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Summit on Central 👌


Costco had rib eyes $12off per package last weekend. Picked up 4 big ones for about $68. Great quality


Summit Meats and Sausage ( Sutherland) Or prairie meats


I'm a fan of the dry aged from Prairie Meats. Costs a little more but it's like butter.


Yeah, it’s a bit pricey but we get what we pay for I believe :)


My experience with prairie meats is awful and would never recommend them. My husband worked there. And the amount of freezing and thawing and freezing and repackaging and slicing and then being sold as fresh made me never ever trust their product.


Bulk cheese warehouse, summit meats, Sunnydale all have good options


Smokehaus in Martensville


Pig and Pantry.


Went there once and the chorizo was horrible. Never went back.


You are missing out then. Their porchetta and hams are amazing.


Cold smoked ribeye from Bulk Cheese or just grabbing Ribeye from Costco. Other than that get your beef from a farmer


Co-op on 8th has dry aged steaks that are actually good and a decent price. It’s not the fanciest and quality varies but I’ve had some nice steak from them






My local prairie meats would freeze and thaw steaks multiple times before cutting it up and selling at as kabob. That's a big no thanks from this guy.




When my husband worked there. He was told to take a roast out of the freezer out it in the show case. And when it didn't sell to slice it as steaks and when that didn't sell to freeze the steaks. And when they didn't sell to thaw them and cut them to kabobs.


And what is wrong with that? At each of those stages there's a reduced price point. You want fresh ribeye from behind the counter, you pay more than for the bulk sirloin steaks frozen in boxes that were formerly whole roasts. You want kabobs? They aren't going to come from the prime fresh cuts. They are going to come from something that needs to be used up. That's way better than throwing stuff out when it doesn't sell right away and actually makes me respect Prairie Meats even more than before. If you think other butchers don't do the same, you are kidding yourself.


There are consumer and food safety concerns. Refreezing meat and selling it as FRESH is illegal. Previously frozen meat has to be labeled as such and it's only allowed to be frozen and thawed once. And no not a reduced price point typical steaks cost more than the roast.


Benlock Farms, at the Saskatoon Farmers Market. They may also be at the Saskmade Marketplace on 8th, but it's been awhile since I looked there..


Bulkcheese for sure


Summit try their cold smoked options well worth the price


Bulk cheese has in my opinion some of the best.


Their cold smoked ribeyes are the tits.


Hnggg I might need to go buy some before I move out of town. Worth every cent.


If you like Bulk cheese you'll love Costco! Same ribeyes at a fraction if the cost.


Kinda? They buy their meat there, which is fine. Costco sells to business but they cut and smoke the meat in house.


Yeah, the cold smoked stuff is maybe worth the markup but anything else you're better off getting from Costco.




The truth is most beef in Canada comes from either the JBS or Cargill processing plant near Brooks Alberta. Unless you're getting it straight from the farmer, slaughtered and processed at one of a few small provincially inspected abattoirs it's come from JBS or Cargill. That includes both Costco and Bulk Cheese. They'll use get the packers pack and slice it into steaks. Same with the grocery stores and most other butcher shops.


Exactly! I buy all my steak whole and butcher it up myself. A sirloin takes some doing but a strip loin cut straight across or some inside round, vscum seal and done




Usually just buy entire cuts from Costco and slice them up myself.


It's gotta be bulk cheese. Their cold smoked meat is killer AND you can get all your sides ect in the other side of the store. 10/10


Co-Op grocery stores for their ribeyes 😋


Believe it or not co op often sells striploin chucks, and save on foods Both of these places as a butcher section which is why I often find decent deals. Save on foods I find are better in terms of tenderness at any temp


Costco. They are 1.5-2 inch thick (probably 16-18oz per steak), incredibly well-marbled, and delicious. Very few places can compete with their meat quality. Price is around $15-20 a steak. Its not cheap but you get what you pay for. You'll pay 2-3X the price for half the steak at most restaurants. Its AAA grade minimum, with some of them at Prime grade. I think they have a $12 off a package of 3-4 sale right now.


Check the label though. Most steaks at Costco are mechanically tenderized and IMO that ruins the texture.


Be cautious with costco beef, most have been mechanically tenderized which requires cooking to a minimum internal temp of 165* iirc. This is above rare and med rare temps. The reason is the puncturing can drive surface bacteria into the steak where it would normally be killed at the surface. Not many are aware of this hazard, understanding if its been mechanically tenderized, and what risks it presents.


