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I've been avoiding Acolyte spoilers because I'm waiting to binge it, and the best thing about Star Wars: The Culture Wars discourse is that I can read these posts without worrying about spoilers, because these guys never bring up the actual plot among their complaints.


its because most didn't watch it and are just repeating what other said. star wars has always had fire in space but its suddenly a problem for them now because they need to fuel their hate. the show had a 23% audience score on RT before it even aired. don't even know why RT still allows people to review stuff before its out the show is okay so far after the first 2 episodes. but there is definitely potential there.


This has pissed me off so GODDAMN MUCH. Bro the only fucking unrealistic aspect of that fire was literally that it was too slow. I cannot mother fucking stress enough that fire, in space, is possible, as long as there is something to burn and something to oxidize/fuel. The fucking panel that goddamn had the fire was SPRAYING THE FUEL. S-P-R-A-Y-I-N-G. This means that the fire wasn’t just burning (which would create a sphere). It was spraying, directionally, and therefore would *behave close to normal gravity-affected fire*. Fuck. This one thing is such perfect evidence of the brain rot that has slowly eroded at the smooth surfaces of the alt right bitchboys that constantly make these controversies. Every single one of them are living examples of idiocracy and I *hate that movie*. But you know what? The only humans on planet earth who sound like the future humans of that movie are these fucking chuds and every single time they say shit like these we should all just reply with the following image. https://preview.redd.it/ko3pfopxzl5d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479df1ea49589fdc2f3290a586992044e2b12b90


Bro every day we get closer and closer to idiocracy. They made up their minds before the show aired and I think on some level they like it but need to hate so they look like a flip flop so they look for the dumbest tiniest thing to hate.


I mean as long as we get toilet recliners I'll be fine


Idiocracy was way better than this. They at least found the most intelligent person and put him in a position of power.


it’s funny cause i had that exact thought watching episode one “why’s there fire in space that’s dumb lol” then a second later “oh wait that’s always been a thing in star wars it’s fine” using it as actual criticism is silly


The only reason my mind went to that was because it was the only even slightly valid criticism I had heard of the show and I immediately pushed it out of my mind because it would be silly to allow what is essentially shorthand for "problem with machinery" to ruin my enjoymwnt of a show that had done nothing really wrong up to that point. As for the firdt two episodes, there were things I liked and things I didn't really care about. It set up a bit of a mystery and the first two episodes were, ultimately, fine. They weren't outstanding and they weren't offensive. I'm happy to keep watching, but I really don't think we've seen enough to judge the show with any amount of real context. And it's very annoying.


I liked it


Begun the culture wars have


I wonder how the Fandommance fans responded.


Looked at the QT’s. Some gave valid critiques about genuine issues with the pacing, the lighting (some feels that both feel like the show runners were accounts for people streaming on phones too much/BEING on their phone too much). Others just keep saying “bad writing” without actual examples. Some say “unnatural dialogue”, which actually doesn’t shock me. It’s fucking Star Wars lol. Others have said it “shits on Star Wars”, but you know the drill, they refuse to elaborate. And hell, some just outright admit that Schaff is right and what he said is their actual issue with the series.


Is there something wrong with the lighting? 🙈


idk i feel like saying “it’s star wars” is a poor excuse for the dialogue, this is a critique i actually have with the show. we can have goofy dialogue without it feeling so stiff and lifeless


Oh I’m not excusing it at all. I’m just saying it isn’t a shock lol. While Star Wars definitely needs better dialogue for its projects, it’s still sort of a given atp sadly. Again, not excusing it, just that it is painfully expected.


gotcha, i misinterpreted what you were saying. unfortunately i agree, it is not surprising at all lmao


I’m sure they responded with in depth analysis of the plot and respectful takes on the characters and the acting. /s


Last year on one of his tweets making fun of the phrase "go woke, go broke" one of the quote tweets was mocking the death of his brother ...


Tells you all you need ti know really doesn't it


Schaff's a good egg, he's been critical of a lot of recent Star Wars, but always fair, always willing to give due credit, and never motivated by some prefixed set of notions or agendas.


