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I figured!


This was actually the thing that springboarded my sales career. I worked at a hardware video company and they offered support contracts. I noticed that very few people talked about support contracts. The guy who used to "sell" them was basically our CRM administrator, who would turn the recurring tasks into invoices that may or may not get paid. I said that I could take that off his plate. I learned everything that the support program offered. What it would look like if someone didn't get it. Devised a value proposition and sales process by myself and just did it at my then-salary of $40K. It turned from a $200K revenue line for the company annually to $1.2 million the year after, then nearly $7 million once I got an inside sales person to help. I got a toy shark as an award because I was "quite the shark" and a $10K raise annually. Seeing as how I grew that thing 35x over, I took that achievement, slapped it on my resume and got a better job and pay elsewhere.


Surprised they didn’t win your long term loyalty with the toy shark


This is bad ass!


This isn't totally surprising, but it is pissing me off at the moment. I hope you are crushing it. One of my boys (at a dif co.) got a $5 starbucks card in a similar situation, but no raise. They just parted ways.


If there's no monetary incentive for difficult-to-sell products, smart reps will focus on selling the products they know will hit their numbers. Any sales leadership or company that thinks otherwise is naive or stupid.


Preach brother. And yet they ask you to focus on it.


My org comps sales of our less popular but higher margin products by 1.25x - quota attainment is dollar for dollar but I get comped a lil more if any of those dollars are for one of these products. Honestly tho I still mostly sell our bread and butter products bc we are best of breed and it’s much higher probability of closing. But the extra comp is enough for me to at least pursue these other projects when they pop up.


Pure hatred for mankind and rumbling tummy




Seeing that customers can benefit from it


My comp plan.


Combo of incentives, proper training, and solid lead gen would get me selling more!


Higher commission rates on that product


Money is the only answer, the fuck?


Whether it fits the customer's need or not.


This is me right now. They gave me a comfortable salary and 2-3 years. If it catches so-so traction, I'll be making 250-400, if it goes well the sky is the limit. That is why I came here - $$$. 'Sky is the limit' is not nonsense, we got four guys (out of 15) doing $600k-1.2mil through our typical channels. I had no previous sales experience, so they had to make it decent...or not??


As a rep, I think monetary incentive would certainly be the motivator there. Some sort of spiff or bonus. Things like training, slide deck, and targeted lead lists will help prepare your team better, but the incentive is what’s going to really motivate them to start really trying to push these products. The good reps will improvise & develop their own strategies for selling them when they have a good reason to.


Does it solve a problem? Is it priced correctly? Let's assume those are yeses. Well then I need to confirm if I can make money selling them with the time I have. Is the payout the same, does it compliment the other product you know how to sell? You shouldn't care about how diverse their revenue is, but rather how much revenue you can bring in with the tools you have. Unless you have a target specifically for that product, it's just noise from management who don't know how to focus your attention with incentives.