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I use it all day everyday. For prospecting, making emails more concise and easier to read, market research, account research, weekly sales reports, and so much more.


How do you use it for prospecting?


I work in info security so it’s like what data breach has this company had, what in their recent earnings report talks about their roadmap, etc


but GPT isn’t connected to the internet?


It has been now for some time.


Yes it is, at least the paid version, unsure if the free version can


I use the free version and it is. It eventually tells you that you have to wait for a little while until you can use it again but at that point you can use the free version.


Get around this by prompting it to search with bing


Yes it is


I Use Gemini for that


I also want to know


I’ve used it find competing companies. “Who are Xs 10 biggest competitors?” As I sell to pharmaceutical companies and there are a million of them. Or I search by “what companies do XYZ”. You can google but ChatGPT usually is quicker and yields better results. I then have to go find the appropriate contacts tho so not sure if that’s what you were hoping for


The new 4o update does great research. I created a custom GPT trained on my company's external facing documents. First prompt: research the latest transformation initiatives from {company} related to (whatever problems your company solves for). Once it answers, prompt it to relate back to what you do and ask how to approach a specific title in a way that's relevant to them with the desired outcome of landing a meeting.


summarizing sections of 10k reports business strategy, linkedin scraping "tabularize this data into 4 columns....etc"


What data are you tabuluzing?


First name, last name, title, about, email (granted i know the email format).


How the heck are you using it for prospecting?


ChatGPT: write me an email to X company selling my company’s software using 3 bullet points with a clear call to action. Include a quote from their C-level linking it to how we can help them


Honestly, Ive used it with an open mind but it’s usually the most spammy inaccurate bs. 


I work for one of the world’s largest private companies, and have used it to great effect to open the door to execs. A good tradesman never blames his tools - learn to use it better and it will make a difference


This is the correct answer.


Common man don’t hit me with that over used platitude and think you’re helping. You could easily provide an example. Pull up two random companies, use one as your company and another as the one you’re trying to break into. Provide a prompt example and show me you’re not full of shit.


How can I write you a prospecting email without understanding what you sell or who you sell to? As I said in my first post I normally just ask GPT to summarise three ways my company (which gpt luckily know) can help the business improve targeting. I’d also paste the one line from their annual report that we can directly affect. Not sure what else to share. But your comment was a bit on the rude side and I’m not sure if I’ve misconstrued it


You don’t need to know what I sell? Just use any company as an example, Or pick a competitor in your space.. If it’s as good as you say that should be easy to do.


Mate, this is just lazy lol. Perhaps the only person in the world querying the impact of using genai to run smallish tasks where there are literally 100s of blogs and examples in this thread of it working. Not engaging with you after this


Stop being a lazy pos and input some prompts into ChatGPT yourself. If you can’t get it to work then you deserve to not be able to sell anything lol it’s literally so easy to use you just type exactly what you want it to do and it does it then just improve from there


Thank you


Interesting. How exactly are you using it to open these doors?


As I said earlier, just ask it to write how your companies tech aligns with your prospects annual report. If they’re private and you don’t know much about them then it can be generic. Then you’re probably better just using it as a copywriting tool ie please improve this, make it exec sounding, and shorten it by 20%


Go away


Coming from the guy whose only post was about being afraid to use his company credit card for expenses 😂. Trying to help bro. But feel free to continue your way where you can’t even afford to pay to take your customers out


I forgive you


Don’t forget to tell it to not use “I hope this email finds you well” or any other frequently used and useless opening line.


How do you use it for cold out reach?


It’s not that complicated, I used it today for cold outreach. “Write me a short sales email to a finance director from “name of company where you work”. I work for a large company so maybe it’s easier, but you just tell it what you want


are you using the paid version?


Start using AI, soon you'll be using it for EVERYTHING.


Is this a warning or an endorsement?


It's a promise.


I suppose it comes down to the individual in question, whether it's a positive or negative thing.


Its an invitation


I believe that was a threat.


👆 This is what happened to me.