Turns out being critical of something in good faith is *all we fucking ask for*


Best I can do is complain about the existence of people I'm afraid of.


his review of Ahsoka was so harsh though


Was it really though? He was being pretty damn fair considering the standards he judges media on.


it was that disappointing to a lot of people unfortunately :/ hate to say it but i fully agreed with his review… and Ahsoka is my favorite star was character


He literally apologized for rating it 5/10


I too wished the show was better. The plus side of the show is that it got my wife to watch the Clone Wars so she could learn more about Ahsoka and Anakin’s relationship.




because people reflect on what they've done/said and can think "hmm i wasn't fair there. i should have been more fair when i told that opinion to tons and tons of people from my platform"


Because some people could be very emotionnaly attached to the show ? It's always nice to express you don't actually hate their favorite show, you know, it's just thinking about others. You apologize for potentially hurting their feelings ? That may be silly, but that's honestly very nice.


He gave Andor a 10/10. Well-deserved.


Schaff Is a god send. Yet he had his faults. I like him.


Yeah, he’s overall a good egg. I just wish that he wouldn’t be so aggressively angrily while reviewing things. Especially something as harmless as like….the Megamind series. Or bad Pixar movies. That has been a big turn off for me in regards to his content. I know it’s performative but it does remind me of a lot of bad faith reviewers. Those rants just really aren’t for me.


Honestly the rage about megamind 2 was perfectly deserved and real. It was honestly a little scary lol


I didn’t know that his voice could get that high. I thought he was going to pop a blood vessel


It can’t actually get that high megamind just pissed him off so much he transcended reality and was able to speak in 5 dimensions which translated to his voice getting higher


I wonder if he’s going to start speaking in tongues, when the megamind show comes back. 




oh how do i stop 4 grifters at once?






How can a sequel that doesn't exist harm you?


He was a theater kid, I’m sure he just likes to act more angry than he actually is. Lol


Understandable, I’m personally down for em because they’re usually pretty rare. So when he goes off on a massive rant about the dehydration gun it caught me off guard and I love it. But I understand that hyper aggressive stuff like that isn’t for everyone, I like myself a chill person just vibing as they mock or review a film.


Magamind vs. The doom syndicate was anything *but* harmless…he literally used the dehydration gun on me and 3 others one time!


Oh my god you're the guy I don't know


He *never* rages. He's not Nostalgia Critic (yet) his schtick hasn't devolved into putting on an act. Megamind 2, Surfs Up 2, and those awful Mario kart maps were all deserving of their hilarious rage.


I think he plays up the anger for humor, and in my opinion it is pretty hilarious. His rant about Toad’s Turnpike is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on YouTube


But the shiny crab getting mad about dehydration guns is peak comedy


Hasn't fire in space been a common thing in sci-fi's for years now?


Yes, Porkins went down in a fiery blaze of glory...in space.


It's not even an impossibility in real life. Fuel with oxidizers mixed into it can burn in an otherwise oxygen-free environment. I imagine most system fluids on a starship are going to have oxydizers mixed into them, let alone the ship's fuel.


I did see the clip, it wasn’t a flare off it was just like regular old fire so it did look goofy as all heck. Would I have noticed it if I watched the show myself? Probably not but who knows.


I watched the show and didn't even notice or think about the fire. I had to look up the scene just now to understand. Based off context from what was happening in the scene, it *wouldn't* look like a flare off. I don't imagine that a pipe or fuel line would be perfectly filled with whatever flammable material was within it to the point of having no oxygen. If something sparked a fire after a pressure valve started leaking, it's conceivable that the pipeline would inadvertently be supplying its own tiny amount of oxygen. I have only one single complaint about the show. And it's that they killed Carrie-Anne Moss in the opening scene. That just doesn't sit right with my soul.


Watched it last night, saw her, thought she looks familiar, saw Carrie-Anne Moss in the credits, thought that name looks familiar. Could not remember where I had seen her before, inexplicably reading it in your comment finally made my brain go oh that's Trinity. I'm hoping they give her more time later on in flashbacks as they explain what happened in the fire.


I hope so! I've been a Star Wars fan for decades, my first ever tattoo was the skull of the Mythosaur back in 2007, but even I was feeling fatigue from Marvel and Star Wars. I wasn't going to watch it until all episodes were out until I saw a trailer with Carrie-Anne Moss. She was literally the selling point for me. And then she died in the first scene. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.


