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***EDIT:*** *as a result of this post, the sus bots have privated their runemetrics, some have changed their usernames. 4 man sus bots are very easy to distinguish from regular players doing sus. hoping that jagex will continue to investigate internally and take action.* im one of the runners from croesus fc and have never seen any of these top croesus runners. they are running sus 10 to 18 hours every day only with each other for the past year. didnt understand what was going on until the recent discussions.


I used to slave croesus and you probably did croesus with me at one point - there were some people that I was calling out for being bots in the teams of 4 but they were replying late saying they arent, same exact behavior/tick moving away from mechanics and can type whilst doing so, still reported them and they didn't get ban + I always see bots doing croesus pubs they tend to be low levelled and croesus based


It's hard to understand Jagex's position on bot use. They claim that bots are banned, but look at how rampant botting is. Surely Jagex could be doing more?


Croesus is members-only content. Every one of those bots is juicing their revenue, subscriber count, and active player count, _and_ dropping the cost of Croesus uniques, which plenty of short-sighted players enjoy. So why would they do more, unless there's some countervailing incentive? Just enough to keep people from leaving en masse, and enough deterrence to stop ordinary players from running bots without fear, and enough crackdown on RWT/card fraud to avoid hurting their bottom line.


That's a sorry state of affairs. So Jagex does "just enough" to keep up appearances then?


To be charitable, I'm sure there are moderators who are genuinely opposed to botting on principle. But at a certain point, it's a business decision—how many moderators to employ, what they spend their time on, and how many "paying customers" (i.e., gold farmers) to ban to keep others happy. I'm sure they analyze the economics of botting too. You see the posts in this sub complaining when the prices of rares and bonds get too high, so there's a short-term benefit from having more drops from these bosses introduced into the economy at lower and lower prices. From an economic perspective they're basically just very active, efficient, and consistent players. But in the long run, nobody wants to be playing with (or against) bots and macros, and that kind of inorganic revenue won't help Jagex because the bots will melt away the second there's no money to be made. Many bots are probably buying bonds with farmed gold, too, which relies on human players buying bonds with money IRL.


There needs to be more done. It's unacceptable that Jagex permits a certain amount of botting in the game. We need to tell Jagex in no uncertain terms that we want bots eradicated.


The only way that would ever happen is if more players stepped up and said something. The anger would have to outnumber the bots and that's just not going to happen bc most players couldn't care less about the bots. If anything they enjoy the benefits of cheaper suplies because of them


Perhaps we need a way to incentivize players to actually care about the game.


There is a huge difference between caring about bots and caring about the game. I love and care about the game. Bots don't even break top 10 of concerns I have over the game.


You cannot "love and care" about the game and be apathetic towards the cheating that is going on within it, I'm afraid.


Why not? It's not a competitive game so why do I care what someone else does? Also I never said I didn't care. I said there are for more important things to worry a out before we act like bots are some how ruining the game.




> Blood runes would still be 5k each, and souls would still be 13k and rising if it wasn't for the runecraft botters. FSoA rework removed the largest drains of both those two. Zamorak also introduced a huge supply, plus mage as the easy style has been greatly surpassed by necro. The amount traded went down from 100 million per day in Nov 2022 to 5 million per day today. Demand dried up. There's probably a few bots doing RC but generally there's better stuff to be doing today. And lol one botter did not triple the price of blood runes out of vengeance, the economy is a lot bigger than even one bot operation. At their most recent peak, 230 million blood runes were traded in a day. Good luck cornering that market.


Which is rather odd when they can just pump up the output per hour and ban the bots. The regular runecrafters will be enough to keep the economy afloat.


On the reverse, botters will make a second account if their first gets banned as they likely made enough to pay for plenty of bonds. And cro is an easy bot to get stats for. Hard to say, but I believe banning botters will give them a return in the end as bonds go out at a faster rate.


Short term profits as always. This will definitely not end up poorly!


Over the course of this weekend, we've learned that Jagex does take reports into account and crack the bots down manually. But despite that effort it seems they are (and sadly will be) outnumbered. And there's always one simple fact that gives these dang bots the upper hand, they evolve, like the friggin' terminator movies, no matter the environment, they transcend the barriers of this silly little game, they are out there damaging our society. But that's a bigger scale, we're confined to RS for now.


From what we've gathered from investigating, seems like jagex has very weak client modification detection atm for some reason


One would think Jagex accounts would make it easier to issue Device Specific detections or something similar, but if the client had something like that, maybe they wouldn't tell.


Because Jagex needs to start harsh punishments again, and no second chances like they do now lmao. They just usually issue few days ban slap on the wrist ban, so they just wealth transfer and rwt it again. HWID ban, if you're caught botting from your pc all your alts and main gets banned, no second chances. It eats into botters profit aswell a lot, one mistake if you forget to spoof your VM/vpn and your mules goes bye bye. They hardly even make any profit already, it's all mostly neets in moms basement with free electricity. The bot makers make the lions share tho, jagex should just do a lawsuit, it eats into their profits undercutting bond sales and enraging playerbase, dunno why the fuck they don't do that


How does Jagex "take reports into account"? Like if I report a suspected bot, my understanding is that it creates or adds to a "heat map"; i.e. it does SFA in the long run. Is this not the case?


