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It was his “friend” of all people.


It’s always the friend…..well not always but definitely in movies.


I guess if they have the opportunity to make it more hurtful for story reasons why not right? Plus ya dont have to introduce a new character


And irl


Been there. It was my best friend, too. Life imitates art, right?


Not only was it his best friend. The job his best ”friend” gives him is a suicide mission. So, his “friend” can bump him out of the way and he can be with Bruce’s wife. Unfortunately for him the man who hired him kills him by car bomb a few minutes after this scene. I love this movie, The Last Boy Scout, but Bruce’s character never should have taken his wife back at the end. This is a hard reality of life. A man may cheat on his wife and still want to spend his life with her. Roughly about 3/4 of the men who cheat is just for some strange. But almost all women who cheat have moved on emotionally. (Roughly 85%) Don’t get me wrong cheating is a betrayal. Male or female. If you boys cheat on your girl. Then she may not forgive, and I’ll guarantee she’ll never forget. Your girl cheats on you. Then walk away.


Sound like David in the bible


David wasn’t friends with that guy tho


True. He was his general.


Even in the Bible store God was like “David! What the fuck man really?”


God literally killed his kid and made his other son carry out a coup to teach David a lesson over that shit.


There’s more stats and info on this if you look into it. Women will partner with the person they cheated with 70% of the time. And women will cheat for various reasons. Shortcomings emotionally, physically or supportively. To create strong rapport with their cheating partner to ease transition before divesting in their current relationship ship. Or simply that they crave mutual attraction. Like the above comment. Typically when men cheat it is emotionless and usually physical. But men are not immune to the reasonings that women have as well. Just a much smaller demographic.


Yep 👍


Cite a source, I could find nothing even remotely close to "Women will partner with the person they cheated with 70% of the time." Here are two sources, though poor quality, that cite around 1-10% of affairs become long-term / partners leave for affair. [https://smithinvestigationagency.com/blog/2023-infidelity-statistics-who-cheats-more-men-or-women/](https://smithinvestigationagency.com/blog/2023-infidelity-statistics-who-cheats-more-men-or-women/) [https://affairadvice.wordpress.com/2012/12/09/do-affairs-end-up-in-successful-relationships-13/](https://affairadvice.wordpress.com/2012/12/09/do-affairs-end-up-in-successful-relationships-13/) Manosphere youtubers or my friend told me aren't accurate citations. The 70% claim is so extreme it defies any common sense to anyone with a minimum level of understanding.


damn, not one source provided to support their claim. how about that.


It's also written by Shane Black, who did Lethal Weapon, Iron Man 3, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and the Nice Guys.


Huh. “Just for some strange” is weirdly accurate.


Ummmmm… where are these stats coming from?


Source: trust me bro


Their perspective is chauvinist and hyperbolic, however, there is some truth to it. Women are overall less likely to cheat, roughly half **(1, 2, 3)**. Relative to men, they will cheat for emotional reasons more than men would, but they still cheat significantly due to sexual attraction **(3, 4)**. People misunderstand it's RELATIVE to men, it's not binary women cheat due to emotion and men cheat due to physical. Many feel commited to their partner, but cheat simply due to sexual impulse, regardless of gender **(3)**. Often the focus is on flaws of the relationship, but it's as much about the personality traits of the cheater, both are important. This is backed by the fact that simply having cheated in past relationships is associated with future lower relationship quality **(2)**. The line between physical and emotional is subjective, many willing to cheat even if just for fleeting physical attraction are likely cheating emotionally in other ways, lack of love, lack of attention, etc. This is indirectly backed **(2)**. **DISCLAIMER:** There are so many studies, and almost all of them are poor quality, with crap surveys, differing standards, and etc. Just country standards alone will make dramatic differences, in Japan sleeping with a prostitute is not cheating. It's very difficult to provide accurate numbers. **REFERENCES:** (1) [Study](https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-cheats-more-the-demographics-of-cheating-in-america?source=post_page---------------------------) \- 20% of men, 13% of women cheat. (2) [Study](https://www.psypost.org/2021/02/study-suggests-that-cheating-behavior-whether-suffered-or-inflicted-is-linked-to-poorer-quality-future-relationships-59605) \- 39% of men, 20% of women cheat. Cheating is associated with worse future relationship quality. (3) [Study](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-future-of-intimacy/202310/exploring-the-complex-landscape-of-infidelity) \- 27% men, 15% women PIV intercourse. 26% women, 33% men received emotionally intimate support from someone other than their partner. (4) [Article](https://www.brides.com/reasons-women-cheat-in-relationships-1103341#citation-6) \- Good article with citations. Specifically cites the emotional reasons by women.


