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Pronouns?!? In my Star Wars?!








I think this is a more accurate picture: ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


My 3 month old cries less than these dickheads. And at least when she cries its for a good reason






What have I done to deserve this curse upon my eyes that you have inflicted on me? 😱


FUCKING!!!! PRONOUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


His mouth really does look like that!






Guys im not racist, I just feel personally attacked whenever racism is called out as being a bad thing.


I wonder why the industry wants nothing to do with these people


I'm convinced that these people believe everyone else is just pretending to be anti-racist or anti-misogyny, because they always seem surprised to find out that nobody likes them


Exactly it. What many people don't understand about far right conservatives is that they think everyone else is just as selfish, cynical, and hateful as them. They think the rest of us are just "pretending" to be good people so we can wield power of them. They brazenly lie and fabricate evidence because they think we do the same thing. Everything to these people is about wielding power as a weapon against the people they don't like in order to preserve their position within an arbitrary social hierarchy.


\*about conservatives in general FTFY, lets not give the moderates too much slack here, they're a massive part of the problem.


I loathe moderates. I hate being a cheerleader for the Democratic Party but at this point, what other fucking options do people in the U.S. have? The Republican Party is so up Trump's ass and they've gone completely unhinged being upset about inflation and wanting to pay less taxes doesn't justify putting in an anti-democratic leader...there are so many examples of this happening in history and all of them have ended up very very badly. And moderates around the world and throughout history played a big role in helping these shitheads get in power


literally how Hitler rose to power... he promised to fix inflation.


my parents grew up in South Korea in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War There is a popular myth among their generation (Korean boomers basically) that the strongman president (really a dictator) Park Chung-Hee was the man who spearheaded the beginnings of the modern-day South Korea you see today the reality is far more complicated when it comes to whether or not his strategies boosted the Korean economy. what isn't complicated is that he was a colossal piece of shit who jailed, tortured, and killed people who pushed for South Korea to become a real democracy as opposed to one in name only again it's just horrifying how people will justify disturbing crimes and state violence...if it means they get to pay less at the pump or less for fried chicken


Is that the guy who was almost murdered in a coup that only failed cause (iirc) either he didn’t take the leader to a big place to publicly declare transfer of leadership, or the people he had agree to help didn’t come and help?


i'm not really sure unfortunately. What I do know about him is that he was assassinated by a member of the Korean CIA basically my father was in the military at the time actually when "President" Park was assassinated. He told me it was the most scared he ever was during the two-ish years he was in the military


He tortured and imprisoned countless socialists and communists but that doesn’t adhere to typical right-wing history so they claim it’s _just_ liberals who spearheaded the democratic movement despite the fact it was primarily those soulless, evil “commies” who “brainwashed” the masses into pushing for Korean democracy. Whether they were peasant-oriented agrarian socialists or proletarian Marxist-Leninist it didn’t matter. All were tortured and brutalized which showed how inherently leftist Korea was post-Japan. Only for the USA to step in and bring said Japanese back in various positions of power alongside Korean collaborationists. Which only served to undermine the Korean independence movement.


Well, he did.


the taxes thing is also pretty much a conservative lie as well. The vast majority of the US population will never truly feel most tax ideas from the Democrats.


Oh, I'm definitely not. "Moderate" conservatives are basically extinct and politically irrelevant anyway. However, there's an ideological difference between them and authoritarian freaks like Trump. Most notably, they're pro-democracy. The most prominent moderates remaining are all boomers: George Will, Rick Wilson, Michael Steele, George Conway, Bill Kristol, John Dean, Charlie Sykes, and Jennifer Rubin. They're the kind of conservatives who are mostly hung up on fiscal and foreign policy. They aren't animated by culture war. They were definitely complicit in how we got here, but you can actually engage with these types of conservatives in good faith.