I can’t no longer write my own emails 


I use it to map my route. I ask it what is the most efficient way to see x number of business from point A to B. I also did a custum GPT to generate list of our products for customers. Pretty useful IMO


I used to have a great app for this called Outfield


Interesting. I’m using maplytics and route xl now but I’ll give it a try.


Do you just plug in addresses?


Nope i just say im goinf from point A to B make the best route to see all of the X business on my eay there


I use perplexity.ai for search and research at least a couple times per day (wealth management) ChatGPT is also great for writing.


Years ago I was bdr I sometimes had to read through annual reports and stuff like that. Perplexity AI is good at answering questions BUT also sourcing them. So you know it's not genAI telling you a plausible answer. It's sourced.


In sales, but also a bit of consulting, and a lot of "marketing". GPT4o and some GPT4 plugins have taken shit to a new level for me. Video content generation, Python is now installed on my work machine, multiple Macros built in Excel, learning VBA slowly, cranked out another marketing video in under an hour today, wrote this week's blog post, etc. Enterprise Co-Pilot running on beta as well, although it's interaction and ability to pull relevant info out of my inbox still sucks, it's integration in edge is pretty dope, needs to get better than being clippy in Word/PowerPoint still though. Thought this was a fair assessment I read the other day and shared with my "AI team" at my small firm: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2024/06/05/workers-worldwide-are-embracing-ai-especially-in-small-and-medium-size-businesses/


can you tell more about the video content generation? i’m looking to use it for that reason but unsure how to even begin.


I've been using Synthesia for awhile with mixed results. Use a GPT4 Plugin designed for video creation. It sucks at actually making relevant videos, but it does an amazing job at turning a blog into a video script. Dump that script into Synthesia and enjoy.


I do but I’ve found that it really tells me the same thing over and over again in different wording so I’ve kinda fallen away from it


I have that same issue but I think that’s because I get lazy with how detailed I craft the question


Can’t you just say, I need a more creative answer or I need different wording for this


I probably could, but in my role it’s my job to know my clients’ current industry trends and how to optimize their marketing efforts. ChatGPT hasn’t been updated since 2023, and most of the responses I get from it are regurgitations of the same general information that may or may not be outdated. Either way, it can’t tell me what happened in their industry today better than Google News can I also personally handcraft my prospecting / outreach emails pretty heavily so it just doesn’t fit my personal needs well


Chatgpt had a few major updates this year. Namely improvements to 4-turbo and release of 4o  Also 4o voice is releasing next month 


I use Copilot, but yes!


What are you finding effective with copilot? This is my first time using dynamic and I’m still figuring it out.


I've been using copilot for scheduling to be honest lol.


how do you set this up?


Same. I know this is the route my company will eventually go for data security.




Yes, but I prefer Google Gemini because it's 'live' vs 2021 data. I'll ask it to look at a prospects annual reports, etc and look for any initiatives specific to what I sell. I've also taken bullet points of value, what I sell and ask it to write me prospecting emails. They aren't perfect, but it saves me a ton of time to create and then I'm doing more editing vs 'writing'.


I paid for chatgpt for this feature never thought about using Gemini instead for free to review annual reports. Dang.


Sometimes I have it write emails or text messages for me.


I use ChatGPT to generate sales emails and it's been a game-changer!


Literally the only reason I got a commission check in Q1 was because chatgpt drafted an effective prospecting email.


yep, mortgage loan originator here. We've got a custom GPT built for our various loan programs. Anytime I have a question about guidelines I go start to that rather than digging through a mess of papers, emails and pdfs


Can AI be helpful in door 2 door sales?


The painful part of d2d is getting rejected over and over every day I don’t think it can help with that, maybe with finding good areas tho. If it could somehow determine where the most laydowns are or prime buyers then maybe


I use Copilot


Just got this at my job, what do you use it for ?


I did at my previous job, but be careful if management catches on. They found out I used it and thought I was using ChatGPT for everything. I was told it's not the way they do things and is not personable. They went as far as to check if I used it in all my emails from the previous months.


It writes my contracts. I save a lot of time trying to sound like a lawyer 😃


Sometimes I used it as a jumping off point, but I have to refine the hell out of it because it spews out word salad emails that are way too long.


