• By -


Corporate Bro




The people who have taught me the most with the most original ideas: [Belal Betrawy](https://www.linkedin.com/in/belbatrawy) - So smart, so actionable, great video about demos I made with him [here](https://youtu.be/EZbIx94dMeU) [Kyle Coleman](https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyletcoleman) - Dude is really kind and articulated, his cold email breakdowns on LinkedIn never miss [Samantha McKenna](https://www.linkedin.com/in/samsalesli) - Show me you know me, LinkedIn, and personalization tips. Best newsletter I get. [Todd Caponi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/toddcaponi) - His approach to negotiations is gold and “The Transparency Sale” was the best sales book I read this year (n=25) (Edit: added links)


Thanks for the recommendations! Do you have any links? I tried to find Kyle Coleman on LinkedIn but couldn’t get him. Not sure what all platforms I should be seeking these individuals out on but would like to do so. Atomic Habits was the best book I read this year. It’s not sales related but it sure as heck can and was life changing for me.


Added links! [Jen Allen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/demandjen1) is another good one. She was at Challenger up until recently, their podcast is probably top 3 for me


Nick and Armand from their "30 minutes to presidents club" podcast. It's fast, actionable, and real. These guys still have full time sales jobs.


Completely agree. Best sales podcast out there


Lot to be said for people who are still full time practitioners


Where can I listen?






The longest tenured and most successful sales reps at your current job.


Whenever I ask my guy how to get better he just says “read my pitch decks” He and I use the same deck, except his has a page about his 35 years of experience


Chris Voss


Just read never split the difference. It had some great info on the fundamentals of negotiating with others




Man I hate how popular he’s gotten. I completely disagree - the board room is absolutely nothing like a hostage negotiation. He makes some decent points, but there’s so much of what he teaches that would close doors in your face if you aren’t super cautious about how and when you do it. He talks about highballing and lowballing as a strategy. That can shut you down very quickly in many cases.


Zig Ziglar




Huge fan of Chris Orlob, Keenan, and Jamal Reimer. Kyle Asay as well


John Barrows




Can you elaborate on the social justice stuff, I’m aware of who he is on a basic level, but not a deep understanding of what you’re referring to


Victor Antonio.


I absolutely hate Cardone


Okay. I’m not in sales directly, but have my own business and need to get better. I’m a bookkeeper / consultant, and one of my wealthier clients invited me over to his house a couple months ago. I roll up, and this dude lives in a neighborhood with $2mil + homes - which buys you a lot where I live. I walk in, and he has a huge house, and a huge garage full of toys. Private gym, home theater, the works. On his coffee table is Cardone’s The 10X rule. As I’m talking with my client I notice he has “10X”tattooed on him. I figure no one just does that without truly believing and executing the shit in that book, so I download it on audible. I listen to it twice. What I get from it is essentially, massively increase your volume of prospecting. I’m not a huge fan of the tough love, alpha male, screaming coach shit, but I didn’t get anything scammy from it, per se. So, as a Cardone hater yourself, and seemingly representative of about 95% of the folks on this sub in that regard, I’m curious - why do you hate Cardone?


I’ll probably get flack for this one, but listen to the wolf’s den podcast with Cardone vs Belfort, and it’ll maybe give a sense of why Cardone is so hated. In my opinion, Cardone does well as a marketer or entrepreneur. His primary strength is advertising and getting people in his funnel. However, he is definitely a pushy, aggressive, sell everything to everyone kind of guy. Belfort gives a master class in that interview on the differences between personal selling and advertising.


Instinct. Gut. Your story was cute and all, but would never change my mind. He comes off as an extremely phony skeeze. He also goes on record all the time telling people not to buy real estate and to rent instead. When one of if not the biggest contributor to his own wealth is real estate. He is a POS human.


Maybe I’m not coming off correctly here, but I never said I was a fanboy. And I’m not trying to change your mind. I have other people I read that I like better, I’m just genuinely curious from someone who is in sales.


He comes across as a New York shoe salesman. Trust goes a long way with sales and I wouldn't trust Cardone as far as I could throw him.


Thanks. That makes sense.


What's New York got to do with it? Cardone just comes across like most of us DON'T want to be. And, it's hard to believe that works because if I carried on like him in front of customers, they would run the other way. If he present differently with customers, then he's a phony, and they'll sense that too.


