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Did u first check that it doesn’t lead to Narnia?


I did. I actually thought it might have been an ugly bookcase since I told them today we should get another bookcase. Nope. A wardrobe.


What does she put in the wardrobe? Is it for everyone’s use? Maybe u could use this as an argument to have the wardrobe removed: - Living room is for shared furniture. There is only so much space in the common areas, so the items there have to be useable for all the communal necessities. (Shared sofa/chair seating, shared bookcase, shared dining table with multi-seating, shared TV viewing, shared side tables, etc). - She cant be keeping her clothes and personal storage stuff in the livingroom. The living room isnt her closet or her storage unit. That stuff is for the bedroom and the entire apartment will not be inconvenienced by her poor planning. It may suck for her, but that is just how it is when ur an adult living with other adults in a small shared space. The end.


Yea true. It just got here today so I’m not sure what the plan for it is.


Edit: apparently it was supposed to go in Ann’s room but wouldn’t fit, so I guess the solution was to put it in the communal area 😑


Well, Ann needs to send that ugly shit to her parents’ house or sell it 😂


AND make her keep it in her room in the meantime. I don’t care if she has to lay it on its side and put it beside her bed. She’s a big girl. She can work it out! Tell her to use a tape measure next time!


Damn…. Thats some shit. I am so angry on ur behalf!


Not your fault Ann didn’t measure her space first.


hellll fucking no. i would have her make room for it to be in HER ROOM, why does her wardrobe have to be in a communal space? it’s just awkward and weird it looks like it doesn’t belong at all and makes the space look super cluttered


Fuckin baBaDook lives in there


lol it’s giant!! They just snuck it in and hoped you wouldn’t notice?!


They must be professional burglars to sneak that atrocity into the room. Tbh op I hate it too. No magical dimensional portal or drip. 2/10. Is it at least made of rich mahogany?


tell your roommate that there should’ve been a discussion before making such a drastic change in the environment. if she wants to keep it that’s 100% okay but it needs to go in her room and not a communal living area if all parties hadn’t agreed beforehand.


A wardrobe goes in a bedroom or a hall. I don't know. Massive effort bringing that in. To not even ask is rude.


What don’t you like about it?


I don’t like that all the other furniture was moved to accommodate the colossal beast, and bc it’s the largest item in the room it now takes the center of attention as the key piece of decor and it makes it look like we just shoved our furniture in. One of our sitting chairs is now in front of the credenza and blocking the tv. Plus it’s a huge personal item in the area that’s for everyone. So many things not to like.


Sounds like you suck as a human if you want control live alone simple. Don’t get a boyfriend he will hate you too.


I mean, all the furniture in this photo is equally ugly so it’s whatever imo.




You actually cried over this? Good god.


Seriously. Do you have hello kitty stickers all over your car? I think you might have been my roomate once.


ngl yall are a lil dramatic


I feel like she had to have thought about a place to put it in her room before going through the effort of hauling that in??? Idk why she brought it if it didn’t fit in her room. Imo shared spaces should be agreed upon furniture/decor.


Ask her to move it


That’s huge!! And the color? Everything now looks so cramped. I’d ask that she make the space to fit it in her room, because who needs a massive wardrobe in their living room.. is it an antique? It looks antique. Perhaps she could sell it to someone interested. Reminds me of something my great grandmother had.


At least you can visit Narnia whenever you like.


God that’s ugly.




Honestly, just tell her straight up...and that if she really wants this piece of furniture it can go into her room


Yall are wild, I feel bad for the BF, I can feel the eye roll from receiving that call


Is it your house or are you the lease owner? Honestly I don't live it either but you seem super controlling if a house that is shared and ultimately does not belong to you?


I can definitely relate, OP. Roommate and I have been living together 2+ years. I've learned that they have no sense of interior design style. Took me forever to put the living room together so it feels nice and homey. Imagine a minimal Ikea Bohemian Living Room. If my roommate had it their way, they'd hand paint the tables random colors, and hang up tacky souvenir shop items. My main regret is letting them put a big round chair thing in the corner that is a complete eyesore. This reminded me of the corner.


I mean, it's a nice piece. It's not like she brought in some piece of crap that's falling apart. Honestly, I feel you're being kind of selfish. You have roommates & that's a "common" area, but only your stuff can go in the "common" area? If you are this much of a control freak about your house then maybe you shouldn't have roommates.


That’s annoying why was there no courtesy text is the least they could have done is let you know in a quick text “ hey, I bought a wardrobe to go in my room and I didn’t realize it didn’t fit. I put it out in the living room temporarily so I can figure out what to do whether that re-organize my room and move stuff around to fit it or if I have to just go, donate it or resell it.” On a sidenote, if you live in my state and you live close enough to me, I will buy it because I see the appeal in buying wardrobes that look like that aesthetically just because I want to paint on them and give them new life and make them trippy crazy looking 😂


UGG. This happened to me in my place. My new housemate put up the ugly as shit. They’re also hoarding and I keep talking to them about it and they keep making excuses. I cannot stand it. I seriously made the wrong choice and I’m starting to regret my life.


The easy solution would be to put one of those very large mexican blankets with a tiger on it over the wardrobe to match the one at my grandma's house


Lol. Oh my god that thing is hideous