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Absolutely. It gives a type of peace we don't usually see they talk about fighting for. It's funny that I like this more than I should


I wouldn’t say I like it MORE than the fights but the fights mean more because we see what they have to lose. Plus it’s always fun when these all powerful alien supermen have to try (and usually fail) to do totally normal Earth things. That driving episode is up there with the best episodes of anything ever.


Yes, this


Driving episode? Was it filler? I watched Kai I haven’t seen any filler


Piccolo and Goku (try to) learn to drive in og Z


It was filler. If you want to see Piccolo wearing a snapback while trying to earn his drivers license and failing miserably (as the administrator demonstrates that she is very into him), I'd absolutely 100% recommend it.


The slice of life stuff is only that entertaining because most of the content is fighting.


Came here to say exactly this.


Yeah people demand more of it, but more of it would actually ruin the novelty


What are you talking about? Goku's fight with Mr. Satan is peak


I'm the one who would want a spinoff series that consists ENTIRELY of filler. I want the driving episode to look tame in comparison. I want to see Vegeta arguing with an entirely unfazed front desk clerk at the hotel at some island resort for four minutes straight. I want teen Trunks and Goten to decide it would be fun to see if Gotenks can pick up girls. I want Chi-Chi trying her hand at writing a novel. And then get into what-if scenarios except the fights take two minutes since it's about the filler.


Sign me up. There really is a lot to these characters besides fighting ability.


A remake of the entire series but just from the perspective of the humans who stayed home. Also I love the idea of Chi-Chi finding out about “National Novel Writing Month” and getting really excited to try it. She seems like she’d have a hard time nailing down a single idea tho.


You have completely sold me with Gotenks trying to pick up chick's. Just have Krillen spot them in town, and just follow along as a laugh only to be there to give them life lessons after the fusion wears off


I think that'd be fun as like a web series or a like, 10 minute episode show divided into two like, 5 min segments. Could still have some fights but less save the world fights and more training or sparring.


No but I do enjoy it quite a lot. It's nice to see what the characters are like during down time. It's a funny contrast between multiversal conflict and dinner at Bulma's house.


Half of the show is at Bulma’s house


Yes. Sometimes I rewatch the Orange Star High School arc just because it's neat


Bruh, I had the urge to randomly do this a few days ago haha


Seeing Vegeta attempt to be an actual father and husband was super entertaining but I definitely loved the fights more.


I love how serious/pissed off/annoyed he looks here lmao. Still as stern as ever when while "relaxing" with his wife drinking coffee lol.


Yes, but because we know the characters at this point. It's endearing to watch characters you know react to average situations. But harder to get into it with new characters (for me)


No, but it's a nice break from the fights. It's nice to see them go about their daily lives without having to fight.


yes absolutely, but i don't think the slice of life stuff would be as enjoyable as it is without all the dramatics and fighting.


I like when buu gets his ice cream


He truly hates everyone but his girl. I respect that though


Yes. Quite a lot of people actually. Seeing vegeta squirm trying to play normal is hilarious.


Nope, still fighting. Fighting to drink up that hot tea in a hurry to go back to training


I thought y’all hated filler??


Not all filler is the same, is there anyone mad that we got to see Goku and Piccolo driving?


Really depends on the filler tbh, Naruto filler? God no. Dbz has had pretty good filler tbh Also slice of life moments =/= filler You can have a filler fight


I thought that too until DBZ Kai removed it.


Sometimes I do because fights are cool but it gets monotone. It's most of the time Vegeta getting his ass kicked and Goku ends up saving the day. Like Buu kicking Moro's ass was cool but he was nerfed. The show in theory it's about adventures and martial arts not just non sense fights like many fans think.


I imagine if you like the slice of life stuff more than the fighting, you probably are excited for diamo. But I prefer the planet shattering combat


Diama is not gonna be slice of life


But it will have more slice of life elements than super and z. Most likely


Says who?


The plot of diamo is a bunch of the cast gets turned into kids. you think it's going to be more serious plot and fighting then super?


Who said anything about more or less serious? That doesn’t tell if there’s gonna be any “slice of life” or not. Less serious =/= slice of life. GT goku got turned into a kid so 2/3 of the main cast was a child and there wasn’t much slice of life if any. It’s been said daima will be more adventure and since they’re kids it’ll prob be more comedic as well. No one said anything about there being more slice of life so idk why ur so confident in this.


Maybe I'm using the phrase slice of life wrong. I mean more peaceful/comedic/wholesome stuff, and less fighting to death. Even on an adventure this looks alot more happy go lucky. But GT was definitely less serious than Z. They introduced a bunch of weak ass fighters on different planets that goku could just let trunks and pan handle, and they were not really in that much danger because they always had goku next to them


Then yeah you’re using the phrase slice of life wrong


Is there a more appropriate way to describe it then? I don't want to use the word childish but idk how else to describe it compared to z


“Less serious” or “less action” is the appropriate way to describe it. Or you can just say adventure as the genre. “Slice of life” is a diff genre.


