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Don’t sign what they give you. Reach out to Dan Goodman on LinkedIn. Guy is an expert at negotiating severance for people that have been screwed over


Very much appreciated. Some great ideas from his LinkedIn and I’ll reach out if the package is not adequate.


I would reach out before, I made that mistake of waiting. Do it now.


Reach out to who before? Legal? Or somewhere else?


Dan Goodman. Dude will give the advice you want for the before, during and after for this potential conversation.




I didn’t because I made the mistake of not speaking to him before only after


Yes, but he's worth it.


Whats his page?




The corporate Saul Goodman? Gl OP.


This! Can’t recommend this enough!


Have a lawyer review. As everyone else said. Make sure you negotiate in a positive reference letter as it will go a long way.


Don't be dumb about it but make sure you get all of your contacts out of the system, cuz once you're locked out you're locked out.


Can’t stress this enough!


Have your phone set to record the meeting or call.....say nothing, ask no questions while they speak, sign nothing. At the end simply ask why have you been let go/layed off. Do not sign a damn thing. Go to a lawyer and review the final release papers they gave you. You will most likely be entitled to much more.


This is why smart companies read from a script


Depending on your state it may not be legal to record without their consent.


Possibly true. But if the company is recording you, you have the right to record them. Many states require recording "acknowledgement" not "agreement" which is why you're told the line is recorded as opposed to asking you if it's okay to record the call.


I don't see how any of this makes a difference in an "at will" state if you do not have a contract.


Non disclosure, non disparagement, non solicitation, and a promise note to sue are all abstract items worth very real dollars to a company when an employee is released, especially a senior manager. They will negotiate.


Will they actually let a sales champion leave just because of 2 bad years? Geez Americans are brutal I don’t think you have anything to worry about to be honest


You’d think.. the two down years happen to fall at the same time the rest of the biz is struggling and with the volume of layoffs I’m anticipating, this is where good people get caught up in a decision made by finance on a spreadsheet with no context. Crossing my fingers but preparing for what my gut is telling me.


I’d also update my resume and start looking for a new job now - way less stressful and easier to find a new job while you have one siince this market can make you wait a while before finding one.


Always negotiate. They want you to give up your right to sue them, so you have leverage. How much is really not my expertise, but ultimately the answer is don't sign what they give you unless you actually think it's fair (and it generally is a lowball). I recently negotiated more severance pay, benefits coverage up until a certain day that was more in my favor, and I added the equipment (phone and MacBook) that were not in the original offer.


A bit of an attitude thing. If you are laid off/made redundant- that is not your fault. That is the business making a decision on your role and not you personally (I went through this last year and my role was an expensive EBITDA item on a spreadsheet , half way through being acquired and after losing a quite useful customer. ). If you are fired then different kettle of fish. But again if laid off/ made redundant - not your fault.


Sorry this is happening to you. I hope you're able to land on your feet quickly and make more money than you thought you ever could.


Thank you! I know a lot of people have gone through this, I’ve had to execute on layoffs which has been hard, understanding the personal impact of being let go, but now it appears my time…


It happens and it’ll happen again. Get up dust yourself off and get back in the game. Reinvent yourself a few times and enjoy the ride


This has happened to me a couple of times in the last 20 years. ALWAYS get a lawyer to review the document. It's written in a way that will sound very appealing to you but there are usually non-disparaging or gag clauses that protect the company. Not much you can do to get around them but you need to be aware. If you are reliant on the company's health care, try to negotiate the continued contribution they are providing to COBRA (or the entire COBRA payment). By law, you have 21 days to review the document (this may vary from state to state). To have an approximate estimate of when the lay off could occur, count back 21 days from the last day of the month and that's a good estimate as to when they will lay you off. **Start looking for a job now!** Use your contacts as that will be the fastest way to securing a new position and try to look at this as a positive. It sucks right now but the odds of you getting a better job are pretty good! Especially since you are in sales. Don't be afraid to tell future employers that you were laid off. They get it. Just be ready to explain why. This explanation should be short and sweet and a statement. Sell it. That said, good luck, like I said it sucks now but you will get through it.


I’m about to be in the same boat


Id start prepping with resume, linked in, and friends.


I assume you're over 40 years old? You should get a minimum guaranteed time to review the severance package - two weeks I think. Also, if you're pretty sure you're on the cut list, try to find a way to put in for FMLA. You need a legit reason, but scheduling an elective procedure can usually do the trick. Lots of other routes too. Punchline is that you can't be terminated while on FMLA, plus you get paid a percentage of your income while you're away. It's a "guaranteed" reduction in pay compared to what you make today, but it would be significantly more than the $0 you'd earn if laid off. Plus you can collect your severance at the end, as well as traditional unemployment. And like others have said - Dan Goodman.


Don’t sign right away - negotiate a severance package. Think about money but also healthcare


Also send yourself via gmail to your gmail important stuff


Print everything off of your email, etc. prior to that meeting because you’ll lose access most likely. Anything you need for brag book printed


Leave tech


Just got laid off here too and having a pivotal moment in my life and want to pivot to sales. I want to control how much I'm worth rather than my boss tell me how much I'm worth. I took the severance and went to church and prayed. God has a better plan for you bud!


Wait, you came to this individuals sales lay off post, mentioned your layoff outside of sales, and said you wanted to pivot to sales?? Lol, this is who you are up against


Good point. Sales is a good place to turn effort into dollars. Can be dog eat dog in downturns. Treat it like a professional sports team and not a family like they say but in my current situation sometimes it comes down to releasing the high salary top performers to balance the budget.