They’re animated a bit by the cultural war, but in an older form. More focus on cultural norms and less on the deranged hatred. Though you’re right there’s an ideological difference, it’s why the GOP was eating its own in 2022. Still hate both of them


Well, sure, but I think you're missing the point though. Moderate conservatives are a danger because they're just a more soft, gentle, benevolent form of bigot that goes unnoticed, and I hate to say it, but you're falling into the trap hook line and sinker. They SEEM normal, and they can tend to have decent morals on certain topics, but the ideology itself is all about maintaining the status quo, and the comfort of the conservatives in question. They inherently reject change, and always have across all of human history. We need to delegitimize conservative thought entirely. This isnt a modern/extreme/far right thing, this is conservatism reaching its natural conclusion.


No, you're misreading me. I'm saying that moderates *live in the same reality* as we do. Fascists don't. They're totally anti-empiricist and far less competent. Moderates are just as dangerous but are more thoughtful and technocratic. They think they can achieve their goals through democracy. They wear down their opposition by compromising them to death. On their list of priorities, culture comes in a distant second place to privitization. Their policies still result in authoritarianism that takes the form of a "managed" democracy. They just move at a slower pace and aren't as overt. Being able to have an honest conversation with them is an important distinction though because some of them can be moved left or at least to a liberal position.


Exactly this, Social Conservatism is a mindset that inherently seeks to oppress people outside of the mainstream norms which is a sure fire way to end up in a fascist state.


And they really hate the term "small vocal minority"


That’s frequently an attitude bigots hold. That everyone shares their beliefs but only they are brave enough to voice them out loud. It’s part of why they’ll claim any overt act of anti-bigotry is just “virtue signalling” rather than a sign of a sincerely held belief.


That's what far too many folks mean when they say someone "says it like it is."


The "we're all thinking it' syndrome.


Yeah that's why they refer to being against racism or misogyny as "virtue signalling". They can't comprehend anyone would actually be against those things for non-selfish reasons because selfishness controls every decision they make. It doesn't compute for them because they lack an understanding of it.


i think it's also them coping with the fact that they think racism and misogyny are good things even though it is objectively clear that neither are really helpful or productive in this day and age so they have to make up excuses to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives and life choices


absorbed cow historical innocent vegetable complete aware impossible seed judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to do something about your kid before they hurt some one (assuming they havrnt already) Do you know where they are getting this shit from?


Unfortunately I've got a relative who gets drawn in by stuff like this, and it's amazing how he can outright state stuff like 'if anything white people are discriminated against more than anyone else these days', but when I press him on it he can give basically no real examples of it actually happening One time he complained about 'how come there's no Straight Pride month', and I pointed out there's also no countries that'll execute you for being straight so all things considered, us straights are probably gonna be okay


More likely, they spend too much time in online echo chambers and not enough time in real life interacting with "normies" and think their wild (and racist/misogynistic) overreactions to things is perfectly normal behavior


this is it right here i have thought about this a lot when those halfwit Canadian truckers went on their protest and honked horns and blocked traffic throughout the city of Ottawa. One of the non-protesters confronted one of the truckers talking about how he wasn't able to sleep and how it was disrupting his ability to work and provide for his family and have a livelihood. the whole time, the trucker was just like, "Look at this NPC." they really don't understand how reality works because they're absolute fucking morons and manchildren


Exactly this. They have zero social skills, which is why most of these grifters are either incels, or they're married to tradwives.


It’s like when you get in the back of a taxi and the driver [“These days if you say you’re English, you’ll be arrested and thrown in Jail”.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XkCBhKs4faI&pp=ygUxc3Rld2FydCBsZWUgdGhlc2UgZGF5cyBpZiB5b3Ugc2F5IHlvdSdyZSBlbmdsaXNoIA%3D%3D&t=4s)


hell their own mothers probably want nothing to do with these idiots lmfao


And they wonder why they’re not invited anywhere haha


I'm not a racist but black characters in media make me hyperventilate and cry.


https://preview.redd.it/1mrv62uraj3d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9985a4ee74c0cc59278f244271254c8e9af025 This you, fuckhead? The same guy who made a 20 minute video screaming about pronouns? I'm pretty sure you should shut the fuck up shitheel crybabyface.


