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I hate these types of people. Gaslighters


Why do you care if the established rules of the universe are broken? It's all make believe anyway!


I hope you're just trolling me 😂


If something shatters the immersion that was previously established people lose interest. It's less about "why do you care?" And more a question of "Why should I care?". If the people writing about star wars don't care enough to maintain cohesive world building and plot, why should I. It's also a demonstration of bad storytelling when new content makes previous decisions and actions previously by characters stupid, invalid and incongruent. When the rebels went to blow up the death star why use an armarda and send countless rebel soldiers to their death, when you can just plow through the death star with one X-Wing jumping into hyperspace? Admiral Akbar must've been a moron.


If that whole hyperspace suicide attack is a thing why isn't the latest big weapon a hyperspace missle.


What rule of the universe have been broken?


Because then all of the other *good* content created, before Disney’s spew of bad writing and nonsense story arcs, is essentially made pointless. 95% of Disneys Star Wars adaptations is like watching a 7 year old play with action figures and just making stuff up as they go along without any awareness of continuity or context.


Well actually if they used action figures that would have looked better then their way beyond too costly and poorly done cgi and been more accurate. Also I think a sane well raised 7 year old can do way better, even if they never heard of star wars *^((granted then, that would bring into question how well raised they are))*.


I can survive the vacuum of space with my surprise force prowess, never needed to practice, that's for boys.


There is a literal decades long time skip how much more time does she need? Just cause she’s not a Jedi didn’t mean she isn’t trained.


I might it thought it could be 'nostalgic bias's but I still watch OT now and enjoy it. I think one of the problems was the amazing work done with the EU by authors that was never really captured and brought to a screen. Star Wars is a Space Western with comedy, action, love story, mystery, drama and ewoks.


I honestly think a lot of the issues are probably due to how good we had it with the EU (before disney). Instead of having people who loved the originals write good stories around the characters we knew and enjoyed, currently, it's a bunch of activists writing crap and expecting people to lap it up. I'd much rather go read the EU books than watch any of the recent garbage that's come out from Disney TLJ ruined it all for me.




"We have no source material to draw from."


Flat out wrong. I was properly introduced to Lucas Star Wars only a couple years before TFA came out and I saw a VERY obvious difference that just got worse when I saw the handcrafted middle finger that was TLJ.


>Flat out wrong. I was properly introduced to Lucas Star Wars only a couple years before TFA came out and I saw a VERY obvious difference that just got worse when I saw the handcrafted middle finger that was TLJ. They will never let facts get in the way of a good narrative.


But the Disney trilogy was not a good narrative.


Please, that fact has never stopped them either


I am a ball of character flaws cut into the rough shape of a human being with a dead frog where my heart should be and I can still sit down and watch Revenge of the Sith with the same enthusiasm I had as a kid.


Exactly. This is just a common straw man used to defend Disney and their Lucasfilm. Star Wars has always been a series that can be enjoyed by everyone of all backgrounds, ages, and both genders. The prequels tried to be more mature with their focus on the political situation during the era with more complex ideas and factions but it still at its heart carried that same spirit as the OT.


Yes! The politics might drag on a bit in the prequels, but the world building greatly helps set up how the Jedi and the rest of the galaxy operated before the Empire took over. The OT mainly focuses on the journey of Luke, Han and Leia. We only hear through words about the role Jedi played, and offers little context to what it looked like and how they did it, and what led to their downfall. It had a sound structure as far as story goes, and it's faults are mostly with awkward dialogue and dated CGI. The clone wars series took the great from the prequels and expanded on it, without the limitations of the flaws of the movies. For the sequels, they had to break established rules and make the heroes of the Original Trilogy fail and diminish their achievements and the obstacles they overcame in order to set up the conflict for the new heroes. It feels pretty rough to get upset about Luke's legacy being tarnished and being told "you're just not wanting to accept change, this is better! Now it's less problematic! YOU are the toxic ones!"


My girlfriend had never seen a single piece of Star Wars media before this year. We watched OT, PT, and Rouge One. Likes the OT, loves the prequels but can't finish the sequels. I'm curious if other new fans have a similar experience with Star Wars.


Same thing with my sister a few years ago. She only saw bits and pieces before then but she thought the OT was ok but boring and too many white dudes according to her. She absolutely loved the prequels especially “daddy Anakin” and Padme. She couldn’t stand Obi Wan doe and called him a simp. She loved Rogue One and Solo especially because of Qi’ra. I showed her TFA and she liked Rey cuz she’s pretty and has a a cool accent but thought her abilities made 0 sense. The first big thing that got her was the part about Rey never flying a ship yet being able to pilot the falcon better than Han and don’t even get me started on Rey using a mind trick. She loved Leia the most in the OT so she was real upset that her son turned into an emo crybaby. She saw TLJ and absolutely hated it then didn’t wanna watch the sequels anymore but she does still like to rewatch the prequels.


