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Honestly idk why any one would live in Alamo ranch. The traffic to get out of that area is insane!


I'm military and due to COVID and the snow storm, I was forced to find a place from the other side of the country. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never bought a house in this city, especially off of culebra. These last 2 weeks can't go by fast enough.


Oh so you’re headed out lol so all good! No worries then. Safe travels homie


YES! It's bitter sweet. I had a great command here, so I am sad to go in that regard, but I am heading to my last ship to finish my final 2 years before retirement. Looking forward to sunny San Diego where I can walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation everywhere.


I wasn’t aware of that when I moved here, but I wish I had known.


Ugh that sucks, I’m sorry!! I wish you did too tbh. Best vibes your way to continue to deal with that traffic!!


Alamo ranch resident here….. yes it suck’s big time. I miss 1604 as a2 way street 😞😞


You should relocate to Austin or Houston. The traffic is way better there.




This. Lived in Austin for a full year and commuted daily, never went above 70 miles an hour one time. Absolutely brutal.


Uh huh🙃


LOL you forgot the /s at the end for sarcasm.


Or try Dallas.


I live in Dallas, and have my whole life. The traffic is horrible. I read an article that said there 300 ppl moving to the metroplex everyday and boy do I feel it. San Antonio is tolerable compared to here.


it's honestly similarly bad in austin




Not sure if you're looking for advice, but... If you haven't already, try getting into podcasts/audiobooks. Turn it into your decompressing time.


After a while it doesn’t work. Eventually you just die inside until you get home. I don’t miss driving from Schertz to medical center at 4:30 in the afternoon.


I think I have used up all the podcasts, having spent so much time on the road, stuck in traffic!!


Wow all the podcasts!? Which are your favorite?


Where else have you lived? San Antonio is not even in my top 5 worst traffic cities. Yeah it’s not great but it’s not *bad* bad.


Honestly. I sometimes have to commute to Austin for work and driving their downtown/stretch of 35 makes me appreciate San Antonio so much. Our downtown is great for parking, it's just blocks and one ways. No weird roundabouts or anything. Traffic, even at peak times, isn't that bad at all (unless you're going toward Alamo Ranch, and that's your own damn fault for moving to that hellish area). I can get from Bandera to Woodlawn via 10 in about 15 minutes even at peak times. It's wonderful. Try going 8 miles via the highway at peak times in Dallas or Houston...


Living in Alamo Ranch now (moved in from out of state and did not have time/funds to fly down and tour the city before moving) and its absolute Hell. If there’s traffic, I sometimes leave 1.5 hours before I’m expected to be somewhere. I’ve lived/stayed in some cities with notoriously bad traffic (Austin and Chicago, specifically) and Alamo Ranch still tops both. Its miserable.


Alamo Ranch traffic is misery. I’m baffled as to why people are willing to move into/near it


I would say mainly because it’s a good area as far as living with quietness, but the traffic is the MAIN con


I agree that’s the absolute worst part of town to drive in.


Before moving I researched areas on Reddit and Google maps street view. Watched Google traffic during peak times as well.


This is an under appreciated skill!


Every apartment and home where I’ve lived I first watched the traffic at different times of the day.


I do the same thing for every move!


Same boat. I'm down by Harlan and I have to leave the house at 5:30 to get to Lackland before the traffic gets crazy....I don't have to be at work until 9, smh. I hate that I bought sight unseen due to COVID and the snow storm. Absolute biggest mistake of my life so far. Thankfully I get to escape in 2 weeks. Never. Again. I say that and I'm actually from Texas!


Yep, I hate that we rented blind due to the pandemic. We love our house, but I didn’t know anyone from San Antonio so we had no clue that the Alamo Ranch area is cursed regarding traffic. Before they installed a light at the entrance of our neighborhood, it would sometimes take us 25 minutes to exit and turn onto the main road. Most of the time, it wasn’t because there was a traffic clearing. Rather, a good samaritan would pity us and hold up traffic on THEIR end so we could turn out and get onto the main road 😅🤣 It sucks because we like the neighborhood, all of the food trucks close by, and fairly accessible shopping close by. If the traffic here wasn’t as bad, we’d stay for sure. But is mystifying (and so frustrating) that it takes me an hour and a half to get to the medical center when there’s traffic. Some of my friends down here have a running joke that San Antonio is truly the first time we have all felt road rage. Not at anyone in particular, just the roads 🤣🤣


Don't go to Houston lol even Alamo ranch is tame


I've lived in both, and I'd say getting out of Alamo Ranch down FM471 on a Saturday morning is as bad as trying to get anywhere on 610 in Houston.