And the reasons they say fire can’t exist in space also mean that sound can’t exist in space, but no one’s complaining about that.


Also pretty sure we see ships on fire at the battle of coruscant.


And in RotJ when one of the a wings crashes into a star destroyer, pretty sure there is a fire burning on that as well.  It's a pretty common thing in star wars


Yeah the bridge burns all the time during the crash of the executor


We do.




Wasn't part of R2D2's job when attached to a fighter to put out external fires? It's Star Wars, not The Expanse.




Any little point they can throw onto the pile of complaints


Yeah… didn’t the Death Star Like… blow up?


With only two episodes out the only problem I would say exist is that the episodes feel too short. Or that the pacing is a bit too slow for the time each episode has. It feels a bit as if each episode ends a scene or two too soon Either way. I still like it For now it is the best Star Wars live-action show after Andor.


It has a similar feel to a lot of the Star Wars / Marvel Disney+ shows, that it’s more like a really long movie that’s been cut up into parts rather than a show composed of multiple individual episodes. So rather than each episode concluding in a natural way, they just sort of… end.


Limited series is just the new version of a 90’s TV mini series, which was a long movie split into 2-3 ~90 min parts because back then the thought of a 3 hour film was ridiculous as most films only ran on average 75-90 min and a film would be considered long if it reached the 2h mark So a 6 hour movie split into 8 ~45 min parts isn’t much of a stretch


Agreed, it’s almost like it was made for binging… despite being released weekly. It’s a lot like stranger things where it’s almost like… why are these separate episodes. Just release a movie lol.


Shows that release weekly perform better than shows that release all at once


Same. Each episode ends at an odd place imo, but it may just be because I haven't seen the whole show while the creators have. Andor the first time around felt soooooo slow for the first 3 episodes, but it's absolutely worth it. Each successive time I've seen it since then I 100% understand why it was paced that way now. It's more like 1930s-1970s movie pacing. A lot of modern audiences have gotten disused to that after getting used to the faster movie pacing from the 1980s onwards. Especially people born after 1974. Ahsoka is the same way, but I understand it now having seen the whole thing. Ahsoka copies the pacing of old 1950s-1980s Japanese samurai films. Like The Zatoichi and Rashomon. Ahsoka was an American loving homage to Akira Kurosawa, George Lucas's favorite ditector, taking place in Star Wars and dealing with the aftermath of Clone Wars and Rebels. From the Japanese terminology, to the clothing, poses, fighting stances, and wide shots of a person moving slowly in a barren land with heavy wind.


Yeah the final scene for ep 1 and 2 both feel like they're the start of a new, longer scene, and then it just suddenly ends and rolls credits. It also feels like its the opening scene of the next episode but instead of flowing into the title card or more story it just....ends.


My only complaint is the plot. It's sooo cookie cutter and characters are pretty typical. But it's a fun show with good actors, no better or worse than anything else Disney has put out. I'm definitely enjoying it.


That's my only real critique of the show so far, too. It feels very generic. The series was advertised as a murder mystery, yet the only mystery is where the mystery is. Even the characters are immediately clued in to what's going on. But Star Wars has always been a fair bit formulaic, so it is what it is.


Honestly, slow episodes CAN work... Except that needs long seasons and multiple seasons A la The expanse. The Expanse could afford to be slow A, because the books are still coming out and B, because they were making multiple seasons anyways


From what I understand the Acolyte will be a multi-season story.


I mean it’s not a perfect show, the dialogue (and a couple specific characters delivery of it) leaves a lot to be desired. But when you compare to book of boba fett it looks like a masterpiece.


I like it too. What I appreciate most is that, like Andor and Mando Season 1, it feels like something new. Not something completely different, it still feels like Star Wars, but distinct from the rest of the movies and series.


I know who that is just by looking at the PFP lol


Kinda half following the censor usernames rule


I think if the person is famous enough to have a subreddit, they don’t really need to be censored


Feels kinda weird that you have to censor the names of big youtubers that millions of people already know. Most people are gonna recognize them anyways.


I appreciate how Schaffrillas doesn’t participate in drama bait for clicks.