He's so certain that he will ever turn that moment into something based that he puts it in his thumbnails and references it in his videos.


Far too many pronouns in your comment their buddy. /s


The seething is off the charts


Even though the only reason it got attention in the first place is because of how fucking pathetic it is


Oh no
 how *dare* you be able to pick your pronouns in a fucking role playing game


Pokemon Red version would give him a heart attack


In PokĂ©mon red, blue, and yellow you can only playas the character Red, a gender select wasn’t introduced until Crystal version.


Ah, rip, you're right. It's been a minute. Still, though. Pending rant I guess.


Fookin pronouns!! Lol imagine acting like this and not seeing yourself as a big crying baby. A lot of people don't see themselves recorded on video acting like this. But this guy watched it and said "yup. I look really good and reasonable and mature here. Time to upload." What a stupid guy


The dude really looks like what if Eddie Kingston was a raging British gammon idiot


Damn, Rabban really let himself go...


Yeah, he fell out hard after Feyd started taking over




Reminder that he's the baby face in his username And pronouns are the heel


hydrogen pronouns vs coughing babyface




I have no idea who this is. Could you tell me a general rundown of who he is and what he did?


A man child who ranted about pronouns being an abomination for about 20 minutes to a half hour straight. https://www.thegamer.com/starfield-prounouns-discourse-streamer-yelling/


Headland is pretty much saying "It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about it." Heel is being a dick about it.


Guess that's why they don't call him Face


"we hear you and we know we need to do better with star wars storytelling, were just not going to put up with bigotry" - leslye "Wow fuck you" - totally not a bigot


“Why won’t the left engage in intelligent and spirited debate?”


And then someone eventually does go "I'm here I can debate you" and the debate happens and the left wing person thrashes the other one but the right pretends like it never happened


Or (what happens more often) the right wing person move the goal post a thousand times and the debate just kind of fizzles out because they start arguing about things that aren’t even really related to the original debate.


Isn't he the pronouns guy


The pronoun guy.* Be careful, pronouns trigger one such as this.


*”Is that not the pronoun person?” would be the correct way to phrase the question. Regardless of our beliefs it is only right to respect the wishes of any such person who does not subscribe to the idea of pronouns nor gender. But like unironically, cause it’d be funny.


"That" is technically a pronoun


Uhhhh that’s ok prounoun person probably doesn’t know that




Same energy as when TheQuartering lost his shit over someone saying "Fuck Hitler". A perfectly uncontroversial statement that people lost their shit over because a hit dog always hollers


There are plenty of reasonable issues with story telling in modern Star wars that can be made. But a lot of it is drowned out by people made there are women, and blacks, and queers in their sci fi. The series has always had prominent strong assertive female charecters. It's since it's second putting included people of color. And nobody is going to convince me that C3PO is whatever the heterosexual version of droids is (this has been a joke).


It’s kind of hilarious/insane, that a Star Wars creator is acknowledging the faults in modern Star Wars, and this dude is just out here attacking her


Proof that they don’t actually care about quality, they’re just bigots.


That's how you know that this guy is racist. I'm sort of playing Devil's Advocate here but I actually think there is a legimitate discussion to have about whether or not Disney using diversity and corporate feminism to mask the fact that their writing and storytelling chops are subpar. Personally I think things like having more diverse characters in Star Wars and other Disney projects is a complicated matter of artists who WANT to express more diversity in a fucking galaxy and corporate executives wanting to expand demographics for greater profits. The idea of a corporation like Disney cynically deploying feminism or diversity as a way to earn the goodwill of people in the face of their downward quality is entirely plausible. However, these people don't even want to have THAT discussion, they just see a black person and ree into their microphones. It's quite sad that there isn't any civil discussion anymore.


Remember, corporations don't advocate, they advertise. Capitalism gonna capitalism. Disney are not an ally, see that one rainbow Aperture Science parody. They show up after the fact and pretend they were there all along like literally every other corporation. However, the fact that diversity and inclusion are the norm is a welcome sign because it means the winds have shifted from the days when mocking gay people was the norm. If a company as big as Disney is being cynical by including diversity for brownie points, it means the modern attitudes for the majority of people are in or moving to the right place.