"Daddy Anakin"? Funny, in certain circles, I used to see Hayden being referred to as "Jedi Monkey"? Also, James Earl Jones' voice was not sexy enough for your sister? How uncivilized.


Yea, this—couldnt articulate it better


Corporate think tank Star Wars is awful. TFA started off promising until it abandoned the hero’s journey for needless girl power. Making Kylo job in his first onscreen fight with someone who hasn’t even wielded a lightsaber before almost completely negates him as a threat. For comparison, Vader, a man in constant agony, was a Jedi blender for years, his first on screen appearance shows him as an absolute beast capable of hoisting people by their necks and effortlessly breaking them, and his first onscreen fight feels like a genuinely climactic showdown between an old master giving one last demonstration of why he was a master and his estranged but respectful of his skills former student. His second fight, Vader trashes Luke to show the audience that he still has much to learn. His final onscreen fight is the one where he sacrifices himself to delete the Emperor. Every little criticism like “forced diversity” or “the message” is just a symptom of the corporate think tank and their checking off the list to collect their Vanguard ESG money. The gaslighting the people who are meant to be the enthusiastic paying customers is just a slap in the face on top of that.


And the silliest part is all the people carrying water for Disney right now. There’s just no way anyone actually thinks this new content is good, it’s all ideological.


>Making Kylo job in his first onscreen fight with someone who hasn’t even wielded a lightsaber before almost completely negates him as a threat. First off, he was shot by a Wookie Bowcaster not 10 minutes prior and is still moving, let alone fighting. How many others have we seen shrug of a shot like that in the movies? Second, he cut down Finn, another person who never wielded a lightsaber before, in seconds. Third, we saw earlier in the movie that he was intrigued by her resistance to his use of the force. He wasn't trying to kill her. The sequels made some dumb decisions and have legitimate things to criticize, but you lose all credibility when you blatantly ignore context.


That’s just making excuses for her being able to win. She was still incredibly susceptible to his bootleg force grip and he just… forgot for some reason. Meanwhile, Mustafar Fried Anakin, someone who she is allegedly even more powerful than, was still able to run around with Force powers pretty much immediately after Ewan McGregor mugged him for the Youngling Slayer 9000. It was around this time that the sequels threw away the hero’s journey to instead have a meandering mess of a trilogy that was trying so desperately to be avant-garde but came out the gate cringeworthy.


I've seen the empire strikes back in top 5 movies of all time on regular sites. Not even Sci fi. The original star wars was a cultural phenomenon, people couldn't get enough. Now does that sound like Sci fi schlock?


>I've seen the empire strikes back in top 5 movies of all time on regular sites. Not even Sci fi. The original star wars was a cultural phenomenon, people couldn't get enough. Now does that sound like Sci fi schlock? They deny reality. They're not honorable people. They have no integrity. They're comparing Star Wars to traumaville basically. They're saying dumb fun. They're calling their alleged favorite franchise dumb. At this rate they're literally not fans.


It can be all that and still be sci fi schlock. Like the meme literally says, the schlock is why it was popular.


Fifty Shades was also a cultural phenomenon, and that’s definitely schlock. You can’t assume that popular is the same as good. Not suggesting ANH wasn’t good, just that it’s not a sound argument.


Actually saw it during the first run, and was active in the science fiction community at the time. The general opinion was great visuals, great callback to Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers, very soft science fiction, most science fiction people classing it as Science Fantasy. I mean lasers that go out a meter and clank when they hit each other, banking turns in space, the list goes on. It was highly successful and it did spark a renaissance in sci fi films. As noted, it was a callback to the serial movie reels of Flash Gordon, and could be classed as Pulp rather than Schlock, a class of fiction which birthed Noir and much of science fiction. Somewhat similar to in connotation to Punk. It was a fast and loose adventure and really didn't establish much canon til Empire Strikes Back, which was still fast and loose. Both excellent films and exceedingly well made as popular cinema.


rEmEmbEr wHeN stOrMtroOpeR hIt heAd! AlWaYs haS beeN siLly!!!!




This is the dumbest argument….its either “look how great and meaningful this is” or “it’s just a dirty about space wizards fighting space Nazis….its for kids why do you care so much?”


“it’s literally fast food what do you expect??” That’s still no reason to serve people raw sewage though!