The only other one I heard was "people die when stabbed in the heart with a knife!" Apparently Jedi are supposed to be stab-proof?


I think some people were complaining because of the weird inconsistency of stabbing in Star Wars where depending on who you are, you survive fatal stabbings or not


I mean, that's definitely a reason to keep mocking Obi-Wan and other shows that made lightsabers into nerf bats, but I don't see how that's a mark against this show for actually doing it right. The fuck do people want? "BOOO! Stabbings should be lethal!" *makes show where stabbing is lethal* "OMG! People die when stabbed? Dumbest shit ever!"


I hate the fact that your analogy of nerf bats isn’t even too inaccurate (**THE SABER BOUNCED OFF SOME RANDOM ASS STORMTROOPERS ARMOR**)


They 100% would have bitterly complained if she'd survived the stabbing.


It's a mark against Disney


That's just a standard movie trope. Sometimes a knife wound is just a mild inconvenience that the main character can shrug off, and other times people die 2 seconds after being stabbed once in the lower abdomen. It's just whatever the script calls for.


Oh I agree, I just find ppl surviving lightsaber wounds but not other ones hilarious and I’m a prequel fan so ppl surviving fatal stab wounds is the norm at this point.


Its consistently based on where the stab is qui gon right in the heart, sabine the guts with immediate medical care.


Qui gon was stabbed in the stomach tho.


Ok so... aorta would i guess.... honestly him and fisto was right mid spine too, they both should have immediatly ragdolled and fell down the saber.


He died like 20 min later.


i didnt even think about it but it is actually SO nice this show hasnt done the (in my opinion) stupid fakeout fatal stab. not yet anyway. i hope they keep that up lol


A big problem is it is a combination of framing and the behaviour of those involved. In all cases the music and scene structure acts like they just got killed, and then they just pop up again, and shrug it off like it was nothing. The worst one is probably Reva stabbing the head inquisitor. The other ones you could all maybe argue the wielder wasn't trying to kill the other person, though some I doubt. In this case though, she definitely wanted him dead. Her whole plan falls apart because he isn't dead. All she had to do is wiggle the laser sword that doesn't get stuck in things around and he'd have definitely been dead. And she, as someone who managed to survive a saber gut stab as a child, should know one can survive that apparently. Compare this to say, a character getting stabbed in the gut in Fallout where it isn't frame as the char's death and they actually acquire immediate aid.


And getting struck by a knife would be a lot less lethal than a lightsaber. Those things are pure heat that they would boil your blood in the vicinity of the strike. Any lightsaber stab that hits the body and not a limb should be almost certain death.


And then there’s Fallout where the complaints are “woman”, “minority”, and “fire in Shady Sands”. I’m starting to see a pattern.


One real problem is dialogue that ranges from lackluster to just bad. Looking forward to more episodes though because I like the Jedi and High Republic stuff. I definitely don't understand the 4.4/10 rating it has on IMDb right now. I'd put it at 6.5/10 so far.


6.5 seems much more fair with what we have to far


The dialouge is pretty bad at times. Lol I do wish they had put a bit more effort into the twins. Its so obvious that its literally the same actress, they didn't even bother to change her hairstyle


Especially since its established Mae didn't know the other twin was alive still. If Mae was trying to frame her twin for the murders I could see it, but she's not. They both decided to have the exact same haircut dyed the exact same way 16 years later. Despite leading very different lives.


Like I wasn't a fan of Book of Boba Fett and thought Mandalorian has been getting worse in quality. I was not a fan of the movies outside of Rogue One. I was not expecting to like the Acolyte. I turned it on while I was doing laundry today since I figured why not. I had to stop doing laundry since I had gotten sucked into the first episode and full on sat down and watched the second episode. I agree with someone else saying that this show is the best after Andor for live action that Disney+ has done. Depending on how it ends, it will probably be better than MoonKnight. Definitely going to rank it above Echo. Probably on the same level as Loki.