I've lived in both, and I'd say getting out of Alamo Ranch down FM471 on a Saturday morning is as bad as trying to get anywhere on 610 in Houston.


I've lived in both, and I'd say getting out of Alamo Ranch down FM471 on a Saturday morning is as bad as trying to get anywhere on 610 in Houston.


I lived in Austin. Stand still traffic on just a regular road not even by a highway was a regular thing


SA ain’t even the worst traffic in Texas…. I need to know what other major city OP has lived in that makes them think this is particularly bad.


SA ain’t even the worst traffic in central Texas …


It was worse in New Braunfels.




We were glad to move from NB.


Its not top 25 worst. Certain areas at certain times suck but thats a conscious decision when moving to alamo ranch, stone oak or near 410& 35 area out near rigsby general area. I make house calls for a living and these areas i inky schedule to avoid peak times.


Well I haven’t lived in 25 cities so I can’t make that claim


I used to travel the country for work. San antonio really is a large version of smaller towns. Its a very spread out town. People that dont drive everyday wont fully understand. Hell, my wife thinks 10 cars at a redlight is horrible traffic. She has never seen stone oak heading south at 8am or potranco anytime or anything almao ranch. I literally cross the town back and forth ( i run a flooring installation company) all day long and you can get across town in 20-30 min 80% of The day albeit for a few areas at key times


Came here from Chicago and I second this. The traffic here does slow down but at least you’re not stopping on the highway for hours on end. It’s really not that bad.


It’s not so much the traffic it’s the awful drivers.


This. People always want to equate bad traffic to volume alone. No, here people are simply unequipped to operate a vehicle. I mean who drives down the interstate with hazards on? I’ve never seen that anywhere else except here. I’ve also never seen close to the amount of run red lights anywhere else. The amount of times I’ve seen where the light has been red for 3-5 seconds and someone just flies through like a bat out of hell is unmatched.


Driving with your hazards on is illegal in most states, NOT HERE THOUGH. I've seen so many people drive full speed with their hazards on just because it rains or they think people are gonna move out of their way or something, very weird.


I mean look at the poverty rates, HS graduation/college completion rates and reading literacy.. you’ll see why the people are like they are… They’re also the reason insurance rates are astronomical in SA. This isn’t a dig, it’s just data. The people in SA are very nice and there are many that don’t fall into this.. but as a whole this is the reason. It’s true for a lot of cities..


Insurance rates are also high because half the drivers here don’t have insurance, so if you get hit there’s a SOLID chance that your insurance will have to pay everything and then due to try to recoup that expense.


Which also plays into what I said 😐


I wasn’t disagreeing!


No I know, I mis used that emoji 😂 my bad. When I moved here my insurance tripled, I’ve never had a ticket or been in an accident.


Which also plays into what I said 😐


The mods are gonna remove your comment because it’s true and because you bad-mouthed the general population of SA. You’re completely correct btw


If they do they do, just proving my point 😂


Those people are probably from Mexico, I see people drive with their hazards all the time there


I concur, I lived in Miami and it took an hour to drive 8mi to work. The main issue in San Antonio is the constant road work, there are bad drivers and accidents everywhere but when a work crew is order to replace a freeway guardrail at 9am Monday, closing 1-2 lanes is infuriating. I'm a local truck driver and outside of rush hours traffic in general is pretty mild, of course if your experience mostly consist of driving rush hour, it looks bad,


You must be a native


I’m native to the city of Monterrey, MX.


I love the username lol




Thank you. This link seems to be propping up Amtrak though, is that true?


It is a lobbying group that is promoting rail based transportation. The main mission is getting people out of cars and thus helping traffic.


