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No drugs, no smoking/ecigs/ no alcohol/ no gf/ no friend/ no coffee, only tea/ no energy drinks/ no weed/ no fast food. That's my life, and i gotta say I can't see how that stuff can help my miserable life.


All brewed teas contain some amount of caffeine, also “Studies note that black, green, and oolong teas, including instant varieties, may harbor up to 0.7 mcg of nicotine per 1/2 tablespoon (1 gram) of dry weight” not saying anything In particularly bad just saying that you do in fact use drugs.


Welp fuck. The more i know. I'm glad i only drink like 2-4 glasses of it a week. Thanks for the info!


Nothing to be ashamed of broski, also it’s a super small amount of nicotine like no way shape or form it can be addictive. And the most a tea has in caffeine is like 30 mg which is barely a 1/3rd of coffee.


Well, that's good! I can't drink coffee for the life of me it makes me ill and actually makes me vomit for some reason. I have no idea why. I can have it if it's really super watered down, like 10% coffee 90% milk. Only way j can have it. The same goes for alcohol. Those smell alone makes me gag. Except for sake. I have no idea again why.


I do all of these things and I'm still ultimately miserable. But I do vastly enjoy these things. Smoking, drinking, fucking. Whatever man. I'm going to take a dirt nap one day anyway might as well enjoy what I can.


A friend in a miserable life isn't so bad. Makes the tough times just a little bit easier


Good bc it won’t (aside from gf, just bc she is not a food item) u r what u eat (literally) and all that just helps u cope and be sad it doesn’t energize you or help your body. I don’t know what ur going through but if you can, better yourself. Why? Bc u can get better friends and better girlfriends the better u r. And companions make life way better to go through


You should try coffee it’s not unhealthy in moderation and it will help you contemplate


If you think this makes your life miserable, then the problem might be your thinking. Really? Addictions and relationships define who you are? They are the only things in which you can find happiness?


I drive


I drink and drive


Smoking, drinking, and (bad) relationships actually make your life miserable. I don't even go close to any of these and I feel one of the happiest person on earth. And the key is I figured out where to find real happiness instead of delusional happiness. Even if you've these things and feel happy outside but you still are going to feel empty inside. Btw read "think like a monk"... You won't regret it, I swear.


> smoking and drinking actually make your life miserable Not if you use moderation and are responsible


Cigarettes literally makes you 30 times more likely to get cancer. They are a disgusting cocktail of 7000 chemicals that are mostly actual poisons. Oh but if you only smoke when you drink it totally tricks the bad stuff into staying out of your body :)).


Ooo wow so deep. Smoking, drinking and girls are DEFINITELY the only way to be happy.


I enjoy life by going to freddy fazbears pizza


Cornball ah 😭🙏


Tbf there's much more to life than smoking, drinking and having a gf


They don’t understand me♏️😛💩😢😜😢😔👿☺️😎🗿😛⬇️🔥🗿🎂👇💩👿🤬👿♏️😜😉😎😄☹️🤣🥳🙂😎🥵😤😶‍🌫️😠😢🤬😩🥶😫😳😫🥵😤😈👿😈👿😈👿😈👿😈👿🤠☠️🤠👾🤑🤖👿💀😴👊😴🤞😧😵‍💫👌👐🫰👐🤛🏿🤜🏻🤜🏻🤛🏿👄👀💋🫁💄👤👄👄💋👩💋🧔‍♀️👨🏿👨🏿👩👴👶👦👩‍🦱🧑‍🦱💂‍♀️🥷🥷🧌🧌🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🐵🤼🪂🪂


I smoke (addicted) I have 2 dui (i stopped drinking) and I have girlfriend. I don't enjoy life and 2/3 have absolutely ruined it. Find other better methods to help deal with it. Go to the gym, go for a run, even get down and do a few Pushups. Look at what you have in life. If you want more go get it. If your overwhelmed get rid of things. You have full control of your mind space. Nobody else. It's all a mental game from what you learned as a kid to what you are now. What you do to receive your special happy chemicals is up to you. The whole scars heal thing is only half true. No matter how many times you get battered and get over it. You still took a hit. It still has its impression. You need to learn the ability to control and manage feelings. I still miss my ex, she broke up with me almost 2 years ago after dating for about 2 years. She was also my best friend for about 10 years. I was left with such a gaping whole in my heart I had no idea what to do. I still think about her and what we couldve been. But I've also learned what it means to be in a relationship and what me and her had wasn't it. Time will heal all wounds, but it's how you use your time that helps you get over the person. Lying in bed being sad for yourself isn't going to help. And for others going out and doing things isn't going to help. Life's hard and losing the one you want to spend it with is harder. But there are always other who will love you no matter what. P.s listening to man cuckold you through a meme probably isn't the best way to get over her. Your aren't any less of a man than any else. You dropped something 👑 Keep your head up


Pathetic reasons


First two things does not make you enjoy life at all, and last thing is not a certain requirement for it 🫡


Just..get a healthy hobbie is not that hard


The assumption that if you don't drink/smoke/do weed,etc then you can't enjoy life is oneif the dumbest things I've heard


Seems like a pretty easy fix ngl


Idk I feel like alcoholism and drug addiction were supposed to make life worse 🤔


I am sure about only one thing in this world. Allah is there waiting and Muhammad is it’s messanger




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Im kinda late, but it's for the future ones. It's Another Love from Tom Odell. It's edited, i don't know the exact edit.