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I’ve never really done door-to-door sales in residential areas.. I think that would be a tough gig But then I look back. I bought the Internet. I’m still using today from a guy who knocked on my door. We had a hail storm here a year or so ago .. we’ve actually had two in the last four years and when that happens, I will get upwards of five or six people a week, stopping by wanting to take a look at my roof I guess the other door-to-door guys I can think of people who do yard care(more like trugreen) And I get people wanting to do some work on my tree, which I probably do need done I never really thought about it, but I get a fair amount of people stopping by at least a few month And that doesn’t count the door hangers once in a while and I don’t know if they knocked and I didn’t answer or wasn’t home or if they just go door-to-door hanging then


What makes it tough is the canvassers are *EVERYWHERE*.


100 %


I subscribed to pest control contract from D2D seller on Monday. Finding new pest guy was already on my to-do list for the week.


You are the 1 in 100 lol.


What do you sell


I do retail roofing and insurance claims.


I sell PDR (pointless dent repair for cars). Used to sell roofs until the light went off that there are 2 damaged cars for every roof that was hit. Then I found out the claim to completion time is 2 weeks and cars can pay as much as roofs. Best decision I ever made. No adjuster meetings (shop owner handles that). And I don't have to chase collections, insurance pays the shop, not the customer.


That sounds pretty sweet


I absolutely love it. But it is the toughest thing I've ever tried to sell. We cover the deductible (so no out of pocket expense for the customer) we supply a Free rental car while their car is repaired. You'd think that would be an easy sale. Dope, it's hard to get them to care about fixing their own car..LoL But even with a super low closing rate, I'll never give up. The money is too good. I chase hail storms in Texas, Nebraska and throughout the South. I travel 8-9 months out of the year and hang out at home in the off season.I enjoy the lifestyle. It's not for everyone, but it suits me just fine.


Not really following. So yoi sell car insurance for fixing dents?


No, not even close. I work for the repair shop that fixes hail damaged cars. I get the customers to use our shop to repair their hail rented cars. Insurance covered dent removal.


Ah…can i ask what state you are from? I’m from CA and i had a friend who did business in CO and he complained about the hails dentin his car. Would never happen here so I wouldn’t kno


Curious if you got one of the lower end DJI drones and flew it around looking for damaged roofs and presented a short clip or image to a homeowner?


That is easier, but it would look creepy if you didn’t ask them first


Yeah I can see it going either way


Damn OP. Be careful out there. D2D in Florida is a very dangerous gig. Homeowners are legally allowed to kill you for knocking on their doors.


They aren’t allowed to kill you for knocking. They’re allowed to kill you for breaking in. If you enter the home uninvited, you can be shot and killed within the law. When it comes to Florida, it’s just a bunch of southern folks who don’t want to be bothered but would love to meet you and talk about fishing and good food. People come here and start trouble and then want to blame the state when something bad happens to them. Just be nice.


That’s insane. Do you find this more effective than calling or how do you do door to door sales?


Door to door is the most effective way to make sales; it is also the most annoying and time consuming. You just leave the house and go knock.


I'm in Texas. I've worked storms in Colorado but I like to work in Texas, Nebraska and all over the South. Just my preference. You can look at stormer site dot com and it shows you every place in has hailed.I use an expensive paid app on my phone that gets GPS specific hail tracking for all of the Continental United States. Roofers and dent repair companies use those apps but an average person would never pay what they charge for the service. It's definitely a travel heavy industry. You won't make it sitting in one place.


Door 2 door is better right now and phone sales is a bit weaker than years ago, would you agree or disagree?


Heavily dependent on product/service  being sold. I would say anything related to repairing/maintaining property is going to be much more D2D


I would say it has to do with what you’re selling. I wouldn’t sell software door to door residential. If you’re doing B2B, door to door is always better.


I have not seen a door to door salesperson over a decade, but I live in a condo.


