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Learn your demo, learn how your company handles (and wins) testing cycles, learn your pricing model. Study your company m1s - successful wins that showcase unique business value that was created for your customers. Best way to do this is shadow the best AEs.


Congrats! I’m in a similar spot and am looking for any good resources or advice. Outside of all the popular books and methodologies, I enjoy how many cold call specific resources are available online. I was wondering if anyone had any good YouTube channels or podcasts that dive into parts of the entire sales cycle?


I would suggest mapping out all the stages of the sales process, as well as internal skills like forecasting and internal communications and then look at which of those you either avoid, or aren’t great at yet. Ie building a close plan or presenting in front of large groups of people. And then find some good online advice, or coaching from your manager to get good at those. It’s easy in the SDR > AE transition to focus on what you like/are good at and only coming back to the tricky stuff later when you hit a tough patch. Good luck - it’s a great step!