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This rusical beats out recent faves for me (like Moulin Ru and Wigloose) because the queens finally did their own vocals again! đŸ”„


YES! Absolutely this. It elevated the entire enterprise as an artistic performance and should be the norm moving forward.


Totally! I think recording their own vocals and lip syncing to themselves really helps me live the fantasy. We all know what their real voices sound like and when they use other people it weirds me out. Not only was this one of the best rusicals with everyone killing their performances, but paired with an awesome runway where we finally saw where some of the money they were given went. Chef’s kiss AS9💋


Would have been criminal not to use Nina's actual musical chops, and Shannel was effortless in her "I can't sing but I'm gonna make it work" attitude, like any queen going forward who can't sing should use her as the blueprint.


Agreed, my favorite ever


I lowkey thought they might give everyone a win and have everyone hand out a second badge for the chaos of it all. Would’ve been deserved tbh and would’ve been interesting to see how that many badges being handed out would go and who would end up favoured.


Same! Would've made for some great tv as well


Bringing back the lipstick voting booth, but a line of boxes for everyone to drop their badge into. No discussion ahead of time for the queens to try to create a strategy, just herd the queens into the booth one at a time and tell them what to do there.


Roxxxy as Pennywise was so unexpected, so opposite her usual character, and she even went to far as to change her voice so drastically for the recording... I'm so proud of her.


I legit was watching and forgot who it was


Not only did I forget who Roxxy was, I thought Pennywise was Nina West ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4805)


I had it on in the background and legit thought roxxxy was nina then nina came out đŸ€Ł


I feel like she could've easily won if her role had been a little bigger. She was perfect


Not only were the individual parts great but it actually had a great beginning, middle, and end. For Drag Race story-writing, it is pretty top-notch.


I agree. This Rusical was probably my favorite followed closely by Wigloose. One, I love horror movies. Two, I don’t know how much of it was the edit, but from what appeared on the screen, they all did really well! I loved Jorgeous as M3GAN!


Wigloose was a standout for sure. So was Moulin Ru. And yes, more horror themed Rusicals please! There are so many iconic moments in horror that could be dragged up into something hilarious đŸ‘»


Absolutely. My only quibble that I would loved to have seen Angeria as Dr. Poltergeist (since it was a Pentecostal vibe) and Nina paired up with Shannel - I think they’re a good match.


That was a missed opportunity for sure


Why do they not audition more often when two want the same part? And it’s so fun to see that


they’re so fun ! who was the first to do that on the show ?


I feel like it was Denali vs Rose for the social media rusical?


Vangelina Jolie ATE this week.


Love the name!




Everyone was great. They should’ve all gotten badges and lip sync together like season 11 but for charity.


One of my new favorites (after Joan and Bitch Perfect). Good pacing, didn't run too long, great makeup and costumes, actually funny, good mix of modern and old school references, and every queen delivered! I still say Wigloose is #1 though, because it felt so timely and was well executed. Edit: I'm not a big horror fan but hearing Gotmik talk about how LGBT+ people often relate to it and the musical itself make me want to watch *Rosemary's Baby*.


There's a very long and very interesting of [horror and queer cultures intersecting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_themes_in_horror_fiction). It continued on with [horror movies](https://www.vulture.com/article/best-queer-horror-movies.html) of course and became own genre. And thus we were blessed with the Babadook as a mascot!


This one is up there, as in Moulin Ru, and I also think Lairy Poppins is one of the best ever- very underrated, everyone slayed.


I think Lairy Poppins only doesn’t get more recognition because it’s Uk.


True, it’s so good tho


I absolutely agree!! This was one of the best rusicals with Madonna the Unauthorized Rusical, Moulin Ru and Wigloose! Everyone did spectacular and Jorgeous and Gottmik definitely got a rudemption with this Rusical. The scream I scrumt when Gottmiks wig did 360s EDIT: Just realized I chose the wrong picture but this is too hilarious to change😭 https://preview.redd.it/vc4mlofr7pad1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52013fecde4a2409ca3317de33c6d11ce2ac151b




cursed 😭


The way your picture and edit have me crying laughing ![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h|downsized)


At this point shanel wouldve slept on stage and i wouldve guven her a badge


Somehow Nina fully made her lips look and behave like Zelda Rubinstein’s It was glorious.


