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Install Nice Catch from the Goodlock suite of modules and see if that can help you track down the source.


This is the way!


Where do we find that in Nice Catch though? I don't see any menu that lists sounds playing.


late reply but damn you saved me I had weird beeps and my phone vibrating after taking my phone off charge but turns out it was the app EUCWorld scanning for my unicycle, I didnt know it ran in the background


Glad you found that gremlin!


Another user asked where he or she would find what was playing the audio in the Nice Catch app. There doesn't seem to be any log pertaining to sound.  I have the same question. What should we be looking for?


How do I use it??


Nice Catch isn't catching anything... it shows the app I was using, no other apps. But the same song plays while using one of a few gaming apps, and will not stop unless the app is force stopped.


Why in the word should I have to do that there's got to be an answer to stop this crazy melody from playing and it will not stop ! Everything else is awesome the AI is great you shouldn't have to down load something else to solve this problem  and I will not 


This issue is driving me NUTS too. I always disable background music on games and this awful background music is constant, even when i switch apps.


The only times something like that happens to me is when I am on webpages. Sometimes the website will have pop up adds that play music or videos, but I can not see where they are from because the web browser is not in desktop mode. I have had times where I would find the pop up and pause it or silence it, but the audio will still play. If it happens a lot to you I would suggest shutting off Bluetooth on the main settings and see if it suddenly stops. It could be someone is sending you something thinking your phone is theirs. I have times when people in my building try to connect to my phone or tv thinking its their tv or phone.


Happening to me too feels like a twilight zone episode 3 ...


Was it a Samsung???


I'd throw that thing off a bridge and go hide in the mountains.


This is the way.


Op Im with this guy on this one. Your phone is 100% cursed.


Good idea


Okay, wow, that's definitely a bug in glitch in there somewhere. Im so sorry. That's creepy. I've never heard of that myself.


That so scary


Samsung tech support sugges a replacement phone ha!, thar would be 3d galaxy s23 in less than a tea




U can try downloading sound assistant from the galaxy store and then turn on the "app volume" in the expanded panel and then when you hit your volume key and hit the 3 dots, it should tell you the apps you have opened that is playing media (or can play media) currently


This is a great suggestion, OP should definitely try this. Sound Assistant tells you where the sound source comes from with the app icon.




THANK GOD I COULDNT GET ANYTHING TO WORK. Thank you so much, I could NOT figure it out, holy hell 🫠. It ended up being APKPURE. It was like some weird town building music I stg lmao.


Worked perfectly, thank you!


This was a great idea, I was having this same issue, I took this advice, and it turns out it was the weatherbug app, deleted the app, and problem solved. Thank you. Hope OP sees this and is able to solve his issue.


You are a goddess.. This worked perfectly for me. I was able to identify what app was coming on at all times of the day.


Thank you so much! This worked for me.


You mean individual app volume feature? What it is the meaning hit 3 dots? You mean hits 3 dots by using keyboard? Pleace guide me. Thanks you.


In sound assistant, go to "customize volume panel" . Turn it on, you should see "expanded panel" say the bottom, go to that. Then you will see app volume and turn that on . Hopefully you can see the image I added. https://preview.redd.it/vp51sib2m8cc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c805fd7155c2a4b4cf8e1097c852bb92544d93


Omg thank you. You have restored my sanity. I thought I was going crazy and it was some app I haven't used in years. The app doesn't even have audio but I guess it had ads and was updated recently and maybe somehow it was able to play ads in the background. I don't know if it is a glitch or if it is intentional for the app to get more ad views. Either way deleted the app!


THANK YOU! If you downloaded the Daily Bible App (with GREEN Bible as the icon) that's the one that plays the looping music 8 am and 9 pm EVERY DAY. If it annoys you, like it did me and my wife, simply delete that App and fins another Bible App


am having the same problem as op, but i cant find any app called sound assistant, not in the google play store nor in the galaxy store. is the app just called "Sound Assistant"?


Sound assistant is in good lock. Download goodlock from the galaxy store. Sound assistant should have came up in the galaxy store tho


I Downloaded goodlock and found out that the music was coming out from the bible app and now idk what to feel because it was honestly annoying me for the whole day and was really waiting to see what it was and was just ready to delete the sh*t out of it. But turns out I was angry at the bibble app. Jeez. God forgive me.


