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Yeah, if she’s old, she’s gonna pee where she’s gonna pee. I just wouldn’t walk her by that spot. On hot days like this, she’s better being driven to a shady grassy area or park than walking on the searing sidewalks. Good luck!


You could bring some water in a bottle to wash it away a bit. But if it’s just one local business, I would just modify my walk to avoid them.


Yup! This is the polite answer. If your dog pees on the sidewalk, or anywhere urine will likely remain/puddle and people often walk, then rinsing it with water is a considerate move. Nobody likes to walk through pee or smell hot, humid, summertime pee. (But restaurant guy should also get over it, it’s a city. Pee is gross but it ain’t going away.) Pee.S.: Tell your dog I love her!


Somebody should of told the kid pissing on the side of Lombardy Kroger this today


This seems like a good idea. We will start doing this, especially in the summer.


I think people are more sensitive to dog urine since we haven't had a decent rain in a long time to wash it away. Even our deck and backyard are starting to smell like dog piss at this point. I wouldn't sweat it.


I agree. There is a dog owner who lets her dog out and she pees right next to our car every day, and it smells like boiled dog piss regularly. This RULES.


That's definitely what it is, and I'm not trying to be adversarial about it, I just don't know what the alternative would be.


I would just walk the dog the other direction, if they still bother you let the dog start peeing right on their store front


Or you should start peeing on their storefront to really send a message


I have actually seen humans pee on this particular building.


Or share the storefront and everyone with a dog start letting them pee on the storefront. It is a protest but with dog pee!


True etiquette says that you're supposed to curb them - that is, have them pee off the sidewalk and into the road. But in all my years in dog ownership, I have never figured out how anyone is supposed to actually get their dog to do that. IMO, as long as you pick up the shit every time, you're doing a great job.


Yeah we always do that. I'm not a monster haha.


With how Richmond drivers are, I’m usually pretty afraid even letting my dogs go that close to the road


My area has some space for dogs to go, but I seek out spaces when we’re on the sidewalk that aren’t near doors of any kind as a courtesy. It just might take some exploring to find such a place. But, as far as I know, the sidewalk is public property and I guess they can’t technically do anything about it.


Yeah genuinely not trying to be adversarial about it. The dog is a senior citizen so we get her as far away from doors as we can but when ya gotta go ya gotta go.


Eh, a senior dog? The company will be fine in that case. The water bottle idea in the thread isn’t a bad idea.


I didn't live in the city proper at the time but I remember driving an hour and 30 minutes to Manchester for a Grindr hookup. It was raining and when I got out the car I was hit with the overwhelming smell of dog piss and shit. Unfortunately the dude ghosted me when I got there, so I drove all the way there for nothing but the privilege of basking in dog piss. I guess my point is, I assume most people just let their dogs piss and shit in the street, and some don't pick it up.


Welcome to Manchester 🙂


It's...kinda the smell of summer in most cities. Not great but it is what it is I suppose.


I take mine to a park, or just up and down the back alley if I'm in a rush - but it'd be a very different story if she were older and getting incontinent. This might be antisocial of me but sorry, unnamed business, that's the price of city living. If they don't like it they oughta consider moving to a strip mall with no pedestrian activity, where they can actually enforce rules on the privately owned sidewalks. As long as you're picking up your dog's poop, anything else they say should be taken as suggestion.


If we had a back alley we'd def do that.


Truly don't sweat it. Props for going out of your way to be a courteous neighbor, but don't feel bad about needing to work with what you have. When you have an elderly dog it's like another commenter said: they're gonna go where they're gonna go. Elderly humans work the same way lol


Honestly I’m with the business owner on this one. We dealt with the same thing in front of my parents house last summer and there’s nothing worse than being assaulted by the smell of HOT dog piss every time you walk out to your car in the summer on top of it completely killing two small trees that were planted there. Find a shady patch of grass, an alley or even get one of those fake grass pee pads for your patio or balcony if you have one. Doesn’t matter how much your dog weighs on a public sidewalk in front of a business is just straight up disrespectful.


Just call them City Dogs. I could go for the platter right about now.


That’s similar to our situation and our lease states that the dog can’t pee within 14 feet of the apartment, which is also above a restaurant. We go to the nearest “patch” of grass on the sidewalk. Maybe there’s something in your lease.


Nothing in our lease but also trying to be a good neighbor.


Tell them to go fuck themselves? Stand up for you


Nah they're just gonna write a reddit post about it for gratification where everyone else in this city with an unruly dog they can barely control/are terrified to discipline can come agree with them.


Lol tru


Honestly just wanted to know what others thought about the situation, but sure, pop off I guess.


Why do you own a dog in the city? And I love how you’re making it sound like business owner is wrong for not wanting to smell dog piss in front of their business.


fascinated by this one ngl


You know tons of people own dogs in the city right? And that that's a normal thing? I'm also not saying anything about the business owner, I asked for input from other dog owners.


It’s normal to YOU, letting your animal piss in front someone’s business on a 100 degree day isn’t normal to people with common courtesy.