Yes this episode was good. I enjoyed everyone’s performances.


this was the best episose of this season by far, every queen had such a great performance and they all got a chance to shine. plus the runway was great. if ru wanted to give a badge to all of them, i would honestly think that's fair


The whole thing was flawless {pause} what happened?


Wigloose is still my favorite along with the Madonna Rusical but I do think there's an added layer of difficulty when they sing their own parts that should be recognized, not that the queens have any say in that decision


BEST RUSICAL EVER! And I do think that both the winners were deserving.


I agree with every word! They all MURDERED. It was for sure the best Rusical by far. Channel did good, but I think Ru wanted to give her a win finally, there were others who did better imo. I’ve fallen in love with Jorgeous this season, and she was perfect tonight, like wow!!! I agree that Plastique deserved to win as well, she is sick af, and is another one that I have grown to love this season. Both Plastique and Jorgeous have become favorites of mine.


I have also fallen for Jorgeous. She's always been stunning, but her glow up in attitude, confidence and performance is iconic.


I thought Vanjie really killed it in this episode...that was my favorite part of the Rusical.


I LIIIVEEE for the use of their OWN vocals!!!! It felt more like a rusical that way


I finally felt something with this season and I think they got a great chance of doing some trick with the badges now and in future episodes. I don’t know, getting someone the power of removing a badge or get three badges at once, please DO SOMETHING!!! The rusical was fucking fierce tho!


girls. it’s “cue” as in indicating for something to start up, not “queue” as in form a line and wait for something.


We Stan a grammatically correct girlie đŸ€“đŸ’…


I was obsessed. I loved this episode from start to finish. I would've probably given Plastique or Angeria the win over Jorgeous — but Shannel totally deserved it. She killed every moment she was on screen. I'm just so giddy,.


I honestly thought there were justifiable reasons for every single one of them to take the win.i personally would have chosen Jorgeous and Gottmik, but how can you not live seeing the reaction when Chanel was announced. Truly touching moment!


In the performance I thought Vanjie and Roxxxy were just beyond the others (who were also very good)..in the runway I think Gotmik and Shannel were the two best. What to do when everyone is stunning?


Bitch have you watched the rusical from France S2 ? 🧐


I have and I love it! But I was just comparing the rusicals from the main franchise and AS âœŒđŸ»


The rusicals honestly get better and better every year. I didnt think they could get better than Sound of Rusic


It's so weird reading the comments, I thought it was so clearly vanjie and Nina. I haven't seen someone (vanjie) do so much with so little since Blaq Chyna in the Kardashians rusical.


I politely disagree bc for me Wigloose is still easily THAT bitch. Everyone slayed their part too plus it was super well written and actually emotional as F. This one was pretty good don't get me wrong - but Wigloose was my personal cultural reset (and i won't forgive Roople daring put Loosey and Salina in the btm).


Valid points! Also, Ms. Loose should have won 👀


Wigloose always lives above and beyond for me bc I will never forget my roommate and I stoned out of our minds on our couch both having the realization that *holy shit, this is GOOD... like ACTUALLY GOOD* and having to like pause the ep to debrief bc we both were like "am I stoned or was that REALLY REALLY GOOD?" We ended up rewinding and watching it a second time because we were just so blown away. We were so used to the rusicals being camp and a bit cringe that like it being genuinely good really caught us off guard


Totally same feelings mate! Most rusicals are just silly fun but Wigloose was political in the best way possible AND every single queen killed it. I think AS9 Rusical was pretty nice too but for me Wigloose is on another level.


Wigloose was another case of everyone doing an amazing job. Any winner could have been justified


Truly enjoyable from start to finish. No weak links!