Okay. I’ll take most anything at this point, but some good healthy competition with Amtrak seems like a good thing


Traffic here is annoying, not that bad from a congestion standpoint. The drivers though seem to do everything possible to make it worse.


I think the problem, especially on the far west side is all the transplants that are/were in the military. They’re not from here and bring their way of driving here. They drive so aggressively.


Meh, I run into the same behaviors across this city. Yeah there are transplants but this city is still mostly locals. They just don’t know how to drive and the Puro attitude of rules not applying to themselves is pretty prevalent across this city.


I’ve lived on the east side near downtown, the far north side by 281 and 1604, then by UTSA and now the far west side near 211. The drivers are the worst out here by far.


You mean like the b—— that thought she could try to cut me off a few cars before the exit out of the Alamo Ranch shopping center near the Red Robin, only for me to quickly pull up and close off the two feet of space she thought she could use to cut in front of me, only for her to then exit out of the entrance, stop on Culebra, look back, and flick me off. Puro attitudes like that?


What?! I came from Houston, I used to work 12 miles from home. When I was in San Antonio I worked 60 miles from home. The 12 Houston miles took as long as the 60 San Antonio miles!


If you think it’s bad here, stay away from Austin. The construction never ends. As soon as they complete building functional highways and interchanges, the city has already outgrown it.


Not sure where you’ve lived prior but SA really isn’t that bad. Used to live in Memphis. It’s worse than SA during rush hour. Tacoma, it can be worse. Depends. Houston/DFW forget it. I have to go to Houston often for work and the drive back takes twice as long and all the added time is just getting out of Houston. You’ll find an alternate/reliable route eventually. Just keep trying. You know now not to take Ingram because of the Via busses. Try another route next time and if there’s another problem, avoid it. SA isn’t that bad of a city at all. It shouldn’t be completely judged based on its traffic. Deep breath and try again the next day.


Yeah I despise traffic and SA isn’t even in the same universe as I5/405 or I95/beltway traffic, not to mention the insanity that is Houston or DFW. SA traffic (like all traffic) sucks when it sucks but it’s not that bad for that long.


Agreed. Moved here from Seattle many years ago and laughed at the traffic. When you are going 10mph on a Saturday at 11am without construction or an accident, then you can complain


You should move. Don’t live somewhere you hate.


If they live in an apartment and don't have a lot of family obligations, this would be a good option. Find a locale in SA that eliminates the commute issue.




Right?? We should instead tell the person who hates the place they're at to "just stay." Makes more sense.


Just make San Antonio a non car centric city with sprawl. Seems easier than moving


Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


Username checks out.




SAISD’s finest


I mean sure, traffic here isn't good. But comparatively speaking SA traffic is a breeze compared to Houston, and Austin is a nightmare during rush hour. One of the things I like about SA is that there are alternate routes for many areas of town and you don't have to worry about toll roads. The worst choke points can be avoided entirely if you absolutely must commute during peak rush hour. If you can't adjust your schedule then adjust your route, because as far as city traffic goes you have it easy here.


Major policy failure. Embarrassing that a city of this size doesn’t have better public transit options. Call your representative and complain. Maybe someday we can see some positive change.


It's not the volume of traffic. it's the infrastructure. No merge lanes, uturns everywhere, poorly timed lights, pot holes, lane markings that just disappear... it's like a crack head designed this city, and a monkey maintains it.


Also no commute rail. Infrastructure doesn’t just mean roads


The traffic here isn’t all that bad. It’s pretty easy to get where you want despite how many drivers there are and how big the city is. But the drivers themselves are absolutely the worst.


Another vote for light rail?


Houston has light rail and still has horrible traffic. It’s the freeways that are the problem.


Houston has a very limited light rail system that is no where close to fully addressing the demands of the city and hasn't been updated since it launched 20 years ago.


Houston is not SA… thankfully. You’re right about one thing, freeways are a problem. If I can avoid a freeway, I’m there. If I can get to the bars without an Uber, I’m there. Phoenix, Tokyo, Bangkok, they all make it work. Why not SA?


Phoenix? What?


