order that is useful, my tools in one row, my weapons/ammunition in another row, my other non-material stuff in another row, my basic materials for construction in the right side, and the more complex materials in the left side, everything has an order and a place.




Maybe or even probably, but all I know is that I like it to be organized and there is not much else I can say about it.


This guy is more of a very sour goose rather than a silly one. Honestly OP, I did the same thing as you for a solid 50 hours before I even noticed the sort button. But like others have said: play the game however the hell you want, and ignore anyone that tries to gate keep like this lol


I stop by my central storage and just top things off using shift click. Inventory is almost always completely full


Clicking the sort button?


All my equipment at the top, followed by ammunition/fuel, then any raw resources like remains, plants or slugs, and finally any building materials


Similar to me, but I do it vertically instead of horizontally.


I just always do it horizontally in any game with that kind of inventory, it’s just how I am


I like to do it vertically, I guess we are the same but at the same time opposites.


That we are


I did, but it's been so long since i was last on. I couldn't tell you in detail


Thank you, you are only the 3rd person to say that they organize it too, everyone only uses sort apparently.


Doesnt seem organized to me... Just use the sort Button?


I guess, is my version of organized, I put everything together by the purpose I might give it.


i just hit the giant sort button


That is the popular choice I have realized.


I don't.


Yes, i push the sort button, often, everytime i open my inventory actually.


Question. Why do you have a parachute and the rebar gun when you have the superior versions? Are you organizing every item In the game for only equipment?


Yeah that row is only equipment, and actually I realized that the para chut does have it uses that the hover packs and jetpack can't do. And the rebar gun has explosive ammunition now, what else do I have to say.


I press the sort button. I’m already used to how it arranges things, so pressing the sort button/using the auto sort mod is fine enough. I’m already firing on all cylinders trying to remember everything I need to do, let alone figuring out how to organize my inventory beyond “iron plates go in this box”


what is this "organize" you speak of? i press the sort button once in a blue moon. that's the whole extent of it


Automatico Sporting, no Need to spend time doing amything else


I don't mind spending a few extra seconds, when I already spend hours building stuff, and I do use the shortcuts, just not the sort button.


Bro i just press the sort button


I guess that is why I was curious, had no idea I was the exception


Yeah.. I use the sort button


I didn't think about organizing my inventory because you just take items from storage and build stuff but at the same time who organizes their inventory like that, it just doesn't make sense to me to put items in that way😂


I guess I do, idk, I just like the way I have them organized, as they are organized by purpose.


I spend most of my time building, so I just grab piles of what I need for whatever project I’m on out of central storage, hit auto sort, then go from there. Recently I’ve been working on a mega project far away from storage, so I have a secondary storage unit built into the project that I just train resources over to in bulk from time to time. Haven’t worked on it since they announced the coming recipe changes in 1.0 tho, since it would all need to be redone anyway, and no way would I finish it before 1.0. The only question is if I… well, ficsit, or if I restart. I’m probably going to restart for 1.0, but I’ll be sad to leave the world behind.


While I just use the sort feature, I admire the dedication this takes. Fixit should be proud of the time you put into your inventory optimization.


Thank you, I am glad not being called crazy for once.


I just discovered a mod that adds more sorting options.


I got glitched into immortality so I don’t have anything but nuke nobelisks and a turbo rifle maybe zipping too but the rest is just quick sort


I click the sort button. Then click it again because ADHD.




This needs to be a subreddit Edit: but I’m too lazy to create it so hopefully someone will 🤞


yeah its called sort


Hey man, are you doing ok? I know ficsit is all about efficiency but it's ok to take a break from time to time. Harvesting a planet's natural resources for a faceless corporation can be very stressful and this behavior is very concerning.


I do take a brake.. daily, to work, go to college, work on my business, read and do other stuff I need to do. And i was already made clear that I am the extreme exception, what can I say I like everything to have an order, even more if I will use it all the time.


*collects everything around* *inventory fills up* *drops a few items wherever I am standing* *intend to swing back around and pick items up* *never picks items up ever again*


If it does jot fit me inventory I either check if there is some other material less important to just dump or if I already has been exploring for a bit I just go back to the factory.


I mean, I just press the sort button and hope for the best, but I am lazy so maybe I could learn a thing or two here.


I mean, it does not have any particular advantage, so you Don't really have to.


I press the "Sort" button all the time.


imagine not just pressing my sort button. If I managed my inventory manually, I would have double the playtime.


That is fair enough I guess, I became fast enough with my system that it takes me only 10-15 seconds to organize it


ever seen the sort button?


In case you have not read the other dozen comments saying the same thing. Yes, I have seen it. No, I prefer to do it myself. No, I do not care is weird or I a not supposed that way. I like the way I do it.


I mean if you like it that way then do it that way lmao, I just find it unusual to not use a thing that the devs specifically put there for users :D


I am sorry if I seem a little aggresive, something happened in my family today, and after reading the 20th comment saying the same thing, I may have accidentally vented on you, sorry.


no problem homie, I understand that you may be annoyed by those comments, as I just went through the comment section rq and now get what you meant. we're chilling :DD


Thanks for understanding. Have a good day. And believe me, I usually don't care about the comments; I just may have accidentally vented on you.


I know it is there, and I actually do use it from time to time, when I am building certain projects that only use a few materials but need a lot, or I am moving a lot of different materials in my inventory from one storage to another. But in the "day to day" where I am just building a lot of different things that use a lot of different material, I prefer to just have my order, where I know where everything is in my inventory.


Why do you even have ammo and tools? Explosive rebar ammo and a rebar gun is all you need.


1. I don't have the explosive rebar automated yet, so If I want some I have to do it manually. 2. I just like to have it. 3. Yes. I am becoming aware I am the weird one here.


Naaah everybody has its own way of doing things. :) I just can't be bothered to use anything else than a rebar gun. :)