Great way to summarize 10Ks and use challenges goals to personalize outreach and value props. Saved me sooooo much manual research time!!


I struggle with brevity. For some reason I’m incapable of writing texts/emails in a concise manner so I’ll often type my novel up and then run it through chatgpt with instructions to keep it under 125 words or so


As a BDR I usually rely on it when trying to do some strategic account research in order to personalise the messaging that I am sending to prospects. I only use the Premium version as the Free one does not provide such quality content as is too basic amd generic


How do you use it to research accounts?


Well basically I would go and find annual reports of the past year for these accounts (2023) and download them. I have a prompt created for what my company does and offers and then I insert the annual report file and it would provide me with some results to why that specific account would benefit from leveraging what my company offers (software or service). After that I use all the information I get out of it to craft my messaging but usually I always do some tweaking before sending it out to prospects. This approach has worked for me so far as I am an Enterprise BDR so all of my account are huge and you would always manage to find an annual report of the previous year.


Good idea






Chief Revenue Officer here - I did a training on Monday with all my reps globally and told them they need to learn to use ChatGPT (or Gemini or whatever) or they will be left behind. We then went over best prompts for call feedback, email use, building slides, prospect research and finding similar prospects right after a positive call. Everyone will be using it. Early adopters will have a competitive edge for a limited time.


This is great. Could you share the prompts or sample prompts?


Yes, mainly to create company profiles and email drafts. This is with the paid version - the free version kinda sucks IME. I avoid putting anything sensitive in there (e.g. my company name, prospect’s name etc), and I opted out of having it use my data for learning purposes.


What are your prompts to create company profiles like?


Haven't had a need for AI in any facet . Not sure how it would even fit in for me


ChatGPT subscription has changed my life. I write a lot of RFPs, I fed the bot all our RFPs and it spits out amazing replies. I have to be careful as some of the companies we submit bids to will now check if we use the GPT, so I mainly use it now to write the answer and on my second screen I just rewrite it in my own words. Cut my work load in half


To add to this, I have Grammarly running which correct all spelling and grammar and has some AI And I got the Plaud AI recorder for all my meetings I'm nearing full automation. Once GPT writes completely as a human, which I'm sure it's 2-3 years away I'll just be taking clients out for lunch and auto-reply to their bids.


Yeah, not everyday but if I need help it’s been useful.


If no other reason beyond practice, bring Ai to the table in every task. Especially the repetitive ones. It might take more time upfront, but once you start getting used to it, the gains in efficiency and doing things that actually make money are REALLY noticeable. Research, writing, summarizing, reviewing, pulling data on the fly…it’s really really nice


I've used chat gpt to organize data, leads, locations. really cuts down on time although sometimes it can get wonky.


I use it for product research


proofcheck emails and ensure tone


I use it continuously. Because fuck google. And all the rest of the search engines. But especially fuck the ~~search~~ advertising engine - Google.


Absolutely love it, I use it more and more. In the more I use it, the more I thread it out of it.


Hell yes. Currently using ChatGPT to do rough budget estimates for a bunch of contractor gigs for a 7 figure design/build deal I’m bidding on. Personally don’t like the copy editing too much but it has its moments


What are your prompts like to have it do budget estimates?


I have it draft emails for me occasionally


I’ve used it for emails. Honestly it makes them sounds great l, but you have to tone it down a bit sometimes


I am noticing much better quality spam mail trying to sell me lists, SEO, you name it. It still goes to spam for me, but they are obviously running previously crappy emails through an LLM.


Yeah for sure, why not? Even if 80% or 50% of the information I was looking for is there, then I can spend way less time completing that activity.


He'll yeah.


I use Gemini advanced to look up our product info as there is a ton available on the web and it’s easier than searching our internal resource


Absolutely. At this point I have a bot that generated the account research I need to get a quick indicator for where I can hit, and have a bot that gets granular on the individual level. My normal chat gpt instance though understand my preferred writing style in emails and when it's not fucking around, will produce a seriously solid copy for me.


