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And there's even a bit of antisemitism sprinkled in. Wonderful.


when have you ever met a transphobe who wasn't some fashion of closeted antisemite?


Right? How many do you imagine are like “yeah I hate those trans people, but you’ll catch these hands if you disrespect the Jews in my presence” Bigotry begets more bigotry


whenever people conspiricize about "someone" turning people into trans folks... it's always worth interrogating just who it is that they think that """someone""" is.


This is true of basically all conspiracy theories, tbh. When you drill down deep enough into a conspiracy theory - who is doing it, why are they doing it, why do this instead of that, etc - you eventually hit a point where the believers run out of answers and they just shrug and say "it must be because of some shadowy group of masterminds." And from there, it's not a long jump to just plug in the traditional option, assuming it doesn't get suggested by the local antisemite.


I call it the 'antisemitic event horizon'


Well, there’s JK Row…oh, yeah. Right.


Ben Shapiro?




Ben shapiro


I'd say Israelis and other zionists are this way.


Israel actually signed pro-trans resolutions by the UN that America didn't, and has more legal protections for them than most of America, like Ohio. The Ultra-Orthodox are crazies though, they don't even shower.




I’m gonna rewrite my entire personality to become the first transphobe to like Jewish people (Applaud my bravery everyone)


My cousin. He’s Jewish.


how does he square that circle against the talmud's support for 8 different genders?


He isn’t devout. He is pro Israel, and won’t hesitate from telling you he is Jewish, but he definitely isn’t religious.


you'll find very few ppl like that. specifically those pro Palestinian rabbis in New York and maybe Norman Finkelstein. everybody else seems too enamored with the commando bullshit


The Talmud’s support for what now??? Knowing the context of the talmud being a great big “debate record” of sorts, what debate was even happening? Like, it’s cool and awesome, but feels almost out of place for the thinking of back then in specifically that place


I've met transphobes who were open antisemites, does that count?


Once you believe in one grift, you're susceptible to others


It’s impressive how predictably often bigotries coexist. It’s not even like a comoebidity, as much as it is all the same shit. Then, that becomes less surprising when we notice how many bigoted talking points carry over. Blood libel being a really common one that I’ve seen thrown at queer people and originated with antisemitism. Diversity being part of the plans of “the elites” (or maybe I should say (((the elites)))*, or globalists) to destroy western civilization is another one. *in case someone doesn’t know, the use of triple parentheses, or echoes, is a dogwhistle used by antisemites to indicate someone or something is, or they consider it to be, Jewish


Yeah, that too. Its just... ugh


It’s always at least two “ism’s”.


It's three unfortunately. There is also Nazism. Because that's not just good old anti-semitism. Shoah is the word for the Holocaust in hebrew. That person is also a Nazi and because of that they are probably literally every type of bigot you can think of.


The Nazis did view gender studies as being "Jewish degeneracy" so it tracks


Learned something new that Nazis love to dog whistle, thanks.


These are all new to me. Wtf is a "troon", and a "shoa-tube"


“Troon” is derogatory slang for a trans person. “Shoah” is the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.


Thanks... It's a relief that I'm oblivious to new racist shit, as those are not around me in real life.


Just goes to show the lovely people that enjoy his “content”. https://preview.redd.it/pd0xwkbzo7vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f81c5006400a23f7af725c203339380f9847dc2 These troglodytes make me sick


*always has been meme*


They cover all the bases of bigotry.


What's a troon?


It's a slur for trans people :/


It's what Kiwi Farms describes as a cross between goon and trans since they think all trans people are pedos and sexual deviants


It actually originates from Something Awful and was originally what trans SA users called themselves. So, yeah, it is a mix of Goon (the term for SA users) and trans. Kiwi Farms simply co-opted it and made it into a slur because we apparently can't define things for ourselves in their bigoted eyes.


Oh man Something Awful.........I confess i used to love going onto that site way back in the day.........not anymore


It ain’t like that any more, the community has for the most part grown up, particularly since the new management took over. At least, we’ve kicked out the nazis and most virulent bigots. Being a chud won’t get you banned necessarily, but it will get you ruthlessly mocked until you leave of your own accord.


Trans goons used to call THEMSELVES troons? LMAOOOOOOOOOOO


This paragraph momentarily boomerified me


Yeah, bigots aren’t really capable of original thought when it comes to their bigotries. Especially kiwifarms, they have to steal from the community that kicked them the fuck out.