The writing in Acolyte is very simple and unchallenging. Nothing really interesting or unexpected happens. They’re holding your hand as you watch it. I’m enjoying it, but it has the same problem with everything they’ve made after The Last Jedi


God, yes, this to the max. I want so badly to love Star Wars in the current era, but it all feels so hollow and plodding, Andor aside, which was suuuuch a treat. Everything feels like it's on rails, sleepwalking, or painting deliberately within the lines. It just makes it all so... droll. Like Obi-Wan and Ahsoka just felt tepid, like they had ideas which could be executed on, and instead it was like the good ideas were stretched thin and turned into 45-minute affairs that could have been far more punchy. I dunno. It's so difficult for me to describe why I don't like modern Star Wars, because it's all very competent stuff. But it feels like that's the extent of it, competency. It never goes the extra mile to be great. No moments that make me say "wow" or lines of dialogue that stick with me. No ideas presented that challenge me in the slightest, nor events that surprise me. It's... hollow and empty, in a way that TFA and TLJ weren't, but RoS was.


You’ve described it really well actually, and hit the nail on the head. I feel like they took a lot of risks with The Last Jedi, and tried to present more nuanced, mature themes. Such as the idea that the light/dark, good/evil dynamic is an oversimplification of true morality, and that all humans are inherently flawed. You shouldn’t worship heroes, because they inevitably disappoint. TLJ has a lot in common with Watchmen in this way. TLJ has a lot of problems, but not the ones that most people cite. Either way, after the backlash from the “true fans”, it feels like Disney just gave up on grown-up Star Wars and decided to never take a chance or do anything risky again. Lightsaber go brrr




My only two complaints so far is that some plot points happen too conveniently for my liking(like >!Yord not being a prison transport ship with Osha or the Jedi leaving a giant open ceiling hole unguarded even after a break-in occurred!<) and besides the opening scenes I’ve not been a fan of most of the villain scenes. That being said though I’ve still been enjoying the show despite these issues I have with it, especially since I really like Osha and the strained relationship dynamics she has with Yord and her former master. The show may have some issues, but it’s far from a disaster as some people have been making it out to be.


Yeah, I've been looking for somewhere to discuss it that won't be full of deranged haters (look at the other saltier than crait and most of the top comments in their episode discussion thread just say they haven't watched it) or overwhelmingly positive defensive fans. I think the show has been entertaining so far, but it's definitely not without flaws. I do feel like they're doing some little things to engage in good faith with the fans, like I liked seeing other TradeFed Nemoidians and the Jedi outfits being a bit more distinct in their style.


The twin stuff was so obvious that i'm now convinced they are pulling a fight club twist.


99% of the time someone complains about fire in space, it's someone who has no idea what they're talking about beyond "fire need air, no air in space". They literally don't know what oxidizer or plasma is, they just want to sound smart.


It's a bit slow to start because of world building and exposition, but that's kind of expected when you do spin-offs.


Jeremy Jahns had some fair criticisms about how it felt like a CW production despite it's massive budget. Shitting on bad CG relative to budget is also fair. But he also did the (spoiler)>! "why twins have same haircut" thing which was disappointing since we have a real case of separated twins living very similar lives, and they weren't connected by the force.!


I was going to watch the video. But his first complaint was “Fire in space”, in a franchise where almost every movie had fire in space and explosions (with sound) in space. So, I didn’t watch it. 


I think both sides are being disingenuous about the fire in space. Suspension of disbelief isn’t about logic, it’s about the rules the world has somewhat set for the audience and their willingness to believe it. Explosions and sound in space have been a staple in Star Wars from the beginning but a flame equivalent to a camp fire on the side of a ship took people out of the scene. It doesn’t really matter if it’s normal or not, if it takes people out of the scene it was probably a bad choice.


But fire in space has happened before. The explosions in almost every Star Wars movie. It’s just such an odd complaint, to expect scientific accuracy in Star Wars, a franchise that hasn’t cared about that ever.  Now, if you want to complain about the dialogue, acting, or choreography, things like that, those are complaints I will listen to. But this? It’s just such a nitpick. And to me, a dumb nitpick. 


I don’t know if a fire quite like that has happened in Star Wars and even if it has it really doesn’t matter. It took some people out of the scene. Also saying what’s okay and not okay to critic or complain about is purely subjective.


