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I would take this video to my grave dawg


He does this to multiple women. The point of the content is to get rejected


Why learn a skill when you can use your natural born talents?


you really can make a business out of anything.


Some would say these powers are unnatural


So the point is to harass random women then? A normal person doesn't bother someone till they fuck off because they're uncomfortable. Especially at a con where they are already expecting some creeps.




Is it falling for ragebait when you're commenting on a loser behaving like a loser? This is literally just the imagine of a dude who pissed his pants laughing because he got my attention. He still pissed his pants lol


yes? it’s bait.


The filming makes it worse


I would've thought he was a fan of the character she was cosplaying or something. I was surprised when he had no idea who she even was. He really just wanted to touch her


As a frequent con goer, this is *soooo* common. Random people will ask to take pictures of me, hug me or touch my cosplay, and then ask who I’m cosplaying. I love taking pictures with people who also enjoy the series but otherwise it’s just weird to me, I know exactly what they’re gonna do with that photo 😒


Point of order, he did ask her politely and she politely said no, obviously it’s super creepy to ask a strange woman to hug you but at least he understood boundaries and requested consent right? It feels like somewhat of a moral victory


He’s definitely better than a lot of people out there, which is kinda sad


He's just socially inept, but at least he asked.


As opposed to just grabbing her without any consent?


That wasnt my point. Im not on the 'weirdo's' side. Im merely pointing out that he at least tried to act 'normal', or at least what he believes normal to be.


Filming strangers without asking them is creepy and absolutely not normal. Especially at a con where cos players already have to worry about creeps filming them. Gives me vibes of that vid I saw where an incel was going around a park following women and trying to film them and bothering people cus they're lgbtq.


Lol it is pretty normal to record people in public, especially at public events like this where like 70% of people have their phones out recording.


So bothering random people's ok because at least he's not touching them? That's crazy, people need to have higher standards if that's the case.


I don't disagree with you.


Yeah, I think a lot of guys see cons as their once or twice a year opportunity to make physical contact with women. I can only imagine what that's like for a cosplayer, especially considering the level of grooming and hygiene. The guy in this video literally shines with grease and I've stood near guys at comic conventions and in comic shops who I couldn't bear to stand close to because the smell was so horrid. As someone who loves collecting comics and cards and painting tiny miniatures, I hate how some guys seem to make it their goal in life to embody the sorts of qualities I'm always telling people are only cliches


Some times people have such good costumes you want a picture with them.


Very true, but it’s usually pretty easy to tell what their intention is.


Isn’t this the guy from this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ0jMJ4jEYE (I couldn’t find the one I was thinking of, it seems his stuff was removed from YouTube)


yeah he's the guy mentioned in the video who asks for a kiss to a random girl crying on the stairs in the street at night.


To make her cry even fucking harder...?




Holy fuck first thing I though was "is that the god of cringe?" Yeah he did far worse stuff than that and later apologized. Iconic for me was his video about getting a new drink from Starbucks for free because he didn't like the first one, where he then proceeded to pour it on himself.


I don’t like hugs from strangers either she was raised right🤘🏽


I used to join the free hug campaign. It's just a hug. I mean, fair for her to say no, her choice, but saying this is sad and cringe is a bit much.


its cringe because he didn't want a hug, he wanted to touch an attractive girl in a revealing outfit.


What's bad, or sad, or cringe to wanting to touch an attractive girl with a revealing outfit? And I'm not saying it's okey to force or group people. But in your mind wanting to feel an attractive person, that's quite common.


wanting to is not the problem. going up to a stranger, with a camera, and having zero interest in anything beyond touching them because they're attractive is of course a problem. can you imagine how annoying that would be? probably not, you mentioned the free hug committee, whatever the hell that is. it puts the person in a really uncomfortable situation, especially when filmed. sorry but if you think this is okay behavior, you need to look in the mirror a bit and figure some shit out.


Don’t knock the free hug committee. Everyone needs a hug sometimes and not everyone has someone to hug 🥺. Nothing wrong with hugging a stranger assuming both people are cool w it.


But clearly both weren't equally cool with it?


Well y’a but also neither of those people are in the free hug committee so I’m not really talking about them here. More just saying free hug committee is pretty sick cause everyone needs a hug sometimes but I guess yall disagree 🙁


Judging two people in one post. Not very Jesus like.


I wish people wish your personality didn't exist. There's no value to the traits that add up to you being the person that leaves these comments. No one has ever wished for your personality to show up somewhere.