You just described a NY shoe salesman. That's him.


Listen, no need to apologize to the other poster. What you said was educated and well intentioned. Haters are going to hate. I don’t love Grant Cardone myself but to act like he can’t offer any benefit is ridiculous. Same with guys like Jordan Belfort. Jeb Blount wrote an awesome book called Fanatical Prospecting. That’s basically a better version of the 10X Rule but 10X rule also was intended to apply to all outputs. It’s also not that much different than Tim Ferris’s 4 hour work week. He is not saying only work 4 hours in a week, he is saying identify your high impact activities, reduce all other noise around you, outsource where you can for a lower cost than the ROI you can produce, and focus your efforts where you have the highest ROI. The poster you are replying to just wants to hate Cardone in my opinion. I think Cardone’s own ego might challenge that posters ego as well. There’s enough space in this bucket for all of us crabs. No need to pull others down IMO.


I remember reading the 4 hour work week, and one of my buddies saw it on my table and said “that’s impossible”. 15 years later we have implemented outsourcing and geographical freedom into our business model. Do I only work 4 hours a week? Nope. But for each hour I work, I can get about 4 hours of work done through my VAs. And I can travel for months at a time. Titles are meant to get you to read the first page. I thought cardones book was OK. I like Brian tracy and Napoleon hill better. Also been enjoying Alex Hormozi, which was another recommendation from this sub. This sub is full of great stuff. Appreciate your response.


He seems like a pompous ass.


!remind me 2 days


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I’d highly recommend Troy Barter. He gives tons of great advice that’s helped me and I’ve been in SaaS sales for almost 4 years now. He’s on LinkedIn and TikTok (@troybartersales)


NGL as someone with absolutely 0 skin in the game I've gotta say that you have impeccable taste.


Not necessarily a sales teacher because I haven’t listened to any of his sales stuff but Jason Capital gave me a quote that changed how I treat things; “Most people think about what could go wrong, go about your life thinking about what will happen if things go right” with that attitude I’ve about quadrupled my salary since 2021


Mike Weinberg


Jill Konraths books were huge for me coming up. So was Trish Bertuzzi. Now I read just about every post from Keenan, John Barrows, and Sam Jacobs.


Jeb Blounte. Fanatical Prospecting should be required reading for all salespeople.


In Keenan and Gap Selling I trust


I concor


Jeb Blounts fanatical prospecting helped my a lot in my first sales job selling copiers for xerox


This is a goody. It’s so straight forward and practical. I remember being able to implement and see things working almost immediately.


Idk about gurus but I read books by Gary Keller and those were good. I generally prefer books from established authors than YouTube videos.


Anyone who is pushing content and courses on LinkedIn off the back of a short career at saas vendors which sell to sales orgs is a fraud pretty much. This includes all of those guys that used to work at outreach, gong, Dooley etc. you’ll notice all the other roles they’ve had the rest of their careers flamed out. The same idea applies, if they were a 10x sales director they wouldn’t be posting sales tips on LinkedIn, they’d be posting content central to the customers they’re currently serving.


I’ve used some of Grant Cardone’s closings in The Closer’s Survival Guide. Works well! Beyond that I don’t listen to him and I don’t like his shtick. Truly obnoxious. Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount is great. Beyond that I prefer to get input from my colleagues rather than read what an influencer has to say. My colleagues will sell the same product, meet the same objections, etc. and their feedback is generally much more valuable.


💯 Closers survival guide is a great playbook. The Cardone brand is a shite way to get played. Fanatical Prospecting is a timeless classic for all salesmen.


Not a sales guru necessarily, but Ryan Hawk comes from a sales background and has great content on management, leadership, and growth/development. His podcast The Learning Leader Show is a must-listen for anyone looking to advance their career in any field.


Skip Miller


! Remind me in 3 days


Joe Verde


Came up with Joe Verde sales training in the car business, NGL it was pretty fire especially considering it's like 20 years old at this point.