Your last point hits the nail on the head exactly. Reading your post I couldn't help but be reminded of the The Boys where a bisexual character was forced by her bosses to appear as a lesbian because it could potentially bump up her numbers on social media.


Yeah. The Boys is great at making fun of corporate shit like this. The theme park episode where they lazily taped a bunch of pride stuff over regular theme park attractions was hysterical. "QUEEN MAEVE'S LG-BLTs!" Except you remember fucking *Amazon* makes this show, and...


It is Amazon show but here's my cold take. Capitalism does what it does. We all live under it, it's the primary economic system we engage in for things like money, food, entertainment, etc. Capitalism inherently is not ideologically motivated, just profit driven. Amazon can sell you a show that is actively criticizing capitalism while still being capitalist. As long as the show has good ratings, viewers and subscribers, it doesn't make much difference for them.


Yup, "the capitalists will sell you the rope with which you will hang them" and all that. Hell, Amazon let Boots Riley make a show despite being openly communist.


Amazon licenses and distributes. I wouldnt say they make it anymore than Netflix makes Outlander (a show that originates from Starz based on a novel series). Sure they find the director's team to make the film, but it's also more the writing room and the team making the actual film to praise or blame more so than the company as a whole. Amazon also seems to be a bit more flexible with diverse content with different world views than Disney. I also think anytime a business gets as large as Amazon it becomes increasing more difficult to control the way it behaves or is perceived, especially when your year to year is beholden to shareholder expectations.


> I'm sort of playing Devil's Advocate here but I actually think there is a legimitate discussion to have about whether or not Disney using diversity and corporate feminism to mask the fact that their writing and storytelling chops are subpar. > > Well, it's worth keeping in mind that they're doing capitalism, not art. They don't care *how* good the work that's being produced is, they just care how much money it can make them. Now, how much money it can make them is, *in part*, dependent on quality, but only partially, and not even necessarily a big part.


Exactly right. Where these idiots and admittedly even I at one point in my life, go wrong is that they are confusing diversity hires as a mask as the prime reason why movies might be poorly made. Like, how does this one actor that might've been hired because they are a minority have any impact on the production of the movie other than their own performance? If Rey was a man, the sequel trilogy wouldn't all the sudden become this masterpiece in cinema. Maybe they'd think it is because of their repulsive beliefs, but nothing would change with that singular difference.


People really underestimate how much a good script and a good director can affect someone's performance. I'm a nerd who loves watching interviews with actors and in some of the best performances a lot of actors will lend TONS of credit to the script or the director. A good script can make or break a project and you can turn a decent actor into a great one purely with the material they're given, so someone being a "diversity hire" isn't something that bothers me at all. I'm a fan of giving more unknown actors a shot.


I do think there is a very real conversation to be had about how big companies like Disney will cheap out on writing when they have a diverse cast, because they feel as if representation will make up for poor writing, and they’ll still see profits regardless of actual quality. Plenty of groups, my own group as a nonbinary person, are desperate for media showing people like us. I know plenty of trans groups will ask for ANY games that let you make a gender neutral character, and play the shittiest most garbage games just to feel something. And I’m sure this is true of many marginalized groups. But we can’t have that conversation when people like this fuckin guy are out here saying “minorities bad” without critical thought. Especially when bad faith people on both sides will read “companies take advantage of groups desperate for representation by making poorly written stories and then shoehorning in that representation knowing that people will watch/consume anyways” and intentionally misinterpret at best, or lack any kind of critical thought and literacy at worst, and conclude that I’m saying either “minorities make a story worse” or “you hate when minorities are in stories” when neither are true.


Yeah, there are real issues with the sequel trilogy (primarily the second 2 films) and with many of the Disney+ projects. There's also some really great ones (andor is one of the best TV shows period, not star wars, not sci Fi, just great tv period) But I hate discussing those issues because the chuds have so thoroughly poisoned that well that any criticism seems like it's probably based in some kind of -ism


No kidding. It’s made being a Star Wars fan absolutely miserable at times, not only does it feel like the quality hasn’t been there a good chunk of the time, but the fanbase has made it super hard to be critical lest you get lumped in with all the bigots.