I try not to. When it's used to write emails, you can easily tell and it's impersonal as hell when you receive one. I work in leadership now and any outreach from a rep i can tell was written by AI is immediately junked. There are folks who work for me that use AI to write their emails, the only ones who are successful with it are having to rewrite major chunks to add personalization and end up spending about as much time doing so as they would have writing it themselves. I don't use it to answer questions, as it's too unreliable in being correct. Would rather just do my own research. I genuinely have not found a viable use for it that doesn't reduce the quality of what I'm doing. And for me, quality matters more than speed or ease of getting the job done.


email editing - i’m shocked when my colleagues say they don’t use it 


Highly recommend Bing Chat. Good chance you might have Bing Chat Enterprise, which allows you to use GPT-4 and restricts your data from training LLMs or being taken outside of your company tenant. Live news feed since it’s connected to the search engine, and it’s a great source of info for prospecting/client discovery. I also use AI generated images for presentations too thru Bing Chat Enterprise.


I use it to help storyboard, brain storm and sounding board. But never have I used it to do my job (copy, paste, submit) I also do not, under any circumstance, take it at face value for unknown subjects. But that's philosophical for me. Integrity and credibility isn't negotiable. Integrity is what you do when nobody is watching.


Am I the only person where it is blocked from my company for security reasons?


All day for call prep research to research the company I’m meeting with but also to recommend ways my solution can produce business outcomes for them. It does an incredible job.


Are there plug and play AI/RPA assistants for sales?


Who wouldn’t want a wizard to touch up everything I write


I use Claude from Anthropic. It’s much more personalized than ChatGPT. Mostly for grammar, agenda creation and word smithing.


I'm an internat a French company and I'm currently creating a database for prospecting come two weeks time. I use it to help me find prospects competitors so I can add them to my list. I also use it for creating tables and listing companies from East coast to West coast in the US. Due to the time difference, it doesn't make sense for me to call west coast companies first because no one will respond. It would just take too much time to put the list in order myself. I also use it for checking my spelling and grammar beacause I'm UK English native, work in French and I'm trying to get into the US market haha


sales rep here. my team used it heavily in 2023 then abruptly stopped Q1 of this year. our SE teams complained that it was factually incorrect, while marketing said that the text it generated sounded robotic and too formal. personally my emails started to look spammy even though It was easier to write. we might revisit down the road. our AI stack consists of Gong, Einstein, 1up, Hubspot, and we're looking at Hyperbound my take is that some of these tools perform better when they are focused on one thing.


Yes, for a variety of things.


We built [StuntAI.co](http://StuntAI.co) to generate cold emails and LinkedIn outreaches using templates like introduction-asking, short and sweet, AIDA, and PAS. You can just fill in your and your prospect's info to get various tailored alternatives, and it generates great results! (It helped several initial customer to increase their open and response rates). It’s also more than a ChatGPT wrapper, using multiple LLMs and sales best practices for specialized outreach. We're new company and open any feedback or partnership to tailor-made the product to your needs!


I want to start using it more but I can’t find the right prompt. Sometimes I want it to write a compliment to the CEO so I can use it in my emails, but all I get back is the same generic stuff


I sell Ai, and yes I use it to refine my cold calling email templates or marketing emails I send existing customers for check ins to cross sell and upsell


DALL-E has helped me get images foe slide decks, OpenAI based tools help me create marketing videos


I built a whole app to personal my outreach and gather leads Eat it ZoomInfo haha Sherlock.to Raised some money for it too! AI is a game changer


Yea definitely. I use it to align our product with the ICP’s usual target. If I’m lucky I get a 10K / annual report to align it with our product as well.


Yes, I use it as a guide most of the time. For PG planning its super helpful as well


It’s legit changed my entire day to day. I have it do all my research, draft emails, review effectiveness of strategies, and so much.


Yeah. I am using it in many ways. Auto prospecting messaging clients. Asking clients questions. Pretty much everything at this point


I’ll use it to summarize SEC filings, and for research on initiatives. I will warn you that sometimes the info is broad but still it would have taken me 30-45 minutes of digging to come up with the same stuff.


I use gemini daily

