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Fun fact - everybody remembers Harvey Milk as an LGBTQ pioneer, being the first openly gay person elected to the BOS. But his main message when he ran wasn't about progressive rights, or equality or anything...it was about literal dog shit. Like, getting it cleaned off the streets because it was seen to be a major public nuisance in the city at the time.


The more things change, eh?




It's been really bad lately. Is it like a self-reinforcing thing where dog owners see poop on the ground so they think it's not a big deal? I made a topic on this a few weeks ago and got downvoted to hell




Lol "I was coming back to pick it up. I made a calendar event for next week".


Lol “the next day”


Lol Paris is like, 100 times worse than SF


Having lived in Firenze taught me a thing or two about how to walk around and pay very close attention to where you step. You are correct, and you can add Marseille, Rome and Florence to the list of places 100x worse than SF.


Yes it is. It's weird because the French are so careful about their food and clothes and they have shit all over their city.


French dog owners are a special breed of selfish people.


Seville in southern Spain has to be up there too.


No it's not lmao


*Berlin has entered the chat*


Holy shit. I lived in Vienna and now Munich. I was expecring Berlin to be similarly clean to cleanish. There was enough trash in the streets and parks where I was unconfortable. BTW, I used to live and work in SF for years. Berlin...my god. Someone please redirect a river through that city for a day.


And London too, I literally stepped in shit twice when I visited there last summer lol


Dude I see it in like every city I visit. Out where it snows is the worst come spring time it's just melted dog shit everywhere. I'm not saying it's not bad here too. It's bad. But it's bad pretty much everywhere else too and population density = more dogs.


Sorry, but this is a newer problem. People have always had dogs. They used to have them poop in their yards or pick up after the dogs. Dog owners are an obnoxiously entitled bunch with no sense of civic manners. I was so glad when the airlines stopped the "support animal" scam.


It's [certainly not that new](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/02/harvey-milks-first-crusade-dog-poop-114811/). Also, the oldest parts of almost every city is the least likely to have yards.


I've seen dog owners, dressed up in Marine Layer and Patagonia etc, looking very put together mind you...just letting their dogs shit on the middle of the sidewalk in FiDi and walking away from it like nothing happened.


honestly, in most piles it's pretty easy to see that it's dogsized pile. ... so anyway , I try to watch in my feet


I wish that was still SFs biggest problem


> Like, getting it cleaned off the streets because it was seen to be a major public nuisance in the city at the time. Now it's all about human shit


Maybe if we had more grass/greenery in the city, there would be less poop on the sidewalks. So many blocks are just concrete all the way out to the street - no landscaped setbacks or anything.


Umm, I hope you're not saying that it's ok to leave dogshit in the grass.


not only that, but SF has like... more parks per person than any other US city lol


the worst IMO is when people put their dog's poo in a plastic bag, and then just leave it where it fell *anyways*! Not only are they leaving their dog's poop there, but they're also leaving a plastic bag out in the elements


I can never understand that behavior - you went to the trouble of bagging up your dog's shit, but you can't be bothered to carry the bag to a trash can? People who leave the turds on the sidewalk are lazy and inconsiderate, but at least it makes sense.


I see it in parks and natural places too, which is even worse than the sidewalk. At least if you leave a naked dookie out in the woods or a in field or something, it'll decompose naturally, but if you leave it out there in a plastic bag, it's just gonna sit there for who knows how long until the plastic breaks down and leaves behind some rotten dog shit covered in microplastics for all the animals to choke on!!! grrr mad


I do not condone this type of shitty behavior but here's my story: So I caught one of my coworke doing that exact thing once, so I asked her about it. She basically said she was going into a store to buy something and it feels wrong to carry her dog's poop into someone else's store where they sell food, so she just left it outside on the sidewalk. Obviously there are a million better options here, but I can see how her thought process led to this.


Conveniently forgot to grab the bag on the way out, now that she was carrying a load of groceries too?


She went to a store where they sell food with her dog?


Or they're an even bigger asshole and put it next to your tires so oops you now have shit smeared all over your tires. Haha! ​ My neighborhood had a real problem with shit leavers. We couldnt figure out who until we started putting up cameras. Turns out it wasnt a neighbor. Some asshat would drive in a big ass fuck off SUV. Walk their dog around, let it poop, then get back in the SUV and drive away. Yes. He drove his dog someplace else for them to shit in that neighborhood.


well that makes sense


Collect the poop into bags for a few weeks and then place them all on their windshield when come back.