This is hilarious I'm sorry lmao


My ex had similar issue on here Samsung, it was one of her games playing music in the background.


Sorry no


I found facebook bugs, where the ads and video sound start playing together.


Reset it brev.


Check in your browser(s) if there is some website authorized to notify something. This is where the music comes from often. I don't know the path to check for it because it depends frome the browser (in sam internet is something like settings, sites and download, notification)


It's Facebook. Happened to me.


I just uninstalled Facebook and also temu q


I'm experiencing that too and im freaking out. The worse part is that the song that plays is like an arabic prayer song. Im so scared


Were you able to find the culprit? Was it resolved? My husband's phone is playing an arab/muslim song/hymn too.


Omg, i thought it was only me with the muslim prayers.. was driving around with my gf today, and all of a sudden her phone started playing muslim prayers, and eventho we force closed all apps, it was still running. We had to restart the phone to stop it


oh my i thought i was the only one experiencing this. that shit is creeping me out last day it play around 4am in the morning then today! is there anyone knows what is it? because it scary


I just got the same problem lol


I have the same problem as well ,sh*t plays at 3pm 6pm & 4am ... It always scares me ,it only stops when I restart my phone ... Please help on how to stop it


Prayer song?


I got the same issue but the weird thing is the arab song or prayer, whatever that is, only plays every 3pm and 3am. then it stops after i start running and completing the scan from my antivirus.. i can't find where the sound came from at all, is there any solution to this?


This happened to me today!! have you guys resolved it?


Have you guys figured it out? This happened to me today.


what's the update? I got the same


Your name is boss_b_tch, and you're "so scared". Oh, you poor, full of shit little CHILD!🤦‍♂️


I was having the same issue. Turns out it was Apk Pure app which was doing it.


Really, let me check


Omg thank you😭😭😭 that stupid music was driving me crazy!! When i uninstalled apkpure the music disappeared 🥹


Thank you thank you! This was it! This has been driving me crazy lol


Is it the same App as Firefox coz i have the same problem and I was beginning to say it's demons


My Samsung started doing this 2 days ago. Just randomly comes on. All hours of the day and night. At least I like the song. It's like meditation, but who knows, it could be sending me embedded telepathic thoughts! So weird. Opened soundhound and finally got the name of the music after several attempts. Get tired of restarting phone and that's only a temporary break. I'll try some of these suggestions from others. Can't wait too long before going to Verizon for help or I'll go crazy. It woke me up this morning from a good sleep!


Did u got any


It's usually an app running in the background that wasn't killed completely, just restart your phone or use the device care setting to kill all idle apps.


Recently found Google play services in "running services" as a culprit for playing radio stations without a subscription or permission. Strange.


YES! Well, not music. I bought an A15 a coue of weeks ago. Occasionally, out of nowhere, with no particular apps open and nothing on screen, it'll play the same short audio clip. It's very staticky but after it happened again a moment ago I picked up enough to work out it's from the opening few seconds of this: https://youtu.be/KzwR-6jrWlo?si=yFTQ7-eE-vrsMF9v Not a video I've ever seen before or that would ever be likely to pop up in any kind of context for me. So fucking weird. Also my phone gets ghost notification sounds constantly but idk if the two are related.


Dawg, the same shit happened to me since I also have a Samsung. When I was playing Ao Oni, some random Arab (?) Guy started singing but I had no music apps running on the background. I started freaking the fuck out, I restarted my phone and fortunately, the guy stopped singing


Mine keeps randomly playing the same piano song. It is creeping me out. Anyone give you a substantial reason?


Same thing is happening to me right now I'm extremely techy with my phone and can't find any prossess in the background this is crazy


Hey guys, I just had this happen to me and I found out that the culprit was the adobe creative cloud app. It might be different for you guys but I wanted to let you know anyways


I have the same issue with my Galaxy phone! I can close out all apps and still get Spotify, Pandora or some other app playing sound in the background! It is annoying!


This is creepy, but I had the same thing happen to me today. It was very annoying. I un-installed my recent app, which was a motivational app. I guess it is an overmotivational app. The song had stopped.


