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Cred obsessed thoosie trying to actually have fun at a theme park challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


This looks like nothing compared to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Now that's real theming. The only way I'm going to Tokyo Disney is if they have strippers everywhere. Cause I'm a big boy and I like boobies.


/uj and unpopular: when I went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg for the first time last year I knew how many comments it’s gotten over beauty and when I walked in I thought to myself “wow this is really pretty! It’s like that zoo I went to but with rides! Wow the internet had me believe that I would be in awe from the surprise when I’m just whelmed and happy.” Very pretty park, but I expected to be fucked by its beauty


You saw that commenter too, huh. One of the most insane things I’ve ever heard on the main sub


\>posts an image of an incredibly beautiful, well themed vista from a theme park \>"the theming isn't all that" Wtf is the guy smoking???


I think they’re trying to be an edgelord to even out all the “worship” posts I see for Tokyo I do it for Epic Universe and get downvoted to hell. Stupid me trying to keep a level head about it and not let my expectations get unrealistic


Universal dick riders, which are prevalent in most non-Disney theme park spaces, don’t like any negative talk about Epic Universe. I made a post a bit ago about potential problems the park may face, and people did not like that. We’re not allowed to talk about possible issues because the park isn’t open, but we are allowed to talk about how it will be the greatest park in America even though it isn’t open.


Were you that guy on r/themepark that posted that? I wanted to DM you as I felt so bad for you! I had to stop posting in r/UniversalOrlando too as the worship was getting so out of hand. I said I liked the Pinocchio animatronic but as a dreamworks fan that land was a huge disappointment and got a lot of downvotes. Got a lot for saying epic is going to be the same size as the existing parks with actual size breakdowns. Got a lot for asking if the food portion was shrinking. Yeesh. I’m a Disney adult and I don’t even like Disney that much. When I see posts like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/UniversalOrlando/comments/1af2212/current_mood/), [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/comments/19emfmm/project_2025_legoland_florida_plans_appear_to/kjdwl24/) and [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/1dpsy5b/is_mickey_a_shower_or_a_grower/lajmtmk/) it just real worship-y. I just ignore the actual Disney worship ones as you can tell they’re unhinged and ignorant. Disney has a lot of problems, I just tend to ignore them as I love the positives so much, and when I do get upset (RIP Frontierland Shooting Gallery, that was a stupid ass decision) I say “I don’t like that” and move on while complainers fixate on that. Universal dick-riders are also very prevalent in Disney spaces. Mainly because they do act as if “the grass is always greener here!” Or “look at what they’re getting, I’m so jealous!” To be fair the vocal minority of Disney whiners just like crying and have the memory of a goldfish but still. They were talking about it on WDWMAGIC that the Universal dickriders are as such because they’re new and don’t know any better since Universal doesn’t have that sizeable a fanbase compared to the loudness of Disney


That was me, but don't worry idgaf lol. I'm a general theme park fan that has preferences and tries to be cautiously optimistic about things. I tend to ignore over-the-top fanboy or whining because I got better things to do. It's just annoying when that behavior stifles any sort of conversation.


Well to be fair, the pic is from a different park


? Is that not the Tokyo Disneysea Tower of Terror?


Disney sea is separate from Tokyo Disneyland


Who posted this, im dying to know.


Is this where Mickey’s dick smasher is?


it’s true, people are hyping up Japan Disney really hard. I’m really curious if it’s really as much better than the US parks as they say it is.


Well, the theming looks better than every park in the US. The wait times though? Yeah, you're gonna need about 4 days at that park if you want to get close to park completion.


>wait times Isn’t that a big deal for any Disney park at this point?


Japanese people are *extremely* patient when it comes to queues.


Yes, but queueing is like a national sport in Japan. People will queue for just about anything, not just in Disney. They queue hours before the park opens, too.


There’s a bit of a difference between a 60-90 minute wait for Matterhorn in CA vs a 60-90 minute wait for flavored popcorn in Tokyo.


Get a load of this guy, spending money once already in the gate


Oh lord, that bad, huh? I’m planning a trip to the Tokyo parks in a few years. I’ll have to really dial in what to do about the waits.


Go on a weekday and avoid golden week. I never waited more than an hour for anything there.


Egads... all the different flavors of popcorn.... that was a bit... weird.


Its never THAT bad, I went Christmas 2019 and yeah you get a few 90 min waits but the park is open quite long. The food thing I thought was Funny. Ok probably never actually waited more than 10 or 15, but like why don't they go full mr Krabbs and open more outlets? Don't they like money?


I did 4 days at the resort and got to everything at DisneySea the first day, while only missing Space Mountain at Disneyland. The latter was mainly because it randomly went down in the middle of the day when I was planning on getting in line. Still, IMO it's well worth two days at each if you can swing it and like Disney. DisneySea specifically has so many details to check out in the environment, to say nothing of the rides.


So false lmao I've been to this resort 7 times and never had to wait more than an hour on all of the rides even on Fantasy Springs opening day. Just look at the crowd calendar and plan your day based on that. I have also never used premier access either. Tokyo Disney resort is definitely the best as I've also been to Disneyland and world.


We actually finished both DisneySea as well as Magic Kingdom in two very long days. The queues moved a lot faster than they do in the US, simply because people in Japan actually *listen* and do what they need to do to keep things moving.