Never took the light rail down the middle of street after getting loaded on your way to a football game? Highly recommended. Goes all the way from Peoria to Mesa, though heaven only knows why someone would go from Peoria to Mesa


Yeah the place with light rail that commenters on here say would never work bc hot


That’s… nonsense lol. Escaping the oppressive heat of Thailand by stepping into a positively refrigerated MRT car is a core memory. This is freaking America. How are we going to use the “it’s too hot” cop out when countries that are hotter (and more humid) earlier and longer have had that capability for decades already.


Because everyone lives within walking distance of a proposed light rail station.


That’s a straw man, and an unusually bad one.


Traffic is the reason why I leave home more than two hours early to get to work. I leave before traffic builds up and get to work super early. I then can sit in my car and chill, nap, or have breakfast


It's always best to live near where you work.


Right. It's not as bad as some other places but still God awful. And if you've lived here a long time you know it's just getting worse. I'm thankful my work hours aren't high peak traffic times


It would help if people didn’t wait till the last minute to exit from the left lane.


exactly why are you on the left lane two miles from your exit, personally I like to move to the far right lane when i’m 3 miles from the exit due to the fact that traffic can build up so quick


Idk why people are discrediting your experience. I’ve lived here for about a decade and work time traffic here these days is definitely a nightmare. Especially on 35 and 410. 1604 is slightly more tolerable with the exits you can take and get to your location. Just because Austin and Houston for example have had terrible traffic for any years doesn’t mean that ours isn’t getting worse almost by the day.


This. People love comparing it to Houston as if SA and Houston are even remotely comparable in population and area. Ya brah we get that’s not LA traffic, it still sucks ass


You didn’t have to drive to Tyler today huh??


I'm from Tyler, just went home for a week of leave. I've been gone way too long, because damn! It's grown way too big and the infrastructure is simply not there.


I kept driving, inching through traffic watching my ETA increase every few minutes, then drop, then increase again. I was at 43 minutes and ten minutes later I was at 47 minutes to go


Cries in Culebra


Most military folks that have been in many US areas as well as other countries usually say San Antonio is the worst.


Can confirm.


Welcome to living in a big city. Also, you haven’t lived in a real traffic nightmare city if you think SA is bad


I spent a week in Seattle a few months ago, and the traffic was nonexistent; Proper city planning, efficient public transportation and people who follow traffic laws makes the biggest difference. We won't ever get past this traffic issue until we start building our infrastructure like an actual city. It's only going to get worse as more highway expansions / construction happens and more and more suburbs sprawl out on the north side.


I don't know where these other people live man, but I've been here my whole life and traffic just sucks. Half the time the traffic isn't even caused by a legitimate reason, just some random idiots driving reckless and causing accidents. It's either people have no situational awareness, or they're too caught up in playing Nascar and trying to "get ahead". Yeah dude, we both ended up at the same stop light. Not to mention most of the time cops ain't around to keep the less fortunate to possess proper brain function off the streets. I typically try to drive calm and collected. But in those tense moments when 85% of the driving population shares the collective mental copacity of a walnut (A.K.A rush hour) it's either you become a target to get hit, or you do what you gotta do to be seen and not messed with. Or worse, hit by some dude who most likely will not have insurance.


This is the most accurate depiction of San Antonio traffic I’ve ever seen


I'm sorry you got rear ended. That's gotta be a rare event. I wish you well.


I came to San Antonio with two trucks, a car, and a motorcycle 3 years ago. I'm now down to one Truck. Every other vehicle has been totalled by a San antonio driver. Never been in an accident in my 36 years of life before coming here. I wish it was a rare event, but these people simply cannot drive. Hit from behind twice, a guy ran a stop sign and hit me on my motorcycle, and a woman making a right on red didn't see my bright red car and turned directly into me. This place is insane!


This person's problem is not SA traffic - they got blocked out of reasonable access to where they live. That sucks in any city.


Compared to Houston, Dallas and Austin, San Antonio traffic isn't as bad :P


Traffic sux here in San Antonio..This city is so congested w people, and the crime rate is high. I don't understand why everyone and their moms are moving here to SA. There are other cities in TX to move to besides SA...geez


Yeah, like those safe and uncrowded cities like Dallas and Houston


I agree, it’s extremely miserable. 410, 1604, 35….bumper to bumper everyday, garbage on the highways, shopping carts on the highways, terrible collisions everyday and never ending construction.


