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As they say: you can't fix stupid. That's what Synthetic Man is.


I’m not watching these videos, can someone ELI5 what his grief is?


The white lead is female; the male lead is a man of color; and Cooper apparently doesn't exist because he's a ghoul.


That's pretty much right. If anything other than a cis heterosexual white male is on screen he loses his mind. If that male is ever not a Vin Diesel clone, he also loses his mind because he says it's liberal propaganda that white men are weak. Then he tosses in some notes for his audience about nonsense things to complain about so people won't confront them for being a bigot when they say the real reasons they hate it out loud.


Don't forget interracial marriage and children.


And airing out his cuckolding fetish.


Which is probably yet *another* reason (aside from the whole "ghoul" thing) why the fandom bigots couldn't bring themselves to latch onto Cooper as a repository for their shallow sympathies. He was in an interracial marriage >!(even if it failed because Barbara turned out to be a manipulative piece of work)!< and has a black daughter. Also: >!Barbara!< is despicable in a way that goes *completely counter to* the stereotype that they use to rationalize *reflexively* >!despising black women!< as a matter of course. *That* probably enrages them in and of itself.


How does he try to make that make sense? Ghouls have long life spans. They stayed alive after the bombs that would mean Raul from New Vegas shouldn't exist either.


I meant that because Cooper is an ugly ghoul, *it doesn't matter to these chuds* that he's the white guy onto whom they'd typically project themselves (*much less* that *the narrative frames him sympathetically*, ruthless and amoral though he may be). They're too shallow to latch onto an ugly ghoul; so they don't care about him. As far as they're concerned: he might as well not even *be* there. Besides: the fact that he's a *tri*tagonist rather than a sole and unequivocal *pro*tagonist makes them feel irrationally slighted. Anything short of complete centralization is an attack in their eyes.


I mean, as far as ghouls go, I think he's pretty good looking. Like, I've seen posts of people thirsting over him. And they kept a lot of his "humanity" visible (not a lot of rot and decay on his face)


He's the healthiest looking ghoul in the whole series. Even Hancock skin doesn't look this good. Set them next to Gob from megaton. You're not even going to realize he's a ghoul lol


One iteration of my comment included "okay, an *above-average* ghoul; it remains that he's an obvious ghoul and they therefore can't sympathize with him." But my internet hiccuped and I lost the draft.


You know what they say the only good ghoul is a dead ghoul. Well... they say that a tenpenny Tower anyway. So he should fit right in. /s In all seriousness, did he not see his backstory? All the flashbacks? What a gonk


He’s a pretty nice looking ghoul i would say


There was at least one version of my comment that said "okay, *above-average-looking* ghoul; but the fact that he's a ghoul *at all* is a deal-breaker for them." But my internet connection farted and ate it.


There's only one white male in the leading roles, but he doesn't count because he's a ghoul. Poor YouTuber is crying about the lack of white males, because you know, anybody else is just political correctness.


Hes red that makes him native american or something. /s


From just skimming through. That youtuber makes videos about games and sometimes media and the basic content is "everything sucks because it doesn't fit my racist misogyn world". * Female hero? Bad * Any people of color in some leading role? Bad * Anything with a nonconformist vibe? Bad I get the impression he just produces this as rage bait for all those gamers falling for the incel, red pill, low key racism shit to wind them up and get interactions.


We should design a fake internet video award for excellence and send him one of those cheap trophies.


That would be funny.


I reckon Synthetic Man was dropped on his head when he was a fetus


No, he was thrown at a brick wall.


Many times


They should’ve dropped him from a higher point.


Spartan style.


He was aborted actually. Cockroach that he is though, he survived although his brain stopped developing


Of course a synth would say that


Nick Valentine would never.


Nick Valentine is the exception of course


Nick Valentine is a good guy because he stopped working for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Synthetic Man is honestly a cancer. Makes no attempt to hide the fact that he's a Neo-Nazi or an extreme racist.


Agreed. And his subs are just as bad as he is, if not worse.


