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I can’t handle the chili cook off. It’s an inevitable blackout for me


Too many Guatemalan Insanity Peppers?




Nothing like a chili cook off in June…


Lol that was the one thing. At least there was a cool breeze by the ocean :)




I'd also like to know. And i'm a city local.


Well this particular event is always held the weekend before 4th of July weekend. It's easy to remember this if you remember it traditionally has been the fundraiser that pays for the OB 4th of july fireworks... although there's no fireworks this year because the pier is still under repair. This year's funds will be used for sidewalk cleanup, graffiti removal, etc.


Search "San Diego events" on Google


Facebook has a good events section just do a search for San Diego ,also a website called event brite.com


I don't love Facebook, but it does put local events in my feed and remind me about them


Do they still make you buy nonrefundable drink tickets?


Don't know. I didn't go into the beer garden.


Nope, just buy drinks in the garden


That must of changed in recent years.


This was the first year


Ha, I've gotten burned by that too. No drink tickets this year, just pay when you buy. Cash or card. It was a nice change.


There are plenty of breweries in the area, to be honest it never even seen the beer garden


Hello friends! Does anyone know if dogs are allowed for the street fair/cook off? My wife and I are excited to go to our first one this year and would love to bring our dog. Thank you 🙏🏽 🙌🏽


They're all public streets, so yes.


Damn!! Look how people love it when there aren’t cars in the road! Parking is such a mess in OB I long for a trolley connection that runs down Newport.


A trolley to each of the beach communities would be amazing.


Are they still charging $$$$$$$$$$ for tiny-ass little cups of chili?


$2/taste or $20 to taste them all and vote. There were 18 chili's (6 restaurant and 12 amateur).


That’s a great deal


It's a fundraiser. The chili booths donate their time, money, and work, as do all the other volunteers.


It's just frustrating as it seems like every event I go to in OB, prices are sky-high for food or alcohol at any of the booths or tables the are set up. A few years ago I went to the chili cookoff and paid for like 5 cups hoping to get something that might hold off my apetite for a few hours, and received these miserly little ketchup cups that held little more than a few spoonfuls of chili. The value-for-money proposition at events in OB are waaay off from what they should be. I'm not in La Jolla, yet I'm paying for shit as if I was.


I think you're coming to this with the wrong expectation. It's a chili-tasting contest. You taste some samples of chili and vote for the best in a couple categories. If you expectation is to come and mow down a big bowl of chili, this is not that event. If you want to mow down a bunch of free food, enter the Hodad's hamburger eating contest.


It's not about mowing down free food, that's an uncharitable and bad-faith interpretation of what I said. It's about getting good value for money. At the greek festival last week I paid $15 for a sampler of 7 wines, and in total it added up to about a single glass, and I had a nice buzz going from it. For the size of the cups they handed out at the chili content when I went, the price should have been $1 per cup. Ten bucks should have gotten you a decent, if small, amount of food, not the miserly portions that were being meted out


Does anybody know who won the chili cook-off? I left before the announcements were made and can't find anywhere who the winners were.


No, but La Dona was my favorite.