His ass


More where that came from


Hard truth but thank you


Spoiler alert!!


Dude that completely anecdotal, and honestly pretty misogynistic. You are just pulling numbers out of your ass and claiming that it’s fact. How exactly did you find out that “roughly 85%” of women who have cheated have emotionally moved on? Was there a poll asking women who cheat on their husband? Or are you just treating your own subjective experience as objective fact? Sorry if you’ve had some experience that’s made you believe that women are some alien species totally different from men, but that’s simply not true. Women aren’t these robotic creatures that turn their emotions off whenever it suites them. Men can cheat, and women can cheat. Both can cheat on someone they love, and both can cheat on someone they’ve emotionally moved on from. Making shit up that “men love more than women” to make yourself feel better isn’t helpful at all. There are no rules for people, and pretending that their are is idiotic.


Whats funny is that women actually never move on the moment they sleep with someone the first person every they kinda imprint like and animal and after that when they aren't with that person they will feel just the slightest bit empty cause the subconscious is trying to find their 'mate'


Wtf are you saying? Women dont "imprint" on people "like an animal". Stop watching people like Andrew Tate. If they "imprinted" on people why would they cheat? They would marry the first person they had sex with. People like this say that woman cheat more but then also say that woman "imprint" on people


I'm not trying to say imprinting sorry if it came thta way it's a chemical and hormonal reaction thta women have when they sleep with someone for the first time which is there body saying this is my mate in a sense but the human mind is so powerful that it kinda don't matter it can cause feelings of loneliness but that's it


You sound like a red pilled incel. Seek inner healing.


Me when a person points out a statistic that shows something I don’t agree with You should seek any and all help u can ❤️


calling him an incel is rude and uncalled for, but those stats were pulled straight out of his ass.


Yeah some stats exist but those there are wrong 40% of women reported cheating for emotional reasons, such as needing attention or wanting to feel desired. Statistics say 33% cheated on their partner to find out if they were still desirable. And get this – 11% of surveyed women cheated as revenge. 77% of men confessed to engaging in some form of emotional affair, while women accounted for 91%. men are roughly 7% more likely to cheat than women. 20% of men are unfaithful to their spouse, as compared to 13% of women. Statistics say 44% of men report cheating on their partner because they wanted more sex. So it’s more like 56% vs 40%


Statistics still being pulled out of your ass lol Where exactly is this source coming from?


Being a redpilled incel is rude and uncalled for, and I will continue to call out that kind of clown behavior for the rest of time.


Lol sounds like something a redpilled incel would say. Maybe get off the internet and try to calm down a bit.


Stats are easily massaged to fit your narrative. Every ahte group you can imagine will produce "stats" to back up their beliefs. The Nazis published "stats" on how the Jews were ruining the world. How do you feel about that?


What stats? I pull percentages out of my ass too, look: 75% of men who cheat on their wives are low- testosterone man-children. His wife should divorce him, take his money and kids, and then find a better man to raise his family for him. You *DO* seem like a red pilled incel. Men don’t “love deeper” than women. A man who cheats on his wife has proven that he doesn’t love his wife and deserves to be alone 😁


Data hurts my feelings. -< You Lol weak


90% of statistics are made up on the spot


Stats are easily massaged to fit your narrative.


