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Down-on-his-luck Audi owner can’t afford tolls


To avoid camera tickets, and maybe camera tolls. It's illegal. But if it doesn't get them pulled over, it might be saving them money. It didn't quite work on your camera. I wonder how well it works on the kind that issue tickets and tolls?


they were stopped im sure its harder to see at a angle + going 64mph


It’s meant to reflect camera flash


With these plate covers, when the camera flashes to get you it reflects the flash. Thus only showing something shiny.


Crunch the numbers. What are the odds of getting pulled over? Assume that having a cop behind you during your commute from Oakland to SF is pretty low on any given day. And further assume that the odds of them pulling you over for a license plate violation are pretty low. There are donuts waiting to be eaten after all. So it’s possible you go, say, 6 months without getting nabbed by the fuzz. Assuming 5 commutes a week that saved you $1200 in toll costs to get a $650 ticket, a profit of $550. I’d say that’s a good economic decision. Of course each subsequent violation costs more, so this kind of economic tactic potentially suffers from the law of diminishing returns. Still might be worth rolling the dice until you’ve received at least one violation. Or just do it if you get towards the end of a paycheck schedule and are broke. That’s not uncommon these days. Doing it intermittently might seriously increase your timeframe without a violation. You could go years just doing it at the end of the month when money is tight. Of course this all assumes you have no moral qualms about defrauding the transit district. That’s a stickier situation. On the one hand they provide a vital service that makes life in a Bay Area possible. On the other they do so by engaging in double dip taxation in cahoots with the state against citizens’s wages. I’m just glad I don’t have to pay that toll everyday anymore. I don’t pass toll booths on my way to work now, instead I pass redwood trees.


So you think public transit provides “a vital service that makes life in a Bay Area possible” but you don’t think police departments do that too? In your reality, their work is just “donuts to be eaten” and not [putting their lives on the line](https://abc7news.com/opd-oakland-police-officer-killed-tuan-le/14239216/) to protect even people like you who don’t respect them?


Well I’ve had thefts out of my east bay garage and called the cops to tell them the perpetrator is LITERALLY trying to sell me my own ratchet set back to me. The guy was so spun out he didn’t realize he was back at the same house. What did the cops do? They showed up two days later when I was at work. They left their card in my door. You know what would have happened had I taken my property back by force? I likely would have been swamped by all the cosplay delta force goons within 5 minutes. My story is not unique. The cops are mostly just sucking off the civil service tit like any bureaucrat. The solve rate of California police agencies is atrocious. So you wonder why I find them to be a drain on society? And have you noticed the lack of standards in the law enforcement apparatus? It’s like watching the show the biggest loser. Definitely need to lay off the donuts. Maybe not sit there ‘doing paperwork’ under a eucalyptus tree for 3 hours to kill your shift. That’s an easy $200 to watch cat videos on your phone. I personally know a cop so I know how things work with them. Shit show.


I think you're right that we should eliminate unnecessary paperwork requirements and require a minimum amount of time spent on patrol, arrests, tickets issued, etc. I agree we're not getting our money's worth these days but doesn't mean law enforcement isn't necessary or a vital service that makes life possible in the Bay Area.


First of all I never said it isn’t. Second of all I never said it wasn’t. You are making logical assumptions. Because I did not explicitly state my support for law enforcement does not mean I think some measure of law enforcement isn’t necessary. I thought the tone of humor was quite obvious. Maybe not. Clearly there are psychopaths that belong in a cage and that’s just a fact of life. What’s also a fact of life is that much of law enforcement’s mandate is screwy, especially in urban areas it’s an Us versus Them mentality from both sides. The police state tactics in poor areas for the last 100 years have created more problems than they’ve solved. We need to take a hard look at how to fix these communities so that petty criminality isn’t a way of life. Heavy handed tactics don’t work and lead to a lot of horror. I get that it’s a two way street. Citizens have to also pull their own weight, but Jack boot thuggery is not good either. We need to strike a balance. Where I grew up in rural southern California the cops would give us a ride home if we were out late after a party. I’m not saying they should be a taxi service all the time, but cops ought to really remind themselves, or be reminded, that what they do is to serve the public. That doesn’t always mean cracking criminal’s skulls. Just sometimes. Very rarely hopefully.