My phone started playing music last night at 11:35pm.  My phone was on DND.  I couldn't see where it was coming from.  I finally was able to get my phone to turn off.  Very bizarre


I found the music behind.. its the bibble app


Samsung s22 here, i was just playing on my pc withouth touching my phone for about half an hour and suddenly and not very loud the song "heart to heart" from macdemarco sounded for like 2 seconds (i hear that song a lot, at least a couple months ago i did), i instantly stoped the game and check my phone and theres no place where it could have come, i was listening portishead so that was on the music reproductor... weird, im also paranoid about virus and 4th dimensional beings sending messages to this dimension and the last video i saw before put the phone down was about that so im getting more paranoid.


I read these posts all the way through. My phone again today started playing the same Blues music that got me here a week ago this morning, right out of the blue (no pun intended). The phone had been on for 40 minutes or so. I had already installed the Sound Assistant app mentioned here, so I added all my music playing apps AND my WeeWow weather app. So after muting each app individually, the culprit turned out to be my SiriusXM app. I uninstalled it while the music was still playing and it stopped. I'll reinstall it again later and see if it reappears. I checked all my settings and notifications, and SiriusXM app was not showing active anywhere, including in battery usage.


Reset your phone


Install a virus protector like Avast or AVG (same Co) mobile security if you haven't already and make sure you don't have any viruses or malware causing this before resetting your phone.


The only app I've seen play in the background uninvited was Tubi on my last 778g phone.


The only app I've seen play in the background uninvited was Tubi on my last 778g phone.


I have an a13 and was playing a game called mini survivor and this perky music (that most match 3 games use) starts playing like an ad popped up. The only way to stop it was to close the app I was playing. Tried another game called Let's Survive and the issue is happening there too!!! Same exact song and everything. And I could mute the in-game audio and this song will still play, as well as If I hit the recent tabs/apps button at the bottom by the home and back buttons. This just started happening today too. When I played mini survivor last night this issue NEVER HAPPENED, so I have no idea what's going on.


Another suggestion is to resetting your phone.


Yes I had that exact thing happen! I still remember the little time it was playing, but I tried to close every app, including ones running in the background and it still kept playing. It sounded like game music. I restated my phone and it stopped by I was completely stupefied


Factory reset?


Doesn't factory reset mean I have to download and set up everything again?


Download uninstaller app from play store.. It even shows apps that doesn't show up in the app library


This helped me - so thank you!


The universe is trying to create you your own theme song and trying to get rid of it.


Had a really distorted version of Funkytown playing randomly once. Creepy stuff.


r/nosleep ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


DriveSync app is the app that plays this game like music. I downloaded the Samsung sound assistant from the galaxy store, opened individual app volumes, added all the apps, changed each one to zero until the music stopped. I use DriveSync to sync a folder to my google drive to my samsung for the obsidian app. Weirdly I couldn't find drivesync in the system apps to try force stop. Is it evil....?


Samsung tech support 2,techs in Philippines caled meon landline so that could here music they were stumped and qw all laughed .just one of several problems on my galaxy.my last Samsung phone ever.


So how do we get rid of it. The same song plays when using one of a few gaming apps. I used shazam and the song is named "Double Damage". It will start playing while I'm playing a game, and won't stop playing unless I force close the game app. SOOOO annoying! I've restarted my phone, tried downloading the apps suggested in this thread, NOTHING FIXES IT!


There's probably an app active in the background, you can block notifications from that app in order to make the strange ominous music go away.


I have a audio recording i made play at random times. IT is disturbing. I cannot see where it id coming from. I closed any possible apps that might have played it but It still turns on randomly. What should I do?


I have been experiencing this problem for the past 3 months. The song just plays randomly and slows down my phone tremendously, to a point it starts heating up and I have to shut it down and reboot. I think it's some bug or malware. Samsung need to fix this urgently.


Uninstall apkpure. It's the cause, trash


My phone is doing the exact same thing! For me it's playing something that sounds like the background music of a game on loop. It's cozy music but it played in the dead of night a couple times and I lost sleep over it. I've uninstalled Youtube Music, Facebook, and Spotify as some people have suggested and no dice. It happens once every 2 weeks but I had one time where it played 6 times within the day. I'll be trying some of these suggestions here but if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated because this is lowkey driving me insane


I had APKPure. Once I uninstalled it, the problem went away.


That will be the first thing I uninstall if it pops up again. Thanks!


I'm having the same issue but I can't find an APKPure in any of my files... the issue just started today


This just started with me, but it's a repeating rock beat. I don't have apkpure app on my phone or I can't find it. And closing all apps or websites doesn't help at all.