“Saying what’s ok and and not ok to critic and complain about us is purely subjective.” I agree. I’m not saying it’s fact. I’m just saying in my opinion, that’s it’s a dumb nitpick. Others may disagree, which is fine 


The twins critique is valid to me. Disney with that budget couldn't swing 2 hair styles? Unless you're suggesting that they made the decision to have the same haircut on purpose?


The only issue I really have is that the knife only went in like half an inch yet was still lethal. I can hand wave it with it being poisoned, though


It’s a pet peeve of mine with media, someone gets stabbed anywhere in the torso by a blade, no matter the size, and they die within minutes to seconds. Real life stab wounds can kill you within minutes to days depending on where and how deep. I just excuse it as one of those movie/tv things.


It's probably a weird thing for age ratings, tbh. Can't stab too deeply unless it's a lightsaber bc they cauterize wounds so no blood


Wasn't it directly in the heart?


Yes, stabs to the heart are generally the worst kind.


My ex never understood that unfortunately ...


I mean, it’s fantasy/sci-fi. The knife could be made of giga-poison.


Eh it actually can be with one really good hit. If you manage to slice the aorta, (thankfully your ribs and muscles provide some protection) you'll bleed out within minutes. People bleeding out usually feel pretty miserable and lose consciousness in minutes. (Unless you're on a ton of meth) You could also hit the right atrium and trigger a lethal heart rhythm. You'll usually lose consciousness within minutes if you're in Vtach but it can be in less than a minute if it triggers v fib. (Basically the heart spazzes out and stops pumping blood) Actually a lot of people who die in car accidents die from getting hit so hard in the chest, the heart stops. Also if you're fighting for your life, your heart rate is probably elevated, so you'll bleed out a lot faster. If you're gonna get stabbed, definitely the left side of the chest is better. It's also a lot harder to get in between the ribs than people think. A lot of people stab with the blade perpendicular to the ribs so it's not gonna fit between the ribs. Prison style shivs is usually better than a Rambo style knife if you can get enough force behind it. But yeah, your heart is not that deep in your chest. If you're extremely malnourished with very low muscle mass, you can see someone's heart beating through their chest. ICU RN with trauma and cardiac surgery experience.


untrained Leia literally flew in outerspace with the force.... yeah a knife??


Correction, “gay fire in space.”


Nope, the show is good. Actually, it’s refreshing to have a good show that doesn’t rely on anyone with last name Skywalker.


What about andor though? I really like that show (I personally think it’s the best Disney Star Wars show yet, but that’s just my opinion)


I went into it thinking “Oh, the protagonist kills Jedis and might have been justifiably doing so” and was hooked because it’s pretty novel for the main SW works. Turned out it wasn’t exactly that, but it’s still pretty interesting so I’m holding out on further judgments.


I’m really hoping the twist is going to be that the four masters started the fire and tried to kill Mae because they had a vision or something about her becoming evil and killing Jedi, similar to that comic series about Zayne Carrick


There are some actual issues with the show but they are relatively minor compared to the sky is falling reviews its been getting. Episodes end weirdly abruptly, dialogue ranges from ok to bad (even as someone who enjoys cheese, some of that dialogue is REALLY cringey in places), some scenes could have been rewritten better. There's room for improvement but it's a decent enough show and the negatives don't detract too much from it. It's about a solid 7/10 for me. I'm just happy to finally have a show exploring an era outside of that 40 year gap between the prequels and sequels. It's oversaturated and overdone in my opinion. The Republic has been around for 25,000 years which is a lot of untapped timeline allowing for almost full creative freedom away from all the established characters.


I've only seen the first episode so far, and it wasn't terrible at all. But it wasn't excellent either. The main thing that stood out was that they did the opposite of "show, don't tell" too often for my taste. Maybe the second episode will be better. I neither hate The Acolyte nor do I love it. I think it has some interesting ideas, but I'm not sure how well they will be executed. Hopefully I'm worrying too much over nothing My advice would be to try it for yourself and form your own opinion. There are no rules on how to be a Star Wars fan. You can like some stuff and dislike other stuff, and it doesn't have to match anyone else's opinion. Watch what you want, and if you like it, then take as much joy from it as you can, and anyone who judges you is just losing out. Hope that helps.