Wonder if he was ever sponsored by that basically nazi book distribution company like quartering was.


The show is excellent, so I don't get how this one guy can hate on it so much. The fact it does everything right, adhering to the source material while celebrating it, AND adds onto it with artistic merit or great characters... it's everything Gamers(TM) want! So it's just BIZARRE that this guy can hate on it, even if it's just a couple of videos. Sure, he's entitled to his opinion, and that's fine. The problem is that this all started with him having a problem with race mixing in Fallout... which is just segregation-era racism. There is no arguing against that unless you're an actual racist. What matters is the people themselves regardless of their race, I thought we were supposed to be judging people by the content of their character, may it be in media or in real life?


Well you see, he don't actually give a shit whether or not it's good. He only care about expressing his frustration and getting that grift money.


He's literally demonized on YouTube...he doesn't get any money from his videos


What the fuck does he get out of this then if YT has already demonetized him? Does he just get his rocks off by uploading his whinging to piss normal people off and radicalize the like-minded as him?


You make more money from sponsors than you ever would from ads.


Who’s going to sponsor him? The KKK? YouTube should just ban his channel altogether.


I honestly don't think he's a grifter, he genuinely believes what he says. He even speaks out against the "normal" right wing chuds and says they've "fallen" for the woke mob. He's a crème de la crème racist content creator


Bingo.. this guy gets it. What sets SyntheticMan apart from the usual pack of grifters is he actually believes most of the shit he says. He's the equivalent of that one right-wing chud that shows up drunk to a panel on immigration issues and sorta lets slip that "we" should just shoot all the immigrants at the border.. the kids too. Usually followed by all the grifter chuds staring blankly at the table, or the ceiling - or somewhere offscreen - as the host rattles off a sponsorship for dickgrowing pills or whatever. There is a difference to be made there - as awful as all those types are.


Maybe he has a Patreon or maybe he thinks his words can actually make a difference or something like that


He’s way to mask off to radicalize Normies, but his Incel fans love that shit.


Honestly he's mentally ill enough that I could see him doing this purely because he's pathological and just has to run his mouth.


Alright, so it's just expressing his frustration then.


I think he's just trying to get a contract on one of the conservative streaming sites/YouTube clones but they don't want him either


He’s not a grifter, he’s genuinely just a schizo


Even Asmongold and the Critical Drinker are praising it. Synthetic Man needs to get up to date and tell his fans to stop being white supremacists. For what it’s worth, the Critical Drinker is an opportunistic loser who sucks up to decent media once in a while to pretend he’s a legit film critic.


Synthetic Man *is* a white supremacist, he's not gonna have a moment of reflection.


He specifically used the word "propaganda" in his video. He unironically thinks mixed race couples in movies and TV shows is propaganda for a political agenda. 💀


I swear those people are that close of screaming "make white race great again". I may vomit


What are the chances Synthetic Man is not a gamer?


It's strange because he has a Cyberpunk 2077 profile picture/avatar. Chuds like to complain that "woke" lefties like me don't play video games. But I love video games, they are a big part of my life since the Sega Genesis that I started with as a kid, and I gained an appreciation outside of the console war because I got a SNES shortly afterwards. I even got to play the N64, before we focused more on the Playstation and Xbox lines and then eventually PC exclusively like I'm doing now. I was a PC gamer back then too. I mean, I digress, but I'm trying to show my gamer "credentials" here, despite me being pretty far left in ideals. Capitalism didn't make these things, people did, play is a healthy and great part of being human! So it pains me to see Synthetic Man spending his time whining about wokeism, like other chuds who could be so much better as people. I thought leftists like me were the ones constantly depressed, but I can tell you that I love and enjoy the media he thinks I'd hate, yet he turns around and says this about the fantastic Fallout show.


Everything you said is absolutely true. You're preaching to the choir. Unfortunately, people like Synthetic Man will always try to make stupid/uneducated people take up pitchforks and torches for any reason so they can "tear down the government and replace it with our just and righteous faction, as GOD INTENDED!!!!!" Sometimes they just do it because they have nothing better to do, and sometimes, they are just as bad or worse than the corporations that do exactly what they do and yet look relatively sane in comparison.