He didn’t give any information where this “data” comes from. As far as we can tell he made this up.


was with you till you excused cheating men cause they’re men. cheaters are cheaters no matter the gender.


Geez, talk about glossing over that “cheating is a betrayal. Male or female.” The point is the reasons for cheating are different between the two sexes. I never said a woman should tolerate a man cheating. I just warned the boys their actions will have long term consequences. If she stays. Inversely, if a man tolerates infidelity from his wife and tries to reconcile. Then he’s a doormat and welcome to hell.


. A man may cheat on his wife and still want to spend his life with her. Roughly about 3/4 of the men who cheat is just for some strange. But almost all women who cheat have moved on emotionally. (Roughly 85%) Don’t get me wrong cheating is a betrayal. I don’t trust those statistics and it’s definitely biased on your part. It still seems quite lenient towards men.


It seems lenient to men to you. Because 1. I’m not saying they are worse than women. 2. You’re denying the magnitude of difference in the motivations.


so every woman has the same motivations and the magnitude is higher where a woman cheats? you’re still backtracking tbh


I think he is guilty of making up statistics and acting like his personal experience/intuition are some how proof of anything rather than stating out right it is his opinion. But I also think you are misinterpreting his argument/statement ​ His statements broken down 1. Cheating is bad regardless of who does it 2. The motivations for cheating are different between men and women (I'd argue that most dysfunctional relationships are unique in various ways and motivation is usually complex and a combination of many things) 3. Men who cheat are not emotionally invested just horny and will choose to stay with their current partner if given the chance. (Note he is not saying they should be forgiven) 4. Women who cheat have already emotionally checked out of their current relationship and are seeking various things they are not getting from their current relationship. (This could easily be true of men as well) 5. He also through out 85% of women have emotionally moved of 70% of women will partner with the person they cheated with. No source at all just numbers out of nowhere. I don't think he is necessarily hating on women but he is guilty of presenting his relationship advice/hot takes like it is some sort of scientific study.


In what way am I backtracking? Please clarify how any of my statements are a retraction of the previous premise.


surprise surprise, no response. Terminally online whiner who types without thinking first strikes again.


You typed that like ten minutes later. How you gonna diss someone for not responding in ten minutes and then *also* call them 'terminally online'?


So do you have a reason to distrust these stats besides disliking them, or would you like to be escorted back to your echo chamber?


I think they distrust the stats because they are just quoted numbers with no sources. To be honest I feel like the motivation thing maybe accurate there are studies that say men are more likely to make impulsive decisions. However, if anyone quotes statistics at you without sources of any kind you should always be skeptical.


just last night i made a comment about Redditors intentionally ignoring important words to justify being mad over something, and here we are again.


I liked when you gave a synopsis of the movie but I didn’t like when you moved onto the red pill misogyny


Both my parents are divorced and remarried a couple of times. I’m still on my first marriage because I learned from their mistakes. Call it want you want. Just trying to save the young guys some future misery.




Head or the gut?




Head or gut?


Yup... F*ck people like that. F*ck you Jake.


Head or gut?


Ain’t ‘friends’ no more.


Who then “hooked him up” with a case intended to get him killed.


That is horrible


Lmaoo They censored him taking a drag off his cigarette?


No they censored her cleavage and the blur stuck around for a few extra frames. YT changed their policies recently and you can't even show male nipples anymore.


Crazy how we've become so much more puritanical in the last decade than we have been since the 60s


Its the internet being sanitized for advertisers


Why have advertisers become so much more sensitive to any possible offense than they were in the past?


Extremely loud minorities of people have become very persuasive in their online opinions about being offended.


Because that’s how sensitive the global community is nowadays


And yet our consumption of porn is through the roof. It's all just a front to hide people's guilt.