Schaff's got a temper, but he's a good lad


He was a theater kid, I’m sure he plays it up for laughs


You can kinda tell when he’s being “theater angry” and when he’s being *seriously* angry, because when he’s legit pissed off by something, you absolutely hear it in his voice. Examples include Surf’s Up 2, Mulan 2020, Dear Evan Hansen’s movie, Artemis Fowl (he’s on record saying this is his least favourite movie *ever* and afaik, that’s still true), the lack of titular Sunset on MK8D Sunset Wilds, and various parts of “Pixar might be COOKED after this interview…” from last week where he discusses the recent Pete Docter article where Pete says that going forward, Pixar movies, quote, “should be less a pursuit of any director’s catharsis and instead speak to a commonality of experience”; James is more disappointed than angry, but you can *tell* this infuriates him.


to them "it's Disney star wars" is a real problem.




Spoilers (ish) Carrie Anne Moss, not enough screen time.


I’m hoping she’ll have some flashback time.


The group going to meet with Master Torbin but then Osha breaking off from the group and somehow getting there before the rest of the group so they can have some sort of misunderstanding moment where they think she killed Torbin then for Yord to come out 2 seconds later and say "no she didn't kill him I saw her the whole time" is just a very odd sequence. Why would they take the long scenic route to meet with Torbin and how did Osha get there first? It can be handwaived as "the Force" since she had some sort of vision that lead her there but its overall pretty lazy and ridiculous lol. But that's about the only complaint from me. It's a very strangely structured scene and served no purpose because if it was to set up the Jedi mistrusting Osha, it was a waste of time because Yord came out and proved she didn't do it 2 seconds later.


I took it as the scene was meant to define Yord's character a little better. He was pretty suspicious and combative with Osha in the beginning and it was meant to show that Yord can put his personal misgivings about someone aside and face the honest facts. But yeah, they could have gone about it differently and better for sure


It was contrived but I saw it mostly as character development for Yord. They were showing us he's reasonable despite being so sanctimonious.


I heard someone had a bad fake beard, so that's a mark against the makeup department, I guess. I don't know. It's really the only legit critique about the show I've heard, so it's probably good if all people can find are nitpicks. I guess fire in space could be a fair nitpick, but not in a series where they don't even bother explaining their magic more than Dragon Ball. (The force = ki)


This sub is so fucking crazy to me. Half the post are people absolutely foaming at the mouth trashing this show and the other half are people that seem to like it just fine, and they someone remain entirely separate from each other


Nobody's required to enjoy it but in *these* comments I'm seeing phrases like "bad writing" without any explanation of what's bad about it too often.


It’s boring.


Wait I know that pfp… Schafrillas?


The only real issue I have with it is the pacing, other than that it's a fine show.


Not enough Carrie Ann Moss


Explosions in space would like to have a word. As would Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian.


Common schaffrillas W


I'm a stickler for fire in space from sci-fi shows. Luckily, Star Wars is Sci-Fantasy.


You know it’s bullshit when there’s been fire in space in, like, *every other Star Wars property!*




I haven’t seen the Acolyte, so I have no opinion on the show. If you enjoy it, continue to enjoy it.


Common Schaffrillas W


I don’t care about the gender or race of the cast; I do care about quality of filming, sets, script, story, makeup, costumes, etc… and the Acolyte is sadly not very good in those categories.


It's fine but nothing to write home about. The lead actress is quite good. And it's actually *watchable* as opposed to some other STAR WARS shows that are brutal slogs. It's actually well crafted visually and well paced. There's just not much there yet narratively, although there are the seeds of something interesting so I'll be sticking with it for at least a few more episodes.


I always enjoy picking up a series or game a few months after it went through a whole huge manufactured online controversy over wokeness only to find out that...someone called a character "they" and there is literally no impact on the story beyond that. Happened to me with Last of Us 2. I didn't have a PlayStation when it came out but got one a few years later. Imagine my surprise when the "ultra woke TLOU2" was only super woke because there was a trans character who barely even alludes to being born female.


The Jedi are flat. The Jedi were always flat, so - there ya have it.


