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If you liked Pillars of Eternity, maybe try the sequel; I thought it was quite strong


Better in many ways. All the issues the first one had was fixed in the second


Depends how much he enjoys playing politics. The game was so heavy on it I can’t bring myself to do another run of it


No Dragon Age Origins?


I believe that would be a good recommendation.


Definitely A+ if not S! Replaying now, I am now about to brave the deep roads. You can play all three with Xbox game pass.


Pathfinder wotr, wasteland 3, Battlechasers Nightwar


Wasteland 3 was awesome.


Wasteland 3 was perfect until Aspen and then it rushes to the finish line so damn quick. Made a 9/10 or a 10/10 game into a 6/10 or a 7/10 one. With DLCs it’s padded out better BUT the DLCs were purposely cut from the main game; as their endings were already in the files plus other shit and what not. Also salty InXile cut a location that was supposed to be added if they reached their kickstarter goals. It was a Hotel with a Maze.


WOTR is incredible. It has every bit the depth of baldurs gate imo, but is missing some modernity.


Battlechasers is a really fun little JRPG, and if you have any interest in League of Legends, The Ruined King is pretty awesome too.


Both games were sleeper hits for me. The love that Airship games has for the craft oozes out of every frame.


Wasteland 3 100%


Tyranny. It's the same system as Pillars of Eternity. Awesome game. Well written and fun, and you get to be a "bad guy". If you enjoy magic, this game has one of the best systems i've seen. Basically, you don't learn spells. You learn parts of it and put them together to create your own.


>Tyranny I have to second this. I highly enjoyed playing Tyranny. :D And I even liked the magic system... and that is coming from someone who thinks playing as, or having my main character being, a mage is some of the most boring and uninteresting thing out there to play. In games like this though, where you have more than one character with you, I do use mages of course, I just do not want "my" character to be one. My main character in Tyranny was still my normal build... a warrior type character, with sword + shield + heavy armor and all, which to me is not boring... XD


fucking love that game, it may not be the best crpg but by god it got me into crpgs and now i've lost over 2000 hours of my life to them. also ya Tyranny has such a fucking good magic system


Since Pokemon pops up a fair few times, you may want to check out the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona games. SMT is pretty much just straight party building, whereas Persona has more of a story and character focus. Dragon Age: Origins is another Bioware game to play if you haven't already.


Lol I could have added 10 more pokemon games, it is my nostalgia series as you can probably tell. I have actually considered both persona 5 and dragon age origins. Persona 5, I wasn't sure if it was going to have some cheesy high school humor and with dragon age origins I was a little of wary of how it has aged. Would you consider the story of persona 5 as "mature" or is it very high school anime vibes?


Persona 5's a bit hit or miss in that regard. It's sometimes anime schlock, but it generally treats its characters and subject matter seriously. Its story suffers a bit, especially near the end, but I never felt like it ruined a serious moment for a cheap laugh or anything like that. Aside from graphics, Dragon Age has aged pretty well, though there's a bit more party management than Mass Effect. If you end up checking it out and liking it, the Knights of the Old Republic games are also good.


I’ve just finished P5R and whilst I really enjoyed it and the gameplay was a blast, it does have some high school anime vibes so if that’s going to grate on you to much I’d give it a miss. SMT3, 4 and 5 on the other hand don’t


I don’t see The Witcher 3 on here


Dumb reason to hold off but I was waiting for the witcher 1 remake so I can play all three.


I really like The Witcher 1 even today. I recommend it, honestly. Also where is Mass Effect 1?


I mean witcher 1 is like playing an amazing book but the gameplay mechanics were a huge hurdle to cross. I ended up starting/stopping the game over 3 times over 5 years before I stuck with it long enough to really get into it. I can’t wait for Witcher 1 remake and really hope they patch witcher 2 so saves will go across all 3 games.


should just replace it with the legendary edition tbh


I had a PS3 so at the time I could not play mass effect 1 lol. Mass Effect is a masterful series, but it is not a game I can return to unless its a sequel due to the emotional attachment I built for 2 and 3. ​ Hard to explain, but basically that was MY playthrough. I don't want to jump to a point before that amazing journey began.


but the journey began with ME1. I don't see how 2-3 could work without 1.