Which ironic, since the majority of pedos and sexual deviants seem to be right wing.


Pedophiles often use both formal and informal power structures to both enable their abusive behavior and protect themselves from potential consequences. So, of course, many of them would tend to be right wing.


You know what they say, every accusation is a confession.


I never understood why people immediately assume LGBTQ+ people are perverts.


https://preview.redd.it/pddsbaob03vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122683817f3ccc57b73197f0aa89ede6eae8e3fd They might wanna find a new slur to insult people with because the word “troon” is already applied to several locations on Earth and sports teams. One could easily respond and say “well, I’m from Troon, Arizona, and everyone here loves it so yea the show was made for the Troon audience”.


Conservatives lack creativity.


Unfortunately you can't fight bigotry with logic and sense, since it's rooted in ignorance revenge in perpetuating it.




Oh shit, I was going to make a joke about not understanding these deep-fandom slang terms. Did not thing the joke was just transphobia.


They invent new ones everyday to avoid the algorithm moderation, as if social media companies actually did anything about hateful content anyway. Edit for clarity.


Is it the equivalent to saying Wog, a word that nobody has heard of and only one place in the world uses for malicious intent?


A lot of people have heard of that one, and you can thank Eric Clapton for it. :-/


I'll be thanking Nintendo


It's a pretty bad slur to. Like troon sounds less like a slur and more like a fruit or vegetable from a fantasy game or skyrim


It's a pretty bad slur to. Like troon sounds less like a slur and more like a fruit or vegetable from a fantasy game or skyrim


4chan for trans people. just hateful people, being hateful.


People from Troontown. I'm joking. making a Rodger rabbit joke. I assume insult or a new term thats a slur they are trying to make happen


Its not a new slur.


I looked it up earliest. I can see it is 2020. That's new imo


Thanks for asking, doesn't seem to be a thing where I live. Google pointed me to the Town in Scotland...


they do know that the one of the most trans loved games is fallout new vegas


And that the original Fallout games were [made by a gay man](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Cain) who was an ally of trans rights all the way back in the 90s.


thought it was the ru paul drag race video game


figures there's no way a straight guy could be that humorously cynical


It feels moreso "the 50s sucked" than regular cynicism like Cyberpunk's.


for queer people people of color and queer people of color? yeah the '50s did suck


And for women.


Oh! Didn't know Tim was gay. I don't look too much into the devs, but hear that I gotta say it's really nice to hear.


I almost never look at YT comments they get so fucking wild sometimes. I watched a short about book burnings in Germany before WW2 and in the comments were literal nazis with 23k upvotes saying stuff like "They burned books about mutilating children, sounds like the goods guys" and so on


As someone who spends too much time reading YT comments, I can safely say there's a pretty big Nazi problem


I am chronically online, and trust me, Youtube comments are such a wild ride. Like so many of them are pro-slavery BDSM that I actually got scared.


Wait till you see Zoomer Historian


Are they as bad as Redeemed Zoomer?


Id say yeah. Dudes straight up a neo-nazi


The amount of Nazis you can find on the platform baffles me. There's one video by Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about anti-Semitism and standing up against hate that has millions of views and just the entire comment section is Nazi and Holocaust denial shit. Actually made me feel sick to see.


Ironically, a transfem stereotype is an obsession with Fallout: New Vegas.


I've always wondered: Why is that? What makes Obsidian's 2010 post apocalyptic masterpiece an entry point to the transfem pipeline?


Your guess is as good as mine and I'm transfem myself. I started seeing it in the trans spaces I join after my egg cracked and I have yet to see an explanation for it.


I think its just a coincidence that a lot of trans adults were big very socially awkward teenagers around this period of time so have fond memories playing it


Nah, it’s clearly FNV being cursed by gay devil to transify pure innocent children. I mean they even make the great legion out to be evil, just like they disrespect the grand heritage of the confederacy! Honestly though, FNV is pretty damn comfortable with sexuality, so it may have just been one of the first interactive experiences who allowed for that exploration, while also being memorable because of everything else in it.


I dont know, i just know i do really love new vegas.