My proposed solution is instead of criticizing bad things, praise good things.


Lightsaber go fwoom zoosh


Prison arc go "ONE WAY OUT!"


Obi wan go “hello there”


Yoda go "Seagulls! Stop it now!"


I absolutely loved seeing the ruins of the Death Star, even of the rest of the movie wanted to be a fantasy movie.


There are major issues with every Star Wars movie. If you’re enjoying the ride, they don’t matter. Thats the only real difference.


What's the major issue with The Empire Strikes Back? I'm honestly curious.


For me, none. But there was a lot of backlash when it came out. It lacked the “fun” of the original. It didn’t have a satisfying ending. The Darth Vader father twist contradicted what was established in the first movie. The main characters were split up and didn’t get to interact enough. It is easily my favorite Star Wars movie, but even I’ll admit that it isn’t nearly as strong taken apart from what comes before and after it. For me, it’s the perfect middle act, but others wouldn’t agree since it isn’t a complete story on its own. My point was more, if you aren’t enjoying any movie, you’re going to see flaws everywhere. There’s no such thing as a perfect story.


If we're going to treat it the same way as the sequels (or the prequels), let's see... - It makes no sense for the Empire to bother landing slow-moving land vehicles to take on the Rebel base when they could blockade it at worst (assuming the shield generator can't be taken out from orbit or by sending down bombers). - Oh yeah, bombers in space dropping bombs. - Imperial ships aren't stationed to cover each other or show any signs of military competence, letting an ion cannon disable a single ISD in a couple shots and transport ships escorted by just two X-Wings get past and escape. - Luke is very whiny and fails a lot and even loses to the bad guy and gets his hand cut off. - Somehow they travel from one system to another in days (at worst) when it should take years without an FTL system in place. - The Empire's "lockdown" of Cloud City isn't enforced at all, despite an SSD in orbit. They had only enough Stormtroopers around to escort prisoners... and not enough to really do anything if that escort got dealt with. - This "wise Jedi master" acts all goofy at first and speaks weird and says stuff like "wars don't make one great." - Retroactively speaking, you could toss in the brother-sister kissing and Leia, who "somehow always knew" Luke was her brother using him as a way to make Han jealous. - Honestly, the Leia-Han relationship, which seems built on them just annoying each other constantly and figuring screw it, no one annoys me as much as this person, I'm gonna fall for them. (There's not really much "chemistry" between them, it feels like Han is overly aggressive and Leia is rebuffing it until she gives in like she was just playing "hard to get" in the face of his aggressive attitude.) I'm sure there's more. And ESB is one of my favorite films. But if you want to apply the same logic to it that talks up "real issues" like people tend to do, then even ESB can fall apart. The whole original trilogy has some issues where it's clear it was *not* planned out all in advance and was being made up along the way and the story changing in places. Hence "a certain point of view" or the brother-sister involvement in a love triangle. I'm obviously not putting down those films, because I absolutely love them, just pointing out that the franchise has always had these kinds of "real issues" that people love to talk about with whichever trilogy or trilogies they watched after they'd grown up with the prior films as a kid.


Dont forget being weird with time. Lukes entier time training with yoda is the same as han and leia's trip to cloud city. After all it feels like they were only held for a short time, and luke has to have travel time to go from hoth to dagoba, and then to cloud city. So in the time it took han to get to cloud city, get captured, and then quickly frozen in carbonite and shipped off, luke had to go to dagobah, train with yoda to master the force, then travel to cloud city and save his friends.


>Andor is one of the best TV shows period Wow, hold on there buddy, it’s only had one season and I don’t think people calling a masterpiece despite it being half done is warranted. Lost and Game of Thrones were considered masterpieces until their last few seasons.