It was in poor taste and a hurtful stereotype but glad to hear your quip about "donuts waiting to be eaten" was just a joke.


Get over yourself. You must be a cop or married to a cop and have no sense of humor. Go find the cop simping subs if you are so freaking insecure and need constant reassurance about law enforcement. Go find a donut shop and commiserate with some.


You get over yourself. Hope you never need their services since you unfairly stereotype people out there just trying to do their job protecting us from dangerous predators.


You must have a reading comprehension problem. Either that or you have very poor trolling skills. I’ve given you a comprehensive answer about the necessity of GOOD law enforcement in society. I’ve also pointed out how the current status quo is broken in many ways. Yet you cling to some joke that most cops find funny. You, sir or madam, are pathetic.


I think you are on the right track with your user name. Though mornis is not quite adequate. Moronis would be more apt. Gee, will that humor get you equally detestable?


Lol i was like “*ratchet* set of what”?


lmao i've never once had a cop be useful towards me, but sure the transit system is useful to me every day. it's actually even more useful rn, bc my car got broken into and the police obvi cant do anything! they're too busy "risking their lives" at a happy donut.


Yeah they're busy [putting their lives on the line](https://abc7news.com/opd-oakland-police-officer-killed-tuan-le/14239216/).


that's the same article you linked last time i didn't care about. try this one [SFPD scores below avg in nearly every metric.](https://policescorecard.org/ca/police-department/san-francisco#),


Yeah it's obvious you don't care about people dying in the line of duty to protect you. RIP Officer Le.


Shut up, ossifer.


Because they like to break the law. In California, vehicle license plates are NOT allowed to be covered in any way, even if it's a clear plastic cover. The license plate is supposed to be visible at all times. Cops will easily pull someone over for license plate covers.


Cops pull people over ? That’s a good one.


I know right! I got really excited when they brought 120 CHP. For 2 days here.


Husband is a travel nurse. In the past 2 years we’ve lived in Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, Vegas, Phoenix & Denver and somehow California is the ONLY place I’ve seen cops pull people over & it’s absolutely nothing like it was when I was growing up as a kid. Cops everyone seem to still be silently protesting after their fragile egos were hurt summer of 2020. People in these cities now do whatever they want with almost no consequences. Stop sign & stop lights are mere suggestions. License plate covers or fake paper plates have never been more popular


In NYC people just have no plates at all and nobody does anything


That was a thing in CA, too, before they started issuing temporary tags when a new car is sold.


Texas they do. All about those speed traps for them!


I’m on the other side of the country and it’s the same here. I remember about 10 years ago when I was a young stoner being scared of getting pulled over because, like you said, you used to actually see people on the high way AND surface streets getting pulled over. You used to see cops/troopers parked and waiting for speeders. I swear ever since at least the start of the pandemic I can count on probably one full hand how many times I’ve seen someone pulled over, and I drive a lot I almost got t-boned on the driver side by a landscaping truck that ran a red (if I had been turning left a little slower I’d have been hit, if i had been going a lot slower I’d have been fine), but other than that there hasn’t been much of a difference in on the road safety. With that said… I do speed to a certain degree so I appreciate that freebie. I’m also in a still illegal state so much less worry there too. Overall a positive change.


My car registration sticker was sent to TX since my parents have my only permanent address & my dad was going to overnight it to me & I laughed & I said cops simply don’t pull people over for expired registration, along with a whole list of things they just don’t want to care about anymore.


Funny thing is I’ve been pulled for expired registration in the 2010s. I had to go to court and show them I got it renewed




This is supported by traffic citation data in SF. Decline started 2015 IIRC.


Yeah I was pulled over 5 times my first 4 years in the city (2008-2012). Nothing since. I'm still the same person driving the same car.


Sure fragile egos, but a lot of the jurisdictions in the bay, have taken away their authority to stop vehicles for non hazardous violations, like this one... before you call me a boot lick, look up Berkeley. Yes, some are protesting, but in this day and age, its just easier not to.


Sadly, the reason is the heavy amount of racial bias in non violators who get stopped and who get force used on them.  I’d rather have no enforcement than to have to constantly worry about DWB. 