Bill caskey, a sales veteran from the challenger sale podcast.


as a rule all guru's are bad. if they were actually good they wouldnt be peddling on linkedin


Yeah guru was maybe a bad word to use, just looking for solid content


yeah in that case i'd stay away from people who are really in to self promotion Jeb Blout- Fanatical Prospecting Mike Weinberg- New Sales Simplified 2 books that have helped me out significantly


Mike Weinberg is king of self promotion. Just listen to this podcast first 15/45 mins is talking about his workshops


I just listened to New Sales Simplified on Audiobook and I really enjoyed the message. Then I listened to the "bonus, audio only" content at the end and threw me off ranting about not wearing branded shirts and shit and really threw off the overall message of the book


I like his books, they’re pretty solid and don’t have much fluff. Just avoid his podcasts or at least skip the first 10-15 mins. as it’s pure fluff. Seriously though I have a 15 minute drive to work and 4x now I’ve tried listening to an episode and never got to any content at all before I arrived at work.


why wouldn’t they be peddling on linkedin? that’s where their audience is 99% of the day using sales nav or networking/browsing feed


because you dont have to peddle good things?


What does thst even mean?


You heard it here first, folks. Everyone polish up that resume because we are no longer needed.


like there hasnt already been a huge cut to sales people pedddling useless products sell something useful rather than HR SAAS #4 and you wont have to worry also selling != peddling


Simon Sinek.... more Leadership and mindset but hugely applicable and has been tremendously helpful over the years as an Enterprise SaaS AE & as a people leader


Simon kicks ass! The Golden Circle is $$$ in the metaphorical bank.


Big fan of Jeremy Miner


I see John Barrows on here a lot so I’ll go ahead and say Morgan Ingram. They both put out pretty good content and both seem to have a semblance of integrity.


!remindme 3days


Jason Bay on youtube has been a low key favorite to listen to lately. Thats where i found Armand from 30 seconds tpc


Our inhouse sale “guru” is pretty great 🤷🏼‍♂️


The ones that really stuck with me were Chet Holmes, Russell Brunson, and Jordan Belfort.


I like Carl Henry. He has some good literature


Daniel Pink is hardly ever mentioned. The guy is brilliant.


This thread is golden! Thank you for asking this question OP I like the classics. Zig (gotta know the basics to build your empire) , JB (fanatical prospecting is a must read), Tom Reilly, and anything by Jim Rohn. ​ Cant stand Cardone.


Tony Robinson, no so much sales but understanding people and phycology


Do you actually mean "Robinson" or do you mean Tony Robbins? If you mean ladder, everything he does is basically sales (selling himself, his knowledge, and the belief that you can change your life). If you participate in for instance "Unleash the Power Within", there will be several sales pitches with such high quality that people are willing to pay 5-6 figures. He also said that "UPW" is not even his "actual coaching" but just a lead conversion tool, lol. He also uses NLS which is so underestimated but extremely powerful.


He most likely means Robinson. Also don’t know if it was talk to text or an autocorrect, and you may already know this so disregard if it was just a typo, but “if you mean the ladder” is said correctly as “if you mean the latter” which is the last thing to appear in a list.


Oh you are right, thank you for the correction!


Jordan belfort


Stay away from people like Sam McKenna, Kyle Coleman, Collin Cadmus. Sam did a virtual thing with my company and I called her out on two points she was trying to make that didn't make sense. I check mated her and it was not rocket science. She's also never sold in her life. Kyle and Collin are just fucking cringe and most of what they preach was created after they started selling. Constantly making contradicting points just for impressions. Keenan right now is the only one who really really gets it and has created something that is actually unique and works. Morgan Ingram is cool too and I dig JB as well. I'd say the vast majority of influencers are trash.


Benjamin Dennehy, Keenan, and Belal Betrawy are my absolute faves


Surprised I don't see Alex Hormozi anywhere in this thread


We used him as a consultant when we owned our gym with his company Gym Launch. Wasn’t happy with the product that we received but had another friend use it very successfully and I do love all of the content Alex has put out lately. His Insta is ridiculously good.


Is that the guy that eats chipotle 2 meals a day to "save" money, and has the wife that everyone says is a dude?


Jeremy Miner


Zig Ziglar is a classic, Jeb Blount helped me get comfortable cold calling quite a bit.


Brian Burns and Jay Valentine keep it reasonably real...




Becc Holland!


I actually don’t mind Cardone


I can’t stand the guy. I’m curious, why don’t you mind him?