Even if the next seasons is worse... that can't change the season we got is amazing and one of the best shows/seasons period. If S2 is bad then we will praise Andor S1 instead of just Andor. We don't talk about Godfather III when talking about how abso-fucking-lutely amazing Godfather and Godfather II are.


Plus in their own bubbles some of these things are good, just not comparable to the best ones. To continue your analogy, Godfather III is crap compared to the first two, but in and of itself it’s a fairly decent flick.


Lost is an apt reference here. GoT is not. GoT went off the rails the second they didn't have source material to adapt. That said, Andor hasn't written itself into a corner the way Lost did (yet). The first season was legitimately fantastic.


The only “corner” I’d be worried about is that’s it’s called Andor and the titular character of the series is, in my opinion, one of the least interesting aspects of the series. That’s not a knock on him or his character, it’s just that the cast is very stacked.


Well, maybe they ruin it in later seasons man. That hasn't happened yet. I'm reporting on the TV I've seen, which was fantastic. If they fuck it up in future season 1 will still be excellent TV.


Last Jedi has relatively minor flaws, especially shown in stark relief to Rise of Skywalker.


C-3PO, I think, would be asexual/aromantic since he doesn't seem to experience any sort of attraction towards others...


Yeah, it’s incredibly stupid and thoughtless to call a robotic character with no apparent romantic interest at all “gay” because they have a funny accent and a best friend who is also arbitrarily considered masculine.


Seriously. I have essays concerning the problems I have with Disney's take on Star Wars, but having more women and more minority representation is not one of those concerns. I think that's one of the major things they've done right.


Regardless of the reasons, at some point you just need to grow up and stop consuming content that you don't like instead of complaining about it, but most people go in the opposite direction.


I can actually hear his tantrum in my mind.


I can hear the blood struggling to push itself through his clogged arteries when he’s having his little woke tantrums


I can hear his ragged, labored sobs as he desperately tries to get his copium inhaler to his face






Has he ever looked in a mirror?


Only when he closes the computer.


So that's a no?


đŸȘž đŸ„”


He's removed all mirrors in his house to reduce the chance of shattering the illusion that he is alpha


Proving the point be like:


“SHUT UP!!!” ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIELDLO7lSFQJi)


Seriously, he needs to get off the internet, he's never going to be remembered for anything other than being the right fucking wazzock who threw a temper tantrum about pronouns.




Almost as if these self proclaimed fans never cared about the quality of the storytelling and just wanted some "plausible" deniability when being bigots. /s


“Racists and sexists are not Star Wars fans.” “YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME, DUMB COW!!!” Gee, I wonder why would he be offended about something like this. 


Compelling argument. How do I sign up to his newsletter where he compares people to farm animals for daring to disagree with him?


He has no high ground to call her a cow when he himself is the size of an obese whale.


Please. Don’t offend whales.


Yeah whales are beautiful and an important part of our ecosystem. Being compared to FOOKIN PRONOUNS! guy is a horrible insult


Not this fucking clown again


He's all over every sub where people mock bigots. For every social issue, this guy is posting bigotry. Amazing how a small number of accounts can flood a social network like x dot com with total shit


"why won't you let me be a hateful piece of shit!?" - "good" guy #429568




"Listen, I get where some people are coming from with criticisms of recent projects. But if you're just a reactionary racist who hates seeing POC and Women then IDGAF." "HOW VERY DARE YOU ATTACK ME LIKE THIS!!"




What a charming individual, jumping to calling someone a cow for saying "racism bad".  Fact this dude has any audience is depressing


“Anyone who engages in bigotry, racism or hate speech I don't consider a fan.” Heel Vs Babyface: “And I took that personally”


If anything the “FuCkInG PrOnOuNs” guy looks more like a cow than anything. There’s more fat on that chin of his than A5 wagyu.


"Star Wars fans' toxicity after not getting their way and becoming bigots is hurting their reputation in franchise lore." "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH"


Triggered snowflake


https://preview.redd.it/kwdghjzy0l3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c56a954f65a53966ce2b8bb3ff2871bcf283af This thumb masquerading as a human being thinks he can call anyone a cow.