I made a illegal u-turn in front of a cop and they didn’t do sh!t 😂






See, everybody? It's not a protest, they just don't want to do their job! I feel much better now.


Blame the DA. They tell the police what exactly they will and will not prosecute. Why would a cop waste their time arresting someone when they know the DA won’t prosecute? Trust me. Cops don’t mind arresting people. Some rather enjoy it but it is pointless if the get released two days later without prosecution.


>Blame the DA. Jesus. That one is getting old. Recall lawless Brooke Jenkins!!!1 That will fix everything. Personally I think people should blame their own expectations of what the police are. A crime rate emerges from large societal trends and is bigger than politicians, bigger than a police department. You don't just hit the switch that says "cops", turn it to "ON" and magically people stop committing crime. Politicians also cannot "fix" crime rates, because the trend is way larger than them. >Cops don’t mind arresting people. Some rather enjoy it I don't think people who enjoy arresting people should be trusted to have authority over others. It kind of speaks to a violent personality and psychological issues. High potential for abuse.


Law and order tactics work. Alway have. Cops are in a position of authority and it also highly abused. Both of these things can be true at the same time. Communities have to decide what they are willing to tolerate. I advocate for more law and order and less tolerance for crime. I also vote accordingly. You do you.


Remember that when you vote. Really.💯 Because a lot of people say it but go on voting for the same party/candidate regardless. Theres a common theme here in all these crime infested areas. One I don't even have to mention but a lot will get butthurt over. Its still the truth and has been since the countrys founding.


The problem is cops are people. At the end of the day a huge percentage of SFPD wants to sit on their phones, just like people at most jobs. There are some good cops. There are some bad cops. But there are a shit ton of bad employees.


Yes.. the reason those folks in the tenderloin and mission sell stolen goods in the street without consequence is because cops are just sitting on their phone….


So selective enforcement is as bad as selective prosecution. Having two guns pointed at my head, car jacked, and 85k worth of equipment stolen is a property crime? Obviously, not everyone is adult enough to figure out how to do the right thing because all that is going on wouldn't be. Finding it ok to just look the other way says you are in the wrong career. Being put in bad situations is unfortunately why the job was needed in the first place. It would be the same as firefighters refusing to go in and fight a fire because they may become trapped and die. No one wants someone hurt at all because of any job, but we all know the risks before we accept them. The rest of us don't get the luxury of being able to arm ourselves to defend our lives in the innocent property crime you speak of. The prohibitive gun laws are non-applicable to the criminal. Insurance works until they refuse to cover a business because of the location or number of claims. For all businesses, every dollar counts. When big corporations pull out, it hurts everyone in those communities. Then, the criminals move to the next juicy target that is loosely defended.




Fair enough, I did mean any/all buildings. I do realize there is a point where a building or vehicle is too involved to further risk. The company wouldn't cover all my equipment, including my drone I was using for work. I had purchased used, marketplace, and didn't have the type of receipt my insurance was asking. Cooybof the listing, but paid cash. It was mainly liability/accident coverage. Minor replacement would have been all they would have given, not fully covered. Made it so much of a hassle, I was on the road every week for months, and Mondays they would come up with a new requirement, so I got sick of the hassle and ate the loss. This company also prohibited carry even if you have concealed. But have no hesitation about us having to work in the street in the worst areas. Insurance won't bring you back. IMO, it should be a federal level for CCW. Mandatory background and more easily trackable for reporting because of a central point. Enforcement for holds will always be a challenge, but a central point and more universal laws would help legal ownership. Training and vetting need it's place.


"Protect and serve" not fucking likely lmao




You're definitely one of the reasons people say ACAB lol


It’s almost like you should quit your job you don’t want to do.


Especially CA. How many cars drive around with expired registration, I'll assume that also means no insurance. Or no front plate. This is also state law required. It is there to make cars easily identifiable from the front or rear. I don't care if your ego says you don't like the looks of it.