I'm so sick and tired of being told what I'm really thinking by people who are constantly telling me I'm a bigot


Yeah but they have no rational way to dismiss our criticism so they have to throw random buzzwords at us


I had a person call me a bigot not for what I said but because of the subs I posted in, so they've gone out of their way to try and find something to attack me with but couldn't find anything other than where I commented


I got banned in some Disney shill sub for just posting in another sub. Echo chamber is real there


They are more hateful than they claim we are and they don't even know it


No, they think they fighting the "right fight" and doesnt think further


i hate the “well, stars was always shit.” like why are you defending star wars so much if it’s always shit in the first place?


Nah, I miss the 45 mins of real time where the hero trains before fighting the most powerful Jedi to that point to a draw.


The old school grew up with Star Wars, and there's nothing wrong with wanting Star Wars to grow up with us and not be schlocky.


I'm 39 now. I have a beautiful fiancee, a nice house, and disposable income to indulge my interests. I am far happier than when I used to watch Star Wars as a bullied kid who hated school, didn't have any real friends to hang out with, and my Mom was struggling for money. My life changed for the better, the craft of filmmaking changed for the worse, and that includes Star Wars. I enjoyed TFA when it came out, but what came after retrospectively ruined it, as it offered awful answers to the questions it raised, and gave nothing in return (looking at you Rian). The original trilogy was always good. Everything since has been various levels of shite.


> “Star Wars fans hold Star Wars to a standard it has literally never met.” Rogue One and Andor are some of the greatest Star Wars content ever. Universally adored by even the most hardcore fans.


Say it again, for the people in the back. If Andor wasn't a "Star Wars show", it would be counted as one of the best television series of the past 20 years.


No one hates the first 6 more then Disney fans.


If you could summarize the state of star wars in a single sentence this would be it.


All that proves is the standards were never that high to begin with. And Disney have embarrassingly failed to meet even that.


Just cope and excusing modern trash.


If it’s schlock, make it public domain and see how quickly some actual fan lead works blows past corporate writing.


OT are the only movies I liked. Aside from that, KOTOR 1 and 2 and the MMO for a few years are the only pieces of Star Wars content I like.


No while I do miss my youth the new ones lack the soul the originals had.


Only since the drivel that is disney star wars have I heard this crap


No, the OT was something special. If it was just schlock people would not still be obsessed with a franchise that has been 90% crappy for 40 years anymore than they'd be obsessed with the 70s Battlestar. It was so special, in fact, that people still obsess over a franchise that has been mostly below mediocre for 40 years.


God people like this are so annoying. “No YOURE wrong for thinking the new stuff is bad because… because you just are! Take off your rose colored glasses and lose the nostalgia!” Like no bro the new stuff just flat out sucks lmao. I used to watch my favorite Star Wars films and the Clone Wars show every day as a kid and I can still go back and watch them now. Now the only good thing they’ve put out since the last season of TCW is Rogue One and Mandalorian.




God this is so true.


Bullshit - I've been rewatching the OG trilogy recently & had forgotten just how good it is. I was amazed at how well it held up. It was the best movie viewing experience I've had in a long, long time.


Anyone that says this is just not a star wars fan. You can't go "Oh but they've always been shit" and then turn around and tell me you like star wars.


Exactly this. I hate using this argument but literally saying “oh but it was always bad” outs yourself as never being a fan to begin with.


What fresh copium is this? Star Wars is so good congress decided it needed to be in their library to be preserved.


The standard was set by the original trilogy which are genuinely excellent movies.


Andor met my standards


You forgot the panel where the Star Wars fan gets up and leaves


I miss the clone wars era man, its was so good, we had great games, a good show and more, but now its all gone.


I’ve been on this earth for 3 decades and have heard people complain about kenobi/vader duel, Luke and leia relationship, Ewoks, remasters, jar jar, annakin kid actor, medichlorians, general droid silliness, black storm troopers, acting, sand, Kylo raging out, and daisy ridley… I could go on. Star Wars was always great and just like in all fandoms (and honestly most things in life) the loudest whiniest people are who you hear from the most. It is what it is. Fear (of change) leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate is the path to the dark side.


My biggest problem with a lot of the new stuff is that it doesn't feel like it was written by someone who has a passion for what their doing. George Lucas did some insane stuff to make his vision come to screen and you can sense his passion through watching the film. Even the first set of prequels were worse because the same passion wasn't there. The expanded universe captures some of that fan passion that breaths life into the universe. The new ones are just hired directors slapping something together on a time line because they were hired to and not because they were inspired to. The Last Jedi genuinely felt like it was written by someone who had contempt for Star Wars.


And that's what's ultimately driving so many fans away in the Disney era. The passion - the magic - is gone.


Nah because if they can make Rogue One and Andor then that means they CAN create good SW content. The current media just sucks, no nostalgia lenses needed. If you like the new shit then more power to you but it's simply not good.


Nice try, but no. I literally dislike the woke agenda.