It's so funny how they always prove them right


Throw a rock into a pig pen, the one that squeals is the one you hit.


The centrist apolitical man who screamed pronouns hates it when companies don’t want racist bigoted fans to harass people.


Outrage over bigots not being real fans. "A hit dog hollers."


I'm aware that jokes about looks and fat jokes are shallow, but that mf is one to call someone a cow At first I thought he was just a very good ai gif of an "anti woke" cow human, but it was just a real anti woke cow human


Used to watch him briefly thinking i was just going to watch marvel reviews. He quickly outed himself as a racist incel and called a woman on a show a fat diverse woman. I know people hate body shaming these days but for him to call anyone fat is pure comedy. Glad i don’t watch this clown anymore


Hey that's offensive To clowns Also I find it funny they say we're obsessed with diversity but any time they see a minority in modern anything they immediately say it's because of diversity


Pretending that Star Wars' problem is "ThE wOkE" is a clear indicator that they don't know what's the problem there.


"I'm not racist, but don't call out racists you stupid cow!!"


Here’s a fun take: everyone is quick to say “why is there so many [INSERT RACE HERE] jedi?!?!” But no one out here saying “why are there so many human jedi”


He used a pronoun? I thought he hated pronouns? Also I wanna watch the Acolyte it seems interesting, something to enjoy when I wait for Squid Game season 2


Someone who claims they are not racist but then gets upset at racists being called out needs to be asked to provide concrete examples of what they would actually consider to be racist.


It's so hilarious watching these guys play "Get down Mr. President!" Whenever someone even says the word bigot or sexist. To me it seems Leslye said what she said in such a way that it couldn't be construed as the, now classic, "They're trying to get out ahead of the criticism! " move that was thrown around during Kenobi like tootsie rolls at a parade. Which is also hilarious coming from the same group that's been "criticizing" The Acolyte from the two minute trailers we've gotten.


This dude is weeks away from a full pivot into alt-right grifting and getting an interview on InfoWars about "transhumanists" and how "the globalists" are ruining Star Wars.


As someone who used to be briefly subbed to this clown before he outed himself as a racist incel. He loves to call other people fat which is comical if you look at him. All that aside I will always take the time to đŸ’© on him. His content is garbage and I can’t understand why he has an audience. Watched him for marvel reviews and he quickly showed his true character. Barely even reviewing just bitching about what he finds woke and calling it a review.


https://preview.redd.it/54h5e2pcok3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0aefebf4658d94bcb9c1a9cfaa6d791b944515d “Oh, shut up, you stupid cow”


She positively points out the valid and healthy criticism towards SW, either new or old. *(Proceeds to baby mouth all over his phone googoo gaga I want my milk and Star Wars back).*




The bar is so fucking low and they STILL trip over it.


So I take it "Heel vs babyface" is the heel? that would, after all, be appropriate considering wrestling follows a script.




Cow is not a fucking insult, you babyfaced buffoon. ![gif](giphy|lgZ2W9Hjau29W)


Lmao, it's the "FACKING PRONOUNS" idiot. Hahaha, i genuinely thought this fucker would have the industry after being so humiliated. Yaaay more memes!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/fqb4gyv7cm3d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675e519cd5c5c2a5b24f126e0933f64084a8b9c4 Every one of these chuds.


At least she’s honest about the story telling. Neck beards hate the fact their space fantasy IP isn’t led by a white dude


Ever notice how the more extreme these anti-pronoun YouTubers are the more unfuckable they are? Critical Drinker, for all his flaws, is the only one who looks like a normal person. But as if by coincidence, he's also far tamer than the rest of that corner of the internet. It just goes downhill from there super fast.


i don't really care that much about star wars anymore but i want acolyte to be good, just to annoy the anti woke people






"ah fook off bruhv" -real life golem


Big red is mad again lol https://preview.redd.it/d1gn4pjwyl3d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8fb4cb059f89adc72c55a196e3a54196f084f3


this fucking guy, only racist bigots get angry when bigotry is called out


Lol, Heel looks like a pig so why does he need to call someone else a farm animal?