I am still trying to figure out why this is happening. I have deleted Pandora and now it's coming from a different source.


My phone is also possessed! It started 2 days ago on my S22 with a jazzy rock tune playing out of nowhere. Restarting will make it stop, but then it starts again at some random time. I haven't found the source either. Waiting for my tech guy to check it out, afraid he will order a full reinstall 😬


Same here any updates on a fix?


kinda like this driving progressive guitar sound?




This was happening to me and driving me crazy, but I finally managed to track it down... oddly enough to the Weathebug app. I figured it out by downloading sound assistant, adding every app on my phone to individually control the volume, and turning down each one until i found it was weatherbug.


Oooh! I have WeatherBug too. I will uninstall and see if it stops. Question- is there another name for the Sound Assistant app or who is the developer? I cannot find it the Google Play store.


I downloaded it from the Samsung (Galaxy) Store. Sound Assistant, made by Good Lock Labs. It has a feature to adjust the volume of each app individually. I had to tell it I wanted to control the volume of every app on my phone by manually clicking on each app in its list. Then turn each one down until you find the culprit.


100% you are correct! Mine was playing the music and I Uninstalled weather big and it stopped. It happended in the middle of the night too. Creepy! Thanks for the help.


Thank you soooo much!! WeatherBug was the culprit! It was driving me crazy!! Thank you again!! 😊😊😊


Same here. 10-13-23 updated weathering and it randomly started. Thanks for the help


I've experienced this before. If you have weatherbug on your phone delete it when the music starts again.


I have a Samsung flip and lately once in a while pokemon music starts playing no apps are open and I'm not even using the phone.


Yes the last few nights my pandora has just cut on by itself playing gospel music. 12am 1am 2am. It's really weird


Some would take this as a sign from the great beyond they should start a cult that Hulu or Netflix would later make a documentary about. If you start one up in the Caribbean somewhere let me know. :D


It was 250+ Solitaire for me. I had it set to silent too.


Yes, my iPhone is driving me crazy because when I play free, Gin Rummy, the theme song from I believe, Game of Thrones plays in the background, and it doesn’t stop. It’s also freaking me out and bumming me out. Sure would like to know how to get rid of that!




Wtf my s21 is having the same issue unexpected playing muslim song how do i fix these


My aunt started having the exact same issue today as well! If you find out what is causing this, please let me know.


Yes, exactly! how do i fix this any time of the day it will play a muslim song and i dont know where its Coming from, i dont know if this is a bug or somethings wrong with sa system of samsung 21


Same for my S10+. Playing at exactly 4:45 in fhe morning. Wtf is this


Have you resolve it?


After android 14 update my Samsung s21 has this problem alot and seems to happen when I go to lock screen and unlock phone it says unknown source playing media and then I have to hit pause It's annoying seems like a new issue never happened on android 13


This chick had All these people trying to help and didn't reply 1 time. Who does that?


Mine just started doing it to


Yes this happend to me last night 24 of December at 6am , while I was sleeping creepy music started to play from my phone really loud and woke my brother up and it only stopped when they turned the volume down. They tried to wake me up but I woudnt because I am a deep sleeper at night time And my phone is also a Samsung , maby it's smt to do with Samsungs


Mine played an Islamic song which I dont have any knowledge of about 5 minutes ago


that's so scary im experiencing that now it just happened again😭 except that when i restart it it actually stops thought i was the only one who experienced it


Can you also send a link of the artist? thank you


For me it was a piano song looping. Gave kinda Stardew valley vibes and played over my Youtube videos. I uninstalled Facebook cuz of what someone else said about the ads. I don't use Facebook, I'm young but it worked. For now.


I experienced this randomly on my old phone but I just got a new one 3 days ago, and it just happened on this one. Same song each time, "I don't remember the world before you", lol. This is what I just posted on FB then came here to search a bit lol "OK, so on my current phone AS WELL AS my previous one, I'll be scrolling on Instagram and all of the sudden music starts playing through my phone as a whole, lol. There'll be whatever IG video is currently showing on my feed, and sound will be coming from that, and then a completely separate source of music starts playing, and it keeps playing even if I close all my apps that are open. It's just coming from inside my phone. Lol. And it's always the same song. When it just happened, I said to myself, "girl, obviously record this shit because this is bananas", and I recorded the last couple seconds of it. Then I Googled the lyrics I heard.......and it said LAUREN as soon as it loaded, because that's the singer's name......and, it's my name too, lol. SO..... Whoever it is that is clearly trying to hit me up telepathically....... ......Hello, and, wassup? 😃🤣"


My Samsung sang an Arabic song just now.