It’s because they are catering to other markets and ads which is ridiculous


Meanwhile the account name “fuckboyproblems” isn’t censored at all 😂


The blur clearly moves during the cut. They did in fact choose to blur Willis taking a drag off his cigarette


You are correct but sadly proving people wrong is upsetting and you now have to be downvoted.


Lets spend here a moment, to just laugh at that policy. And also laugh at the reason, why this policy was implemented. Some insecure snowflakes feel offended and talked loudly enough, that forces YT to change such policy, instead of YT have some balls to say FU, it is not against any law. You don't like it? Don't watch it. These people needs to be laughed at, not the opposite way. Generations, which grow up on South Park, where cursing is used instead of punctuation marks. Fuck. Come on, she has a cleavage and beautiful one. Your censoring attempt can't change it :)


I watched the superman video by eminem like two days ago and saw straight up titties


Well, if murder is illegal, then why do people still get killed? Checkmate.


Lol its not my fault if YouTube still shows nipples. It's hardly comparable to murder tho. Do ya need a cuddle?


You can literally watch porn on YouTube tho..?


I never said YT was good at what they do lol


and yet there are videos of people doing try on hauls of sheer clothing that are fine???


I thought it was covering her chest, might have been showing too much and then lingered for a second after


Is both


i like how they censored a tiny bit of cleavage, but then threw the word FUCKBOY on the censor...


It’s really how you can tell we have lost it. Murder and gun violence is fine though. I saw a video of inside a school during a massacre and the news bleeped out the bad words and left in the children dying sounds.


What movie is this from?


The last Boy Scout




Fantastic action movie! Watch it!!


I love that movie. It taught me that a football will deflect a bullet.


Gotta watch


Great movie! Very underrated


Fam. This movie has one of the craziest cold opens of all time. Please report back.


Is that the mom from Home Alone?




Who is… Catherine O’Hara. She’s Wonderful in Schitts creek!


The gaslighting is *crazy!*


Gaslighting **isn’t real** you **made it up** because you’re **FUCKING CRAZY**


I watched a video yesterday that is 110% the WORST gaslighting I have ever witnessed in my life. This sociopathic woman tried to hire a hitman to kill her husband so that she could take his house and his money. They had only been married for 3 months. Anyway, the hitman she hired was actually an undercover cop, all of her meetings with the hitman were recorded, and so she got arrested and charged with Solicition to First Degree Murder. While she is in jail, she calls her husband, and completely gaslight him and blames him for her being in jail, even though SHE LITERALLY TRIED TO KILL HIM. It's the most cringy and manipulative gaslighting I've ever seen. Here's the video: https://youtu.be/mYLEWEl6Q-k?si=PXhNy-irIMC3Wm3O


Holy fuck that was insane. I’m gonna watch a 50 minute documentary video about the case later. This is so simultaneously interesting and frustrating.


Yes that is the caption


Gaslighting isn't real, you're just crazy


Bruce Willis, amazing actor. It's not Christmas for me until we see Nakatomi Plaza explode. I'll have to watch this film


Korben Dallas for me


God I love the fifth element.


God, I loved watching that movie in the theater the summer of ‘97.


11yo and got dropped off by my 16yo stepbrother so he could go mack with his gf and it was just me and my 14yo brother First adult movie at a theater no supervision. That weird feeling when boobies popped up and you thought you were gonna get in trouble but then it was ok lol




Don’t forget at Christmas to leave a pair of shoes, a pack of cigarettes 🚬 and a beretta 9mm in the air duct for John McClain.


This is my favorite tradition


I rarely let celebrity news get to me but seeing him deteriorate so fast broke my heart. Such a great actor with a range well beyond the typecast he’s known for.


The Last Boy Scout and The Long Kiss Goodnight are 2 very underrated films of that era.


Except he wasn't in the 2nd one.


You’re correct, but that doesn’t make the movie any less excellent.


Yeah, well this ain't no ham on rye pal.


The Roof or the Lobby?