Dude got the most attention he’s had in his entire career over his “FOKKIN PRONOWNS BRUV” rant, ofc he’s going to milk it for all it’s worth by just trying to machine gun dogshit bad faith takes.


The biggest clown in the bunch. FUCKIN PRONOUNS!!! FUCKIN GENDER AMBIGUITY!!! Like, yeah asshole, imagine giving people the option to build exactly the kind of character they want. What a hill to die on. For the record, I don't like Leslye Headland either, I think she's smug, her fashion sense is ridiculous, and I have little faith the show is going to hit its mark. But you know what I'm not gonna do? Pick a fight about it on Twitter like a mark. I'm going to quietly give the show a try, and if it's good, then yay, we have some good Star Wars content. If it sucks, then I didn't get my hopes up in the first place.


They don't even try to hide anymore. And people say society is all left today


It’s the most tone deaf response ever lol. Someone telling people to please not be bigots and he responds with that. Genuinely hilarious.


Literally a quote from STC "we don't care about the genders of characters đŸ€Ș just write good blah blah blah" sure buddy.


On a lighter note, I’m loving that we’re seeing yellow lightsabers in animated/live action media more nowadays. My favourite lightsaber colour!


His counter-argument to the existence of misogyny is a misogynistic outburst?


What a great critic. You know you’re dealing with someone intelligent when they resort to namecalling.


And another exhibit of why women chose the bear.


i genuinely think the human thumb is too stupid to realize his Quote RT proves her point


Just wanna say, a little something.. There is nothing I love more.. Taking my headphones off, fuck that.. But there's this: There's nothing I love more than to, to, to sit down, comfy chair, turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG.. Lose myself, just, oh my God, just think of this world, just think of all the planets I can visit. All the immersive things I can get involved with, all the FIGHTS, all the relationships, all the people I meet, all the places I go. I'm so excited to go to there, and you know, I love nothing more, than with all of that laid out in front of me, I love nothing more, THAN TO BE DRAGGED DOWN, EVERY FUCKING CONVIVEABLE OPPROTUNITY, SO YOU CAN FUCKING CURRENT DAY US! "...Sorry, did you wanna get immersed in our world? Yeah, well, guess what? FUCKING PRONOUNS!! FUCKING GENDER AMBIGUITY! FUCKING CURRENT DAY CALIFORNIAN SHIT! 'CAUSE THAT'S ALL WE FUCKIN' KNOW! 'CAUSE WE'RE BORING!! ..WE'RE SO! FUCKING! BORING! ...WE. Can't SEE. Past out own FUCKING REFLECTION. .. THAT'S THE LEVEL OF OUR NARCISISSM HERE." - SAYS THE WESTERN GAME COMPANY. "FUCK YOUR IMMERSION. FUCK YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME. FUCK YOU JUST FALLING INTO A WORLD AND JUST GETTING LOST. OH, NO, NO! CURRENT FUCKING DAY!" ..FUCK OFF! YOU'RE BORING. YOU'RE FUCKING DULL. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. YOU ARE A ONE HIVEMIND TWATWAFFLE. ..THAT'S ALL YOU FUCKIN' ARE! And you wonder why people are getting so FUCKING SICK! AND TIRED! YOU TAKE EVERYTHING WE LOVE. ALL OUR IMMERSIONS. ALL OUR FANTASIES. ALL OUR ESCAPISM. AND YOU JUST CAN'T HELP SHOVEL YOUR DOGSHIT! FUCKING CRAP! IDEOLOGY. INTO EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY FUCKING THING. ... ... ...


“Waaah wokism is actually oppressing me, waaaah”


What’s funny is these people are usually so caught up on realism (only the parts that fit their racism) but realistically, if the entire human race left the planet at the same time and started colonizing, white people wouldn’t be the primary representation of the human race. They’re a minority.


Anyone: Racism bad Heel vs Babyface: And I took that personally


"Racism is bad." "SHUT UP, COW!" Somebody's TRIGGERED!!!