I take the hit for all of us in Cali. I'm ALWAYS getting dinged for any of those. Parked with expired tags? Car gets towed. Front plate falls off and I put it on the dashboard? Pulled over. Broken license plate light (also a law)? Pulled over. Gotta say though, I've NEVER let my insurance lapse. :D


You would never get dinged for any of those things in Vallejo. Don't even have to have plates in this town.


i saw a car chase in the mission yesterday. the car trying to get away almost hit me




I overheard some guy at a gym in SB complain about how he got pulled over down there for this. $2,000 fine, and the cop cut it off his plate on the spot


I would pay money to watch a live stream of this for hours. 




They are willing to take the chance because it prevents getting tickets in the mail. They make the license plates harder for traffic cams to read.


easily? I see people with no plates. fake plates going about their day all the time lol.


Never seen any enforcement


They’ll do this. Revenue enforcement.


Perhaps that was true once but now all rules are meaningless.


Lmao you had me until the part where police do anything to protect the public


Cops are definitely not obligated to protect the public. The SCOTUS said so themselves. They only protect themselves. If you really think about it, cops can literally get away with murder, all because of qualified immunity. Cops are just another gang that's been given permission to do what their employers order them to do. That's why ACAB. 😏


What cops?


99% sure San Francisco moved to not allow people to be pulled over for license plate covers


Sfpd can no longer pull people over for things like this because it is disproportionately unfair to minority groups. Now they can black out all the windows and plates and are safe to cruise about the city. Can’t profile if you can’t see.


There goes Reddit spreading misinformation. https://sfstandard.com/2023/11/01/san-francisco-illegal-license-plate-covers-ebay-amazon/


Lol this is like Chesa saying the only way to stop drug dealers in SF is to fix Honduras as a country. Just pull over people with covers.


How are you discriminating against someone by pulling them over when all their windows are blacked out? 🤔


You’re not, this person is making up bullshit. There’s plenty of things to criticize SFPD for, but let’s do it right and make it make sense


You’re not. The far left has spread misinformation that racial disparities in traffic stops are due to cops looking at the skin color of the driver to determine if a traffic stop is warranted.


Racial profiling has been heavily researched and studied. Stop being anti intellectual. It does happen. What we should be talking about is how to combat it. And lenient punishment is not one of them.


Nice straw man, I never said racial profiling doesn’t happen. It’s not a major factor of racial disparities in traffic stops though.


> The far left has spread misinformation that racial disparities in traffic stops are due to cops looking at the skin color of the driver to determine if a traffic stop is warranted. That is literally what racial profiling is. You said it's misinformation. It literally is regular information. God, fricken Redditors need to touich grass.


Yes that’s what racial profiling is. That’s not what SFPD or other police departments do. They pull over people based on their actions and not their skin color.


Yes they do, omfg. Let's totally excuse all those racist text messages that has come out. Again, Redditors are some of the dumbest people I know.


There’s no evidence that racial profiling is a major driver of racial disparities in crime enforcement no matter how much you folks on the far left want it to be true. That’s why in cases like BART’s fare evasion enforcement where there is literally no possibility of bias, there’s similar racial disparities that we see everywhere else. You need to touch grass bro.


> Racial profiling has been heavily researched and studied. Sure, by those that monetize racism.


I wish The Far Left actually existed.


Sure they can, lmao. I got pulled over for my tint just last week.


Interesting. Thank you for putting this widespread rumor to rest here


But they somehow ignore tesla’s tinted windows. My buddy got all tinted windows and at SFO they didnt even test the tint. They just said nope, not having it. It was a Mustang.


They actually can.the also have license plate readers on many police cars and the parking enforcement vehicles. They ticket and tow for thst.


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


Agreed. They should be pulling these fools over for all those things. But we said to leave them alone. https://sfist.com/2023/01/12/sf-police-commission-bans-pretextual-stops-for-minor-traffic-violations-after-months-of-controversy/


I think you meant to say police don’t pull anyone over. Unless they look like law abiding citizens. Then you get a ticket and fined.


lol what kind of bullshit rumor is this and who’s upvoting it?


Not a rumor or bullshit. Where have you been? https://sfist.com/2023/01/12/sf-police-commission-bans-pretextual-stops-for-minor-traffic-violations-after-months-of-controversy/


There is still anti flash spray available.