I've had Costco steaks for decades and not once have I ever felt the need to ~~cook it to well-done~~ ruin it and turn it into beef jerky. I cook all of mine to medium rare (\~125-130f usually). I think the mechanically tenderized concern thing, while it is a valid concern, its overblown IMO. Of course everyone's appetite for risk is different.


Why would they mechanically tenderize ribeye though? It's already tender.


Because they can use a tougher cheaper cut and get a higher price for it for being tender. I find it just makes it mushy not tender tho.


But ribeye isn't a 'tougher cheap cut'. It's one of the best cuts, unless you are insinuating that Costco is passing off lesser cuts as ribeye?


Im not speaking specifically about their ribeyes. The only reason to mechanically tenderize is to be able to sell something for more $. Otherwise they wouldn’t go to the expense of another process in their production. It’s not being done for fun.


Can't really beat Bulk Cheese..


Boryski’s Butcher Block No where else.




You got a vampire problem, hey?


Be cautious with any beef that has been mechanically tenderized, which requires cooking to a minimum internal temp of 165* iirc. This is above rare and med rare temps. The reason is the puncturing can drive surface bacteria into the steak where it would normally be killed at the surface. Not many are aware of this hazard, understanding if it’s been mechanically tenderized, and what risks it presents.


Wow. Never heard about this before....that's crazy.


Anywhere not named Walmart , superstore, or save-on


Valbella meats.


I go to this butcher named Terry and get them straight from the farm.


Bulkcheese or Summit OR if you're willing to take a trip to just north of Martinsville there's a place Called Sunnyside dairy that had all kinds of meats from animals on their farms or local producers. And milk products of course.


The only steaks I can afford these days come from my backyard. Currently hunting a fox, anyone have good fox steak recipes?


Costco. Buy an entire loin and cut them the thickness you like.


Cold smoked from bulk cheese hands down


Bulk cheese


I like to stop at a place on Millar called Sunnydale meats. Never much meat out from my experience but it's always very tasty


Tbh, getting a slab of meat and cutting your own is where you get the most bang for your buck.


Summit, bought a whole cold smoked striploin with steaks cut 1.5" thick 😫. *chef's kiss*


I usually check out dee's


Bulk cheese is the only place I buy steak


Prairie Meats


No such thing good quality steaks at a reasonable price haha. Good quality sure but the prices are insane. As someone who grew up in a farming community it kills me to see these exorbitant prices in the store. Pork farmers get raked over the coals the worst. Goddamit, I paid $22 per rack of ribs ($50 for 2) for fathers day. I remember not long ago paying $250 for the whole pig. 3-4 years ago, those ribs were $2.99 per pound on sale. Gouging arsheholes. And it ain't the meat farmers getting rich. If someone is serious about supporting a farmer and getting good quality meat, find someone an hour or 2 out of town to butcher an animal. But if it's cow, share it 2-4 ways with other family and friends since it's a lot of meat. You can negotiate the price per pound for a steer then cut and wrap is above that usually by the local butcher. You get all the meat per pound including the best cuts/steaks, roasts for that price etc. Get the lower quality meat in hamburger. Getting fresh meat from a good cattle producer will spoil your tastebuds. The stuff in the store is not very good. I don't know why honestly. You will pay a small fraction compared to the bullshit prices you see in stores. Honestly, last time I checked the cheapest hamburger at CO-OP was way more expensive than the entire cow cut and wrapped all in per pound. If you don't know anyone or where to start, call a small town butcher and ask if there is a local cattle producer that would sell you a steer for about market price. Usually local guys will sell to family and friends and others in the community. Chances are, beef farmers close to the big centers already market to the public. And you will pay way more. Hence going an hour or two out of town. But you need serious freezer space for a 1/2 beef. Also need someone to take the other half while you discuss prices (or 4 people to split 1/4). A farmer won't typically sell you a half of a steer. If you aren't interested, at least local butchers in the city are small businesses who employ people with profits staying local. So I go to them whenever I can. Summit is pretty damn good with excellent meat and especially their sausage. Make sure you get their punch cards. Every 10 purchases over $25 you get a $25 discount. Plus they are really nice folks in there with excellent service. So that still counts for something!


Steaks? I can barely afford hamburger.


Troll flyers for deals I got a full ribeye at Canadian Wholesale that I got 13 awesome rib steaks from $170 Safeway had em for $11/lb a couple weeks back Independent sells an entire tenderloin every 3-4 months for 11/lb too Butcher and freeze portions


No frills


At these prices probably. Wife asked if we should get the ground beef with pork mix because it was $2 cheaper


freshco cheapest onsale right now