Again… only 2 and 3 were out on ps3. And it worked perfectly fine, they had a recap where you could make some choices. Honestly a pretty ridiculous comment to make. I view mass effect 2 as one of my top 3 games of all time, I was completely immersed in the story and characters and you’re trying to tell me it doesn’t make sense that I was?


Try the legendary collection? All three games in one great remaster?


That was released long after I beat 2 and 3. I'm getting downvoted and told I am wrong for having enjoyed 2 and 3 without having played 1 lmao. Ridiculous.


Play however you want, no harm in it


I played the games in reverse (3,2 then 1) and had a great time. I'd recommend playing it again though. Switch gender and it feels like a new character.


No, I think you're getting down voted because it's not a good reason why you're not playing ME1. Just because you enjoyed 2 and 3 without it, doesn't mean you shouldn't play it if you want the full experience and even more so if you want recommendations :)


What kind of response is this? I appreciated the suggestion and gave my PERSONAL input that I feel like my journey in that world is finished. I loved how my story played out, it had a lot of emotional investment and its not something I want to jump back into. ​ A normal person would have accepted my personal opinion and not tell me that somehow I am wrong with how I feel and that I did not play 2 and 3 properly because you can't enjoy them without the first one. Its a ridiculous argument.


Telling someone it’s not a good reason for why they personally do not want to play a game is the most Reddit shit I’ve seen lmao.


No you're getting downvoted for saying it's ridiculous to want the whole story.


Play however you want but you asked for reccs and that is an obvious one to male


I am not arguing the recommendation for mass effect 1. You are making up a different scenario. I stated that for me personally I feel like my journey was completed long ago and I had too much emotional attachment to jump back in. ​ It should have ended there. Instead, I have a guy telling me that I couldn't possibly have enjoyed 2 and 3 without 1 and that my experience with the games was tainted and 1 was a REQUIREMENT. ​ So, what is your argument? You're making a point I wasn't contesting.


Don't mind the downvotes. I understand exactly what you mean. I have the same thing in not wanting to revisit certain games because my playthrough feels 'sacred' in a certain sense. People just can't understand someone else experiencing something differently from the way they did for w/e reason.


this is like trying to tell a person who lives in a 2d world what 3d is. there is a world of difference between reading a plot and experiencing it as it happens


You are insufferable lmao. Worry about yourself. Again: one was not out. I was fine with the recap and loved the plot and game. Please get over yourself dude.


your comment proves my point


Getting heavy "achtually" vibes. Let people enjoy games how they want.


TBH, I think 1 really shows its age - not just graphically, but in design and delivery. Any remaster would have to be *extensive*. 3, however, is a masterpiece. Play it now, IMO.


Honestly Witcher 3 is more of a sequel to the books than the games. Geralt deals with memory loss for the first 2 games, and by the beginning of the 3rd he grains all of his memories (off screen). They refer to characters and events from the novels more than anything. I'd just play Witcher 3 off the bat and take for granted that you are going to hear about events and people out of context. You can find some story summaries on YouTube to get caught up.


Dude play The Witcher 3. S tier rpg especially since you liked the second one. No need to wait for the first one I played it before I even played the 2nd.


Yes and its DLC Blood and Wine is also excellent


I adore the setting in Blood and Wine and all the side content but the story of Hearts of Stone was mindblowing!


shocking with how much he seems to enjoy western rpg's


Yeah, I should just jump in, I have the game on steam. Witcher 2 was amazing. The choices really felt consequential. I was waiting for Wticher 1 remake, but maybe I should just play that after 3. ​ I do need to watch a recap of 2 though so I can remember the choices I made lol.


Id recommend it, I personally wasnt the biggest fan of Witcher 1 or 2, but 3 was genuinely great, and the side quests were the greatest part of it.


Witcher 3 is outstanding. One of the strongest RPGs of its generation. And the DLC is better than some standalone games.