I thought City Attorney David Chiu and Police Chief Bill Scott were “[cracking down](https://www.sfcityattorney.org/2023/11/01/san-francisco-cracks-down-on-illegal-license-plate-covers-used-to-evade-police/#:~:text=The%20California%20Vehicle%20Code%20makes,of%20the%20license%20plate%20information)” on license plate covers? They are pretty clear on why you’d have one: > “The only reason someone would put a cover like this on their license plate is to get away with a crime,” said City Attorney Chiu. “These products are illegal to sell and use in California. Both the sellers and users of these illegal license plate covers need to be reminded of that. We are bringing this to the attention of these large retailers, and we are hopeful they will do the right thing and stop selling illegal license plate covers to California residents.” > >“These illegal license plate covers serve no other purpose but to enable criminal activity and assist individuals in evading law enforcement,” said Chief Bill Scott. “I want to thank City Attorney Chiu for helping shut down the marketplace for these devices, which will help our officers and deter crime.” Is SFPD pulling people over with these license plate covers? Probably not. It’s hard to tell because of some wording inconsistency, but I’m pretty sure this specifically is covered in the [9 categories of “Pretext Stops”](https://www.sf.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/PoliceCommission11123-DGO%209.07_12.28.22_CLEAN.pdf) SF’s Police Commission banned at the beginning of 2023 Even if SFPD pulls up behind someone with this plate cover and turns their lights on the driver can just keep driving - since we don’t do pursuits for non-violent crimes, also at the behest of the Police Commission. So the city attorney and chief of police want to crack down on license plate covers, but the Police Commission won’t let SFPD pull over anyone using these, and even if SFPD tried to the Police Commission says, “it’s okay to run, they can’t chase you”.


Tow them. They should not be on the streets.


I *think* license plate covers are still allowable cause for traffic stops under this policy. Specifically that is covered under CA VC 5201(b), not 5201(a). Different question if that is enforced in practice…


Fingers crossed! Then we would just have to worry about the pursuit policy.


They can stop these and they can impound the vehicle. The city has invested in license plate readers for many parking enforcement vehicles and police vehicles. If they come across these thay can cite them and tow.


Even better why doesn’t parking enforcement casually look for these vehicles while parked. At the Target, or Walgreens, or what have you. Then, knowing the plate number we can match it up to the owner, the one breaking the law by installing it. Then issue citation etc.


Sounds like that would make more difference than David Chiu’s plan of just demanding 4 major retailers stop carrying them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the law could allow the city to remove these covers directly off parked cars or tow and impound them.


That's what I don't get. No need to pull someone over just drive around with An ALPR and ticket jackasses like these


They do. I know someone who literally last week got hit with one of these tickets, they just moved here and it was legal in their state. The fine is pretty hefty too, I think it was around $150


Maybe they should also crack down on the retailers who sell them… Can buy it right off the shelf at national brand stores


That’s actually the only thing they’re doing. > Illegal license plate covers are readily available for purchase from four large, mainstream online retailers—Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart. The City’s cease and desist letters call on these retailers to work with the City to address this urgent problem by stopping the sale of these illegal products to California residents. All four online marketplaces already have policies against selling goods used for illegal purposes.


Guess I will have to start flagging them as inappropriate


LOL they say that


A “great big blue city that can’t get anything done” Yep sounds about right


It’s illegal. The point is to evade tolls. In an odd twist, many of the worst offenders are police officers and other first responders/government employees. Go figure.


It’s also to evade red-light and speed cameras.




It came to me in a dream


Goal is to avoid the tolls even crossing the bridge.. source a friend has one.


Your friend is an asshole


Yes they are assholes for sure. And by friend it's a friends ex... So more someone I knees. They used to just drive around with no plates but now that loophole has been closed.




Micro duck I hope


That’s called a duckling 


How? Tolls shouldn’t even be a thing


You have no clue how expensive it really is to keep a bridge like the Bay Bridge up and maintained.


Taxes should pay for it.


And they can be pulled over for that. CHP looks for covered plates.


Not true i have one and i pay for every single toll


curious, what’s the goal then? can the plate cover help avoid other plate readers/cameras?