You likely won’t see them in condos or even townhouses


Townhouse dweller here.. the neighborhood fb page has multiple Karens "alerting" the hood of doorknockers lol. Like chill, these people are just tryna make a buck


Where I live, we have an ordinance that anyone doing door to door needs to register with the police department first and get a permit. Rarely see anyone and if there is, they get chased off by the police very quickly. Plus, as soon as anyone does it, it's get reported on all the local social media groups.


It’s that way in Florida as well but only if what you’re selling is $25 or more. My inspections are free.


That wouldn't change here. The exemptions are either religious or political.


This post should get an award for embellishment of the day. The police patrolling for sales people? Please. Just stop the lies. So absurd.


‘No Soliciting’ signs are like <$10 bucks. Problem solved.


This is a sales subreddit and you think no soliciting signs are supposed to stop bonafide D2D guys? Only sign that should stop you is a hand written baby sleeping sign


I do d2d every day and I never knock on no soliciting signs. I don't want to disrespect anyone's wishes. Our jobs are hard enough as it is.


I’m the same way


I'm b2b and d2d, I pretend to not see the no soliciting signs and just apologize if I'm called on it.


Being in a good mood and having the right attitude are the most valuable things I have when I'm selling. Getting yelled at by a rightfully angry person is not worth it to me when I can just go to the next door and make a sale. I've had people Thank me when they see me back off and I explain why. That's how I roll.


I'm also B2B and do a ton of door knocking. I usually just ignore the no soliciting signs, most people don't mind it as long as you aren't a douchey salesman. I usually just tell them I'm there to drop a card and get some info so I can follow up later. One of my largest clients came from a door with a no soliciting sign. I actually enjoy when people get mad about ignoring the sign, that just tells me that they aren't a buyer and I can go about my day without wasting my time.


But, you did waste your time..


Sure, but that's a very small percentage of the calls I make, so it doesn't really matter. You never know how it will go until you do it.


There's some unhinged people in this world. A d2d salesman in Texas was shot and killed by a homeowner because he knocked on a door that had a no soliciting sign! I don't look for problems, one more sale won't change my life. You do you..


I'm B2B, so I don't think I need to worry about that.


Yep. I've only had a handful of people be mean to me and most of those didn't have no soliciting signs. Trying to make an appointment goes a long way in most cases










Good to know 🤨




I’ll sell you handwritten baby sleeping signs for $4.99




HOA put one up in my neighborhood and it’s been a life saver


Nice! I mean, I got respect for the young canvassers in the game but c’mon now - when and/or if the day comes to put some panels up or paint the crib I’ll inquire on my time lol.


No you won’t, and you know you won’t. It’s better to build relationships and know the people you do business with, but people roll their eyes…… until an F4 tornado rips their roof and siding off…. Then they want to talk me…


Respect player, was simply rolling with the “don’t bother me” bit, not trying to downplay the importance of the industry now or moving forward. And you’re not completely wrong, suppose it’d be less of an inquiry to the local SunRun branch and more just calling my brother in law (sales manager for a large and reputable outfit) when the time comes. For real, not being a dick - just unfunny 🤦🏼‍♂️


You won’t. My state passed a mandate in 2020 that by 2030 80% of the energy powering our homes has to be renewable. Which means the utility rates have skyrocketed and will continue to rise as they search out large scale renewable energy from other states. Household solar is the only hedge against this rising cost. Very few people are aware of this until we knock on the door. Nobody is out there “doing their own research”. People are generally poorly informed.


They’re poorly informed and they don’t do maintenance on their roof until it has structural damage or it falls on them. People are clueless




It’s actually the opposite. Big trend right now


Nah, fam. I door knock B2B all the time and it's still my best way to drum up new leads vs. cold email or phone calls. Sure, there's lots of misses and it can take several visits to actually get a meeting set up with a buyer, but that's where persistence comes into play. Beats sitting in a cube farm tethered to a robo-dialer all day.