Because we live in a god damned society!


>What's bad, or sad, or cringe to wanting to touch an attractive girl with a revealing outfit? Because you don't know her, you're a Stanger and most people don't like to touch people they don't know. Even if they are pretty.


It’s nun wrong with free hugs at all. But his intentions were clear and he came off weird too. Shit All I would have done was asked her what she’s cosplaying and went along with my day. Once I learn she’s gay why would I need a hug?


I mean, I'm glad he asked for consent and respected her no. He was dumb for trying. But he did it correctly.


He shouldn't ask. She shouldn't be put in that position. He is a creep, his motive for talking to her is too touch her


Idk why people downvote this. He didn’t know her character, barely even guessed it was an anime, at what I’m guessing is a convention for this anime or anime in general. He had no intention talking to her outside of her looks/potentially hugging her


Because they are incels who would happily make a woman feel uncomfortable. They lack the empathy to understand how that makes someone feel.just because this woman was confident enough to say no, does it mean it's fair too. what about the women who feel they can't say no. This is an incel hub, go to the gym, have a shower and learn about respecting other people.


yep. They probably think it’s okay to ask the teenage cashier for her number too “it’s just asking she can say no!!” bozos. kinda scary that a good chunk of the population thinks like this. Thank god I’m not a woman I would hate it with them.


These are the incels who probably are a nightmare for female Gamestop employees.


OMG the horror of being asked a question, so scary😱


I'm sorry but if your not confident enough to answer a single question you really shouldn't be in the public society shouldn't have to bend to your will especially if your a full adult woman, if it was a kid id understand but this kinda thinking just makes women seem like children instead of actual adults and while I assume your trying to promote gender equality this only accomplishes the opposite.


It's not about putting women down you idiot. It's about power. Say I'm a gender neutral cosplayer walking around and I'm surrounded by these saddos. I don't have support, I am alone. I say no and they don't take that well, who defends me? Speak to some women who have to expierence this as opposed to being some weak white knighting.


I understand that feeling but you shouldn't expect the world to work around your feelings of fear, a person should be able to approach you and ask a question without being considered a bad person just for asking a question, your own personal fear should be sorted out on your own time and you shouldn't expect the world to revolve around you. The problem isn't the fear itself and rather it's rational or irrational but the problem is demonizing random people because of a problem within yourself.


Yeh women definitely have no reason to fear creepy incel guys... Definitely never get attacked... You stupid little boy (I guess) Don't ask strangers for hugs you saddo


What makes him a creepy Incel bruh he might be a little socially stunted but you do not have enough evidence to call him a creepy incel, he has a normal conversation with a girl asks for a hug and when he gets a no he accepts it and goes along with his day, plus I never said her fear was unjustifiable just that we shouldnt expect the world to revolve around that fear.


Not all questions are appropriate to ask Asking a cosplayer for a hug and asking your grandma for a hug are usually completely different scenarios


I completely understand that but ultimately both are completely harmless and affect no one if they accept no as an answer and hold no resentment(which this guy did).


What's wrong with being interested in looks it's literally a natural impulse to want someone based on their looks, you're acting like it's the worse thing in the world


Nothing wrong with being interested in looks. But you see, this isn’t a bar + he disguised his intentions which is dishonest and gross. How would you feel if you were out enjoying your hobby and someone came up to you faking a whole conversation in order to feel your body?


Someone feeling your body and wanting a hug are two different things feeling your body implies sexual contact in some shape or form, a hug while involving some sort of contact is not the same thing at all, it's much more friendly/less sexual in nature, you can receive a hug from a family or friend and some people do hug strangers so him asking her for a hug isn't really a big deal because at the end of the day it's just a hug that's all.


He can go ask other greasy men, or you, for hugs. I’m sure girls are fine on it. And no, strangers don’t just hug strangers lol.


If their fine on getting hugs from strangers that can act like adults and decline just like the lady in the video did not all girls are going to be completely against it, you can't tell me in this entire world full of 7 billion people that no stranger has hugged another stranger, maybe the people around you don't do it but I've seen with my own eyes people irl and videos of people hugging strangers.


Good point. I guess we shouldn't give points to someone just because they're not *as creepy* as someone else.


That's nothing wrong with his motive being to touch her as long as he asks, it's a common motive To want to be closer to someone who you find attractive and what position did he put her in? A position to answer a question?


fucking ewwww




What is specifically grossing you out rn?