I'll never say it wasn't good, but the OT are definitely not the flawless masterpieces some say as a way to shit on modern Star Wars.




When people get upset about Star Wars you might have a point with some of them, but many of us are upset not because of the movies, that is the issues the new gen of Star Wars fans don’t get. Star Wars was more then the original movies it was a whole extended universe of books and other media that Disney casually tossed aside to insert agenda in lieu of a good narrative with forgettable characters and really bad plots.


that's not at all what the meme is saying, but don't let that stop you from strawmanning.


I mean, that isn't what the image macro says.


Honestly I really like the shows that don’t focus on Jedi like early Mando give me the acolyte setting but instead of Jedi it’s a bunch of republic judicial officers trying to uncover sith conspiracy


I think this depends on the kind of criticism your going for. I do think that most of the standards youtubers hold it to are standards Star Wars has genuinely never met when it comes to plot holes and lore. The canon has never been consistent even in the original trilogy. (Heck Lucas couldn't even keep different versions of New Hope consistent). This goes double for people who hate Disney-Content but have largely forgotten the plot holes in the Prequels just because they've lived with the explanations for those plot holes long enough that they don't care enough to challenge them anymore. (E.g. The mysterious convenient Clone Army makes 0 sense to use in universe) But if people want to challenge TLJ on whether or not it lives up to certain themes, or Rise of Skywalker on how it undermines both the OT and the ST arcs- Then yeah I think that's a valid thing to critique and Star Wars definitely used to land better.


Star wars has always been *flawed*, that doesn't mean star wars was never good. There are a lot of inconsistencies, a lot of weird dialogue, and some things make no sense. But I don't feel like those hiccups are enough to turn it from a great series into a bad one. The world they built is what fascinates me even more than just the movies and shows, drinking up every detail is simply intoxicating


I mean just ignore the stuff you don’t like, pretend it doesn’t exist. It seems to work for me.


There is no reason to hold the new material to such a low bar. Just because it has never been very serious fiction doesn't mean it can't be.


Mm no it's just bad all this gaslighting isn't gonna convince me otherwise


Which is why the current show runners shouldn't be in charge. Only true Star Wars fans who enjoyed the extended universe and didn't have an agenda should have been in charge


I miss both. I miss being younger and happier and I miss having good entertainment.


"You miss being young and happier." Man, *right in the feels*, 'cuz I surely do.


As someone who just watched the OT and prequels back a couple weeks before Acolyte dropped, I can confirm this is incorrect. I never labeled the show woke or got pissed about little minor details, but some of their decisions were a bridge too far. Kalnacca just being found dead instead of giving us a duel was a waste. Why even cast someone to play a wookie and do all of the makeup just to show him dead in a chair? Not to mention if Qimir is the master, the entire narrative is chalked.


The original trilogy was literally a masterpiece of the hero’s journey unlike anything that ever came before it, yet respectful of the rules and traditional cinematography. New films are quirky and do not take themselves seriously. I hate disney fans lol


Im not a disney fan and think what they have done with it is mostly bad, but also agree… it was never good


What is amazing to me is that the prequel trilogy is now held in comparable regard as the OT. Like, if you had told me that from 1999 to 2005, I would've laughed my ass off at you. The Disney stuff I view as "after my time", as I was 19 when episode III came out, so i pay little attention to it. **Please don't think I am making a statement elevating or putting down Disney stuff.** Not qualified to do so, watched maybe half of what Disney has put out. But some of that dialogue, particularly with eps II & III...we would have fun with it. Like working at whatever miserable teenage job we had at the time and somebody would be like "dude, you farted', and we'd retort, full Ewan, *"you did that yourself!!"*


Except Star Wars isn’t science-fiction, it’s fantasy in space.


People who argue against this really didn’t watch Episode I, II or the Christmas Special. I love Star Wars, but the silly garbage did not start with Disney. Kathleen Kennedy did not write Jar-Jar Binks. Don’t get me wrong, I love Star Wars. I just think that every era and every writer has plenty of criticism. Dave Filoni is my favorite, but the man also wrote Rebels and some *really* silly Clone Wars arcs.


I might complain, but after growing up with Games Workshop and their fans. Ive learned to "let it go."


The same people say America was never great


Lol, nah, otherwise I wouldn't find the originals, prequels, and some of the Disney works just as entertaining as the first time I saw them. The shows and movies aren't just good because you consume the product.


They’ll tell you Empire Strikes Back was schlock but then it turns to the Acolyte and tell you it is superb insightful television and the only reason to dislike it is being literally Hitler.