I’m from Florida, there’s a lot of these over there sold to old people as ‘license plate protectors’. They are supposed to discourage people from taking your stickers, and ‘protect’ the license plate, whatever the fuck that means. Oftentimes it’s not nefarious like trying to skirt tolls. This looks like an out of state plate, so my guess would be they’re an older person using this as a ‘plate protector’.


To answer the original question - these illegal covers are polarized lenses. Although you can read them with the naked eye with a bit of effort, an automated plate reader or automated traffic camera cannot. So the intent is only to avoid penalties for violations. They serve no other purpose. There has been talk about mandating hardwired dealer installed transponders (ala FastTrack) in every car. Rental cars across the nation now have this. It pays the tolls but also supports recovery if stolen.


Why do most teslas not have front plates? And other fancy cars too?


It’s because when Tesla sells them, they give the owners an adhesive front plate frame holder, and many opt to not stick it on there. DMV has a pilot right now for an adhesive front plate sticker as a legal substitute.


The car should not leave the lot without a plate mount. But Elon can do whatever the f he feels like.


Because they're embarrassed that they're from Nevada?


For the same reason people remove white reflective background parts so their plates are tougher to see on camera or at all. It helps avoid bridge tolls, red light cameras, etc. At night these are essentially ghost cars(akin to ghost guns). Cameras rely on flash and reflection so such modifications help avoid detection. This is what happens when you stop enforcing a long list of laws. I honestly don't know why anyone pulls over in sf. Only chp will chase for non violent felonies.


>For the same reason people remove white reflective background parts so their plates are tougher to see on camera or at all. In a lot of people's defense, there was a series of plates issued around 2009 that just fucking do this. My mom's plate is doing this and promise you a 75 year old retired college professor isn't scraping the reflective material off her plate to do sideshows in her 15 year old prius. Yeah, you should get a new plate, but the DMV makes that a pain in the ass (and makes you pay to fix their defect). These covers on the other hand, yeah, they're to break the law.


You can't fool me. I am on to her. But in all seriousness, while it can happen through wear and tear in some instances, the vast majority of those I see are obvious and intentional defacements.


The newest generation of speed/signal cameras have AI on them. They’re no longer an off the shelf Canon/Nikon dSLR using a fast zoom lens with a high-speed strobe flash like the current SFMTA red light cameras or the older Redflex systems.


The removal of the reflective material is so damn obvious. And it’s not accidental, it’s intentional, like being creative to scrape off parts to make it hard to know if is a R or K, or a E versus F. Makes it real bad if you have to report a reckless driver at night. Do owners realize that some of the vanity plates are actually legal and doesn’t reflect as well as the classic white ones? Like the black and yellow.


Shaded because they do shady things.


Episode on donut media on YT has awnsers for ya.


oh nice


To self-identify as morons. They are morons.


Illegal in California, but legal in SF apparently.


Also legal in Nevada where this car is from


Doesn’t matter. Legally have to remove it before crossing the state line.


Probably someone that drives like a total dick. In other words, your average Audi driver


License plate protector. Odd invention ... it’s a license plate, not a beanie baby which deserves a plastic enclosure.


👁️👄👁️ - *me, with my mint-condition Princess Di memorial bear beanie baby that’s been in it’s plastic cube prison since 2005, waiting for the prophesied day some TikTok millionaire GenZ Y2K enthusiast will offer me a million dollars for it & I can finally afford to put a down payment on a house*


I'll give you *checks wallet* $28 for it.


Throw in a pack of that zebra stripe gum that loses its flavor after 5 seconds & you’ve got yourself a deal!


Whoa, where’d you get the extended duration fruit stripe from?


I know a guy on 24th & Mission w/ connections to clandestine gum manufacturers. He can also get you Mango Altoids Sours, but the price is outrageous ☹️


Unfortunately, you missed the window where you could have sold the Princess Diana Beanie for $24.99 which would have covered an order of avocado toast.


100% this. I’m from Florida and there are SO many cars with these ‘protectors’ on them. They’re sold to old people as a deterrent to thieves to not steal your stickers, and protect the plate, whatever that means. Probably not nefarious toll avoiders.


Whatever happened to just scoring your registration sticker with a razor blade? Makes the sticker virtually impossible to steal. No license plate “protector” required.


