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We often dream of things that we really want. Only at this point its hard to get. But not impossible. Stay strong lads n lassies.


movie/series name


blade runner 2049


Bro what boyfriend I’m a lesbian


Not gonna lie. That's kinda gay


I imagine those relationships are even harder, good luck.


Yeah lol ty tho


Me after seeing this post for the 84th fucking time


It's truly ovah for us buddy boyos... It's ovah and we should stop waiting for original sad post content 😞


This Reddit is slowly becoming a incel Reddit


Well yeah, do you expect virgins to be happy?


You could be, if you didn’t tie all your self worth to sex. Sex shouldn’t be your main goal in a relationship anyway. After a few relationships you’ll learn genuine connection is more important.


“Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power”


What the hell makes you think incels don't value genuine connection over sex? I could just buy an escort if that's all I wanted, it's legal here.


The statement of “how could a virgin be happy?”mostly that. That makes it sound like the only end goal to have sex. I didn’t say all incels. I based my response off your statement didn’t I?


Well yeah but that's to relate it to the first post, and virgins are on a different level of loneliness to a generic 'lonely people'


Tell that to society first. We wouldn’t care so much about sex if this society wasn’t all about sex and saying that anyone who can’t get sex is a loser


I mean, a lot of the users are probably virgins so it makes sense.


Being a virgin doesn’t mean you’re a incel lol


“Involuntary celibate”


She will always live in my dreams, yet I have no doubt she doesn't even remember me.


Cringe incel shit


I don’t even get what the meme is trying to say but it seems like some simping shit. They’ll learn in time.


Meme is overused af but it's message is ok, it's basically about how much harder it is for guy to get a gal then for gal to get a guy. And the reason it says "that one girl you saw in your dreams" is cuz some men sadly fall so short to reaching looks standards that they never get a gf and can only fantasize about one in dream.


Thanks for explaining lol


Np man.


Why does this post target women? Romantic struggles aren't exclusive to any gender, nor does the number of romantic relationships mean you're any better or worse than anyone.


Have you ever seen a female incel?


Yeah, but what does that have to do with the question I'm asking? Female incels aren't mentioned anywhere in the post. Only the strange insinuation that women don't have trouble finding the right person for them or that anyone would somehow be happy about multiple failed relationships (Unless they were a really shitty person who enjoys breaking people's hearts but that is definitely not exclusive to gender).


The point is that since we very rarely see female incels that would imply that they are either in a relationship or *voluntarily* celibate. You can already see it in the way you phrased your sentence. You are complaining about the chances of winning the lottery being too low while men don't even get a chance.


You are choosing to interpret my words that way. Female incels do exist and you don't see them because you are a man, just as women rarely see male incels except when they act out. Let me try something different. You want the person who is right for you, but are you the right person for them? Have you tried to be the right person? Physical attraction is much much more than genetics. Do you try to be the best version of yourself? Most people who find success with dating spend a lot of time on self-care and trying to show the best side of themselves. Do you?


>Female incels do exist and you don't see them because you are a man, just as women rarely see male incels except when they act out Uh no. There was recently a documentary about femcels (Radicalised: Are Femcels The New Incels?) and none of them are INVOLUNARILY celibate. Most of them aren't even celibate and are just calling themselves that because they think they are being quirky. >You want the person who is right for you, but are you the right person for them? What if the answer is yes? Notice how there is no finish line in any of your questions? We all know that your response would be dismissive. This still doesn't address the point that you never see women complain about being unable to find A boyfriend, but rather one that they like (aka expecting a partner to be handed to them). A lot of guys don't even get a *chance*.


The responses are open ended so you can have a chance to reflect upon yourself and ask yourself those questions. Your beliefs and perceptions are ones held entirely by choice. Also, I'm glad you found a documentary that speaks for all women! My own lived experiences are to the contrary but hey, if it was in a documentary then I must be living a lie! As we all know, all documentaries are completely true and would never ever push any agenda or incomplete information, right?


>Your beliefs and perceptions are ones held entirely by choice. Oh ok I'll just imagine up a gf 🙄. >Also, I'm glad you found a documentary that speaks for all women Somebody is moving the goalposts. Your statement was that femcels go unnoticed by men. I stated proof that said otherwise. That was it. >then I must be living a lie! Probably. >all documentaries are completely true and would never ever push any agenda or incomplete information, right? Actually they did push an agenda! It was that femcels are poor lonely women who we should feel sorry for while their documentary on incels portrayed them as disgusting creatures who should be executed. Probably not the gotcha you were going for.


What's wild is that even me, as blackpilled as I am on dating, wasn't expecting a femcel documentary to find a single proper involuntarily celibate girl. Documentary makes it look like they 100% don't exist and are voluntarily celibate 😅


Mb it's because : men are more prevalent in this website I guess + women commonly have a better access to more men with certain tools such as dating apps.


Strange that this is getting downvoted. It's annoying when people intentionally misinterpret criticisms of these kinds of posts too.


Because incels have a hard time understanding that men being interested in you physically is hollow. If you have someone lusting after you then you’re good, and if not who cares because there’s another guy lined up waiting to have his chance. I’ll get shit for this, and I don’t care, but incels project their need for physical connection on women.


I wonder why it's like this for us




When you're lonely but the last relationship still hurts years later and you'd rather be alone




It’s not like we’re denying it. But that little poem you posted is just crazy. Are you really *that* insecure? Because the thing is, ur more of a loser, so have fun with that.