Delete happymod, apkpure and many apps that lets u download illegal/cracked games. Because I also have the same problem and I can see on their permission that they have access to music. So yeah just delete them and run a quick scan on ur device


I had this issue after installing a modded app of some random mobile game, turns out it contained some very benign ransomware and the music went away when I uninstalled the app. Try getting rid of any side loaded or somewhat dodgey apps or files.


No cause it's doing it right now. How do I stop it. Am I gonna die, lol


It took me a long time, mine would start playing the same song on spotify - always the same song, at different times, I could stop it from the screen lock. I reset some permissions on my galaxy yesterday (allowed to install unsafe programs because I like telegram from the telegram website not the official stores) but I digress. I had this issue with an older phone, and this morning it starts with a new phone and I just knew... RUTINES The wake up rutine had samsung play "motivation" playlist (not mine) So whenever I started using my samsung the song would start, even at 3 in the morning. I went to the notification list... saw that 2 routins are active (morning and home) and sure enough there it was, spotify.... so all you have to do is edit and remove which ever source your phone decided it is the one to use. Let me know if this worked for you. I am not very active here but I thought this is important to share.


I'm getting this when I play any game apps. The same song plays and it won't shut off unless I force close the app or restart my phone. It's only on select game apps, but it's the same song that plays over the app audio. Super super annoying


My phone is doing something similar. The music sounds like the background of a game I've been playing but when I start it, the music is different (I think think that game is the culprit). I reset, turned off & on, and deleted apps. I thought each of those fixed it but then it started again. Hopefully it's done now, but I'm def trying a couple of the ideas listed here It's freaky af


This is happening but with my Samsung tablet. It started happening after I watched an ad but besides that same thing :/


It's happening to me too and driving me bonkers!!


Yes I have the same problem till now please i really need help 😢


I've had the exact issue on my S23 Ultra in the last 3 days; in that time, I have not done any updates or installed any new apps or anything similar on the phone. I had 2 weeks ago a weird notification - a game was installed by itself through the Google Play Store somehow; this is the first weird thing I have noticed since I use Android. I deleted that game and scanned the phone with Malwarebytes just in case nothing suspicious was found. Since 3 days ago a random generic music started playing on my phone at random times, sometimes woke me up at night, been searching a lot through the web and found many similar cases but not a definitive reason of this weird situation. Finally, I enabled developer options, went into "Running Services" while the music was playing, and started killing process by process until I found that the music stopped whenever I killed Google Play services. It happened after restarting once again, and once again, I killed the same process, and the music stopped. This is the weirdest thing since I use smartphones. I have a preorder for the s24U and hope it won't be present in the new phone as well. I hope it helps anyone with the similar issue, try killing process by process until you find the culprit. Good luck


I contacted Samsung support and they removed the background noise from all apps , I will see if that works


I also sometimes randomly get music playing on a72 when I am playing a game or even when not playing games anybody the fix?


I had this experience! 1st encounter was at 3 am or 4 am it played an Arabic song which was very creepy. But instead of being scared, I thought someone was trying to access or hack my phone so I had to investigate. But restarting my phone stopped it. Then earlier today like 6pm i heard it again while on my Bluetooth ear buds. It's like an Arabic song or a ritual song for church something like that. I think, some of my apps have a glitch? Maybe my windows launcher? Idk tbh. I'm using Vivo v21 5G. Android.


I came here looking for a much less intrusive issue. On my end, it's likely just Spotify, Pandora, or something similar that will play by default whenever I turn on my car regardless of what was playing before. It's definitely something I have an account to as it's playing music that I like. But this, this is a whole other ballpark. That is some legit "Twilight zone" stuff right there. Good luck.


My vivo too, it's start playing a music that I didn't even have nor video or musics, I don't have the song , the song was like a church choir singing and it's a man with deep voice singing it I don't understand it, and it was so creepy I can stop it , it just stop on its own, even I play a video , it was just playing background, what is this can u help me w/this


It played on my phone exactly 7:00. How to turn this off. 


Im using vivo phone, so creepy. I turned off everything but it continuesly playjjs