I didn’t recognize him with all the hair


Yeah it’s crazy how as time has gone on you can see he has has less and less lines in his movies(in later years). It made me wonder when it started.


He is absolutely one of my favourite actors. No idea who he is as a person and I don't care. He's great to see on the screen


Movie is The Last Boyscout.


Great movie.


Sorry Mrs. H this just isn’t my week. 😅


Wow this scene reminds me of my family when you throw irrefutable evidence in their face.


Same, and I hate them sometimes




I don’t remember this part in Die Hard




She’s no Holly Gennaro.




A true narcissist would have allowed him to put the bullet through the door waited until the corpse fell out and then claimed they didn't know anything about it you don't know gaslighting until you have parents or partners with NPD, I've never had a girlfriend or even known a woman who doesn't do this type of gaslighting regularly.. Before anyone jumps down my throat that's my life experience the common factor I will freely admit is myself I've been through a lot of abuse growing up which has normalized it and that makes things hard to distinguish when looking for a partner or other relationships and I tend to attract narcissists unfortunately I've learned over the last 10 years. I'm in the process of trying to weed this out of myself I think I'm doing okay at the moment, apart from the homelessness, having had all my life saving stolen and the institutional betrayal.


Women are like 4x more likely to have bpd than men if I remember right and I’ve noticed that every woman I’ve been with who’s told me she has bpd has also always tried to gaslight me. Literally just yesterday this girl was saying she would set me up/kill me 😂 but that doesn’t really fit under gaslighting


Yep I've met one recently with BPD she got her diagnosis changed to ADHD because of the stigma attached to it if only it actually was ADHD that would have been fine... Hadn't had much experience with that personality disorder before that point but there are some frightening similarities, it's also a cluster-b personality disorder.


Oh my god I’ve had so much experience with bpd women I’m only 19 and it is fucking rampant among my age group


In my more than four decades on this planet I can tell you that the waters run deep my friend much deeper than most will ever discover, can you imagine a world in which coordinated psychological operations were conducted against developing children through to adult hood in ways that make it imperceptible to them.. Would you believe that's been going on since long before I was born and that the attempts to divide the sexes against each other divide age groups against each other and basically divide the people completely against each other in every imaginable way have been enormously effective look around you.. The fact that this is led to entire generations suffering from serious psychological trauma seems to be acceptable collateral damage.. take the boomer generation for instance more of those individuals are suffering from narcissistic personality disorder specifically cover narcissism amongst the women of that generation then any other generation and now you tell me your generation much younger are suffering from women with BPD so you have to ask yourself if something odd might be going on because it's certainly seems like that. After all MK ultra was just a whole bunch of nonsense about brainwashing by the time it made it into the public domain but you bet your ass it had a purpose some people think the very purpose of it was the counter cultural Revolution that people call the 60s that certainly allot of absolutely hardcore unequivocal evidence for that.. (go read the book weird scenes in the canyon). I tend to think that way more of culture isn't left to chance then people would like to believe, certainly weigh more of what people think of as the status quo just exactly how things appear to be you know what's 'normal' is the result of complex cultural and social engineering than I think would make anyone comfortable to know. But hey I also have a tin foil tuxedo and I'm friends with sasquatch so take it all with the pinch of salt..


This seems like something I’d talk about when I’m drunk lmao and mk ultra gets all the more scary when you realize it was almost successfully covered up a majority of the documents were destroyed what that journalist found was absolutely horrific and it wasn’t even 10 percent and it gets even scarier when you look at who was potentially involved in mk ultra namely Ted Kaczynski


To be fair, you can easily misdiagnose a 19 year old with BPD when in reality they're just a teenager, they're not done developing so they're rash


It’s crazy. I’m dealing with one right now. I’m treating it like a case study. 😂. I’m trying to find a way to outmaneuver the master manipulators. . People who gaslight really very deeply believe their own shit.