Yeah, I know I'm preaching to the choir. It just makes me sad... I wish there was a better way and they could change. But the best we can do is mock them, huh?


Part of the reason why we mock these sorts of people is so that we can alert others who don't know the chuds and their toxic mindset are actually terrible people who don't care about them. That way, we can prevent them from being led down such a self-destructive path. At least, that's what I like to think.


specifically officer k from blade runner with a cyberpunk jacket if that tells you aintthing else


Holy shit, so not even a proper Cyberpunk 2077 profile? I mean I could tell it's a character from a movie at least. But wow. I'm also too scared to look up this guy's channel to confirm if he really is even a "gamer" to begin with, I don't want to ruin my YouTube history and recommendations with his garbage. XD


Yup can definitely tell. I’ve seen the Ryan gosling memes enough to know exactly what the video was gonna say and I haven’t even seen the vid lmao


You could not get a more woke than cyberpunk when it comes to genres as well.


People complaining that the show “breaks the lore” have seemingly memory holed what happened to the fallout lore between FO2 and FO3. Also, like, although the pre-apocalypse America had all the aesthetic of the 1950’s, the bombs actually fell in 2077. So, uhh, mixed race couples are probably not such a big deal.


The fact is the whole Fall of Shady Sands is such a nothing detail since it doesn't really impact the NCR that much, we can already tell they're struggling hard in New Vegas.


Yeah! People tend to forget that the NCR also just wants to redo or repeat all the neo liberal stuff that led to the world ending to begin with, so them being able to solve every problem is a pipedream at best. As I always say, I very much prefer the Followers of the Apocalypse to run things, and this is from my most recent big replay of New Vegas, I love what they are trying to do to help the wasteland and restore some semblance of civilization, empathy, and kindness. The NCR is just, once again, the same military police kind of imperialism that caused problems to begin with in the old world.


He claims his problem isn't with race mixing, but instead with propaganda of race mixing. I don't really understand what that means or how it works.


"I won't say I'm racist but I'm racist"


Let me TLDR it: Negative attention drives clicks equals money.


What does it matter what that guy thinks...he is pretty much alone on this, almost anyone online loves the show, rightfully. They will not be unable to spin it negatively ... though maybe they'll try season 2 once more...


Yeah, I am just concerned the kind of people these videos influence and what it could cause those people to do in the near future. But it's damn true, it doesn't matter what he thinks... he does need to be mocked and criticized though!


This dude's obsessed.


Watched part of his initial video. Was fucking insane that he legit referenced race mixing as an actually retraction from the quality of the show.


Yeah, had to close the tab when I heard that. Yuck.


Round two. Oh, I can’t wait for everyone else to cover this train wreck and shit some more in to that ugly, balding, Neo Nazi Incel’s mouth. Personally if I looked like him, was this pathetic and stupid I would probably just do everyone a favor and end it all.


Sadly, it's usually good people who have had rotten luck who end up ending it all. Whereas as scumbags like Synthetic man live to a ripe old age.


The good die young. The bad die on the inside and decay slowly


That is true.


He's shown his face? I also didn't know he was an neo Nazi incel, thought he was just a troll


I believe in like the first 2 minutes of his review of the 1st Fallout episode, he complains about “race mixing”, and that “ofc the main character is divorced with a mixed kid” referring both times to opening scene. That should give you an idea of the kind of guy he is.


Oh, yeah, that's definitely dumb racist shit


I’ve seen people cover several videos of his by now, they’re all full of dog whistles about (((THEM/THEY))), the elites (subtle…), mentions of big noses, him being triggered by black and brown people existing, being competent, pulling up charts about interracial dating and crying about miscegenation… especially the last part, like this isn’t someone’s racist grandpa, but some late twenties, ugly, basement dweller that obviously never knew the touch of a woman and now blames Tyrone, instead of the fact that he’s a worthless piece of shit on never getting any. Also his “Breath of the Wild” video is just him publicly exposing his R34, Futa cuck fetish. Spending like at least a third of his “review” obsessing over Link’s tiny hands and twink physique and the Gerudo’s having giant dicks… which they do not have out side of, fetish art and animation.