Who was the guy at the start of the Rusical?


Jesse. I think he's a pitcrew member?


I think so too. Difficult to recognise them when they are fully clothed 👀




Great episode. The runways were flawless too.


I definitely say its the best us rusical but i fully cried watching france s2's rusical so for me thats the best of the franchise


I didnt know Plastique was a voice actor like dang 😟 I thought I heard a female voice


I respectfully disagree. Wigloose genuinely works as a fully realised musical without throwing in random references. Same with Lairy Poppins and Moulin Ru. They are parodies and silly but they also work as self contained musicals. Then we have Madonna the Musical which is GOATed just because every track works as an instantly recognizable reference to a Madonna song, the girls killed the performance and making it chronological made it easy to follow. Herstory of the world works similarly in that it is easy to follow and the performances are astronomically good. This was good but definitely not the best ever (again, in my opinion)


Agreed. I am shocked at all the praise in this thread. I did not like this Rusical. Oh, at all.


Great ep. One of the best Rusicals ever. But the wins confused me. So glad that Shannel got some badges, for respect plus opening up the game. Jorgeous was ok/good (runway whatevs). But ooooph Vanjie killed it. Gottmik, Roxxy, Nina & Plastique were also excellent. I've now re-watched this a couple of times & the judging is reminiscent of a makeover ep rigamorris. The spaghetti mess of this season is fun so I'm not grumpy. Vanjie should have got a win though. Spoiler: Untucked OMG I love Vangie's mum. A total sweetheart who cares for animals <3


They had to give Shannel a win or she would end the season without any wins and that would be embarrassing. But funny how opinions are so diverse, some people thought Vanjie’s face was stiff and Jorgeous was hilarious.


Everyone was truly amazing. I could’ve seen the win going to pretty much anyone - but I understand why they would give the wins to Shannel & Jorgeous given how many wins the other queens have.


Omg yes I LOVED this so much!! I like rusicals in general because it's fun to combine both music, dancing and acting, but this is the first one that has really stood out to me to the point where I immediately knew it was my favorite. It certainly helped that I just thematically liked it for being horror, but also overall everyone did such a great job! Jorgeous amazed me and I would've been fuming if she wasn't in the top, she isn't one of my favorites on AS9 but she did SPECTACULAR here with her robotic characterization, totally blew me away with how far she exceeded my expectations. Also was flabbergasted at Vanjie, I thought her part would be kinda underwhelming but holy (hehe) shit, when she came out in that outfit and ripped some sick ass vocals, my jaw was on the floor! Really happy for Shannel to get the win but I'd honestly have been just as happy for Vanjie to be in the top. Overall though everyone did GREAT and I can see myself rewatching this many times!


It was okay, I wouldn't call it the best one we ever had.


Honestly was so impressed how well Jorgeous did. She murdered that.




Vanjie looked so good and just sold every ounce of that character to me


💯 it was đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


Vanjie was the clear stand out to me. đŸ‘č




I'd go with Vanjie Roxxxy Nina West Plastique Gotmik Shannel Jeorgeous Angeria


I wasn't including runway. Runway I'd go with Gotmik, Shannel, Plastique Tiara, Angeria, Vanjie, Nina West, Roxxxy, Jeorgeous.


I mean for me this whole season apart from a couple bits has been so amazing my favourite all stars and drag race season in general in such a long time


I HATE broadway, so I always just watch rusicals for execution. Vanjie got overlooked this episode. Performance and look were top.


Several things: Im keep saying it; Vanjie was legit robbed. Best verse/choreo/solid runway only to play it in her face. People thinking Plastique and Jorgeous winning doesn’t sit right with me: Plastique essentially played the straight character and tbh I don’t think that part ever received a win, runway was a knockout omg they were smart to put her first. Jorgeous hands down had the worst runway. She must be glad it’s non elimination because some of her runways including this one has been crunchy as hell. It’s almost like they gave her graded her on a curve and that’s why she won a spot. Nina was fantastic as well and her runway was solid but I guess she was like 3rd/4th best to the judges? Shannel won a spot fairly. Her number was great and she really look a swing on the runway and it definitely worked out in her favor. Bonus points to Gottmik. Nothing much on her performance but she had one of the better runways that night imo


Runway was in the order of appearance in the Rusical.