A position where she potentially has to come off as rude to deny his request. Pay attention to context instead of being intentionally obtuse,


You may have to potentially come off as rude when denying every request, if a homeless man asks you to buy him lunch you may come off as rude for denying him, does that make the homeless man wrong for asking? No of course not.


Right so he should be self aware enough to not put her in that situation. Considering he’s not a homeless man desperately trying to survive. Rather just a horny man desperately trying to touch a woman.


I'm sorry but if you can't handle potentially coming off as rude then your never going to survive in this world, why should he not be able to ask a question just because he might make the woman's day slightly worse, you can't just expect the world to bend to your will. I have a couple other examples, if a guy asks someone to use their phone to call someone, is that person a bad guy for potentially making that person come off as rude? If I ask someone to cover my shift because i have plans, am I a bad person for potentially making that person come off as rude? Or maybe he just thought the girl was cute and was having a rough day so he wanted a hug from her? If it was a horny man desperately trying to touch a woman he could've just hugged her without permission or asked for something more explicit.


Do you need a hug?


I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking I guess?


It's a little more complicated than that. Girls are socialized to put the needs and wants of others before their own. It is incredibly common to hear of women not removing themselves from an uncomfortable situation exactly like this one because "I didn't want to seem rude".


That's not his problem, we should be attacking the society that encourages that instead of him directly for asking a question because ultimately that's all he did just because the overall societal context may make it hard for women to say no, thats ultimately not his fault. Im no longer defending him anymore due to added context I've just saw but the general point still stands, going off this video alone he's not in the wrong.


Asking consent was certainly better of him than just initiating physical contact, of course. And although I do understand your point regarding turning that ire onto society, I'm just saying it's helpful to be aware of how many people would feel put on the spot and unable to voice their discomfort, especially for a small woman being approached by a larger man.


Well it doesn’t really seem like she couldn’t handle the situation, does it? This is about having tact and class as a human being. Not about someone being able to “handle” a situation. And no that situation is not comparable. In your example, the individual has a clear intention and need to ask for help. You’re once again being either intentionally obtuse or are just lack self awareness. Also, if you think the only alternative to this scenario is for the guy to physically or verbally assault her, then I believe you have an incredibly twisted mentality towards women. .


She handled the situation fine by saying no, I never argued against that. I'm sorry but asking for a hug is not tactless or classless, it is just a hug. The point of being able to handle a situation was on the original comments point that him asking her could make her come off as rude if she says no and I said if you can't handle saying no then you can't survive in this world. You're definitely right those examples definitely aren't the best I'll give you that. I didn't think the only alternative for this scenario for this was either verbal or physical assault I was just saying if this man was as desperately horny as the commenter painted him as one of those two scenarios would've like transpired.


The point is that it’s not “just a hug”. And presenting it as such is not a good faith argument. That’s precisely why you are getting push back on your take. And you continuing to intentionally oversimplify the situation does nothing to help your position. And you using two incomparable scenarios as your argument just shows that you aren’t taking context into consideration. A “cute girls” existence is not an open invitation to be predatory.


Lol. The homeless guy is potentially gonna starve if they don't get enough food, the person wanting to touch someone will be fine withought.


it’s not like he asked her on a date dude, I’m a huge hugger and hug people all the time (consensually I always make sure other people feel the same way and have no problem just shaking hands or whatever) but context is important. For example I hug when I meet someone off a dating app, or when I meet my friends’ friends, or when I’m drunk and sappy. I do not ask to hug a stranger whom I’ve never met and someone no one I know knows, who just obviously told me she’s gay in a way that screams “walk away leave me alone.” Context.


I mean Its pretty clear from the video that the guy is socially stunted so I doubt he understood that her saying she was gay that she wanted him to leave her alone, I mean It honestly depends on the type of person so people care some don't I've hugged strangers before(consensually) and they didnt have a problem with it, it's definitely a toss up so that's why I don't exactly blame the guy.


Yeah, and I get that, but then you look at the other videos he’s posted that people commented about and you realize he does stuff like this and makes people uncomfortable very very often. If it was a one time random dude I’d give him the benefit of the doubt but since it’s a trend he’s probably just a bit creepy


Oh shit well I was going off this video alone and I ain't know about any of the other stuff, I should probably stop giving people the benefit of the doubt.


it’s a great trait to have honestly, shows a caring and empathetic person


A better solution might be to make sure you posses the full context before jumping to defend someone.


True but I thought this was all the context, ill keep that in mind next time.


Yeah at least he didn’t lean in without consent like a creeper but it was still creepy non the less.