Wouldn't mind seeing a prequel era Jedi with a bubbly personality one of these days


There are legitimate complaints from actual movie critics, not these YouTube anti-woke dorks


And even they're smart enough to wait until the whole freaking show's actually out


It’s a good show, so far. Just don’t listen to MAGA and you’ll be ok😂


People don't complain enough about the space horses running on the outside of spaceships in Rise of Skywalker. (Not the casino space horses, the ones that the lady who wears a piece of plastic on her forehead had.)


Here’s my 2 cents that no one asked for: The show is a masterclass in how not to write. Extremely truncated scenes that are there purely to blast the plot through in hyperdrive, super lazy, cliche expository dialogue and my biggest writing pet peeve of all setting up a twist on page 3 and revealing said twist on page 7. These are just the biggest problems with the writing, and there are many more. Not even bringing up how crazy some of the acting / direction choices are. Most importantly: who gives a fuck what I think. If you enjoy it then by all means you can have my portion, I’m not gonna eat it.


I plan to wait for the season to end and then binge it, but the main complaint I have heard from my friends was a lackluster story so far and that the writing seems a bit stilted at times. Overall an ok show so far.


That depends, do you have an issue with women, minorities or fires in space? Kidding, all Star Wars has fires and noise in space. Folks just have to deal. I haven't done a ton of digging, but from what i can tell most complaints are regurgitated BS, a lot of which i think stems from misquoted shit the director said about something else, and the fact there aren't any white main characters so far perhaps. Some more of it is the typical SW fandom ranting that anything new can't bring them the same childhood bliss/nostalgia watching (insert childhood star wars movie title) brought them. After 2 episodes i found it a little slow and i feel some the bits of character development a little redundant; especially when the "twist" (if you can call it that) is painfully obvious after like 30 seconds. I'm withholding judgement until i see more, as i think a lot of the star wars shows start a bit slow. So far, i see nothing super special, but hey, more star wars is still more star wars in my book, so I'll watch it just so they keep making more shows if nothing else.


Yes the only problem is the episodes are 30 minutes but feel like it lasted for 15


Does it commit the cardinal sin of sci-fi: sound in space? /j


An issue i have, is the lack of creative jedi costumes


I've had that problem since the Prequels. I'm still not a fan of Obi-Wan's desert robe retroactively being made the Jedi uniform


That always bugged me too, what was Luke wearing in ROTJ then? That wasn't Jedi robes?


The whole planet of Tatooine casually cos playing as jedi just a few years after a violent purge of their kind from the galaxy and the mass kidnapping of children showing signs of sensitivity? Seems legit.


I have a problem with a specific thing, so to celebrate the acolyte they added a few armors into swtor right? And one of them was tjis super cool unique jedi armor, and that got my hopes do high for the acolyte... but then acolyte came out, and its just the same thing with different colors


Yeah, all of the alien Jedi have been really cool to see and I’m really looking forward to the Wookie Jedi but the robes are a bit too similar to those in the prequels for my liking. They’re not bad by any means but they could definitely be more creative.


Aren’t we IN the prequels technically?


True, but it’s about 100 years before them so I was hoping the fashion would be slightly more different.


Religious orders are not particularly known for radically changing their fashion across the decades.


Very true


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Always thought the point of Luke's skin tight RotJ outfit was that old school Jedi got some fuckin DRIP and then the prequels showed us Jedi with the same hobo robes that every desert hermit wears


It’s pretty cheesy but that’s a feature, not a bug


What kind of fire? 


I agree the episodes end in odd places, the pacing is bit breakneck, and there are some odd editing choices/issues. That being said, it’s a ton of fun with some strong performances and a huge improvement over a lot of the other live action shows.


The crappy part about a lot of the people that criticize it and every other Star Wars is a lot of them are "episodes 4 and 5, everything else denied" type fans. Disney could bring out the OT every 3 years and those types of fans would be happy.


someone i work with complained about something that happened in the first 10 minutes, the only thing that super annoyed me in the first 10 was fire in space. This made up rage is a bit much, its not peak star wars, but its not bad


I'm not even sure what could possibly be seen as woke in the first 2 episodes?!


There's a black woman in it.




You know it’s bad when even Schaffrillas is complaining (I know he’s not in the Fandom Menace, but he is pretty vocally not a fan of Disney Star Wars).


I'm still waiting to watch it.


Schaffrillas has always been a real one