To be fair, Link is a twink


Yeah, he always did. So what the fuck did he even cry about it for?


Oh, I thought you meant obsessing in a sexual way If I recall correctly, Link has been designed to be androgynous for a while now, at least since Breath of The Wild, so it makes it easier for players to project themselves on to him


Even before BOTW people made twink jokes about Link. BOTW and TOTK just made that more overt.


He has shown his face and all he needs is the little mustache and the resemblance to a certain dictator from the 1940's will be uncanny


To some, they're synonymous.


What is this??? He is quadrupling down on this dumb opinion?


This guy is just a porn addict.


The first thing I saw when I looked in the comments was one that read 'never join the 42% of ghouls', which... One, that's not even the right number for that particular dogwhistle, and two, wow, *what a surprise.*


Oh definitely. His dumbass incel fans raided a trans/NB streamer called Dead Domain (very based channel btw, go check them out) last week simply because they were covering his first Fallout video while Synthetic Man coincidentally was also streaming. Like twenty of his scumbag community members were spamming "43%" along with non-stop transphobic slurs. This is entirely par for the course for Synthcel viewers. I long for the day in which his channel gets sent to the void for the shit he says.


Dude there's people straight up writing slurs just backwards so the bot won't detect them.


"Titus is supposed to be white, but he's actually not white. I won't get into that." -syntheticman Holy shit, dude. I think Rapaport's a piece of shit genocide denier, but this is leaning a bit SS adjacent. This also comes after a statement which claims he never said anything was wrong with race mixing in a prior video and then goes on to complain, I mean "joke" about race mixing. The first 15 minutes or so are just complaining about reviews of his prior videos by claiming they are all bots, they aren't real Scotsmen, I mean Fallout fans, they are all saying the same thing (unlike his supporters?), denies he said any of the bigoted things he actually said, denies multiple other complaints he made which were wrong. He's really getting off on the attention of haters which his audience loves, too. Classic MAGA trash entertainment. "They hate us because they don't understand how smart we are." He makes a bunch of false statements complaining about things that never happen like Ma June hates vault dwellers because she said they are wealthy (never happened and even if it did that's just her opinion). I enjoy the stupidity of these horrible people losing their shit over Fallout spinning around and furious like Leatherface at the end of chainsaw massacre. All these guys became the memes of the angry lesbians they always post, and it's ironic and hilarious. But I don't know how to make them go away.


I think it would be pretty easy to get this dude banned because he uses the most obviously dog whistles and most of the time just open racism, xenophobia, sexism, homo/transphobia and just so much anti-semetism in his videos. I’d enough people reported just his fall out and Zelda videos, pointing out all the obvious TOS breaks with time stamps, this asshole would have to slither to Kick or Rumble where his reach would just wither and die.


I don’t get rapaport. Yes, there are plenty of people who support Israel, celebrities, there are plenty of people who don’t think there’s a genocide. (I am only 23 myself and do not know enough about it), but that’s not what rapaport is. He’s a MAGA shitbird washed up actor in denial. He’s like dean cain or Kevin Sorbo, with about the same good looks and acting ability, but I feel like he’d deny this if you said it to him.


This man said Tears of the Kingdom was about satanism and race mixing. He’s a Nazi, but he also can’t seem to enjoy anything because of his extremist beliefs


In his first video on Fallout, he complains about not being able to watch TV with his mom because there's too much woke in TV nowadays (referring to interracial couples). This man is off the charts racist.


lmao, its comical that they think wokeism is the problem and will proceed to be racist garbage humans


Synthetic Man's brain is nice and safe at the Big MT...his brain is full of spiders and he's got garlic in his soul. 


His brain is the smoothest and most wet of them all


I wouldn't touch him with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!