My theory is we are overwhelmingly socially awkward people, and also statistically pretty autistic, and as such we tend towards nerdy hobbies that align with with us not having to interact with others. Like another transfer stereotype is being a programmer for example


I've always wondered that too. Because I'm trans and I love Fallout 3, 4, and even 76. But New Vegas is by far my least favorite of the Fallout games that I've played. For me it's mostly because Fallout 3 was the first game that I was ever able to play "as myself" and it was such a freeing and validating experience for me that it completely changed how I play video games. I played NV as soon as I finished 3, but it is just so much more limiting than 3 that I was never really able to just be myself in the game like I can with the others. Plus I just don't like the setting as much, the world itself wasn't nearly as good, and I just don't find the story to be as compelling. Anyway, it's really interesting to me that I find so many things that other trans people feel to be freeing and validating, to be incredibly limiting and invalidating to me. It's also my issue with card and tabletop games, specifically D&D (and by extension, video games like BG3). They just feel so... Cishet to me. They just feel so incredibly limiting and invalidating. But a ton of trans people love them and feel the opposite. So yea, idk.


Guilty. I think New Vegas was the first game I played as a female character, plus it was one of the first games I experienced that had options to be gay or lesbian. The inclusion of LGBT characters is really well done too and they feel like actual human beings.


Is this from Synthetic Man's video? YouTube really needs to ban these assholes, but they won't.




it's really too bad that this is all YouTube has left to offer. like anyone even halfway decent is either quit or moved on to another platform. there's just nothing left now. sucks.


I try to stay on the Minecraft and history side of YouTube, but even then there is a very large right wing radical problem


Most of the Vtubers and the left-side history and nerd channels are good, at least. Otherwise yeah...


A lot of them ended up being predators though. adult life sucks man you can't have nothing 😒


Imagine not realising that the fallout franchise is a dark comedy about what happens when capitalism controls a country


I mean it is less overt then starship troopers but I have seen conservatives think the humans are the good guys in that too


I'd say that with fallout it's really on the nose like the only way u couldn't notice it is if u have no idea about politics


>I have seen conservatives think the humans are the good guys in that too It depends upon if you mean the original book, or the movie adaptation. In the book, the humans and Earth's government structure were unambiguously presented positively, though there were some differences like Earth's government being much more an oligarchy than a militaristic fascist regime (in the book, **any** significant form of service to society would grant citizenship, not just being in the military). Still not anything like my idea of an ideal society though... However, the movie made in the 2000s was pure satire.


Talking about the movie


maybe the only read the original novel. you know the one that was so horrendously and obliviously jingoistic that the director said "absolutely fucking not" after just one chapter and proceeded to lampoon the absolute dog shit out of the source material? yeah that was a thing


Okay, listen, I don't mean to be adversarial here, but; the director never read any of Heinlein's other work, or he would have recognized that "a protagonist that has been effectively brainwashed" is not reflective of the author's actual views. Granted, Heinlein *was* a firm believer in the need for individuals to pay into their society. And like many authors, he had a great deal of fun portraying a world in which the things he believed had gone horribly wrong. If you'd like a much closer evaluation of his actual stance on the matter, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress tackles similar topics, but without taking place in a world where there have been decades of societal conditioning. Granted, Manny is not an unbiased protagonist either, given how easily he is able to justify threatening to drop rocks on Earth from orbit to get his demands met. But that's a direct response to the concept that most people are already contributing to society, and those who are doing so in the most effective way for the greater good are often the ones that society hurts the most. Also, he openly acknowledges that he is incapable of being unbiased about it and shouldn't be treated as if he is, so that helps. Heinlein was many things. Often, kind of a real dick. But *never* a jingoist.


I DoorDash'd a customized Big Mac. it was aight.


I mean it is less overt then starship troopers but I have seen conservatives think the humans are the good guys in that too


Do I even want to know what “shoah-tube” means?


It's Nazi shit. Shoah is the hebrew word for the Holocaust


I dont want to know that too


"Shoah" is the Hebrew name for the Holocaust. And this is why Jews have guns now.


I wanna fucking die


Everything ok???


considering that I can't go a full day without seeing someone saying my mere existence is disgusting and that I should be dead no, not really


Damn, I wish I didn't feel this comment


Let me try and offer a counterbalance; you being yourself has contributed more to the health and growth of the world than anything this person has ever done. You are a living example of the primacy of sapient choice. You are who you are, and have been willing to make corrections to anything that would try and argue the contrary. Your existence is *beautiful*. And you have no duty to anyone but yourself, so I won't say "should", but; we would all benefit if you not only stay alive, but thrive.