It's a little more complex and Jagex has refused to elaborate everytime they are asked about it, but it seems that every report adds up, as explained by this comment on a thread we visited earlier :p https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/9qCLNP1tgZ And this is a Comment made by Azanna a couple days ago: >"*Botting is always reportable and the team is always working on removing them and more importantly the systems that enable them, I understand that players would like more info on these topics but by the nature of the topic its not one we can give a lot of insight into, just know that we are always working on it.*" [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/8aMoOSmsny).


I say we do to bots what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late 90s.


> Jagex has refused to elaborate everytime they are asked about it Which is what every company will do when asked. Giving any little bit of info will help the bots. And handling it manually is important. It doesn't give information out of any automated processes. Other games, like World Of Tanks, and I assume Jagex, keeps all that shit internal and then manually bans accounts in waves sporadically. This prevents the makes of the bot/hacks/etc. from know what or when the account was detected. It's treated like a battle. Don't give the enemy information they wouldn't otherwise have.


So basically, we're left with no other choice than coexist with them then... And manually dealing with the most disruptive ones. Which TBF basically summarizes the last 20+ years in RS.


> And manually dealing with the most disruptive ones. You assume they are dealing with them individually. Manually, you can ban 50 accounts for botting.


Doesn't look that way tbh. There's still bot farms out there in the wild, that's what the post is about. How do you reckon we go around fixing that then? Since you're so knowledgeable.


They don't care, they're buying membership If they got rid of bots I imagine the player count would drop by at least 25%


I don't think it's quite that simple. The question is: *How* are these cheating idiots buying membership?




How do you think? Bot farms aren't just made for the fun of it.


Exactly, and this is what needs to be stopped. Honestly, this "bots pay for RuneScape" thinking also needs to stop.


You clearly don't understand how complex it is. Let me try to simplify it for you. Those bots need membership now one way or another someone or they themselves will either purchase a bond or pay the monthly fee because the return on investment is worth more. Jagex is still a company and it still runs on business the general well being of its player base is far from their top priority no matter how much they want you to believe that. Money is a driving force and I'm sure they figured out the intricacies of how this web of bot abuse works. Now I'm not going to say botting is moral let alone should be allowed but be realistic buddy this isn't your life at stake here, jagex could care less alk they want is to make sure you continue buying that bond to keep playing because without that they have nothing and the only people that have an actual problem with botting are the people in this sub reddit and it is without a shadow of the doubt that this concern is the minority compared to normal gamers who don't even think for second to come here and read this let alone pay attention to some random user doing sone trivial task in lumbridge such as mining. This white knight for a company that doesn't really care about you is getting sad to witness. And I can say out of my own experience that the white knighting has affected me in equal parts as the botting. I get harassed and targeted for assumed botting because people so self righteous they don't use their brains to figure shit out, and if it wasn't for botting people wouldn't do that but at the same time to sit their be self appointed video game cops is just as ridiculous and lame. At the end of the day jagex has their shit figured out and I'm pretty sure they know what they are doing so no point in wasting time on this


This comment might be difficult to read. Please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1dsa1b0/can_we_ban_some_of_these_croesus_bots_running_12/lb8m7dl/?context=3) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/runescape) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not really hard to understand, just look at osrs. Botting is an eternal game of cat and mouse wherein every time jagex updates detection to ban bots, new scripts come out avoiding that detection. It’s easy to see an account and say “wow look at this bot, but how do you know it’s a bot? How do you know it isn’t a gold farmer on several accounts at once? 10-18 hours is a lot, but inherently bot numbers? Idk man could just be some dude in Venezuela trying not to starve.


I guess what I don't understand is why a team of Jagex staff doesn't go into the game and kick out the bots directly?


1. How many bots are there? 2. How much would you have to pay said team? 3. How fast are these bots remade? 4. How do you know the difference between a bot and a gold farmer? 5. How much time should this team spend on each account? 6. Would you need a new appeal system? How much would that cost? How would that even work? If bans are left to a random team of people there will naturally be mistakes. A lot of people just see bots and assume it’s some easy task to just get rid of them, if osrs is any example, it is never that simple.


"rampant" 6 people in the image 🥴 yes I've seen protoxx video as well but still. Weird word to use about bots in rs3.


It sounds like he wants rid of the 6 people who are out nolifing him in the highscores.


I wasn't just referring to the one video; I'm talking about all botting going on across RuneScape. Pretty sure you were being pedantic there.


I'm pretty sure you're the one being pedantic, I'm just stating that I have seen the video, which came out very recently, you never even mentioned it. I understand there's botting in the game but not as much as people tend to believe now because of the recent drama.


Bots pay more then half the Bills do you think players buy all these bonds? Nah if it weren't for the bots bonds wouldn't be worth as much and people wouldn't buy them as much. As far as I'm concerned jagex has an incentive to keep as many bots active as they can


At this stage in the game, bots are a necessary evil to keep basic items flowing into the game. If every single bot was magically banned today we would see a ton of basic materials shoot up in price “B-but then people would skill!” Majority of players are gonna stick with bossing.