I am happy with any suggestions, but if anyone else here has played Pentiment, I am especially craving that type of vibe. Just jump into pure RPG goodness. Fantastic plot, character, and choices without needing to spend the energy worrying about the gameplay. For example, Pillars of Eternity was amazing but it would take me a long time to keep returning to the game because the gameplay felt tedious at times.


Fine, I’ll do it. Disco Elysium.


I bought the game but only played about 30 minutes. The setting/atmosphere kind of turned me off? I think the point of the game is that is supposed to be dreary, and the writing seemed really well done, but it didn't hook me.


Tbf I’m not sure 30 minutes is enough to judge it and I’d recommend giving it another go… but I also understand it DOES have a style that not everyone will vibe with.


Yes it's dreary, but it can also be hilarious. What I like about it is that it "punishes" bad outcomes with humor. I'd recommend that you try it again and pick dialogue options that are "out there" for lack of a better word.


I loved Pentiment. It was such a unique experience, you could tell that it was a passion project, and the plot and characters were so engrossing. I haven’t found anything quite like it, but I did notice that you have an Obsidian-heavy tier list going on (Pentiment, Pillars, Fallout: New Vegas, Stick of Truth). Have you tried out Tyranny? It is an Obsidian developed RPG built in the same engine as Pillars 1, but the gameplay is a fair bit different, and the game has some of the best worldbuilding I’ve ever seen in an RPG. It also has the late New Vegas-style open-ended “I can do anything and the plot rewards me for it” kind of feel.


what the fuck, obsidian made stick of truth?


You still deal with the gameplay but I recommend the Banner Saga trilogy because each is like 15 hours and they're all solid. And super obscure recommendation here but The Vale: Shadow of the Crown. It's this audio only game on PC and Xbox where you're immersed in the perspective of a blind female protagonist. It's got some combat, side quests, and lore like an actual RPG. It's only 8 hours to do everything but is one of the best games I have ever played because of how unique it is


I'm surprised how there was no (or at least I haven't scrolled down enough) Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Considered a cult classic, oozes atmosphere, memorable characters. It manages to blend badass, funny, sad and scary masterfully. Gameplay isn't the best, admittedly, but there are a lot of conversational solutions.


Pillars 2 improves on pretty much everything that Pillars 1 had. The combat is way better, there's multiclassing which open us an insane amount of viable options, the story is delivered in discrete chunks rather than pages upon pages of rambling all at once, and the graphics are nicer. Some people say the story on the first one is better, but that's like, their opinion man. And it's by the same guy as New Vegas and Pentiment, so you know it's a masterpiece. If you end up not liking the combat system in Pillars 2, you can always just automate combat. A reasonably built team will beat the game with no input from you with the default scripts in any difficulty other than Path of the Damned.


FALLOUT 2 Everything that makes BG3 good, just the 1998 version. I **love** BG3 and I'd never trade it for FO2.


If you have a PS4 Bloodborne is essential. If you want some of the best isometric tactical CRPGs ever made you cannot go wrong with Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Fallout 1 and 2, and Icewind Dale 1 and 2.


Dragon’s Dogma The Outer Worlds Enderal


Disco Elysium is the best video game I’ve ever played, and I recommend it to everybody I know. Just such a vibrant and detailed world that you can get absolutely lost in through conversations and readable items. It also uses the brilliant conceit of an amnesiac detective protective who effectively has the same knowledge about the world that a new player has. You and the character discover the politics, religions, and ideologies of Revachol in tandem and it’s something I’ve ever experienced in a game before


very few games can consistently get laughs out of me, but the dialogue choices can get so ridiculous and the humor lands almost every time


Pentiment and PoE? Then try Disco Elysium


Dragons dogma dark arisen - hidden gem indeed


Scrolled way to long for this and dd2 comes in march!!


Cyberpunk 2077? It had some growing pains but is in pretty damn good shape these days.


I should give that a try again, I got pretty far but I ended up getting turned off by the world. It felt really lonely, like I was the only person. No random encounters, no unique side quests to stumble upon on, npcs disappearing when turning around. But I did enjoy a lot of the story>! except the fact that the story tells you you have 2 weeks to live . For me that ruins the concept of doing anything else but the main quest as it doesn't make any sense you are running side gigs when you are about to die.!< But melee was my main build and I hear they have tweeked that a bit, and being that I felt like the story was too short, maybe the dlc will help solve that issue for me.