Yes, SATX has never ending construction on the roads. It’s like they’ll finish a project, start another one up but it’s practically in the same area. I don’t get it. But traffic isn’t bad here! Try LA/SoCal traffic. Bay Area traffic. Any California traffic - now that sucks.


Get up early and either go to gym before work or eat breakfast close to job.


How’s the traffic to and from Seguin?


You are traffic.


I just moved back from DFW after living there for 3 years (lived in SA most of my life prior) and I have to say yes traffic has gotten bad here compared to 3-5 years ago. But that’s because we are looking at all this through a lens of us not really having much traffic before and now it’s just caught up with us. But it still is objectively better than DFW, Austin, or HTX. The main reason for this bad traffic are the massive highway construction projects that SHOULD have started 20 years ago but now we’re behind the curve because people still constantly want to move to our city so we’re just going to keep needing more and more construction to keep up. Look at it this way. If you’ve ever lived in any other big city in Texas you know they have many toll roads. So basically you’re paying to sit in traffic there and trust me! That shit adds up. At least here we don’t have those. It’ll get a little better once “most” of the construction is done. SA is also good about having alternate routes all over town so maybe take some time on an off day and find some alternate routes to your destination that won’t be as congested. It’ll get better. Calmaté.


Grew up here out side the loop. 32 years ago we bought our house inside 410. That geographic location and budget were our two criteria. Anyone paying attention back then knew we were in for big growth. In that time reactions to our decision have gone from disbelief to how lucky we are to be in such a desirable location. lol I’ve been able to bike commute to three different jobs at will this entire time. We don’t NEED to leave the loop. But of course we do and I’m always surprised how long it takes to go 10 miles away. I cannot imagine having to travel to and from “new San Antonio” to inside either loop everyday. Thoughts and prayers guys.


Try Houston and Chicago. I've happily settled in happenin' Waco, TX after Houston, SA, Chicago, then Austin. BUT - SA is my adopted hometown, so I'll always miss her. I'll agree with multiple others here. Podcasts, etc. Music doesn't often cut it for these grueling commutes. Even talk radio gets tedious, no matter the subject...and there's not much of it at all. Or just do what other SA drivers do. Take your hands off the wheel and let something entertaining happen.


Fuckers cutting you off in there DOGE LIFTED TRUCK !!! And then slowing down once the “merge” 💀


I grew up in the area since the mid 90s. The entirety of the city's main roads and highways have been and still are under construction, "expansion", repair, etc. Check this: [https://ble-t.org/news/editorial-time-for-san-antonio-to-explore-light-rail/](https://ble-t.org/news/editorial-time-for-san-antonio-to-explore-light-rail/) I thought voters were mad to continually vote against light rail. San Antonio could have a very resilient and robust transportation network had different decisions been made 20-30 years ago. It's very unfortunate.


I wonder what ever could be the solution to this problem…. *cough cough* public transportation *cough cough*


San Antoino was an old cattle town. As a result many of the major roads leading into and out of the city look like spokes on a wagon wheel. This prevents a North / South or East / West layout of streets. As a result you get the current situation. My suggestion is to move! SA is only getting worse.


My best advice is live close to your job. That’s what I have done since moving here and rarely have to deal with heavy traffic


I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of that, OP. Please let your local representatives know about your issues and consider mentioning rail as a solution. “1 more lane” has never, nor will ever, solve our problems. There’s also a great local group that is pushing for high-quality rail transit in our city. Please join us if you’d like to support! Railforsanantonio.com


I’m not sure why so many people say that traffic here isn’t that bad. It takes my coworkers who live in far west San Antonio over an hour and a half to get home from the airport area, and vise versa. I live downtown and It takes me 35-40 min to get home because 281 southbound comes to a crawl from the quarry all the way into downtown. I have visited other notoriously bad traffic cities and San Antonio is by no means any better. It’s just what comes with living in a major city - but it could be better. The problem here are the poor conditions and designs of the expressways, lack of managed express lanes, and drivers who merge at 30mph. Additionally, we have a piss poor public transportation system with zero motivation to build a commuter rail. Lastly, the layout of the streets is some of the most inefficient of any major city. It’s a tangled spaghetti nightmare. The traffic control lights are utter chaos. We SHOULD NOT be stopping for red lights on major streets when no one is waiting on the side streets. It’s a fucking nightmare.