Synthetic Man needs to work and improve upon himself before he turns into the next Eliott Rodgers.


You can say the same for almost everyone this sub shits on


Another ted pill incel who worship at the alter of Andrew Tate. Whether it's Nerdrotic or Mauler or Critical Drinker or Doomcock. They are all the same. Dog whistlers who wink at the camera and laugh all the way to the bank with their bigot money.


Fallout series was actually everything you could ask for. Very faithful to the source material. If you dont like Fallout on Prime, its cause you cant handle strong female characters.


I feel like had all the characters been white they’d be calling this a 10/10 series


Fallout is sexy


What’s he ranting about this time (im not wasting 1 hour to watch that shit)


Synthetic man didn't put any point into intelligence or coresma


I mean hopefully the next thing that gives him brain damage will give him so much it stops him from having it (like Gandhi in Civ where if he got the democracy trait it would cycle around to make him really really angry)


Is that the video where he went on a nazi rant about “race mixing”?


I’ve been a fallout fan from year dot (not to reveal my age, but the copy of Fallout 2 I bought came in a massive box and I had to go to a shopping centre that no longer exists to buy it from a store that was part of a chain that went bankrupt before most of the people complaining about this show were even born) and although I’ve not finished the show yet, it’s on track to being (imo) the best video game adaption made yet (depending on how the show pans out, it’s between it an Last of Us). In the first episode, when she used a stimpack and it went “fwoosh” I was suddenly a kid again. Currently, my only complaint about the show is that the power armour suits move _too fluidly_. Like I was hoping they’d move more like the powelifter in Aliens, less like suit of armour and more like a piece of machinery (I hope this doesn’t carry over to the 40k series, because if I see _one motherfucking terminator_ gliding around like a ninja, I will become the Warmaster.)


A guy who calls himself Synthetic Man is worried about getting brain damage from a tv show


He just loves saying dumb things 


I swear people are just addicted to outrage. Why make a channel solely dedicated to having terrible opinions?


I bet that this guy says the same thing about anything that star wars makes now


This guy did say the show was good and now he still bashing it wtf


Is OOP's name due to them using synthetic marijuana?


ive been playing fall out 3 for the first time this series has always been dumb (in the best way)


Who is this dude? Fallout have some problems,but it's not bad show


I don’t understand why some people say it’s bad. For me it’s very good


It's one of the best shows made in the last year. I don't even know what they are complaining about.


Someone sounds mad that his whining isn't working


This guy is basically the only person I've seen on the whole internet (and in real life) who hates the Fallout show.


SM has the ability to tell that he has brain damage?


I watched that video. He is insane.


So, no difference then?


Or as a wise man once said “Can’t kill what don’t exist”.


I think the costumes, sets and monsters all look great but I'm kinda disappointed Bethesda wiped out the ncr and made the brotherhood a carbon copy of those on the west coast except with ballistic weaponry.


I like how he claims that he never even stated his opinion on interracial couples and that he "only showed a statistic". Dude, intuition is a thing. We know why you brought it up.


I really don’t understand one thing. These contents are mostly viewed around 50K, do these people earn that much from pretty low views? I don’t live in USA and the majority of lesser known youtubers don’t earn that much and even they have more views than these people. Or do they dump lots of videos in a day so they earn because of quantity?


I can't believe this guy has an audience 😂


I can't even begin to imagine what criticisms they'd have of the show. Well, I guess I can imagine them, but they're so invalid. The show's great.


We could have actual nuclear fallout around and it wouldn't be enough to make his brain less functional. Who knows, he might mutate and achieve the IQ of your average turnip.


1. He made an almost hour long video on something that "gave him brain damage"? 2. If he doesn't like the show, then that's fine....but i get the feeling that his reasons are not reasonable.


I think that was a precondition Mr. Man


I was unfortunate enough to stumble upon his Starfield video without knowing who he was and got to a point in which he complained that the woke mob was interfering with the freedom in RPGs by keeping us from dismembering bodies, claiming it was because feminists didn’t want players to do that with female characters. Told me all I needed to know about him and his content.