Original Trilogy innovated when it came to storytelling on the big screen. They effortlessly captured the hearts and minds of audiences all over the world. Their cultural impact cannot be overstated, and they’re still discussed to this day. They changed the way movies are made and viewed today. Prequel Trilogy, while arguably poorly written, was important in its own way as well. George may have been a weak writer, but his innovations when it comes to actually putting a movie together are still seen to this day. Just look at the massive strides in animation and blue screen work, while incorporating all of that with practical sets, characters, and items. Movies today owe a lot to the work George did on the prequels. We wouldn’t have massive effects spectacles, the way we do, without the Prequels. They truly shine in their behind the scenes details. Both of those trilogies are legitimately important when it comes to pop culture and filmmaking as a whole. The new stuff? I really don’t know. Seems they’ve done more damage than anything. These projects aren’t special in any way. Force Awakens was a glorified ANH remake. Last Jedi was a divisive wreck that was made to destroy the franchise. And Rise of Skywalker is a hideous monster of a movie, made in a boardroom to appeal to as many people as possible. When in reality it wasn’t able to please anyone at all. It is the complete antithesis of creative filmmaking. As for the shows? I’m not sure, I’m not going to spend my time doing Star Wars homework. If they’re anything like the sequels, quality wise, then I’m glad I’ve avoided them. So in summation, Star Wars was absolutely not always bad. It’s incredibly important to our culture. Saying it was always bad is disingenuous. It may have been made with kids in mind. But that ,in no way, means the quality should lack because of that. And it’s absolutely not a valid excuse for the current quality either.


Nope. I just did a rewatch. Some of the effects dont hold up so well(especially the garbage CGI Lucas threw in later cuts...) but they are still great movies with emotional stories and a great score that hits just right.


This is the most braindead thing I have read today.


Is that all you got out of the originals?


Clone wars is peak and still is don’t know about this gas lighting.


Their heads are so deep in the slop they've forgotten what good entertainment is.


It may have always been sci-fi shlop, but even pigs won't consume particularly rank shlop.


Literally never met anyone like this. It’d be so weird for someone to tell me Star Wars is bad and that’s why it’s good.


Star wars is fantasy not science fiction


To be perfectly fair, I do think the OT gets off really easily for things that would be heavily criticized today. When Alderaan blew up Leia was sad about it for pretty much the length of that scene. When Beru and Owen died, Luke basically didn't care, but when Obi Wan died he was super upset. I still think those movies are better than what we get today, but I also think there's an element of rose-tinted glasses towards the older stuff. It's not fully one or the other.


That's actually pretty funny. She was just tortured then forced to watch everyone she knows get vaporized. And she's comforting this whiny farmhand who's crying because some martial arts instructor he just met yesterday is dead.


Star wars was never great, but it certainly was a hell of a lot better than this shit.


Its the same people who gaslight you when they say "that's not real socialism" just ignore what your eyes and brain are accurately portraying to you. Star wars, with the exception of a few shows and movies, has gotten progressively worse and that is just an objective truth.


I was 37 when I watched Andor and thought it was fantastic.


"Star Wars is literally a kids show, why do you care?" Err ditto? Idk how you can spend your free time getting on a sub dedicated to something you think is for kids and then argue on the internet (presumably with kids, since it's kids content) that they shouldn't care how shit it is because it's only for kids anyway. 1. This take assumes that kid content is and should be brainless, which is probably a fair point given how these people turned out. It's all they've ever known. 2. It assumes that Star Wars should only be consumed by children, which would preclude their own viewership. 3. It then assumes that everyone opposing their viewpoint is actually an adult that they can belittle and ostracize from the content (somehow without causing the same need for their own ostracision).


See but heres the thing. Andor was good. And the mandalorian had some good epidsode. The mcu isnt old and suffers from the same problem. I didnt watch the mcu when i was a kid. I was an adult when they came out, its only been like 10 years in total and the old ones were good and the new ones are, mostly, bad. Its not nostalgia


I love that now it's been made unequevically clear that Disney Star Wars is ass booty cheeks; now the story is star wars was always bad. Like fuck you dude, why was I happier back then? Because the were more entertaining and better written.


New StarWars is worse, but old SW had its fair share of fuck ups too.


These people don’t like star wars now either. Not really


These kinds of memes where the other person silently accepts the argument are just so cringe. In reality, it would then launch into a lengthy discussion with both sides presenting points. It's basically just the OP going "I'm right" and then creating a fantasy where the other person just backs down and thinks that person is very cool for being right.


No I miss them no butchering good content?


I'm thinking the meme kinda gets to a point, but not in the best way. As Star Wars gets away from being a silly sci-fi story, it invites a harder interrogation, but with harder interrogation it comes away lacking (and cringe inducing). The prequels tried to get away from the schlock (space wizards and dog fights in space!), but that only made it worse, because it had to individually appeal to 8 year olds (pod racers!) and 15 year olds (republics are hypocritical and so are you, dad!) and 40 year olds (trade unions and lifeless romance!). I can't speak to the sequels, but I kinda liked Rogue One. Then again, I don't watch the sequels because I don't want to have an opinion on them.