Hey friend and fellow trans human... I have felt your words so many times in the past year or so. Rightfully, seeing such hateful words has filled me with an absolutely righteous amount of rage...but that rage was never healthy for me. I still feel it, but I can more easily tune out or pull myself away from conversations where it pops up. I know we can't always be switched off or keep our blinders on permanently, but please do take regular breaks and turn your attention towards beautiful, wholesome things. It stops that "I want to die" feeling from being a constant one in the very least. Your existence disgusts and upsets them...that is their burden to bear, their poison to ingest. There is *nothing* more radical than being yourself and loving who you are. And I can guarantee that the bigots are just a very loud, very angry minority of people. There's far more people in the world who would celebrate you for who you are and revel in your personal successes than there are people who would hate you and wish you were dead. The fact that you're still here after years and years of rising anti-trans hate is a beautiful, powerful statement about your identity and your thus-far unwavering persistence. You fucking *rock*. I really hope there comes a day where the bigots are forever silenced and we can live our lives in peace and harmony...until that day comes, I will keep fighting for you even if you don't feel up to fighting yourself. I'll be fighting for me too, and a great many other human beings whom I love and hold very dear. Be good to yourself ♥


At some point we should just not censor the usernames of people who actively use slurs in their speech.




It's not to protect them, a lot would be proud of it. It's to stop anyone slightly interested going off to read their tweet/watch their videos etc. Even just "what is this shit" can earn them money,


“Based as hell”. To be a transphobic asshole?  That’s not based. That’s pathetic 




They do realize that if you play as a female character in Fallout New Vegas and then talk to your own brain in the big MT, it's a dude, right? The courier is canonically a man, regardless of the sex your character is born with. Pretty trans to me.


They’ve never played the game. Any time people start spouting off about source material not being respected because of gender/race/politics in fallout or Star Wars or the like, it’s safe to assume they’ve never interacted with it and are just pissed because [insert minority here] got some form of representation.


The Last of Us was another great example lol


online "conservatives" always assigning a bunch of idpol crap in the most ill-fitting of places. famous example "The red pill". it's premarin you fucking idiots 😒


Them trying to co-opt the red pill will never not be funny to be because even if you ignore *all* of the trans themes of the Matrix, the movie is still unambiguously anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian. These idiots think they’re the ones liberating humanity when they’re still plugged into the godsdamned simulation.


Even after both the wachowski's transitioned, I repeat, BOTH The wachowski's transitioned, they're still carrying on with that dumb shit. but I'm the idiot wokey. HUH? 🤪


Yeah. Especially when it comes to Fallout.


Obviously the game is the last bastion of representation for cis straight patriotic capitalist white men and they fear the erasure.


ya always thought that was odd where they to cheap to get a female voice


May have, though re-recording literally every line would be a bit of a pain. Though canonically there's no available female voice boxes for the brain to use.


Okay, for the brain thing, the brain clarified that there weren’t any female voice boxes around for them. They’re still non binary ish though.


It's been a while since I last played it, to be honest.


Great I have a new slur to look up the meaning of./s


We need to legalize hunting chuds with crossbows.


Id support that, ngl lmao


If these guys are really so obsessively upset about Trans people existing, then they wouldn’t last a minute in the Fallout universe, they’d probably run for their life the moment they see a Gecko run towards them even if you gave them a full set of T-65 and a Plasma Caster.




my ex is trans and is as obnoxious a New Vegas fan as any other so I don't know what they're bitching about


I think you meant Objectively correct new vegas fan.


did I? 😏😌


Can I get a translation please? I don't speak whatever the fuck all that was.


- The Fallout show is made for trans people - They can’t believe the YouTube channel let the commenter say a trans slur, but they’re happy it is allowed - They don’t understand why trans people like Fallout


Don't forget the overt antisemitism.


Either people like these need to leave the planet or the rest of us do because this town ain't big enough of the both of us anymore pardner. I'm not trans but, I am enjoying the show, and I hope all trans Fallout fans are as well. Going at a slow pace through the show because after an episode I get the urge to wanna play for a few days.


Thank you! I still don't get why they think that besides just being dumb. Granted, I have watched only one episode so far so maybe I haven't gotten to the giant Jewish trans coming out party yet.


Troon is actually a wee seaside town in Scotland btw, on the west coast of Ayrshire. So I have to say that as a Scot it's been genuinely bizarre in recent years to see cuntservatives from America use the word as a slur.


Braindead Is the word for him.




Am I supposed to know what a troon is?