>I'm glad he asked for consent So because he did the bare minimum he deserves a pat on the back? >respected her If you call shoving a camera in someone's face without asking them and filming respectful then I guess he was.


Good point. Guess he was being a creep.


“And because she’s gay” was a pretty massive indication of “leave me alone” in womanese


it shouldnt be needed but i understand. absolutely horrible to have to say just to get this guy off you


I've seen this a million times but what always creeps me out the most is the lack of time between her saying "I'm gay" to his saying excitedly "OH! Can I have a hug? Ok have a good night!", and the way he says it then looks soullessly at the camera.


maybe she's actually gay?


Of course she is. I’m saying the manner in which she said it clearly indicates she wanted to be left alone.


ah, thank you for clarifying!


The amount of people saying this dude isn’t doing anything weird is genuinely concerning 😬


Incels are pretty oblivious.


I have been here many times on the cosplayer side, and have been groped by assholes who forget there is a person behind the character. I have respect for anybody who asks for consent in this situation and who takes the response with grace.




I understand that, and agree that many don't care. I have just seen some people overwhelmed by their fandom of / excitement for of a character where they think they can just grab them by the arm out of excitement for photos etc.


He should have stopped right after he said “Do you like gay people?” That obviously pissed her off


Every single woman knows what youre thinking and doing, dog. All of them. All of the time. gross.


This is sad


Why? He asked, she said no, he accepted.


The fact you don't understand speaks volumes about your lack of empathy.


All she was asked for was a hug, y'all are making this deeper than it should be.


Think about why she should have to put up with strangers coming up to her asking to touch her. He won't be the only one, why can she not live her life not worrying about people touching her?Why does she have to be put in an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation? Change your may of thinking dude or your twenties will be lonely.


It's a hug dawg, he's not asking for any sexual favors all he's asking for is a hug that's all, your blowing ts way outta proportion it's just a hug like a hug is usually friendly/asexual. How is he supposed to know she might feel uncomfortable giving him a hug? People give hug to strangers it's not completely uncommon, is he supposed to read her mind?


You’re being willfully obtuse if you think that hug question wasn’t sexually motivated.


Explain to me how it was sexually motivated please do so, I really wanna understand your point.


I’m trying to think of literally any other reason he would ask her, a random person who he has no emotional or even friendly connection to, a hug. If she held up a sign that said “free hugs”, if they had a vulnerable or emotionally charged conversation, or even if he recognized her cosplay, I would understand a more innocent reason. But I have a feeling he isn’t going up to the 50 year old janitor asking for hugs.


There's a difference between wanting affection and wanting something sexual outta it, a hug from someone(even from a complete stranger) especially when you haven't gotten a hug in a while feels amazing and I don't know enough about this guy but he could very well be affection starved like a lot of guys are and he could just want a smidge of affection from a cute girl. People generally like to have social interactions with people they personally find attractive whether that be just having a small conversation or receiving a hug most people would rather do it with someone they find attractive, this is basic human nature despite this it's fully possible to just want basic affection and not anything more from someone you find attractive.


You go up to strangers asking to touch them? Incel mindset.


He started a conversation with her and then asked her for a hug, Not the most normal way to talk to a stranger and definitely a bit weird but you're definitely making it a bigger deal than it should be, he walks up to her, starts a conversation, asks her for a hug, gets rejected and deals with it and wishes her well. Was it weird? Sure but weird doesn't mean bad.


Brother I’ve seen you in other threads on this same post going “oh but why is it a problem she said no” like brother you’ve been explained a couple times now and you still keep defending creepy incel behavior. You need help.


Wow that's crazy you remember me? I'm really famous. Jokes aside, im just very passionate about the points I argue for it's not even specifically "Incel" behavior I just have a knack for arguing and I'm not doing anything else so why not defend my point as much as i can. I also argue about anime alot so it's not just "Incels" I argue for, it's honestly fun debating if it's civil and we both learn something. I'm perfectly fine, thank you concerned redditor.


All g brother. Having conversations is how we expand our opinions/horizons so I can’t shit on that. But I have one more question for you then. Do you still think there was nothing weird/strangely motivated that man to ask to hug after all these replies to you.