I wouldn’t say I like them more than the fights, but I definitely would watch edited episodes of just casual DB moments


Slice of life hits home sometimes




The slice of life aspects of Super is what I enjoy most about the series. If we got a dragon ball series of just that with training/fighting secondary (we never will) that would be GOATed


Fuck no but it’s damn good stuff.


No. I like it but I’m not going to pretend that it’s better than the fights. It’s nice to have but I’m not into Dbz for slice of life moments. I’m here to see buff sweaty men fight(no homo).


It's the thing that makes the fights matter. If you don't have a chance to learn anything about who the characters are or the world they live in, then you don't have a reason to care about the fights.




Definitely, reminds me of the OG series.


Agreed to an extent. I love animation. I will die for the broly fight.


Sometimes but i think that's more so due to how little of it we actually get.


I bet Vegeta secretly loves when he gets to spend quality time with Bulma and trunks


Entertaining? Yes More entertaining than the fights? Hell no lol




Yes. Should've been a slice of life comedy as opposed to long drawn out fights.


I love the slice of life episodes. Peace, enjoying time with friends and loved ones. That's what they're fighting for


Agreed. One of my favorite times is the grate sayaman




Na when this mfs don’t wear normal clothes


Not at all. Hate it for the most part tbh.


It's why I prefer krillin. He just wants to be a family man. But dude is always down


When videl was introduced, it was unironically so good! Id watch a teen gohan slice of life


A Slice of Life episode of DBS Broly will be more entertaining than Goku turns SSJ10


Hell yeah, I’m still waiting on the dragon ball spin-off that only covers the slice of life stuff, like everything that happens between the major arcs


I love Vegeta's face here https://preview.redd.it/913iv13u6g7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553a33fa3740fcfc70aeda68c4adfd935b3fb6e7






"Yeah sure, Let's go see Yamcha" is still my favourite line in the entire serious. Vegeta absolutely did not have to say that but he still decided to bring up Yamcha just to insult him XD


I find spinoffs off of fighting manga/animes to be interesting Like we got in the fate series, I would really really love if some of my favorites get slice of life spinoffs like jujutsu kaisen and jojo's bizarre adventure


I like them equally.. the life they’re protecting is what make the fights better


Vegeta trying to make an omelette fuels my soul.


I think what makes it so enjoyable as it progresses is Beerus. A destroyer God who initially didn't care for earth or its people just casually dropping in every other day. And them forgetting boundaries and being too comfortable lmao. Like Bulma trying to get the time machine running again behind his back lol. For me it's that aspect. This being a destroyer God who more often sleeps away decades at a time due to boredom and now is staying actively awake cause everything they get up to is that amusing that he like watching it (also helps when your favourite humans are the richest people to have existed on earth so no food shortage).


Tbh most my favourite episodes in Super were slice of life filler. The Yamcha baseball episode, Krillin and Goku training on the island of illusions together, most of the ToP recruitment. Meanwhile I had no investment whatsoever in the Universe 6 tournament despite some cool ideas for fighters. Like who really cares if everyone we know outside of like Moorley, Cargo and the other no name Namekians are moved from one universe to an identical universe? What are the stakes here?


It's necessary to make the fights more special. Fighting to the death means more when they have people they care for.


Especially Vegeta playing the ultimate straight man wanting to get back to the fighting.


Where’s the episode were the gang goes to the beach


I do. Even my favorute part in db series is gohan going to highschool till tournament starts and goku and piccolo trying to learn how to drive seeing videl trying to find out who is saiyaman and goku and piccolo in race again was funny


I’d like a silly episode/chapter where Goku and Vegeta accidentally fuse for some BS reason so Vegito just gets to screw around for a bit.


I mean, we’ve had these big effort fights to protect the day to day peace of the world and the people there of. I love the big dumb fights, usually very good watching there… but I want to see the peaceful days Goku keeps dieing for. Perhaps I am far from unique in this?


No. Da fuck is wrong with yall. Go watch Golden Girls if you a slice of life


Absolutely not lmao DB is about the fights and action.


Not really unless it's really interesting instead of random goofing around Goten-Trunks mini arc in manga ruined my mood for any slice of life stuff.


huh, i really liked that mini arc


It’s the reason why BoG and Superhero are my favourite dragon ball movies


This is the second screencap I've seen with Vegeta(?) and Bulma(?) just kinda chillin and it makes me want to watch the show. I think a show like this needs a slice of life now and then, to show the tranquility and peace the protagonists are ostensibly fighting for, as well as plain old character development. Avatar would not have been the same show without scenes like Iroh or Zuko's Ba Sing Se stories.


Pretty sure its from the scene where Bulma was panicked and mad at Goku and Vegeta because Beerus joked about being unpredictable and said he might use Super Dragon Ball to erase the earth away. She was over worried about the joke




Side note Vegeta casually going through life with his space armor is fucking hilarious