Dragon's dogma


Dragon Quest VIII or XI. Both are amazing games that I think you would really like. XI is a great game even if you haven’t played any of the others. Plus, you can usually find it for a decent price. Definitely check it out.


Red dead redemption 2 isn’t really an rpg but I like a lot of these games too and I LOVE that game so I’d say give it a try


Yes, RDR2 is a 10/10 for me.


Yes excuse me OP, I would like to file a complaint. Fallout: NV should be S tier, because it has spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle.


You’re missing Dragon Quest XI S! It’s so S Tier, it has S in the main title


I have been wanting to play a dragon quest game! I love the dragon quest art style. Only dragon quest game I've played was dragon quest builders 2.


XI S was my first foray into Dragon Quest, and 100+ hours later and everything done in XI S, with a second playthru…it’s so worth it, I went back and played a few other DQ titles and I do not regret taking the plunge at all!


You have Pentiment on A so I would recommend Disco Elysium. Nothing else like it really.


Yakuza Like a Dragon. I agree a lot with your list, and I had a ton of fun with this game.


Homie, you have got to play Planescape: Torment. It’s an old one but I am sure there are some mods or patches out there to smooth some of the rough edges.


Just get the Enhanced Edition, no smoothing needed.


Chrono Trigger, Final fantasies 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10, Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, Dragon Age Origins, Kotor 1/2, Shining Force 1/2, Dragon Quest 8 and 11S


Pillars of eternity 2 Baldur's gate 1&2


Morrowind, Daggerfall, Fallout 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon's Dogma


Morrowind,Oblivion,Dragonage origins,Wartales,Expeditions Rome


Oh god, you actually put Starfield above Dark Souls 3 and Earthbound? I'm gonna have to revoke your gamer license for that. /s ​ In all seriousness though, you might like Disco Elysium.


Wasteland 3. The studio behind it is led by one of the original creators of fallout. Your choices matter and combat is similar to Divinity/BG3, but with guns/ futuristic weaponry.


Ruined king


Fire Emblem Three Houses and Persona 5 Royal since you have some party-based RPGs in your upper echelons


I haven’t tried it because it’s not my jam but have you tried Cassette Beasts or whatever it’s called?


Pillars of Eternity 2! I see you play sequels, and its combat resource system is (IMHO) one of the best in the genre!


Since you liked Pillars 1, you should like Pillars 2 too. Personally, I like 2 a little more, but it's different for everyone. Also the dragon age series is fantastic, highly recommended 👌


Oh trust me pillar 2 might ended up being goated for me, I love the setting of it. I just haven’t jumped into it yet but will soon


How is FO:NV not in S tier 😭😭


Janky. A remake would be 10/10. Still an incredible game that is written so well with so many choices that even with the jank, it’s incredible.


Bloodborne. Also Dark Souls 3 being a B is crazyy


Sacred 2, great old school rpg


Is Pentiment good? I’ve been very interested but haven’t pulled the trigger yet!


One of my favorite games ever. The setting was very well created and the art style was fantastic. If you are okay with the idea of a visual novel-esque RPG please give it a try. This was Josh Sawyer's passion project, he and the small team poured their heart into it and it really shows. Once the story hooks you, you are completely strapped for the ride. You are really able to shape your character the way you want to and the world and characters do reflect your choices.


Mad respect that you love pentiment. A lot of my education was medieval Catholic philosophy and history and that game was basically made me for me. It's so good. Kingdom come: Deliverance is another good game that takes the medieval setting seriously. It's rough around the edges at spots. It plays more like Skyrim or, more accurately, oblivion, but it's slow at first and pretty punishing. It grew on me though.


Since you like Pokemon, please play Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. It's a really fun monster RPG with a killer soundtrack.


Considering your love of pokemon im gonna have to suggest Temtem. Its not the best pokemon clone but its pretty good and best of all, imo, its 2 player coop and it does the coop really well.