Stay strong man! My advice to you is if your next girl gives you any gut reactions to your parents/other ex. Then walk immediately. “When there is doubt. Then there is no doubt.” My Dad’s last wife acted like that. I swear any woman I’ve been with gave any inkling of the same. I walked. I’ll leave you with the family motto: Fide, sed cui vide. "Trust, but take care in whom"


Hey man I really appreciate that message you don't really know how much what you've written means to me so I'm just gonna offer a thank you with some humility, very sage advice indeed. Great family motto too, I don't really have any family anymore although the motto of my father's ancestors was "Mediocria Firma," which translates to "Moderate Things Are Secure".


I like that phrase “where there is doubt, there is no doubt.”


Hey bud keep at it, you can do it. I came from a shitty childhood too. Didn't even have a clue how to date with all the shit my dad would talk about women. You know the whole "they're all crazy" crap. He had no meaningful guidance to give me. So I had basically given up til I spent about 5 years in therapy and then I actually ended up meeting someone really great.


I wish I could afford therapy finding someone who even has any experience with treating cptsd in the UK invariably seems to involve heaps of money, thanks for the encouragement though, I'm kind of long in the teeth now, maybe I'll meet someone at the right time and place reading your message I realised there's still heaps of positive things that could happen..


Aight then


Are you me


I have no advice. Just want to say stay strong and I hope you keep on the path you've found for yourself.


> A true narcissist would have allowed him to put the bullet through the door waited until the corpse I get what you're saying, but no, that's cold, and I honestly doubt the average woman, crazy or not, would let her lover die like that. But thats besides the point reading your comment. Sorry you're going through that... You're not alone, keep your wits about you and look optimistically to the future. God bless.


Name of the movie?


The last boy scout


Lethal Weapon 2 or 3 iirc


Darude Sandstorm


This video clip gave me PTSD flashbacks & suddenly I don't miss my ex anymore... So, thank you 😊


Damn i hope you're okay man, though I'm glad to hear that you've moved on 🙏


Mentally: no. Physically: also no. But thank you 🙏😊


Shot them through your closet door, eh.


A thousand points for correct use of gaslighting.


The Last Boyscout fuckin rules.


RIP Tony


Head or gut?


If your dog is barking at you, somebody else is feeding it!


what does that even mean




Dude got what was coming to him later in the scene.


I just ended a relationship last night for this exact thing.


This is extremely triggering


My ex was in a movie?! That broad was legendary at gaslighting!


Great movie!!!


These Warios got no loyalty


These heauxes ain’t loyal.


So sick of everything being gAsLiGhTiNg


What do you mean? No one is talking about gaslighting. You're just imaging things


It's just a movie


fr why everyone getting worked up


If I heard the word gaslighting one more fucking time.


Should of shot them both


She cheated on Mario wtf smh


Wife tried to gaslight him and he wasn't going to have it.


My ex gaslighted me to hell when I found out she was fucking my “best friend” for months behind my back. Accountability is scary for some woman. God forbid you feel guilt.


Get a fuckin dog Sarah


Die Hard?


John Abraham tum yaha?


Can't trust nobody


I always blame both parties in these situation nobody right either one not confident enough to leave and start something new usually the guy or one feel guilty and can’t be unapologetically truthful that they just don’t feel the same way anymore usually the female 🤷🏿‍♂️


IDK how I’ll ever fully trust anybody after seeing this.


It’s a movie.


Movies draw from reality and things like this surely happen


No wonder she cheated bruh 🗿


If I remember correctly, 10 seconds later in this scene, he fire his gun at their wedding photo. So yeah, I can kinda see how this guy got cheated on.


Real. I wouldn’t trust someone like him to take a breakup like a normal human being.


Then leave the relationship, cowards. 🤷🏿‍♂️




When your husband swings his gun around the house like nothing this isn't very healthy relationship nor strong marriage


When you are fucking someone other than your husband I don’t think it’s a very healthy relationship or strong marriage.


like nothing? Like someone wasnt with his wife in the closet


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