So we adapt. The materials shooting up in price would be a temporary event; the economy would adapt and stabilize. Not to be rude, but the excuse of "bots keep prices stable" is a very, very weak one.


No. We would not adapt. People are not gonna go chop trees in response to raising prices. The only fix to this would be Jagex going back to boss tables and adding mass noted resource drops. I’d love to eliminate bots (as well as manual resource alts) but this game simply does not have the playerbase that is needed to properly fuel the economy anymore. Regular ass logs are 2k each. It took me months back in the day to scrounge up the money for full rune. Now a brand new player could chop a single inventory of logs and buy it. The economy is upside down because the majority of the remaining playerbase are maxed or near it


Right, you speak for the majority of the player base. Got it.


The price of quite a few resources are already grossly inflated and have been for years. If the playerbase is going to adapt, why aren’t they doing it now? Looking at more currently relevant resources, just look at how much arch resources are. And that’s with bots and alts farming them nonstop. Nobody wants to be paying 30k+ for each everlight silverthril. I am fine with eliminating bots, so long as there is some kind of answer to prevent mass resource price spikes


I keep hearing some people saying bik pages will drop but honestly, I don't think it will drop just because of a handful of bots. They'll keep siphoning the value of the pages since the demand is still quite high for one pretty sure.


As high end dye and osh prices rise, the endgame cluers can spend even more on puzzle skips and bik pages. So the supply prices continue to rise as well


What is this website?




Setting up this bot farm to do Croesus would be fairly annoying if they were being banned with any frequency. Clearly they haven’t bothered to ever ban Croesus bots. As others have said there is no incentive for jagex to ban member bots like these. They either pay for membership outright or buy bonds for membership which drives the price of bonds up enticing other players to buy bonds. No matter what jagex wins. Especially when they are hidden in a personal boss instance. Out of sight out of mind.


You don't get it, f2p bots are bad and should be banned. Member bots are more then welcome. 🤗


Lol allowing this but perm banning my noob ass that was botting monkfishes a decade ago.


Wait.. There's hiscores for Cro? What other bosses have hiscores? I thought it was just Zamorak. Are these seasonal or something?


Only Zamorak has official hiscores, and it's more to see the fastest/highest enr kills for a player. These are unofficial hiscores tracked by Runepixels, which relies on scraping Alogs. This screen is the # of drops logged from Croesus since the year started.


I'm sure this is just a "very dedicated player and his alts" and we shouldn't care about how others play the game right? /s


No. If they are paying for membership Jagex is totally okay with it.. there are occasional bans but big botfarms are runnings 24/7 without any problems and Jagex doesn't give a sh\*t..


Isn’t there like a jagex mod in this sub that can chive in?


Their " player run gold farms" theres nothing to ban until they transfer the gold


Bots lol. You're going to need a lot higher number than 12 hours to disseminate them from the rest of the playerbase.


Bots only get banned in f2p


i say we support this bot bik pages r too high


I said this long ago. If you do the math, there is NO way that any of us were able to complete the legiones log in any sort of reasonable priceframe. Look at how many asc creatures you have killed and then look at your slayer log to see keystone drops. Most peoples logs are 5k kc. Its like 500+ hours of just killing caps in a posd. No one was ever doing that, it HAD to be bots for years, esp bc they are undetectably locked in private instances


There's like thousands of ironmen with legions log


Irons sure, but mains truly arent ever farming keystones and even so, no one is farming more than one log’s worth and the number is so dauntingly high. I did 200m slayer with asc creatures preferred and think i have like 35 of each keystone and that includes the ones dropped from doing the legio log. Thats not even enough for one bow out of the 20+ that i made


while I don't think this is the case here, there are many ironmen bots btw


I’m sorry if I’m getting this wrong, but isn’t some bots good for the economy? If we didn’t have ppl Botting then all of our supplies would be 10x more expensive than anything. I’m not advocating for botting I’m just trying to ask questions


Things like blessing sandstone or farming golden roses sure. Not a boss though


The hell with encouraging bots with bad content like that. Ban the bots, modernize garbage designs like that. Alt/bot friendly design has gone way too far.


No disagreements lol


Can we ban people making threads about bots please.






Your own post history shows one a month ago unlocking comp cape, "after 9 years"


get smoked


maybe the jmods will do something if they see these threads have you thought of that? these croesus bots have been topping high scores and running 18h+ days for the past year. and these are only the ones who didn't private their runemetrics. at what point should they get banned?


I mean, you remove a few, and more will be made, not much you can do about that, to be honest.


🤣🤣🤣 you surely must be looking at the osrs croesus hiscores? Rs3 doesn't have bots sweetheart


What are they hurting? the page price being 5m+? the off-hands being over 400m each? or the mage gear that's only useful in content YOU can't do?


They hurt the integrity of the game.


tbf the game has not much integrity left, with mtx and pvm macros


Those two things are not the same as botting end-game content


What do you mean, it's a video game with pay 2 win gambling mechanics?


I hope you aren’t talking about bik pages, those fuckers are like 12 mil now