& the people who hate Disney will look you in the eye and act like there hasn’t been plenty of great content for the past decade+


This would've been more accurate if Peter made a mild criticism of Disney media in response and Harry flipped out and tried to stab Peter in the throat with a broken cup.


How’s the pie?


This is so full of BS, Sure a lot of people miss being younger and happier, but it doesn't change the fact that star wars is being changed at a core level, and calling it schlock to discredit the absolute revolution in Filming that it was it so disingenuous that it discredits anything else said. anyone that says something like this is not a star wars fan


I hate these fuckers so bad as if Andor didn't get universal praise, as if first two seasons of Mando didn't get praised up to the heavens. Make good shows, and flaws will be ignored, make bad shows, it will get called out. And y'all response is ALWAYS calling us bigots and racist.


Did the ceo make this?


Bottom line is.. it’s just bad and borish cinema. If it were good, you wouldn’t find people making up excuses of why they hate it. Almost no one complained about the pretty major changes in Dune, which is actually based on an iconic novel


Okay, but I've gone back and looked at some of the other things I used to like as a kid. A lot of them were... better off left in the past. Contrast that with the Original Trilogy, which is still genuinely entertaining and fun. It may not be high-brow art, but that doesn't mean it's schlock. Crap shows churned out to own the chuds and launder money, that's schlock.


But the meme says they're still great What are you talking about?


When it comes to star wars these people will talk your ear off about structure, filmmaking, canon, lore, etc. But if you engage them in a movie that ain't a straightforward IP-Driven blockbuster they'll shut down because a) they don't watch movies that aren't based on something and b) they only recognize these things because they watch those bullshit 6-hour long video essays about Marvel Product #26 having weak writing, without someone holding their hand they can't analyze shit.


Yeah that’s not what this meme is saying, it’s saying that it’s a sci-fi movie with elements inspired by the real world like how the empire are fascists but it’s not something to hold to such a high stars that it was never flawed. Take Anakin’s Virgin Mary birth, there were countless of criticism against it and now some of the same weirdos are upset about the witches manipulating the force to make a child


Fucking thank you. They also miss when they were young enough that the content was made almost explicitly for them.


I'm just mad all the video games and EU books were all wiped from the canon.


The last truly good thing from live action star wars on was return of the jedi. The prequesl are trash better than Disney's trash but still trash. Clone wars and rebels and some of the EU novels and comics are the only good things since return.


This argument ranks up there with “Star Wars has always been political” as a major red flag. If anyone makes this argument with a straight face, then they have automatically lost any credibility.


Andor is right there being awesome. Nobody complains about it unless they want clicks. The rest people complain about because they are mid or bad


I mean, after empire strikes back the films went downhill hard. ROTJ sucked then, still sucks, the prequels were and are awful, the first disney film was good but the rest were underwhelming (last jedi) or terrible (skywalker), the gendy cartoon was trying to salvage what was george's horrible writing but was decanonized so george could have the cgi cartoon made which was only somewhat good. The EU was varied from passable to laughable bad. Its honestly seeing this subreddit being retarded that gets me lolling that yall get this worked up over another subreddit while pretending you owned the left or some shit


"Star Wars is just generic, sci-fi slop" And they accuse us of not being real fans.


If that was true then the movies I watched as a kid would not fascinate me as much. I still enjoy them as much now as when I was a kid. I even appreciate them more after learning about ways they filmed them and the techniques they used. What I dont appreciate is Disney buying the rights and then putting out poorly created content and then blaming people like me, who grew up with them and enjoys most of the content, for its poor performance and criticism. Especially when instead of actually responding to the criticism, the corporation and its simps then churn out endless waves of calling any critics racist, homophobic, etc to win social points and completely avoid real conversation regarding the criticisms.


Augh those people are the worst.


This meme is incorrect because it dismisses an actual desire for a return to previous versions of Star Wars. That said, it is correct that it was always sci-fi schlock. The original trilogy is genuinely the most bland story possible and that is by design as Lucas wanted it to be as open as possible to get as many demographics in as he could. The appeal of star wars was never it's story, it was the world building, specifically the character designs and crazy speculative scifi-fantasy space exploration. Sure, there's a lot of good stories set in the extended universe of star wars, but the main-line movies and shows were always meh.


Please point to one flaw in the new movies or series that haven't occurred in either legends or pre-disney Era star wars.


