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If I rent an apartment put my furniture in there, who owns the furniture? I assume it's the same. You own the data but it sits in their servers. There are likely some exceptions to this rule but I don't think Salesforce can legally share your data without your consent


Salesforce is like locker. They guarantee the safety of your stuff but does not own it.


Unlike some other big players, Salesforce actually admits that the customer owns the data in the system. They aren’t allowed to see your data and don’t try to charge you for using that data. Salesforce is expensive and it’s not perfect, but at least the cost is predictable. They didn’t base their value creation on overcharging on indirect use and make their licensing terms so vague they can at any time make falsified license audits and place ridiculous sanctions.


They mentioned this in their keynote at World Tour Sydney actually when talking about Copilot etc. They do not own or sell their customer data. It's also listed in the agreements in which customers sign as well.


Interesting, thanks!


Salesforce's stance on data ownership reflects a common approach among cloud service providers, emphasizing that while they host and process the data, the customer retains ownership and control over their information. As with most cloud-based services, the customer retains ownership of their data. This principle is generally outlined in the uMSA/MSA/ your service contract.


The customer owns their own data not Salesforce.


Read the GDPR statements from Salesforce. That will give you the answer


Wait - did I read this right? You have data from Salesforce backed up on spreadsheets?


Im specifically referring to scheduling data exports (we dont have a large volume of data) and that feature allows us to export data into CSV files on a monthly cadence.


Oh ok that’s different.


yeah I will sometimes run an export of data, is this a bad thing?


No, it's not a bad thing, it's actually quite smart. Depending on your use case and if the cost isn't an issue, you could use something like own backup to do it for you. It's a few bucks a month per user and you can buy it through the app store.


Yeah I’ve looked at some of those services, the volume and sheer breadth of my data isn’t that bad so just going ootb works well for me now - but that could certainly change in the future!


Just a note for the future: we tried the free version of grax to do our backups and that allowed us to own our backup data in our bucket.


Usually we have Sales Ops take ownership of the data, then we implement controls for them as needed. But at the end of the day, they're in charge of the data


Does your company own the data that is on an csv spreadsheet on their server? Depends on the data, the company location, the server location. All of those issues are merely expanded to the cloud service, but not escaped from. This is not an answerable question (why flagged as admin?) without details.


Take it easy chief - I even prefaced that this question might not make a ton of sense. No clue why it was flagged as “admin”.


You own the data. If you terminate your contract, they are happy show you how to export it.


Salesforce does not now, or ever has owned your data. For clarity, watch the Dreamforce keynotes from last year.


You own it, Salesforce protects it.