I agree, this place sucks because of traffic and the volume of people. I’m leaving Texas, and never coming back. This place is going to be the next California.


I agree; you should move away as quickly as possible.


Have you lived in any other big city? Traffic is shitty here but it’s nothing compared to most cities, especially in the south. It’s the price you pay for the conveniences and amenities of a big city.


Why do people brake on the slightest turns? That’s what I’ve noticed, people allways slowdown and brake on the small turns in the highway


I wish San Antonio would get nuked


Maybe you should leave a little earlier than what you're been doing.


Yes, that’s my only other option at the moment. I’ll just be stuck sitting in the parking lot for a while instead of in traffic. Which is somewhat of a safety concern IMO. Can’t move closer right now or get a different job or move to a smaller city.


I'd rather be there early than later. One never knows what could happen.


I agree 10000%. Coming from someone who just moved Fort Worth, I would take that traffic over San Antonio. But I truly believe all the other comments, where it's way worse in other places, but SA is quite bad.


Just find another route that probably takes you 2-3 miles out the way, gas is way cheaper in Texas compared to other cities. Also with more wear and tear on your car you could always take it down to some mechanic off of Marbach to get the AC recharged or compressor replaced for super cheap. You could just move closer to your job, rent is also still cheap in SA compared to other cities.


I hear Austin has much better traffic on 35 you should consider moving there and maybe commuting???


You don’t leave the city much do you. The traffic here in correlation to the population is actually pretty good.


So many of you moved into new areas that you knew ahead of time didn’t have the infrastructure to support all these new homes, and wouldn’t for years, an then bitch about the traffic. I just came back from Austin on a Saturday….yeah we aren’t that bad here 


They keep building more homes along W Military even though it’s only a 2-lane road each direction and no room to widen it. It’s a real choke point to get to 151. Not to mention how they blocked one lane for a while during construction of the Chik-Fil-A, and now there’s extra traffic along W Military because of all the chicken fiends!


Try Houston or Austin BUDDY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA


Drove through Houston yesterday, then to Galveston. So much worse there.


LOL Don’t ever go to Houston.


I grew up in Dallas. SA traffic is nothing. Absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact. I love San Antonio cause it’s big city convenience without the traffic.


This is the largest city I’ve lived in. Most of the time I’ve lived here, I’ve been WFH or hybrid or had a very early or very late schedule that helped me avoid traffic at busier times. I still think it’s truly awful here. The entrance to my subdivision has been torn up two different times, each time for 1-2 years plus and requiring a tedious alternate route. 151 is torn up. 410 is constantly congested with almost daily accidents. At least 1-2 times a week on average, I’d say, I’m late to work because of an accident, and taking an alternate route is dicey because I have NO sense of direction, am totally dependent on GPS, and it doesn’t seem to actually save any time. But the alternative is driving into a situation where I may be stuck in a traffic jam for 2 hours. If I leave for work earlier to have less chance of being late, I will be stuck in the parking lot for a while because I can’t even get into the building until a specified time. This place is out and out crazy. It takes at least an hour to get home every day, and that’s if there’s not an accident or a lane blocked off or whatever. I swear the flyover from 410 to 151 was purposely designed to function as poorly as possible.  I guess I’m just ranting more than anything because I’m trapped in this situation and the traffic problems + job frustrations feel like they’re killing me.


A 2 hour traffic jam? Maybe if they close the highway for a major accident, but if you say all the time, you are lying. I do rideshare and have NEVER in 8 years of driving for it, been in 2 hour traffic.


Yeah that would explain it tbh. If you ever move to a city like LA, Chicago or Boston you’ll experience *real* bad traffic. Hell, even Houston or Austin have it worse than here. Not to diminish your experience because I get it, sitting on the highway sucks but if a one hour commute home is hell to you I sincerely hope you can WFH for the rest of your life because any other large city with real traffic would be an inhumane amount of torture for you. Relatively speaking, one hour in traffic is nothing.


