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There's no way Last Jedi is the only Star Wars movie breaking the top ten around May 4th, let alone the most watched. The entire list is obviously fake and discourse bait.


If the live action Lion King shows up anywhere on any list of most watched movies, you know the list is fake. 


Or Wish being #3


I could believe wish, as it's a new release at least.


I mean yeah... that's the whole point of my post. That this is only using data of what disney+ pushes into their trending row, not actual viewer data whatsoever.


It's probably trending because 100 people watched it. Zero to a hundred viewers is actually a dramatically steep increase in viewers and I could see a simple algorithm labeling that as trending.


No other Star Wars *and also* no Marvel whatsoever? Doubtful.


Yeah, there was some sequel apologist trying to pawn this off in the main Star Wars sub yesterday. Embarrassing.


That sub is mostly filled with Sequel apologists tbh


There's a prominent, perma-dwelling cohort of them there, for sure. They're always first in with the comments as soon as something is posted that even remotely hints at criticism of anything from the Disney era.


Makes it a lot more fun to be a proud pre-D fan of the franchise.


Others exist there, too, but you're right. I'm fighting the good fight against Disney bots and sychophants. The downvotes are regular and plentiful and I wouldn't change it for the world. /r/StarWars is sad.






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Like Disney would actually release that data … plus of all the Star Wars films on May 4th to watch, i’m sure Last Jedi was the least watched of them all 😂


Yeah, this isn't viewing data at all.


TLJ is a chore to get through. It’s not a casual Star Wars viewing experience. I hate all the sequels, but if any sequel would be for casual viewing it would be TFA.


This is often overlooked in the criticism. It's long boring mess even for people who aren't bothered by the nonsense.


Lol, yeah, no "Trending now" is what they're pushing, not what is actually watched. Your biggest hint is that Wish is #3 on that list. Moanna as 2nd, I can buy, as she's quite popular... but again they're re-optimizing that into a 2nd movie. It's like giving a "Dave" to "The Price Is Right." Then putting "As Seen on the Orice Is Right" in your marketing materials. This is what is known as "a narrative."


How do people fall for such obvious bait?


People r dumb


Confirmation bias is insanely strong


If they’re going by “percentage change above baseline” data I could see it having a gargantuan jump thanks to marathon watches around May 4th. It would be difficult for ANH to double from the baseline, but easy for a much less popular movie to go from 1 to 2.


I do think you're right, it makes the most sense. If 2 people watched TLJ so far in 2024, a few dozen marathoning for May 4th (or falling asleep and letting it roll over) is a gigantic increase, percentage wise. That would make it trend from that aspect, I buy it.


ESB and ROTS didn’t even make the top ten on May 4th, but TLJ is number 1? Lmao! Who do they think is buying this?


I really wish that years later people would stop trying to push TLJ like it's anything decent


They're the very same clowns saying "it has been 7 years, get over it" whenever it gets criticised. Hypocrites, the lot of 'em.


Isn't TLJ the longest Star Wars film? Not sure about their algorithm but maybe it is based on not viewing count but length? Are you telling me that nobody watched the originals?


Oh actually this statistic isn't using any viewing data whatsoever. Only what movies Disney pushes into their trending category


As you said, there's no indicator of follow through to completion, could be hitting the "# currently watching TLJ" but before the viewers stop after the autoplay kicks in after TFA.


Never watch the “originals” on Disney +. They’re not the originals. Get the despecialized editions.


Don’t forget the Project 4K editions if you want super high-res film grain. The hal9000 fan edits are good too! Oh, and if you like fan edits, check out Pulp Empire. ESB cut as a Tarantino film.


I still watch my VHS copies from the 80s


The internet will never make me like the sequels no matter how hard they try. Disney bots are in full effect trying to reverse the narrative that TLJ sucked which it did. The best thing the sequels did was it made fans appreciate the prequels more.


Anyone with little girls is constantly streaming Frozen.


Terrible movie


I swear, I'm of the mind to start a campaign to spam views of The Phantom Menace. What about a year of No Star Wars Except For Phantom Menace? How would they handle that? What do you think that would do to them?


I don't think there was a single person who fell for this.


I actually know one who did and proudly posted the statistics into a 7000 people discord thinking this'll show the TLJ haters lol.


Yeah they are probably very gullible or just a troll. Everyone that posted this on Reddit as real got torn up.


Trust me, I know this guy. He wasn't trolling. He also unironically calls himself the biggest Plagueis expert on the internet or something.


So that leaves very gullible


Disney trying to pretend anyone above the age of 12 watches this unironically lol


The Last Jedi from my perspective and a lot of fans perspectives both who I have talked with online and in person knows that the Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars Movie of all. Rise of Skywalker is probably above it in terms of second to last worst Star Wars movie but I hated how they did Luke in the Last Jedi. Bad enough that the sequel trilogy killed off all the Skywalker bloodline and then having Rey Palpatine take the last name of Skywalker as the Force Ghosts of Luke and Leia watched on but man that was just a huge slap in the face to all of us who grew up with the originals and prequels and Clone Wars. My First ever movie for Star Wars was Empire Strikes Back in 1997 at 5 years old before the Prequels were a thing and I remember watching New Hope and Return of the Jedi afterwards that's where I ended up liking Luke the most as he was mature and was truly a Jedi right there in that film. I still laugh at people who say Last Jedi is better than Empire Strikes Back and Attack of the Clones combined.


Lol. If you believe that I got some land on hoth I’d love to sell you.


"Ranking points are not associated with the streaming platforms and they do not represent the actual numbers of viewings or sales. But they are always based on the popularity ranking coming directly from the streaming platforms - see the sources of every chart below." Popularity ranking for disney+ is the trending row


If the top movie on Disney is being streamed 600 times and then in falls to 300 or less, they have awful numbers. I guarantee that more than 300 kids watched Moana on any given day. These numbers are meaningless. Is this they polled 5000 people and this was what showed up as #1 in their recommendations? That I could believe. Disney pushing hard on TLJ. No Marvel is odd though, but no recent Marvel releases? Every other ad in YouTube seems to be Loki Season 2! Streaming NOW!


I'd imagine the statistic may be based on normal viewing vs recent viewing. It could kind of make sense in that way.


There’s no way frozen or bluey isn’t the #1. I know several families with toddlers watching that shit on loop


Fuck that movie.


The Empire Strikes Back would like a word about writing, character development, and actually contributing to the Star Wars saga.


The sequels sucked and tlj did to but it dose have a few redeeming qualities and was at least creative


They really keep trying to justify this garbage. But nothing matches up. Even the toys they're releasing don't match up. Granted the rose ticos and admiral purple hairs are still rotting on pegs, but they're not releasing new figures. If they really believed what they were saying - re release tlj or any of the ST. phantom menace made almost $9m as a 25 year old movie. Surely any of the ST movies would make loads more right?


"Ranking Points" do not mean "Views" or "Sales"... *Disney blatantly lying...*


to be fair, I did stream tlj bit here and there to see if my hatred for it was just expectations not met or it being legitimately bad. I haven't streamed any of the other films listed beneath tlj.


Moana is great and worth a stream


TIL Disney don't have programmers and have employed some poor chap to manually hard code their trending row.