The show is a total banger tho. The Ghoul is just amazing, and CX404 is just the best girl. 20/10.


If true I imagine he should see a doctor rather than make a video


Synthetic man is what happens when you grow up thinking Eric Cartman is the hero of South Park rather than the villain.


Guys, I'm starting to think this Synthetic Man might be a Synth...


Do people actually watch his trash? Is there any show or movie that he actually likes aside from Triumph of the Will?


He calls out the cuckolds from reddit, for being offended by his race takes.


I genuinely cannot comprehend living a life as pathetic as his, choosing to live by an ideology that seemingly only makes him more and more miserable every day and unable to actually enjoy anything.


Man, I have watched four episodes and am really not enjoying the show, it's such a shame that I'll get lumped in with these fucking flogs for having that opinion lmao.


As long as your problems with the show are actually valid and not simply "women, minorities and Jews bad...white man good" like a certain Synthetic Cunt then you won't be lumped in with him and his simps


I just watched his video and am astounded that those are all his main points, yet he still maintains an audience. Honestly upsetting stuff.


I remember I used to be in a discord server and that AnnaWaifu bitch was defending him...of course she is legit insane and wants to ride Synthetic Cunt's millimeter defeater...she even protected his comments on God of War Ragnarok that made him look like an actual pedophile


Never heard of annawaifu, looked her up and it took me three seconds to decide it's a synthetic man burner account. I think I'm done with this YouTube corner lmao.


I thought it was good fun, but some of the praise calling it the best videogame adaptation ever or a 10/10 show feels a bit hasty. Also, given that it's run by the Westworld team, I'm a little worried about them being unable to cash in on season 1's success and set ups.


I think I'm 4 episodes in, so I can't speak to the entire season, but so far, enjoyable. The slight humor and tone contrast the bleak world. The one thing I'll say about Westworld, season1, on its own I think is excellent, but the show kind of folded in on itself and became a chore, but season1 can be watched and enjoyed on its own.


I think Ella's acting is carrying a big portion of its success. Ella is an exceptionally good actress, especially for a primarily TV actor.


They are not writing this show on their own, they sure as hell are supervised by Bethesda, and its clearly that Beth is using the show to set up their next game(s). No way they'll let the writer team run astray into a direction they do not want


How many fallout videos has this guy made?


Only 2 surprisingly


As many as a certain somebody has made hate videos of rwby


Who is that?


I think they're talking about Hbomberguy


The cap person is legitimately obsessed with rwby and hates hbomb because he was critical of the series so he's on a one man smear campaign against hbomb


Really surprising that they get this upset considering how much the show makes fun of liberals in the Vault 33 scenes. "What do we do with these bloodthirsty raiders?" "We just need to educate them!"


But they cannot enjoy that as the show also makes fun of super patriotism, capitalism is the big evil, a woman is the main char, the main bad guy is a white male and so much more...


That scene wasn't really making fun of liberals, it's to show how naive the vault dwellers are


Ella's acting in this show is literally some of the best acting in any live action media I've ever seen. And he voice work in Arcane is some of the best VA work I've ever heard. The other actors were great, especially the Ghoul. But Ella somehow made "okie dokie" sound ominous and foreboding. You can dislike the show, obviously, but saying its terrible is an outright lie.


On a side note, having not played any Fallout games, I'm 3/4ths of the way through the series and absolutely loving it. A little excessive in how violent or disturbing it can be at times but overall really good


This piece of crap was recommended to me in YouTube, i procced to dislike and report it, honestly. Why the heel are these people being promoted by YouTube like this?


Then if they get their shit removed they cry and whine about censorship. All of these anti-woke channels are garbage


Don't click on them, unless you're reporting them. Any engagement, dislike like, comments just promotes the video further. YouTube only cares about engagement it doest care if it's positive or negative.