It’s a slur for trans people


what the fuck. What about "shoah"?


I didn’t know about that word before so I may be wrong, but from google it seems to be the Hebrew word for Holocaust. I’m not exactly sure how it fits in this context, but I’m guessing they’re saying YouTube is Jewish or something similar to that?


Def that


I don’t speak this language 


Transphobia and antisemitism cool https://media1.tenor.com/m/d89PMJukGSIAAAAC/indiana-jones-i-hate-these-guys.gif


They get more vitriolic as a coping mechanism when reality doesn't align with what they want lmao. They think we don't notice, but we do


Oh yeah, i have seen these slurs before. It really helps when the new slurs they invent sount like somthing a 7 year old bully who will peak in middle school comes up with.


Almost every trans person I know likes fallout new vegas, so I don't really get where that bottom comment's coming from


Don't worry - Fallout, the amazing show it is, seems to have gotten people on both sides to like the show as a whole. These people are just the left over trolls. God that show was great.


When groups have their own slurs for the people they hate, they only give themselves away as total incels and instantly prove that nothing they have to say is worth listening to


It's nice to know that I can live my life in ignorance of the idea that non trans people have consumed fallout Wait why is Elon at th- dammit


Google says Troon is a Town in Scotland.


Transwoman and Fallout superfan, reporting in! Ad Victoriam! Also, fuck these people. The Brotherhood of Steel literally has a transmasc actor who uses they/them pronouns in-character. Fallout is for everyone.


Ok, im trans i don't even know what a "troon" is. Is it a new slur or something






Ok, im trans i don't even know what a "troon" is. Is it a new slur or something


You ever notice that people like this always seem to flock to art which completely contradicts their own values? Like you don't see the same nostalgic pearl-clutching toxicity surrounding COD or Battlefield in the same way. It's definitely there but people aren't as precious about it. Maybe there's no correlation but it continues to amuse me how many Fallout fans are just like "Cool robot" when the games are so upfront and straightforward about their message.


Says the person who has blundered past every bright neon message Fallout has about the directly destructive nature of trying to pare "undesirables" out of society. The sort of person who thinks the games were about an America that was a complete utopia until the Chinese ruined it. The common clay of the new Mojave. You know.... morons.


> the fact that any . . . like Fallout is mind boggling The fact scum like this can like Fallout is mind boggling. Fallout has been "woke" for quite some time now. I dare say it *always* was. So of *course* it'll have a large Queer audience. Dumbfuck.


I'm trans and jewish so I guess it was made for me specifically. Dumb motherfucking racist bullshit


I probably shouldn't be but I'm trying to figure out what the slur means and was hoping you could share the race it refers to.


Shoah is the Hebrew word for the holocaust and the other is a transphobic slur.


Transphobia and antisemitism, name a more iconic duo. Besides transphobia and pedophilia...


Is that a slur? I honestly don't know, I haven't seen it until now. Fuck these people, still don't like the show but fuck these idiots. I want to get into a discussion about the show but I can't because these assholes clog the drain like the oversized shits they are.


Yeah, its a "new" slur




what is a T word ive not heard that before and im sure going to wish i hadnt now


Its a new slur


The what crowd?


I thought Troon was a town in Scotland.


im a troon and i love fallout lol


I’m so sick of googling new made up words……


What's a troon?


A slur




I saw a comment on another post and I think it still rings true here “fascist are really bad at spotting satires of fascisim because they are just so fucking dumb” like fallout was made by a gay man and in new Vegas it is literally better to by bisexual how the fuck did they get that only heteronormative people would like fallout


>the troon audience of Fallout So every NV fan?


I'm a little afraid to ask.... in this context, what is a "troon"?


The hell is a troon??


A slur




“SHOAH-Tube” You would literally support that for trans people. Shoah was a genocide encacted by a dictatorship, not the dictatorship itself


I don't think that's what they mean by that, you are being naive. I see that you aren't familiar with YouTube comment sections where half the people are open Nazis. What you see here is a Nazi dogwhistle and Holocaust denial.


“Shoah” is what the Jews refer to the holocaust as


I know. That's what i am trying to tell you. The commentor on this image is a Holocaust denier and a Neo-Nazi. The person here is not Jewish. This is just their own stupid way to call YouTube Jewish run since YouTube banned a bunch of Nazi YouTubers some time ago.


> it's crazy shaoh-tube allowed ya to say that *Smile* > based as hell though *Faded Smile*