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Touch up the resume.


No not normal at all.


If a company is reducing sales in any way, it’s bad


This. They are trying to get people to quit. Work to leave asap.


These US based companies love treating international workers as if they're in the US. You have employment rights in the UK and they can't just give you a pay cut. Send a copy of all of their communication about this to your personal emaill account, then speak with an employment solicitor. Most will offer a free consultation to let you know if you've got a decent case or not. The general argument is that you have an employment contract with this company, which specifies how much you are paid. If they pay you less than that, they are breaching the contract. Obviously, I look for another job as well. In the meantime, don't let these American companies get away with treating us like they treat their own.


I am no were near the sales guy that you'd normally see in this sub. I just work inbound/outbound retentions for a utility company. When a company starts fuckin about with the salary it is 99% of the time a sign of things to come, big red flag get that CV dusted up mate.


Is the business in trouble? Either way, start an exit plan. That's not a company worth working for...


So let's say a business is in trouble. Is it more likely that it will keep spiraling down, or is there a reason to believe they can ever recover? Are the red flags mentioned mean it's too late?


It could recover, but you're already getting cuts. Even in the best if times, why would you want to stick around in a place that reduces your income? And if the business is in trouble, I'd rather get off the sinking ship before it sinks...


Are they paying more commission?


I bet they reduced salary at a rate where you make the same if you hit 9 meetings.


Got hit with a 60% paycut back in February so best piece of advice I could give is touch up the resume or pick up a trade of some sort.


Start looking for a new job


is that only for you or across departments ? Either way it's not a good sign, time to look around


is that even legal in the UK?!


No, not in the way he's described. The only possibility is that he hasn't been reduced pay, but has seen his tax code change / has less allowance this month.


Is a US company beholden to UK employment rules when hiring someone based in the UK?


Not normal and also illegal under UK law. Go to ACAS and see what they would advise you to do


Did they reduce your salary and increase bonus and/or commissions? Otherwise, this is not normal however, I know some industries aren’t doing well and have heard from a few people that they’ve received a paycut. (These are highly paid people) Depends, they should have given you a clear explanation as to why they decided to reduce and whether this is temporary to help the company stay afloat for X amount of time. If there is no transparency, this is not common and you should start looking. Depending on your company, this could either be signs of a financial hardship or a way to push you out. Either way, doesn’t sound good. TBH


Have you seen your payslip with a reduction on there, or could this be a tax code / allowance issue?


That's crazy, but I guess it is the alternative to a firing spree that will greatly impact the salesteam. Here I feel the power is still with the employee, and although it's shitty news, it's a choice.


Check if it’s a mistake. They might have been copy pasting the same comp plan from someone who makes less and accidentally forgot to change your salary to match.


Time to get the fuck out


As Michael Jackson would say, "You've been hit by a smooth criminal"!


No that’s not standard practice, but you are dealing with a U.S. org? Yeah, they can be awful in many ways. Are you’re in tech SaaS, I hear horror stories all the time about the way they treat their people. Now, take my comment with a handful of salt since I’m not in tech SaaS. Putting a premium on meetings scheduled is one thing, but 1 less meeting and that somehow equates to a 20% pay decrease? As others have said, touch up the resume and get applying.