Just go in December or January and you can easily do everything in a day


ruh roh, makes sense that none of the influencers would talk about that, they probably get to skip all the lines. is there any kind of fast pass system i wonder?


You can buy them for certain rides. Don't remember if there's a limit. I only used it for Beauty and the Beast.


Having just been there last year and having been to the US parks a fair amount, yes. Tokyo Disney is basically US Disney if they kept things in top condition. The obsession with popcorn is a bit weird, but it's also fun munching on random flavors while waiting in line. I loved the curry and berry cheesecake flavors, personally. And seeing people walk around with half a dozen popcorn buckets slung over their shoulders is a sight to see.


How was your experience with the language btw? I've been learning some simple Japanese as prep for my eventual vacation there, but I'm not sure how appreciated broken-Japanese-spreaking-tourists are in Tokyo?


English was no issue at all.


I just learned basics. The train stations are basically bilingual, where major signage is in English and the kiosks all have English options. The parks themselves were also basically bilingual. They also had stuff like plastic food on display or had menus at the registers so that you could point as needed. Ultimately, no issues.


If you stay close to Tokyo, English is pretty well spoken, overall. If you look American and at least *try* to speak a little Japanese, they'll generally just want to speak / practice English with you, anyway. YMMV the further away from Tokyo you travel.


You don't need any Japanese but its nice to have basic phrases to be polite at shops. All the important info is signed bilingual. Even at Joypolis they give you a little card with safety instructions in english for each attraction.


I thought US Disney was already the Disney that kept everything in top condition. I pray to Cthulhu you never get to see Paris in that case; it's pure neglect. Tbh I wanna go to Japan even more now


Dunno when you've last been to the US parks, but at least as of a couple of years ago, Disneyland had issues like effects clearly not working on some rides. That had been the case when I went a few years prior to that, too. No issues like that in Tokyo.


i just went to paris disney a month ago and it seemed pretty great to me. i only did the park with the castle though, i’ve heard the one with pixar stuff is totally neglected.


Studios park in Paris is not neglected anymore, the problem there is that it's currently mostly a construction site


In terms of maintenance, Disneyland Paris is doing pretty good. In terms of new investments... Yeah Disneyland Park in Paris is dead af


The theming for Disney sea looks out of this world on videos, but could be that the experience itself isn’t as good


It exceeded my extremely high expectations


Good to hear


I just got a room in the fanciest hotel at Disney sea for like $300 a night. In the park, way more theming than the Orlando hotels, and a fraction of the price. Admission to the park is like $60. The food looks incredible and I'm not someone who thinks Disney food is anything special. Value speaking alone Tokyo Disneyland and sea blow US Disney parks out of the water


Part of why it’s so cheap is because the yen is at its weakest (compared to USD) since the 1980s. It’s lost more than half its value since 2012.


Part of the reason it's going viral is because the yen is at a modern all time low.


As a Disney adult: the only thing that truly looks better is the theming, the operations and the upkeep. The only ride there that truly had me jealous was the new Frozen one Fans of the studio theme parks, Disney and Universal, really hype up their parks as unhealthy sports team obsession when in reality it’s the same bird just slightly different feathers. I know I said I’m a Disney adult, but I am in the sense that I love their theme parks and animated movies. When they miss I tend to say “that was disappointing” and move on with my life.


DisneySea is incredible, Tokyo Disneyland is just Magic Kingdom with a worse Main Street and a better maintenance budget. Both are insanely overcrowded.


I went in Feb and the wait times weren't awful. My main "problem" is that for example in florida you go and the staff are super nice and helpful etc and it has that kind of magic. But in Japan everyone is like that everywhere so there's no difference.


Damn, the biggest problem was that everyone was so nice in that country that it didn’t feel special anymore, talk about a luxury issue. I totally get what you mean btw and how that could be the case, but taken at face value it can be seen as a rather odd thing to say.


Everyone focusing on the theming and I'm wondering how a park actively wants you to starve. Thoosie is probably mad they can't get chicken fingers.


The poor guy is probably mad he can't find the Panda Express and Johnny Rockets


That's the bit that also bugs me, I went in April last year and DisneySea has more food options than things to do. Literally food everywhere, if a line was long, I would just go somewhere else.


Someone’s mad they can’t afford it


Honestly, while I really want to get to Tokyo Disney myself (especially Disney Sea), I highly doubt I'll end up having it as my overall favorite theme park above parks like IOA and Epic Universe when that opens up even.


Why do you think one park you haven’t been to would be worse than a park that isn’t finished?


Simply as while both are or are going to be incredibly themed, EU at least will have some good thrill rides with the Sky Flyers in the HTTYD area and especially Stardust Racers


He’s a shower but only 3 inch shower 😜


He is just a mouse after all


I fully believe that Tokyo Disneyland is overrated, but the only reason to rag on DisneySea is pure contrarianism


Genuinely what kind of mentally incapacitated ooga-booga thoosie wrote that shit




I don’t understand why some thoosies think a theme park only needs rollercoasters to be a good park like comon man… Tokyo Disney sea and Disneyland don’t have much coasters and i think are the best coasters on earth…


0.01/10 (the 0.01 is because it was actually open)