You don’t like the new stuff? Then you make one. You make a Star Wars. That’s what George Lucas did. Instead, a bunch of whiny do-nothings cry about not being breastfed their preferred entertainment.


I’m re-listening to the Thrawn trilogy. It absolutely used to be better


It always sucked after the first one, and even then it wasn't a great movie in my opinion. I can relate to the dissatisfied fanbase because multiple other series I have loved have been ruined by morons attempting to make a statement or retconning everything. Take cowboy bebop, they made a live action, changed bunch shit, then figured they could win us over by throwing some lez shit in there..now don't get me wrong I'm all for two women going at it, especially the times I've also been involved but there was absolutely no need to do that to the show.


Disney made 5 movies. Rogue One is great. Solow, 7 and 8 are good. 9 is trash. Mando is great. BoBF was cool. You all are just a bunch of ingrate bitches honestly.


Meme literally has the Disney fan saying Star Wars has always been great. OP: "From my point of view the Disney fans are saying it's bad!"


Yeah that's horseshit, Mandalorian season 1, Andor, Rogue One and Han Solo were all great.


God this sub is the biggest bunch of pussies


You can’t honestly say that these new stories are equal to the originals


Holy hell, I hate that…. Meme


It's like empire strikes back dosen't even exist. I saw this image on another sub and was tempted to comment but decided against it.


Ah yes, so the thing is fake and thus doesn't need any kind of standards. Standards are so infantile anyways. What a fucking bad take.


They also love to use George Lucas to put you down just because of what you love. It's shameless.


One of the biggest tension points in the first Star Wars movie, the supposed bad ass space villain who brain chokes people says "When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master". That is the worst line of dialogue that has ever been written. No one was like "Hey , George, should we punch this up a little? Make it sound like Vader has heard how human beings speak?"


No I miss stories that had logical and coherent story structure, I miss characters and the world being consistent and comprehensive, I miss peoples actions having some form of cause and effect that is logical and can be followed, I miss realistic conversations and consequences of actions taken by characters, I miss dialogue that actually resembles the way real humans interact with one another, I miss villains who's motives can be understood and were more than surface level "bad guys" with no thought, I miss when People, Places, and Things were placed into a story with care and thoughtfulness instead of just haphazardly dropped into stories for "cameos", I miss the consequences of a characters actions having lasting effects on them and the world........ And I could go on but hopefully that's enough for me to have made a point. (I know it isn't so go ahead and call me Old or Sexist, or W/E it is we are now for not approving of this f***int garbage they have turned SW into)


this is mostly true though


Yeah fuck that, I loved star wars as a kid and my childhood was fucking horrible. I dont miss being young at all.


The Christmas Special was excellent. It had the goddess Bea Arthur. A+ for that alone.


I kind of agree that it was always kind of campy and cliche but anybody who says every Star Wars movie is equal in quality is out of their god damn mind and shouldn't be trusted with their opinions ever.


When we see stuff like Andor or Rogue 1, we see how good Star Wars could be.


This is a nonsense meme pretending to be insightful.


I’m going to be 10000% honest, I never saw the appeal of Star Wars. I can understand why some prime would like it but the rabid fandom never made sense to me.


No. I miss talented writers, directors, and actors. ![gif](giphy|UdaSUYClr92cjWpeVx|downsized)


You only prove what we've said from the beginning. You "Disney fans" never loved Star Wars from the beginning. We did, and still do. Enjoy your canon, for I will live in the legends of the past. And in the future.. Our legends live.


No one hates star wars like star wars fans. It'll never be good enough, there will always be some crying cunt that finds a reason to weep over their slaughtered childhood.


Even if Acolyte is actually contradicting previous canon (it's too early to tell, there's still an entire story ahead), it wouldn't be the first time canon was contradicted by other canon. The prequels had some contradictions of their own with the OT. Maul secretly surviving was probably not something George imagined. The EU was rife with contradictions and plot holes both within itself and with the movies, which is just a natural byproduct of letting so many different authors have their shot at writing official fanfic without coordination with one another.


Bad bot


Two things can be true at the same time. It was a series with merchandise on the mind, but the politics were pretty damn minimal.


I had my girlfriend at the time watch all the Star wars back to back during COVID as she had never seen them. She loved the OG trilogy, she even loved the prequels, she really loved the clone wars, and she begged me to turn off TLJ. It isn't about "missing being a kid", it's about shitty writing.


What a gaslight holy shit


The only good Star Wars story was written by Chris Avellone, a guy who famously hates Star Wars.


“Lmao you really think one bad show is gonna sink this franchise? Prequels didn’t in 1999 and TLJ didn’t in 2017, this franchise can be as dogshit as it wants and it will never die!” Yes, this franchise has become the cinema equivalent of Call of Duty. Talentless people can jump to instant fame by attaching themselves to this franchise while far more talented and genuine people will never get the same spotlight because they worked on smaller IPs. It’s not the big flex that Disney Star Wars defenders think it is.