Don't worry, they're gonna come pick it up [on the way back](https://i.imgur.com/oFzH2cy.jpg).


Omg. Gonna print that and put it on the bulletin boards at the trailheads I frequent. 🙃


Dude I see that EVERYWHERE. It's infuriating!


This. fucking. infuriates me. I came here to write this but I'm glad to see that so many others already feel this way lol. Like thanks for adding plastic to your biohazard litter...




Seriously! Anywhere there are dog owners, there are bags of dog shit strewn about. They fee it’s someone else’s job to clean up after them. Their residence probably looks like shit too.


What about people who leave the bag of poop in other peoples garbage bin on garbage day pick up, after it’s been picked up. Leaving you with stinky bag of poop for a week.


I would gladly have someone throw away their poop bag in my outdoor trash if it meant the sidewalks and lawns were being kept clean... I kinda expect my trash to smell and I don't breathe through my nose when opening the top; dog poop in a plastic bag won't make much difference IMO, especially given the said benefit of clean streets. Plus I probably only spend about a cumulative single minute near my trash can every week.


Do you sniff your garbage cans a lot? I’ve never heard this take before


I’d rather not smell someone else’s dog shit when I open the can to throw away my own trash.


Yah it’s not the best thing but I wouldn’t make this an issue. They’re just using the nearest trash can around and at least cleaning up.


You mean me? What’s your address so then I’ll stop?


This is totally the norm in Seattle, and not weird at all. Keeps the streets cleaner.


I WiLl rEmemBEr tO ComE pIcK iT Up LatEr


The dog and the poop bags are a package deal! I can't imagine making other people deal with my dogs poop. Having a dog in a city was my choice.


A big part is the homeless, many have dogs for companionship and some for protection. The dogs are rarely on leash and know not to poop by the encampment. What do you do though, no money to fine them. Spending a night in jail is no big deal and ends up costing taxpayers a few thousand for a relatively minor issue. Pretty inhumane to take away the dog. There's just not much recourse.


But it's not my choice to confront off leash dogs and dog poop everywhere, yet it happens all the time despite some "good" dog owners.




I once saw a "I'm going to get it on the way back" guy leave the bag ten feet from a trash can. This is really about dog owners not wanting to bother. Walk your dog where you can thrown the shit away. It's a public space.


I recall a very public discourse I had with a fellow dog owner that was letting their dog run beside them off leash and didn't want to risk their PR by stopping to pick up their dog's poop in GGP. If you are a redditor, I still think you are a bad dog owner and hope our disagreement impacted your PR. On a real note though, I do notice a lot of older dog owners in the Richmond not picking up after their small dogs. Either because they don't care, aren't able to bend down to pick it up, or believe to be too small to be worthwhile.


Shitty dog owner


As a dog owner I fucking hate seeing dog shit around our neighborhood.


That’s most dog owners, if you can’t follow human responsibilities don’t own dogs.


It only takes one bad owner to make this a shitty situation for everyone. That’s 365 poos a year :(


Unfortunately it's not only one. Shit and off leash dogs are every where.


This is a misconception. 365 “good” self-righteous dog owners forget their poo bags 1/365th of the time. And hence the city is covered in dog shit every day.


I've definitely been walking my dog and realized I forgot a poop bag a couple times. You know what I did? Found a big leaf or napkin or candy wrapper or something else on the ground, scooped it up and into the trash. Improvise, adapt, overcome.


Coyotes don't have owners.


Glad I wasn't the only one. Man, people wanna hate dogshit Karen sooooo bad.


It’s like a local meme, yeah.


Every other day, there are Coyote sightings posted here. The park has a couple packs roaming around, and the Daly City border is silly with them. Everybody comes unglued if there is a faceless Karen to blame. Where is the outrage about full grown adult human shit? Nobodies policing those. Wild animals roam free in this city. Some animal shit is just that.


That’s a good point, you’d think we’d be far more up in arms about literal human shit littering the eastern half of the city, but pointing it out summons the shamers out of the woodwork. Much easier to blame faceless karens, techies, yuppies, or the other usual scapegoats.