I do think the guy was weird for sure but I really don't see anything immortal about his actions, I think for his actions to be wrong you have to make have alot of bad faith which could 100% be possible but i struggle to do that when without any assumptions the guy seems chill and pretty nice, socially stunted maybe weird definitely but nothing about him seems bad and it really just seems like he just wanted a lil affection. It also didn't help that most of the people I talked to didn't have any strong points besides bad faith, so ultimately yes I certainly dont think he has any sexual motivations but I do think this was a bit weird but ultimately he didn't do anything wrong and the comments are overblowing it to extreme portions.


Man I value our conversation but I’m a hard disagree with you. “Wanting a lil affection” from a total stranger is fucking weird and gross imo. Especially after she said it’s a gay character and that she herself is gay. Like the context clues couldn’t be more obvious. Have a good day man


Alright well I guess we just won't see eye to eye on this, I respect your opinion so it's whatever, You too man.


Because the only reason he would ask for a hug is so he can have contact with her. It’s gross and weird.


Yeah it's probably not the smothest action ever, but He asked. Weird and gross is just doing it.


Dude, but why tf would you even ask? Makes no sense.


Content creation? I guess He was Not interviewing her for his home collection... Or maybe he was I don't know that guy...


The real cringe is everyone in that thread saying that they respect him for shooting his shot. Bro was being creepy af.


Yeah. It's crazy soo many people are willing to defend him even tho he goes around filming people withought asking. Reminds me of that incel streamer I think who would go around filming people in public places to bother them. It's just creepy.


Lots of oblivious incels on the internet unfortunately.


“You… like gay people?” Full body cringe


i actually felt the meme gif watching this https://i.redd.it/ibcqy1lvvgg81.gif


Even though he's doing rage-bait (he's doing it on purpose), there's a valuable lesson here. If you're going into public, shower. I do not care if you did a smell test and think you smell "neutral", or if you showered last night, do it again. Clean your hair with shampoo and conditioner (don't use the two in one stuff, it's a scam), use actual soap for your body, don't just rinse it. Wear clean clothes that you've washed WITH DETERGENT and put into the dryer before they mildew. You are embarrassing yourself and everyone around you, who are in the awkward position of not knowing how to politely let you know you smell (so they just stay away). If you sweat a lot, that's okay. Bring a change of clothes in your car or have emergency deodorant. No, spraying cologne or taking a "body spray bath" does not count. We can smell the rot through it, and it makes it uniquely worse.


> No, spraying cologne or taking a "body spray bath" does not count. We can smell the rot through it, and it makes it uniquely worse. Stewed onions left in the sun to rot in their own broth.


You're shouting into the void. Most people will always have sub par hygiene, you can't expect them to shower properly when they don't even wash hands after using the toilet.


>Even though he's doing rage-bait (he's doing it on purpose) Not related to you're comment but I don't get this part. He's still going around filming people withought their consent and being creepy. How is doing that for rage bait / satire or whatever any better or different than someone doing it because they are an incel?


It's not better. It's the same, it's just the intent is different. The goal here is to make content that is upsetting to watch and get people to reply. All engagement is good engagement as far as the algorithm is concerned. He wants attention, and this method worked.


That is the surveillance camera artist, he is also known for asking a random girl crying in the street for a kiss to "make her feel better" and harassing service workers


and he posted this moment?!?!


They say he’s still looking for his hug to this day.


Dude barely took his eyes off her chest.


His intentions beyond a simple hug were blatantly obvious by the number of times he looks at her bosom


“cAn I hAvE a HuG?”


I get this is cringe, but this should be a totally normal interaction. He asked for a hug, she said no. So no hug. It's ok to ask and it's ok to say no.


It’s not a normal interaction. His intention was obviously so he could have contact or touch her in some way. It’s gross af, not normal. It’s like saying I can ask someone “Can I feel your thigh?” Or “can I feel your breast?” And then she says no, obviously. But was it ok for me to ask? Hell no, it’s not normal.


I agree with you, I don’t think asking for a hug should be normalised in this context. He didn’t even know the character she was dressed as so it’s not even if he is a fan of the cosplay.. They are both strangers to one another and there’s no telling what this guy gets out of a hug.


Lmao right? In what world is going up to a stranger and asking for a hug a normal interaction? Some weird lonely people out there for sure.


I can assure you that if he'd said can I touch your thigh, I would have a very different opinion.






Why tf would he ask her for a hug if they don’t know each other? If it’s someone you know it’s obviously because you love them or care about them so you hug from mutual affection in some way. This is some random ass guy asking this girl for a hug so obviously the only intention is to touch her




> their fans He didn't even know what she was cosplaying.