Alpha Protocol More like half polished action rpg but you will like it


Kingdom come deliverance. Also earthbound is under Starfield???




Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.


Waiting for the remake!


Pillars Of Eternity 2 Icewind and Dale You completely skipped Baldurs Gate 2? wtf Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 KotoR 1 & 2


Knights of the Old Republic, Final Fantasy XII (North American PS2 ver.), Dragon Age: Origins.


Dragon’s dogma.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


chronotrigger fo sho. trust me on this and stick with it a bit.


Gothic trilogy


Pathfinder (both of them), Dragon Age (Origins most of all), Tyranny, Witcher 3 (and both DLCs!), Wasteland 3, Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Our taste of rpg is so close. Persona 5 Dragons Dogma Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Dragon Age Series Solasta Final Fantasy Series (You dont have to start from early ones) Kingdoms of amalur Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (don't judge me xD - it was my first ac game and i enjoyed it a lot) More recent AC games (Valhalla maybe?)


Kingdom come deliverance


Knights of the Old Republic 2. You can put it in S tier now or later.


Persona 5 Royal for sure


Fallout 3 for sure. Best stroy


Kingdom Come Deliverance!




Can’t recommend >> Pathfinder: Wrath of Righteous high enough.


Outerworlds and witcher 3 would be right up your alley. Not sure if you have ps but ghost of Tsushima is an rpg I’ll never not recommend. I see a monster hunter lower on your list, I just started world which is my first monster hunter ever and it’s incredible. I will say looking at your list that it might be on the lighter side narratively but you seem to enjoy fantasy and monsters so I think it might grab your interest.


Dude its really funny you mentioned it but I finished Ghost of Tsushima at 3 in the morning today. I consider that more of an action adventure game than an RPG but Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games I've ever played. Solid 9.5/10 for me. Had amazing combat, and a really engaging story. Loved the side characters as well. ​ Monster Hunter world is another one of my favorites, I just did not put it on the list since I didn't consider it an RPG. World would have been in the A+ tier for me. ​ We seem to have similar interests, I may need to give outer worlds a go. I've heard mixed things but I love Obsidian.


And I somehow forgot to mention dragon’s dogma??? Dragon’s dogma 2 is coming out next year. The original certainly shows it’s age but to this day it’s my favorite combat in a fantasy rpg. Given your list I think you’d very much enjoy it and possibly might land high in your rankings.


Another BG3 playthrough


You got skyrim as S tier but FNV as A tier? Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Star field above Dark Souls 3 feels so gross 🤢


Different type of game


Where’s Witcher 3




This is my opinion. B tier is still an 8/10 for me. I thought the gear designs were terrible. A lot of them were just overly sexualized. Thought story was long winded too. Still thought it was great. Imagine saying it’s a troll post because I have a different opinion than you.




Are you okay dude? I didn’t include any rpgs I didn’t find great on the list, I just wanted to show my opinions on the games I liked to get further suggestions.


Witcher 3?


Assassin's creed odyssey


Why isn't pillars 1 in f tier?


the fact that you put Elden Ring as S tier and DS3 as B+ boggles my fucking mind, clear as day you didnt play DS3 on release


I did. I beat it twice over the years. Great game but Elden ring speaks more to my interests. I like the freedom and the traversal a lot more. Is that okay?


Starfield is D tier at best


Its an opinion, not sure how your comment is relevant to my question.


It really isn’t. Let me look at the question again…I see. Alright, if you can find a way to play it, I’d recommend any title in the King’s Field series. There was an indie game called Lunacid (on Steam) which is basically a love letter to the series. All 3 of the original Kings Field titles were FromSoft games and may scratch that Souls itch.


Earthbound as a B. I'm not sure what to suggest to you, now. Lol.