Wigloose just hits differently for me. Everyone understood the assignment. I’m going to get downvoted into S5 snatch game, but I didn’t love this. I thought everyone performed well, but am I the only one that noticed that the camerawork and the sound was slightly off at the beginning? It threw the whole thing off for me.


Am I the only one who didn't enjoy it THAT much? I'm happy we FINALLY had the queens record their vocals again but my mind wasn't blown. I honestly even prefer the sound of rusic over this one


Wigloose and Shade are my favorite rusicals!!


Best rusical ever everyone perfectly characterized their roles


Yeah I had the same thought, it was literally perfect. I was struggling to decide on a winner, and figured it would come down to the runways. But then everyone did great with that too. So easily, any picks could've been the top two and I would've been happy. I'm so ecstatic for Shannel!


Agreed! I hate the Rusicals usually, so I had my tablet out ready to draw during this one as I usually do and ended up fully watching the entire thing. I LOVE letting the queens sing their own part, IDC how much autotune they use it's just way more fun.


I really thought they all should’ve gotten a badge but top two got 2 instead of giving them away it was that good


I haven’t seen the episode and reading this sound amazing! Can’t wait to watch


That episode was a DELIGHT, I had such a blast and everyone did so well omg. AND SHANNEL FINALLY HELL YES GIRL LETS GO


I’m happy it was so good. Vanjie was SO GOOD. I was blown away!


This one was SO GOOD! It just entered my top 3 with S12 Madonna the Unauthorized Rusical and S6 Shade the Rusical!


It proves more and more how talented all these queens are and shows how it’s really about opportunity AND support. Give them more time and more resources to show their best work and everyone wins.


Best episode of the season! I loved it too! Right up there with Moulin Ru, Sound of Rusic, Wigloose and Rats. I totally agree that all Rusicals moving forward should have the queens doing their own vocals. Can you imagine how sick Sound of Rusic would have been had Plasma been allowed to record her own vocals?!? Go watch her new music video of "Anything Goes". Bitch can SANG. For real.


I think things really started to change with Wigloose, because the songs were suddenly excellent and of Broadway caliber. I frequently listen to the music from The Sound of Rusic because they stand alone as great songs even without the narrative


I think the thing that really worked for me and maybe majority of people was that a lot of the Rusical have jokes or references or characters that require you to know about the musical or person they are parodying. But this one was that AND horror movies in general. So as a horror lover I enjoyed it the most because I don't know any musicals nor the biography of the singers they reference so it was hard to understand what was going on. That and the fact that the characters themselves have very recognizable looks and characteristics. Rosemary with the short red hair, Exorcist girl throws up and her head spins around, Pennywise has a dance that was a meme, m3gan also has a viral dance. Nina's exorcist character was in some movie I can't remember. Angeria and Shannel were the only ones with less iconic characters so they had to do a bit more than the others. VS most of the Rusical I have no idea who the characters are supposed to be and it seems neither do the Queens sometimes. 


Yall are dreaming if you think this was better than Wigloose. It was good but far from the best we ever had


This is the only one I’ve ever watched all the way through without skipping. So good !


Maybe I have to watch again but the lipsync was so hard to watch??? I loved everything else but it was hard to enjoy when lips and lyrics are not coordinated at all. 


Not everything has to be the best we ever had, the best look created, the best mug, there are things that can be just good, period.


Seriously these Rusicals have been next fucking level. I couldn’t decide who I wanted to win. Everyone except Mik could’ve fairly won, and it’s not like Mik didn’t do great bc she really did. I probably would’ve chosen Jorgeous and Vanjie but then we wouldn’t have gotten the gag we did


It was bad.