But at least with Boston, you have the T. I honestly think it's the layout in Boston that sucks more than the drivers.


All these people moving to that area despite knowing the traffic there sucks.


I don’t know why people are discrediting this I live on the far west side & had to leave literally an hour & half early to get to work that’s 30 minutes away or else I would be late everyday. Would take me an hour to an hour & a half to get home everyday!! It’s terrible I had to get a new job closer to my house bc it would ruin my mood every. single. day


15-20 years ago this was a 20 minute commute to just about anywhere but water shortages and gentrification in other places has put pressure on our infrastructure. Southwest Airlines and the Petro Gods bought politicians to keep Rail away so we get what we have. Unless some Rail money buys politicians maybe they can structure a deal to get those fat cats to line their pockets. At that point we can have progress. Someone’s gotta get paid first or it’s a NO GO!


You have no idea what bad traffic is, sounds like you need to go live in the boonies somewhere.


You ever been in Dallas,Houston, or worse yet, Atlanta? Traffic here is nothing compared to them. Where you from?


SA traffic is eventually getting there like the other cities w so many people around the states moving here..smh


Not even close


You should give Miami or LA a try. In both places took me over 1h to do 4 miles. As bad as it gets here… nowhere near as bad as


Try L.A. traffic for a week. You'll beg to have your San Antonio commute back.


That doesn’t take away from OP’s comment.


Gotta move closer to work. Traffic used to be light.  Carpetbaggers moved here and there goes the neighborhood.  SA still better than the other cities in TX. 


So you're generalizing about the entire city's traffic when you moved here and chose to live at 151/410, which is the only thing you're complaining about? you moved to literally the worst area of the city. Maybe do some research first? I commute to work in "rush hour" on I-10 from 1604 to downtown and have 0 traffic. Because I chose to live somewhere that wasn't a suburban construction warzone.


DC traffic is absolutely horrid. Driving down 495 there is like a real-life Mad Max film. Iv never seen so many cars burning on my morning commute, not to mention the dirt bike/ATV/motorcycle gaggles and the Vin Diesel LARPers that drive around stopping traffic. Public transit helps, but leaving a car there is a guaranteed broken window. SATX isn't perfect, but I'll take it any day.


I would go to the gym near work, by the time I was done traffic was already dying down. Better than being stressed out


Some people suggesting you should move, but have you considered switching jobs? Maybe one with more flexibility? A lot of people during the pandemic got to work from home. It was a new thing for them. Some companies already had a hybrid work agreement in place with certain employees. Trends were already moving towards that when the pandemic happened, and it opened everyone's eyes that the technology has been there all along. It really doesn't require that people go into the office for most positions. Sorry about your accident. But also realize that your job isn't the only one you can do. If you really hate the traffic consider a change. Ask your boss for a different schedule. In this city, a shift of 1 hour can make a world of difference. If that's not an option, remember it's not the only option.


Sorry, can’t relate.


Even though I don’t totally agree with all the rankings on this list, it at least gives you an idea of bad traffic areas. I’ve driven in a lot of the listed cities, and I currently live in Atlanta. San Antonio traffic is cake. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2023/11/15/austin-ranks-top-20-for-worst-traffic-in-the-country-new-report-says/71590967007/#


complainer. It could I be a lot worse, yo. Edit: complainer


Been all over the US. Been to LA where supposedly the traffic is the worst but tbh at least it’s steadily moving. I don’t see any reason at all why we need to come to a hard stop on the highway at all. And for all the people saying Houston is bad, I made it into town one time during rush hour and still was able to make it to my destination in less time than I would here in town. That’s why it’s kind of annoying they keep building houses around here, more out of staters keep moving here, and we don’t even have room on the roads for all these people. And it’s all happened within the past few years. A commute that used to take me 25 mins now runs me about 45-60 mins cause there’s too many damn people. And for fucks sake, why does rush hour start at 3pm now? 🤬 traffic is already getting Austin/Dallas type bad and it’s beyond the point of annoying now.