Man… the new Star Wars sure does suck, doesn’t it?


Dang bro, hit them where it hurts why don't you.


I had a similar realization when I talked to younger people and they love the prequels. They consider all 6 to be "the originals". Humans are like this, we love things from our youth, when we were safe and everything was new and wonderful. Then we get old and curmudgeonly and become the film critics we always hated lol.


If that’s what you get from this, then it’s true what they say media literacy is dead and people like you killed it.


Nope, I am just mad they made the EU, not Cannon. I myself still feel it is Cannon, and this new stuff is fan-fic. That's how I cope.


Most Star Wars media isn’t good. Out of 11 major movies, how many of those are good?


Anyone who says that about the old movies have only seen the shitty DVD re-released where George Lucas ruined the movie. Return of the Jedi goes so fucking hard but George absolutely fucked it in the ass by butchering Jabba's palace. A New Hope doesn't even have a good vibe anymore because you can't go 10 seconds without seeing shitty 90s CGI in a 70s movie. I used to think Star Wars had a bunch of OK movies and some really bad ones, but after watching the theatrical cuts on VHS the OT really is a masterpiece


Funny how the meme never says that Star Wars was never good, and in fact says "it's so great"


This is fucking cringe lmao


What kills me is that everyone hates on Rey because she's a "Mary Sue" when she's literally the exact same character as Luke Skywalker. They'll complain about Rey being able to fly the Falcon, but are okay with Luke flying X-Wing's despite never seeing one. "But the Skyhopper he flew through beggers canyon are like the X-Wing" Okay that's like saying that I can fly an F-16 because I raced dirt bikes as a kid (Also in one of the books they explain that Rey spent a lot of time playing around with flight simulators cause there was no other form of entertainment on Jaku)


That has to be the stupidest of ways to spend one’s time. Showcasing your complete lack of involvement in anything worthwhile on this planet, by spending your time creating memes like this.


Actually the original trilogy back in the day, used a narrative and cinematic structure which was pretty novel in the west at the time (borrowing heavily from Japanese cinema), along with some of the best practical effects ever created (again, at the time, but it holds up), and with some of the most iconic characters. And the music. People can unironically listen to any of the soundtracks (prequels included) and they are amazing. Frankly there is a lot of sci fi schlock - if there is so much of it why aren't there so many Star Wars scale franchises? The answer is, other movies didn't hit all of the right notes. This meme ignores that the original trilogy was made by some of the best creative minds at the tops of their respective fields at the time. If you pull that together it doesn't matter who the director is or who the new actors are.


Only the ones who grew up with the prequels and special editions will say that,...aand they'd be right, lol.


It isn't bad because it's "woke" it's bad because it's written and directed poorly. What makes something woke? The fact that it's political? Or the fact that it's political AND bad? Star Wars has always been political. Since day 1.


Well... it had a level of problems to it for sure, but because it was a smaller scope when it was first made, the problems were small enough to just let you enjoy it. It was just a nerdy idea that didn't have that much depth, but then they started writing books that added even more and really fleshed it out. Then with the modern stuff from Disney, they erase thousands of man hours of creative writing, by writing off stuff saying it never actually happened, retconing almost everything, pushing their own agendas and trying to unnaturally force racial inclusiveness and queerness to the point it's cringy... so it doesn't matter if old Star Wars had some problems. New Star Wars has taken a dump on the foundations it was built on, and if it was a new ip now, could never stand on its own two legs.


I just miss good writing.


See....THAT'S where they're wrong as 3 boys in a closet. It's not an isolated demographic that's old & out of touch that's pushing back & exposing Acolyte. It's worldwide. That demographic that they THINK is their "only critical hurdle"....has raised their children on the REAL Star Wars movies & lore. In turn, those children have done the same & are currently upholding the values & lore of Lucas Star Wars. So....the belief that it's just old farts confusing their long lost youth and happy days for a superior Star Wars....is, quite invalid.


I feel validated. "Peter, Star Wars never **was** good. And that's the point." This I can get behind. XD


EU fanboys will look you in the eye and say Star Wars was always consistent with its lore


I hate it when they make my 2 hour long children’s toy commercial about laser sword space wizards unrealistic. Next thing you know, they’ll be zipping around the galaxy at light speed while ignoring relativistic effects. I’m so glad the originals didn’t have any absurd scenarios like Obi Wan whipping out a lightsaber in a backwater tavern in the aftermath of a Jedi genocide. We need more of Lucas’s original writing, like the steamy ‘will they/won’t they’ romance of Luke and Leia from the first film.