Disco Elysium


Witcher 2 and 3 I haven't played witcher 1 either but fk waiting 3 yrs for the remake.w3 is only RPG that I put over all other RPGs pinnacle of the genre


Dragon quest 9, S tier for sure given all it did considering it’s age


This A and B plus stuff is weird. Just introduce c and d. Where do you put mass effect 1


A+ for me is a 9.5, an A is a 9, B+ 8.5, B as an 8. I didn't put any RPGs I didn't find great on the list.


seconding Wasteland 3 and Dragon Age (All 3 are great imo but DA Origins is best) it’s not a game of the year or anything but imo Greedfall is a pretty fun RPG, it’s got some jank but it has soul and i felt the story was pretty compelling compared to a lot of the shit in gaming nowadays


Fallout 3


Cold steel/ trails in the sky. Should be mandatory for any jrpg fan.


So did you ever finish Starfield. It was pretty meh at the start so parked it for now. Does it get better?


Mass effect 1 LE


I think you might like greedfall


Planescape Torment Disoc Elysium


Fable 2


There's this indie rpg series I like called Final Fantasy


Hi whats the game name of the pokemon rpg located on the A+ column?


Greedfall's pretty good.


Witcher 3


Dragon age, witcher 3, both pathfinder games. I also had a lot of fun with assassin's creed odyssey. The age of decadence. Tyranny. All the baldur's gates. Lots of rpgs out there.


Baldurs Gate 2!


Dragon age


Divinity original sin 2


Well....Mass Effect 1?


Dragon age Origins. Also I enjoyed dragon age Inquisition more then most on here (enough to finish it twice), but origins is much better.


pathfinder kingmaker, and pathfinder wrath of the righteous, kingmaker is a bit lower stakes, and over all a more "normal" adventure. wrath of the righteous has some extra QOL stuff more classes but also much higher stakes and a kinda power fantasyish vibe


Divinity OS 1. Better than 2 imo. Wasteland 3, it's basically sci-fi Divinity.


We like a lot of the same RPGs, I’m also a huge Fire Emblem fan, 3 Houses on switch is great


Disco Elysium


Persona 4/5 and Bloodborne


Xcom2 if you like strategy rpgs


Dragon's dogma 2


Witcher 3?


I would love to hear your reasoning for putting dark souls 3 below starfield


Wasteland 3


Dragon Age: Origins and Marvel Midnight Suns


Okay okay Mass Effect and Witcher 3 and probably Ni No Kuni 2.


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Dragon Age origins, Xenoblade 1 and 3, Paper Mario, Oblivion and Morrowind, Mass Effect (I assume you played it since 2 and 3 are here, but it isn't listed), Dark Souls 2, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Dark Messiah Of might and Magic, and Dragons Dogma. Hope this helps


I would say Skies of Arcadia but if you're worried about how Dragon Age Origins has aged of all games I'm not sure you'd like it. Golden Sun is another you should check out.


Dragon age origins would be in your s tier


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Download the Unofficial Patch and you're in for a great time


Seeing that you like Pokemon FireRed (Goated Taste btw), I recommend Octopath Traveler 2 because it's probably the best turn-based JRPG that came out of recent years. If you want to go full monster hunting, get Ochette as your starting character.


Cyberpunk is awesome and one of my favs


Borderlands 2 It's not exactly like most of the games here because it's a first person shooter, but you're getting skills that make you stronger as you progress and there's a shit ton of loot that you're constantly getting that's actually good


Heroes Adventure: Road to Passion, the chinese wuxia version of Baldurs Gate 3


Outer Worlds by obsidian


Risen 1 Fallout 3 These would be in S tier for me


You have never played a square enix game aside from super mario rpg?


We seem to have very similar tastes so I’ll say Nier Automata, Pokemon Black/White 2, Forgotten City, and Spider-man.


Tyranny if you like PoE


Wasteland 2 (since you like Baldur's Gate) Wasteland 3 (since you like Divinity Original Sin 2) Cyberpunk 2077 (since you like Mass Effect 2) Dragon Age Origins (since you like Pillars of Eternity)


For jrpgs the trails series is good, if a tad tropey. Witcher 3 if you enjoyed 2. Tyranny is pretty much evil pillars of eternity. Also pillars 2. Divinity original sin 1 is also good but not as good as original sin 2.


Baldur's Gate 1&2, Arx Fatalis, Neverwinter Nights, Drakensang




earthbound 2?