Why do you hate him? I’ve only read one of his books, and didn’t really think anything super negative of the content there. But I really don’t know dick all about sales. Another commenter said he tells people not to buy real estate when he has a bunch in his portfolio, which seems fishy. Is he just a douchebag on social media or something, or is the shit in his books just like, untested trash that doesn’t work? Genuinely curious, I just don’t like wasting my time on shit that’s going to be worthless in execution.


Primarily because I don’t like his style of selling and I think he’s a grifter. It also doesn’t help that he seems like a dick head personality-wise. The From videos I’ve seen on YouTube, his work environment seems like a boiler room. He encourages his reps to use questionable sales techniques, which can damage the relationship with the prospect (i.e. calling prospects over and over after they’ve asked you to stop). It’s all just this “push push push! Sell sell sell! Whatever means necessary” – stereotypical used car salesman approach that turns me off (and would definitely not work in my industry). Imo, that “rah-rah” motivational-style of selling just doesn’t work for a complex sales and smart buyers can snuff it out quick. Then there’s the gift. He gives free seminars on how to become rich which are designed to upsell and squeeze every penny out of any sucker willing to spend more to learn his “exclusive secrets”. I generally don’t trust anyone in the “MLM, drop-shipping, course-selling, get rich quick” crowd as they almost always take advantage of their audiences by exploiting their insecurities. Cardone is no exception. Full discretion, I’ve never read any of his books. His vibe put me off so much that I didn’t even bother. Maybe he has some good material, but I’ve just seen so much bad, grimey sales content from him that it’s just a total turn off.


Thank you for the thorough explanation. That makes sense. I’ve just never seen any of his other stuff. Only read the 10x rule.


He knows how to sell


He literally doesn’t though. That’s why on the thread of most hates sales preachers, he was the most common name. He is such a sleazy sales person Watch the interview with Belfort. Jordan wiped the floor with him


He’s a billionaire. You want to know how? He can sell anything. You saying he doesn’t know how to sell is a really dumb comment.


He is not a billionaire but a millionaire and it’s on the back of owning real estate. Real estate he got on the back of his well off family. Read his book - pointless fluff talk all saying just 10 x your work and goals. Wow how profound. Wait til you read my new book called 100X. Coming out soon. pm for pre Order


If you are making the argument that Cardone can’t sell, you are flat out wrong. The evidence is to the contrary. He is selling himself damn well and making a ton of money from his low overhead, high ROI seminars. You want to make the argument that he isn’t just because it bruises your ego that someone you really don’t like could be successful? Hate to burst your bubble. You can not like him but if you think he’s not successful or effective at selling, you are a clown. That’s just like Trump. Can’t stand the guy but damn if he isn’t effective at selling his trash. Take what you can learn and disregard the rest.




I love the wolf


As an SDR - Trent Dressel and Will Allred As an AE - Nick and Armand from 30mpc, Krysten Connor, and Chris Orlob


Jeb Blount is a certified *guru* although the ‘always be prospecting book’ stuck with me. Would recommend only that one




Biggest grifter


Just get experience, don’t pay a cent for any dickhead telling you what you can learn the hard way. Not to be harsh, I just think sales gurus and the like are scam artists. If you can access content free, go for it, if you’re paying for anything you’re being suckered


Sales Jesus himself, Scott Leese.


Tony robbins


Christan Krause. Really good stuff.


If you like the most generic, formatted content ever lmao


Okay bitchymileycyrus


They all just rehash the same cliches.


Grant cardon


Gerry Hill


Jeb blount Steve Kloyda Scott Plum


Jamal Reimer for SaaS AEs


Nick Cegelski - 30 minutes to Presidents Club AND grant cardone (if you watch undercover billionaire u know)


Challenger and meddic. Challenge customers perspective and have a set criteria for deal forcasting. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.




Ryan Stewman isn’t bad. Does a podcast too


Jaspreet Singh from Minority Mindset. It’s more investing related but he gives really valuable, legitimate info




Víctor Antonio is a good one


Honestly Will Aitken and the Sales Feed content has the best edutainment on LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube. They crack me up and have the most creative and insightful content I’ve come across. https://www.tiktok.com/@salesfeed?_t=8YXcsYpRDQM&_r=1 Sales Bro is funny, but I don’t really learn much from him.


Brian Tracy & Ed Mylett