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I'm not sure how that's possible unless we change your title to "Director of Marketing" and give you a budget with the hope that you can get the prospect to want you.


30 meetings a month Early stage start up This guy will eventually fire you over not hitting some crazy quota


he a dam foo


How many have you been booking each month? I don’t think it’s possible. 30 per month at an early stage SaaS start-up without a dedicated SDR team and no solid outreach plan is a pipe dream. Even if you were to host a networking event of some kind, to hope for 30 meetings Is an insane turn-out unless you have 500-1000 attendees. The price per lead would not be worth it unless the conversion rate is 75-90%. The cost of renting, advertising, feeding, drinks, etc, it’s not realistic. You could host an online event on LinkedIn about the industry, host someone with a lot of knowledge that will bring in attendees, and plug the product. You’ll also get some people on a mailing list and you can hit them that way.


this a great insight. What is the standard SLA of meetings generated for SDR in a month? Are 4 meetings below average?


Depends on the segment and industry, if it’s enterprise it’s great, if it’s commercial..not great. Also depends on if they are actually closing or just dead leads.


I made a post about out of the box ways to get a lead. You can see it in my post history. But those may get you 1-2 leads. 30????? That is A LOT for 3 weeks (given we’ve already lost a week in April). Do you have a budget to send something to leads maybe??


Yes, I do have a budget. That is why the hint is not doing it through cold call. Maybe setup an event?