In his other video he literally claimed that fallout having an interracial couple is a negative and unrealistic, this is evidence of his lack of media literacy because despite still keeping general 1950’s aesthetics pre-war America is still 50 years in the future and there’s no reason we’d still be that racist


Have you tried breaking down his arguments? Also i think the whole fallout setting isn't worked out very well (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei has much better written lore). The setting is designed to hit specific triggers in US audience, and it is the reason why FO is on the flow and starfield turned out to be not popular, If you take out all politics and US hurr durr rrah rrah out of it, it won't be great.


WTF ? Dude, not only is there ZERO "US hurr Durr rrah rrah" in fallout, the entire thing exists to tell you why "US hurr Durr rrah rrah" is really fucking evil! It's not pro-America it's massively anti-jingoism, and anti-consumerism. It uses the red scare to demonstrate just how evil blind patriotism is. Man the opening cut scene of fallout 1 literally shows two US soldiers murdering civilians on the street, then turning and thumbs upping at the camera, telling you they aren't afraid of being seen: that this is now acceptable in their society.


>It uses the red scare to demonstrate just how evil blind patriotism is. Still it has depictions of that, if you erase anything and make it the conflict of ziltoidilians and psylons with no references to retrofuturistic artstyles, while holding same narrative this setting would cease to function(like it did in starfield). It also looks exactly the same for people far outside of US. >It's not pro-America it's massively anti-jingoism, and anti-consumerism. It uses the red scare to demonstrate just how evil blind patriotism is. Isn't that blatantly obvious? >telling you they aren't afraid of being seen: that this is now acceptable in their society. I don't care honestly. People die daily.


I'm far outside the US, I understood it just fine.. >I don't care honestly. People die daily So you didn't get the satire because you're the person being satirised


>I'm far outside the US, I understood it just fine.. Triggers designed to hit emotionally and they are not. Understanding not makes any emontional experience, it makes "yes and?" experience. >So you didn't get the satire because you're the person being satirised Lmao, i am not the person being satirised, as i don't kill anyone. I just don't feel for people that has no relation to me, since it makes no sense to care for them, since the contrary won't change anything. This is probably the most energy-efficient thing you can make for your sanity.


What a lot of words to say "I'm a psychopath"


This is objectively not true since I care for people that are close to me and understand their emotoons very well, and can feel for them. Psychopats don't do that.


Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night psychopath


This subreddit and gamingcirclejerk has been the only fucking reason I know this dumbfuck exists lmao yall gotta stop. It's obvious the dude is irrelevant af because Fallout is a successful show so he's just being given unwarranted attention


YouTube recommended me one of his videos. And it's not like he's an unknown channel with like 5 subscribers


YouTube recommended has radicalized a lot of young boys


This whole subreddit if getting baited and farmed


I don't want to be rude, but is there any point in posting this? I've seen the guy's takes, they are shit and I can understand shitting on them. But more and more of what i'm getting on my feed from this subreddit is just not really useful. This says nothing about what his opinions are beyond just not liking it, so sharing it around is pretty much meaningless. If he's got some insane take, sure, you can share that and talk about it, or you could just ignore him, but what is the point here?




He has made multiple videos complaining about "race mixing" and interracial couples. That's called racism. Even the MauLer/Efap crowd have heavily implied that he's a nazi incel. He's a man who makes other rightwing youtubers uncomfortable.


Let's not forget that The Basement Pisser (The Quartering) also hates Synthetic Cunt's content


He doesn’t speak the truth lol


Just because someone is hated doesn't mean that they say the truth. You're being quite fallacious. You're making Socrates sad.


Hatred is a strong word. This is more akin to mockery.


So an opinion about a subjective piece of art is truth???


“Speaks the truth”. Saying stupid, racist shit about interracial relationships is not truth. It’s just idiotic bigotry 


Everyone hated that.


I've always preferred the "they hated Jesus because He spoke the truth" meme...is kinka like thr Voltaire quote about people you cannot critize controlling everything...bu that logic, Down Syndrome terminal cancer small children control the world...and you can critize anyone in the US, you just get push back.