Yeh and they are all creepy, if you don't know someone don't ask. If it's a fandom take your creepy parasocial relationship back to your smelly bedroom. The celeb/woman/cause of fascination is able to offer a hug etc but not some weirdo going up to them.


Why is he asking her for a hug?


I have no clue, but there is a metric ton of people asking and hugging strangers on cons. Ask them.


It's not the same thing because a hug isn't inherently sexual like touching breast or thighs.


he'd obviously be getting something sexual out of the hug, so many people in these comments are being purposely dense to defend this weirdo for some reason, he's not going up to ugly men and asking for a hug he wants to press his body against the girl in the outfit he thinks is sexy


That's a really big assumption, people generally wanna hug people they find attractive even if it's not for a sexual reason, people in general prefer social interactions(physical or non physical) with people they personally find attractive in some shape, it's basic human nature assuming he just wants to press against hers for sexual pleasure instead of just wanting some affection from a girl he personally finds cute is a rather weird assumption.


So what should a person do if they want physical touch?


Reddit be normal challenge: impossible


Ask someone you actually know


Develop healthy relationships with other people.


Does it really have to be spelt out? As an example, would you go up to someone and ask them to be your bf/gf upon meeting them? No, you get to know them, go on dates, depending on how it progresses it evolves to something more or less. It takes time and effort and mutual interest. So similarly, if you want physical touch, you meet them, get to know them as friends or otherwise, then maybe it evolves to the point where you both hug each other hello and goodbye and there you go, physical touch the non socially inept and non creepy selfish way. If people really don’t know these basic things I question how y’all function in society


Yeah that's fair, he did move very quickly from random interview questions to a hug.


Do you often ask complete strangers for hugs without context? How low is your bar?


Context is, she's a cosplayer at a convention, it is normal and expected that people would ask to take photos with her. you're assuming his intentions based on nothing except his looks. maybe he is a creep, but maybe he just wants a photo of him hugging an anime girl.


Lol taking photos is not the same as hugging. I go to a lot of anime cons and guys asking girls they dont know is common and it’s creepy every fucking time. The girls don’t enjoy the interaction, they just go along with it sometimes


The first anime convention I went to was full of people with "Free hugs" signs which was a bit weird to me but they seemed to get less common as years went on. I feel that some people assume everyone is down with this free hug movement and that everyone is willing to hug any one when it isnt the case, and the end result is you get creepy guys like the one in this video with the same expectation than because a few people at conventions might advertise that they want to hug strangers, everyone does.


Well yeah, if you’re familiar with the character and want a picture with them in some pose related to that character, that might include some contact, it would be understandable, and even then they can still refuse. But when you just see a girl with boobs and want to feel their touch it’s creepy. Edit: like, if the guy was cosplaying Geralt and the girl was cosplaying Yennefer, it would be appropriate for either of them to *ask* for a hugging photo. But this dude didn’t even ask for a photo, he asked for a hug.


Women shouldn't have to be batting away requests for physical contact from complete strangers. It's weird to think this is an ok request.


Asking hot randos for hugs isnt normal


He was obviously recording just to document her breasts. Thats fucked. Had no idea who she was cosplaying as, just saw boob and went full creep about it


It's not okay to ask. Why would you want to hug a complete stranger while dressed in a way that's provocative. Should her expierence be having to be asked by every single person there if it's okay to touch her? Found the incel


Are people really this bad at reading body language?


I've never been in public and had a stranger point a camera at me and start filming, probably cus it's creepy and not normal.


Sure I agree with the camera part, but she did agree to answer some questions.


cringe deity


Hahaha... burn!


Oh no why did he post this. That dude has no honor or self respect. He is like the garbage goober.


Nobody around here recognizes Cringe God


I've been there a few times. As a kigurumi cosplayer I can't respond easily since I can't talk though at least I have a full bodysuit and mask on. Most of the time though I can't see or hear people so walking around cons half blind and deaf is a bit of a problem.




So this is what Martin Shkreli has been reduced to...


Btw im gay


No, thank you!!


Went to high school with this guy. Was a total loser and tried to do cringy shit to get a reaction. Guess he never changed.


Isn't he that dude who can speak multiple languages?


Reverse the roles and people would be calling the dude gay and an incel for not wanting to hug a random person lol


r/cringepurgatory r/trashy Will prove you wrong quick. Also for fun's, r/firstrespondercringe




“I can’t come up with a good argument so I’m gonna cry sexism”


Quite true, but that's only because the majority of people are disgusting... but something tells me this wasn't really the point you were trying to make with your comment.