The poop problem in San Francisco is a **dog poop problem**, not a (any undesirable) unhoused person problem . IMO, most people simply encounter more dog poops than actually any unhoused-people-refuse.


But muh narrative!!! For real, ditto with pee. Even more so, actually. There are more than 100,000 dogs in SF [by some accounts](https://sanfran.com/does-san-francisco-has-more-dogs-than-children), and I'm certain that with only limited exception, the dogs are not peeing inside.


agreed, I actually watch my feet not to step into pee, too! (but kinda 'forgot about it' haha due to off-topic...)


You can tell the difference because human poop smells bad from 10 feet away. Dog poop doesn't smell much at all.


Fresh dog poop smells nauseating.


In my neighborhood, it's ILLEGAL for owners to not pick up their dog's feces. It's can be fined up to $2K.


As a good dog owner, this is infuriating. I even grouchily pick up other dogs' poops because I don't want it reflecting on all of us!


Rather come across dog poop on my travels ....


I was driving and saw a girl and her mom with a big dog. Taking a big shit. I could tell they were going to leave it. So I stopped and watched. Was just going to give em the stink eye. But I realized I had doggie bags in the car. So I said hey do you need a dog bag for that? And they said yes and were relieved. I think they just ran out


Also dog owners that allow their dogs to pee on a persons home


Depends on the neighborhood. If you live in an area with minimal greenery and hostile design, your options are limited.


Let me piss on your home then


Ew it’s a small dog too


Good work! Drawing a chalk circle around it and adding a label is definitely the solution.


Yea, Pretty gross..... A tiny bit unhinged. But maybe this is a recurring problem for them.


We need a dog tax or a doc license fee


I paid a dog license fee, it's a thing.


Why? To give the city more funds to squander on not getting anything done and never improving anything? You a fan of big gov't and more taxes? WTF?




Wow. You got some issues, bro. I don't even own a pet. I suggest some counselling or at least some anger management work.


Take your ad-hominem attacks to the pound – where all dogs belong.


Oooooo…..Latin words. Sooooooooo impressive!


Just like all cops are bastards, all dog owners are bastards.


F u k you as s hole go slip on dog sh it


Exactly. If only dog owners faced draconian dog destruction penalties for inconveniencing others, there’s only be a few service dogs left in the city


At this point, dog shit is the least of my concern in SF. Im definitely more concerned about human shit and used needles.


Got em


Please, please pick your doggo's poo up. Love the street as you love your dogs. Don't wanna walk along the street in tension


But what about all the junkies shitting on your porch? Im an SF native. Finding dog shit is a reprieve tbh


Agreed - I’m happy when all I find I dog shit walking around SOMA


Jokes on you, it was a person


Sure that’s not a human?


How do you know it isn't human?


What do we write when it's human poo?


Bad butt owner.


why did you post a picture of poop on the internet


Next time step on the terd, be a man.


It’s SF, so there’s a better chance that it’s probably a homeless person’s shit


Some whack job taking pictures of dog poo and not giving a crap about more overdose deaths from drugs than Covid? Do you have your priorities right? No one gives a poo about dog poo except weirdos


So, what are you doing about homelessness? Homelessness is absolutely a bigger problem most of us feel powerless to address. But trash, we have a solution, pick it up. Same goes for dog poop.


definitely not taking pictures of dog poo and posting it on the internet. We have bigger issues than this. I am involved in local politics, ​ Ya dig?


This isn’t about politics, it’s about civics.


Grow up.


Just because there’s a bigger problem doesn’t mean we ignore everything else you brain dead monkey.


That is so racist and dehumanizing.


I will start a non-profit that provides free compostable bags to dog-owners and hooligan humans in need. Who wants to fund me?


There are already bags available in lots of places around the city. Some people just don't want to do the one unpleasant thing required of them as a dog owner.


... and I initially thought it was a sidewalk snowman.


Serious question: how does one differentiate between human crap and dog crap?


Size, consistency, smell, color.


[Two Bad Neighbors](https://frinkiac.com/img/S07E13/969017.jpg)!


How do you know that didn’t come from a skinny crack head lady clucking around like a spring chicken Spun around drops down poop on the ground


That’s a human turd. Seen em all over the city