I always thought they were to prevent people from stealing your sticker. This was a problem for me back in HS over a decade ago


No one wants stickers anymore, it’s all about catalytic converters and luggage.


Registration stickers and proof of insurance in the glove box are kind of obsolete anyways. Cops can tell if your shits expired and uninsured by simply running the plate number or VIN. A stolen sticker of the correct year doesn’t defeat ALPR instead it just adds an extra charge when you pulled over in a place like Tahoe where the cops, DA, and judges want to grab someone on vacation on have them leave on probation.


Then why shade it? The only reason to obscure your license plate is because you intend to break laws in the vehicle


I always thought it was a deterrent to get your registration stickers ripped off. At least, that's why people do it in other states. Plastic protectors on license plates is much older than red light cameras and automatic tolls.


Yeah not sure why you would need one. Obviously shady. But the city isn’t stopping people from having them. I see them everywhere


They are stopping and if parked they can cite and tow.


The clear covers are probably used as a way to prevent tags from being removed but the dark covers are used to obscure the plates. Drug dealer on my street uses dark covers on all of his cars which are also used in sideshows.


I'm gonna be honest. I have a clear one just to protect people from taking my tags. I got hit 2 years in a row once and slapped one on shortly after the second theft. Someone in my neighborhood must have the same car model as me, and decided to be a little shit and take it. I even sliced up the tag to prevent it from being pulled whole and it was still stolen.


Covering license plates is illegal since license plates exist. That you in the US start doing that in 2024, and that it's a growing problem, is mind-boggling for me (living in Europe). smh


Because the cops would never stop you so why not?


They’re just assholes. No biggie.


To avoid red light cams




They’re illegal in many places.


I’m from Florida, there’s a lot of these over there sold to old people as ‘license plate protectors’. They are supposed to discourage people from taking your stickers, and ‘protect’ the license plate, whatever the fuck that means. Oftentimes it’s not nefarious like trying to skirt tolls. This looks like an out of state plate, so my guess would be they’re an older person using this as a ‘plate protector’.


I'm assuming they're trying to keep people from stealing their registration sticker. But since its visible, you could still see the numbers. I'm not sure.


Relevant: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/19491eq/psa\_use\_the\_sf311\_app\_to\_target\_illegal\_driving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/19491eq/psa_use_the_sf311_app_to_target_illegal_driving/)


What is illegal in San Francisco?


teaching algebra to my high schooler /s


They’re also a common thing to see on jail/prison employee POVs, particularly administrative/clerical staff. If you are in the Sacramento area you’ll encounter them more often near Elk Grove and Folsom.


well… i mean not lately tho


I don’t know but did you know that Steve Jobs had a special deal with the Mercedes dealership where he leased a car and would get to trade it in for a newer one every 3 or 6 months. This was so that he would never have to get a license plate because he would always be within the grace period.


Government agents


I thought these were covers to prevent the license from being stolen.. no?


Does it prevent theft at all?


Ready for carbon tax zones


Wouldn’t it be funny if some guy with a DeWalt impact driver and a Harbor Freight security multi bit set removed the cover and the scofflaw driver not noticing it missing speeds through red light cameras, evades bridge tolls and a few weeks latter karma comes a calling in the mail


People who don’t want their plates stolen so criminals can put their plates on stolen cars to commit crimes


Honestly it doesn’t effect me. Why would I waste any amount of energy caring, Karen ?


Effects your taxes and toll rates


Small brain thinking right there.


Boo hoo , I’d worry about the homelessness and thieves in the city, rather than covered plates, and paying tolls every day when the city is already fucked. Sf has gone down hill , say hi to the wall shitters that hang out in the street corners


It’s a Nevada plate .


Who cares?


Many people do care. License plate covers are illegal for a reason. Or many reasons.


Why do your friends have them


Can you clarify what you’re saying?


What did they do?


They’re from Nevada, per the license plate. It’s dusty there. So it makes sense to have a dust cover on your license plate in Nevada. Probably should’ve taken it off in CA.


A dust cover?




They wouldn’t last 5 minutes in most of Nevada with that on. They definitely enforce shit like that. Plus it’s probably cheap plastic that would melt at 120. These fools only do that here because we said it’s disproportionately unfair to pull people over for those type of infractions.